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Author's Chapter Notes:

This chapter is mostly unaware mouthplay. Props to anyone who gets the video game reference 

Itsuka Kendo tossed her wet towel on the bed. It had been a hard week of tests and practical exams but she finally had some time off. Pulling on a pair of tan shirts and a purple tank top, she looked out her window wondering how she should spend it. Most the other students were busy with part time jobs and trips so she had most of the dormitory to herself.

She had originally intended to spend today hanging out with Tetsu, but he had been called off on a "Super secret and manly task that he couldn't tell her anything about."

"That stupid idiot, it's obvious he's on a hero mission." Kendo sulked flopping back onto her bed. "He could have at least brought me along with him."

"I want to get closer to him..." Kendo whispered into her pillow. Her face immediately went red as she heard the words.

"Welp no use sulking inside all day!" Kendo announced jumping to her feet in an attempt to gloss over her earlier statement. "I'll just have to make the most of my 'me' time today!"

Kendo closed her eyes tight as she reached up stretching out her arms. Her hands grew instinctively as she stretched to the point that her finger tips touched the ceiling. As her eyes were closed, she failed to notice the four flashes of purple light that flashed quickly across her body.

"Today's going to be a good day!" she exclaimed with vigor.


"Where on earth am I?" Tetsu asked rubbing his head. He was in a dark, damp cave. Tall white boulders sat on either side of him reaching all the way up to the ceiling numerous stories above. The boulders were heavy. Much harder than the soft slippery ground they sat on.

"Welp! No use thinking about it!" Tetsu exclaimed leaping to his feet. "I was never any good at thinking anyways!"

With a mighty jump, Tetsu slid several meters down the slick red cliff face into the depths of the cavern. He landed in warm water that was ankle deep. The ground beneath him was even softer than before. Like he was walking on stretched spandex.

"Is this... some kind of nest??" he pondered. If it wasn't for all the water it would be a very comfortable place to rest. The ground felt softer than even his bed! Though that being said, he did sleep on a slab of concrete. A real man had to be tough after all!

While Tetsu's mind wandered, he failed to notice the large shadow that appeared to be slithering above him.


As Kendo worked on her homework she picked at her teeth with her tongue as was her habit when she was deep in thought. She had to get this homework done, but was having trouble focusing today as she kept feeling strangely itchy. with a sigh she flipped the page of her book.


As light filled the cavern, Tetsu heard a mighty roar louder than anything he had ever seen before. Looking up, he saw a massive pink monster, easily 12 feet thick and larger than an office building! Tetsu couldn't make out where the creature's face was as it was covered in thick red tentacle like feelers of varying sizes. Even more worrisome, the massive creature appeared to be headed straight towards him.

"Oye oye! Isn't this a little too big?!" Tetsu exclaimed while activating his quirk. The beast landed right on top of him just as he punched back against its soft underbelly.


"Ow!" Kendo exclaimed as she twisted her tongue sideways. "Was there a pepper ground stuck in my teeth?" she pondered as she began probing around.


The massive beast reared back at Tetsu's punch.

"YA! YOU LIKE THAT!?" Tetsu shouted out.

The tentacled beast staggered to the side before rising up to it's full colossal size. Even Mount Lady would struggle against such a monster.

"Oh ya!? You wanna go again??" Tetsu bluffed as a single drop of sweat fell down his face. "COME!"

No sooner had he shouted his challenge than the monster dived straight towards him again. This time it landed a few meters in front of him before slithering towards him at high speeds. A wave of water splashed along with it.

Seeing an opportunity, Tetsu ran back along the slippery cliff wall before pulling a back flip over the top of the tentacle filled beast. Landing with a splash on the beast's wet back, Tetsu grabbed onto two of the slippery tentacles with all of his might.

"I learned this from a video game!" Tetsu shouted as the beast rose up again in the cavern. "You may not have any glowing areas for me to hit, but at least I know I CAN hit you!"

With a second punch, Tetsu hit the back of the beast with everything he had.

The beast reeled back giving another mighty cry of agony. It rammed Tetsu against the hard roof of the cavern in order to knock him off, but Tetsu was tougher!


"Ow!" Kendo cried out again. "That is one sharp pepper corn! I'd better cut it down to size a bit! before I swallow!"

Maneuvering her tongue with expert control, Kendo positioned the offending pepper corn between her two front teeth and started biting down.


The beast scraped Tetsu against one of the overhanging giant white boulders knocking him off. He fell several feet before landing on top of another white boulder below. Tetsu was once again thankful for his hard body, but he wasn't out of danger yet! Tetsu's eyes widened as he realized the white boulder above him was coming down towards him.

"GAH!" he cried as the two white boulders smashed together with him in the middle. The weight was unlike anything he had ever experienced. A chink appeared on his forehead as his metal was starting to fatigue. He knew he wouldn't last much longer like this.

Pushing with all of his might he managed to raise the boulder just enough for him to roll out of the way.

The boulders collapsed together again with a loud bang. Tetsu fell for meters too weak to fight any longer landing in a deep puddle of water on the lower portion of the tentacle beast's back. He couldn't stand up any more, but the creature continued to slither around the cavern, sliding curling around the white boulders and sides as if looking for him.

"I'll be back for you later you beast." Tetsu groaned. "But first... I'm gonna take a nap. These waves are putting me to sleep."


"I guess I lost it." Kendo thought to herself as she felt around her mouth with her tongue in vain. A large amount of saliva had built up in her mouth and the pepper corn was no where to be found. Giving up her pursuit, Kendo swallowed the remaining Saliva which poured down her throat like a waterfall.

"Ah! It's no use! I can't focus!" Kendo thought to herself as she slammed her book shut. I need to do something mindless to take my mind off Tetsu!"

Walking over to her night stand, Kendo pulled a brush out of the drawer.


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