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Story Notes:

This was originally written for a writing.com interactive started by Brosus. https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/2179268-Shrunk-in-the-Worlds-of-Ochiko-Terada/map/1

Author's Chapter Notes:

Context from previous choice chapter: https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/2179268-Shrunk-in-the-Worlds-of-Ochiko-Terada/map/111

If that doesn't load: you're Sodachi Taiyou, abused member of the science club - only there because of your hopeless crush on the president, Matsudo Nako. She's just called you over for an experiment; but fate would have other plans...


Matsudo Nako's body reflects off some plastic vials, along with the computer she's seated at. Translucent bubbles rise within one such container, emphasizing the curve of the club president's backside. That doesn't do much to help the fact that her back's turned to you, as she fiddles with a computer.

"You comin', Sodachi?" Her tone's low and distant, even though the room's not very large. Metallic dings cross the uniform grey walls, as she taps her hand across a ray gun. You shiver at the sharp noise. Kotoko is deep in his book - The Other Sex - and doesn't bother looking at you, giving naught but a little wave. Like he's in his own little world. If only you could be as carefree...

She keeps tapping the weapon. "I said I need your body for somethin'."

You put your hand on a test tube. "I-in a minute, Senpai!"

The president sniffs, playing with her glasses. "Damn coward. Make it quick, whatever you're doing."

Taking the beaker out, you look at its mouth. There's a small print of moisture from Matsudo's lips. Matsudo's cute, pearly lips, which rise in a perfect smile whenever she has a bright idea, perfectly complementing her cute button nose. The heavenly pillows whose soft touch always been right out of your grasp... Is that because you've been a "coward", as she said?

If you're going to act as guinea pig today (or if you're going to finally stand up to her) you'll need a bit of courage. Possibly liquid courage. Your blue eyes dart left and right. Nobody's watching. Your head's burning. Quickly, you nip a taste of Senpai's lip prints. It tastes of bitter coffee and breath mints. Your eyes shut as you imagine you're stealing a kiss from the stunning, studious president herself. In your dream, her eyes are trembling behind those cute, round Coke-bottle glasses, entirely engulfed in your bold embrace.

Throwing yourself deep into the fantasy, your quivering hands send liquid from the vial down your throat.


Your heart skips.

You stumble, trying to put the vial back as if nothing happened. It clangs with other similar mixtures. Fwoosh. Translucent juice dribbles down over your clothes, soaking them. You groan, trying to wring traces of your rebellious sips out from your tie.

"Hoi, Soda-boy! Wazzat you?" Senpai's seat makes a terrifying squeak as it scoots backwards.

That head rush quickly gives way to a sinking sensation of shame. She'll see you. What if that was an important, experimental potion? How can the president trust you after this? Part of you wishes you could hide from her, diminish out of view...

The lightness in your head soon becomes dizziness. The approach of President Matsudo's loafers echoes in your ears - thump.

You're ready to throw up. As you blink, glimpses of bookshelves and chairs float in and out of view.


The Senpai cometh. You try to move, but your limbs feel too light; they stumble all over the checkered floor tiles, sending you falling. You find yourself curled up in a pathetic ball on the floor.


That last step rings in your ear. Why hasn't she said anything yet? Normally, if a club member messed up one of her experiments, she'd be scolding them by now. From down here, with your head to the floor, the table legs seem to stretch high into the sky, a veritable climb upwards.


An earthquake? No; that's just vibrations from her harsh stomps. She only ever stomps like this when you're in deep trouble... But her expression looks as neutral and uncaring as usual, without a hint of anger. You see traces of confusion, deep in her faraway, chocolate-brown eyes. And Kotoko hasn't turned his head at all - even if these footsteps are so harsh, you can hear a groan of pain from the floorboards around. As Matsudo lifts her leg again, minuscule dust clumps lift from the floor, and hear the noise of her leg cutting through the air. And a flash of white...


When the shaking subsides, you can clearly glimpse your club president's pure panties above you. You feel blood rushing to your head as the soft fabrics fill your eyes. So shameless - it's as if she doesn't consider you a man. In fact, has she ever ever acted as if you were a human, and not merely some lab rat? Her long, scrawny thighs rise anew, and you realize:

Senpai isn't looking down.

Senpai hasn't noticed you at all.

It isn't the floor-bound vantage point making the table legs (and Matsudo's legs) appear titanic... They really are humongous compared to you.

You've been shrunken by the vial's liquid.



"Waaargh!" Your involuntary shout lands on deaf ears, lost like a wind in the breeze, as the great quakes and winds from your Senpai's simple footstep end.

And beside you, the brown, spotless loafer drags itself across the ground. The sheer scale of the shoe is breathtaking - not to mention that a behemoth shoe can twist with such grace. Scanning the room with a few loose steps, Matsudo thoughtlessly kicks landslides of loose dirt over your minuscule grey uniform. Even the imperceptible motes of filth are making you choke. You swear, if you ever get back to normal, to do a better job of cleaning. But when you think about it, this is probably the detritus and loose hairs that fell from Senpai when she was working late shifts in this lab. So it's not all bad...

"Yo, Kotoko - wasn't that Sodachi around here?" The scientist's bitter, commanding voice reverberates across the room,

"Huh?" Seems he wasn't there to witness your downsizing. "Uh, I think so?" You can barely spot him amid the great desks; just the bottom of his regulation female dress.

The regulation dress...

You look back up. Matsudo's pure black skirt flutters slightly over her legs. What were once thin and bony are now rivals to skyscrapers! But comparatively, they're far softer, glistening slightly from the faraway ceiling lights. Said lights make a glow surround her distant, dark hair clumps, almost resembling a faraway mountain's alpenglow; or a halo on a painting of a Christian saint. Maybe welcoming you to the pearly gates...

She sighs. "He probably chickened out and left home."

You shout from below in protest: "S-senpai! You know I'd never leave you, even if you treat me worse than garbage!" But she still doesn't take notice.

Kotoko's soles kick in the distance. "Maybe he drank an invisibility potion?"

"Hmmh... Did I make any invisibility potions here?" She taps her fingers amid the vials. As she leans in, the creasing ravines of pure white panty fabric cross her backside - clearly tracing the shape of her cute cheeks. It's literally all you can see when you look into the sky. It seems she hasn't noticed (or cared) about the massive wedgie across her. In fact, if you lean in the right way, there's the faintest outline of a bulging camel toe... Like distant, untouched paradise, a heaven of white fluff and pale flesh 85 meters from the ground.

The short (at normal height) pigtails fly as she shakes her head. "Heck. It's been too long since I used those beakers. Last time I used 'em, I was pulling an all-nighter with loads of caffeine. I can't remember what I dumped in there..." She sniffs it. "Maybe nitro glycerin? Well, if we hear an explosion outside the room, we'll know it's Sodachi."

"Hm-hm." Kotoko doesn't seem to really be listening anymore; he casually accepts the fact that you might explode. And Matsudo, too, begins stepping over mountainous chairs to reach her computer desk.

How can either of the club members regard you with such little care? As if it isn't humbling enough, being at the feet of a 150-meter titaness. Any normal man would scream at such an insult.

But you are no ordinary man. As you regard the shifting plains of your Senpai's panties, a revelation dawns on you. This is an angle of her backside that she'd never willingly show you, or anybody. You have a rare chance to peek at her from any corner, sigh unseen. You can hear everything they said about you. Maybe - you dare think - approach her, touch her, and hold her, the way you'd always longed to. She won't be able to feel it, as tiny as your hands are, and as supple as the ravines of her flesh are.

The taboo sensation rushes over you. Sure, it might be a bit sketchy; but nobody would dare call you a coward after this. And anyway - isn't it the sworn duty of the Science Club to explore new boundaries? To view the world in a way nobody else would? To boldly come where no man has come before?

But then again, at your minuscule scale, the smallest twitch from her body can absolutely pulverize you. By the glazed, frustrated expression in her chocolate irises, it doesn't seem like she'll take much of an effort to watch where she steps - or sits. And as much as you admire her assets, you aren't up for idea of becoming fine red paste beneath them.

"Hmph, science waits for no man." Matsudo tapped her loafers beside you as she went back to her studies.

You considered your options going forward. To get Senpai to notice you - or not?

And to think, all this, for just a covert smack of her lips...

Chapter End Notes:

The chapter originally ended with these choices:

1. Catch a ride on Matsudo's loafers
2. Climb up on a chair to get her attention... or a glimpse of her underwear (We take this route)
3. Find a better vantage point

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