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Author's Chapter Notes:

Added May 18, 2020 [F/m, Feet, Mouthplay, Insertion, Anal, Humiliation, Entrapement]

In a matter of a couple hours, the tiny laundry team had Mary’s stinky clothes cleaned and smelling of lilac, vanilla, and other natural scents. The crew on her shoes probably had the worst experience. The insole smelled so bad that even their masks couldn’t prevent them from gagging.

However, the little workers on the shoe’s soles had a mortifying sight before them. In the treads of the converse were tiny bodies squashed tightly into the designs. A few random limbs and body parts were in the smaller treads, but complete bodies were entombed in the bigger treads. All the same, the crushed corpses had to be scrapped away and disposed of. Since these people weren’t crushed by Miss Naomi, there was no need for any team to identify them in order to send standard letters of apology to their families.

Her underwear, socks, pants and shirt were just as difficult. Pressure washers, scrubbers, and soap dispensers were maxed out in order to get Mary’s clothes back to some semblance of normal again. Finally, they were folded and set on the delivery shuttle set for her room. First her clothes, then her shoes were moved by machines onto a second delivery platform. 

The final call was given and the last of the little cleaners came out of her left shoe. It was turned upright before being hoisted to the platform. Next, the final call was given for her right shoe as well, and all but one cleaner made it out. She tripped and got caught on a loose thread that didn’t get noticed when they were mending the insole. The tiny employee called out to her supervisor but she couldn’t be heard through her mask. She struggled and tried her hardest, but she couldn’t escape the tangled thread. The giant shoe was flipped upright and hoisted to the delivery platform, next to the other gargantuan shoe.

The jostling of the giant converse loosened the tiny female worker from the thread. She ran to the opening of the heel and called out for someone… anyone... to hear her. The wall of the heel was three times taller than her so jumping wouldn’t work. She tried climbing out but it was useless, she just wasn’t strong enough to climb her way out. Then the platform started its journey on the tracks toward its destination. The tiny worker’s heart sank because she realized that in a matter of minutes, she would be connected with the owner of these giant shoes. The shoes that had tiny little people like her squashed into the bottoms of them. She sat down in defeat, slumped her shoulders, and started to cry. The only other sounds surrounding her were the click clack of the tracks that the delivery platform was riding.

*** *** ***

“I can’t believe you did this!” William shouted from the floor by Mary’s feet.

“Wouldn’t you want me to?” asked Mary in retort.

“But you didn’t even ask me,” said William. “We didn’t even have a chance to talk about it.”

“Why do I need to ask you about every little thing?” Mary asked, scrunching her face.

“This isn't a little thing! This is a big thing!” William replied. “This is going to change the rest of our lives!”

“Hmm, funny,” said Mary. “I don’t recall you asking me to do these jobs for Naomi, do you? In fact, this whole mess is your fault. That changed the rest of our lives, and what did I do, William? I supported you!”

William nodded his head slowly. He agreed with Mary, but he couldn’t come to terms that he had just lost his masculinity in more ways than one. Not only did he fail in the absolute worst way to protect his family, but now his wife towered over him.

“You’re right…” William admitted sheepishly. He realized that he was going to have to navigate the emotions and feelings of not one, but two giant women now. His life was going to change and he was just going to have to keep up.

“Now that you understand that, Will, there’s something else I need to talk to you about,” Mary shifted in tone and in body language. “I have to ask why you made a decision recently that wasn’t for the benefit of our family?”

William was confused, “I-, I don’t know what you’re talking ab-”

Mary sharply interrupted him, “William! This will go a lot better for you if you answer me honestly!”

“Mary, what are you-” William tried again.

“For fuck sake, Will!” Mary shouted. “I just said that “honesty” is going to be key here. So don’t sit there and pretend like you don’t know.”

William paused and thought long and hard but his brain kept coming up with empty responses. He did not like being a tiny man, one inch tall, at the mercy of his giant angry wife.

“Please, Mary…,” William said gently. “Just…, let’s calm down and figure out what you’re talking about.”

“Calm down?” Mary repeated. “You,” she said pointing to the tiny man at her feet, “want me,” she said pointing back to herself, “to ‘calm down’?” She laughed in disbelief at her puny husband. “I see, so you go behind MY back… and I’M the one that needs to calm down?” Mary’s eyes widened as she shook her head in astonishment. “I don’t think so…”

She slowly raised her barefoot above her one inch husband. “You see these feet, William?” she asked while seductively wiggling her toes. “How would you like to be under them? Because that’s where you’re going to end up if you don’t tell me the truth.” Mary smiled solemnly and raised her eyes at him, waiting for a response.

All William could do was focus on the giant sole of his wife hanging above him. William had never seen his wife as a giantess before and it was overwhelming. He had seen Naomi plenty of times, but never Mary. And William wasn’t sure who he feared more. Mary flexed her toes and spread them, stretching and contorting the soft flesh of her smooth sole. William was so transfixed on her feet that he hadn’t responded to his giant wife’s taunt.

“10!” Mary shouted, eyeing William sharply.

“What?” asked William, as he snapped out of his stupor.

“9…,” Mary continued. 

William started stepping back slowly, but Mary’s foot followed overhead. “Mary…,” he choked.

“8…,” Mary interrupted her tiny husband's stammering sentence. Mary thought back to how she felt when Naomi’s feet were over her, even if Naomi was completely unaware of her existence at the time. Mary had felt scared, insignificant, and doomed… all wrapped up in one cocktail of emotions. Mary smiled because she knew that she was making William feel those same feelings she had previously suffered. 

William swallowed hard, and racked his brain again for whatever his wife could possibly be talking about. William was breathing heavily and stared at the floor, but to Mary, it looked as if he wasn’t paying attention to her.

“7!” she shouted and brought her foot closer to him. The back of her heel fell to the ground with a thud. Mary’s foot was close enough now that he could smell it’s sweet smelling aroma of the oils and lotion the bath crew had applied.

“I’m sorry!” William shouted.

“For what?” asked Mary, lowering her bare sole ever closer toward him. Her teasing was slowly starting to turn her on.

“For whatever I did to make you mad, Jesus, Mary!” William shouted angrily. It wasn’t an unfamiliar sight to him. He had been subjected to Naomi’s feet more times than he’d care to remember. But this felt different with Mary being the one doing it to him. This was the woman he loved… and he thought she loved him. But if that was true, then why was she treating him like this? He just couldn't wrap his mind around it. 

“6…” Mary said through her teeth from above. His apology had done nothing to soften her heart toward him.

“5…” William fell down as the soft skin of Mary’s gigantic sole made contact with his puny body.

“4…” Mary smiled as she felt her skin touch William. It sent a weird surge of excitement and guilt through her. She couldn’t quite explain it… but she liked how it made her feel. A certain guilty pleasure she had never experienced.

“3…” William’s struggles were useless as her foot pressed him into the floor and her soft skin started to envelope him.

“2…” Mary couldn’t see her husband’s struggling, but she could feel every movement against her skin, and it felt magical.

“Last chance, my little husband,” Mary called down to the tiny man under her feet. But there was no response. “Fine,” she huffed, “have it your way.” Mary took a deep breath, “One....,” she sighed dramatically and let the weight of her foot rest on him completely.

Mary just sat there, not moving her foot, just enjoying the strange sensations of William wiggling and squirming under her. She had never felt this before. Sure, she had stepped on people with her shoes, but she couldn’t feel them against her sensitive skin. And the only two people she had squished barefoot were stomped on rather quickly. Hardly any time for her to relish the feeling.

As Mary recalled squishing people under her barefoot in the tub, she daydreamed about the powerful orgasm that had led up to that moment and she began to get turned on again. That familiar, yet unique, tingling in her womanhood had come back. Her sensations of excitement from feeling William underfoot was channeled toward that good feeling she was experiencing. And any feelings of guilt she may have had a few moments ago were starting to vanish.

Mary’s breathing became more labored as she pressed her foot down on William, causing a surge of powerful emotions to wash over her. She slowly twisted her foot back and forth, like she was sensually grinding out a discarded cigarette. Every movement she made against her husband's tiny form sent a shockwave of pleasure to her moistening lips. 

Mary kept fantasizing about her bath and every little thing she remembered only turned her on more. Thinking about the workers laboring over her, the tiny woman that tickled her nipples, how good the tiny people felt inside of her, and how fun it was to step on them and eat them. Mary let out a little giggle as her fantasy removed her from the present situation, and she temporarily forgot about William. She reached down toward her sensitive area and slowly massaged her groin through her pants.

William, however, was in hell...again, this time suffocating under his wife’s foot. Feelings of claustrophobia overwhelmed him when he couldn’t move his arms or even turn his head due to the weight of her powerful foot. When Mary began twisting her foot back and forth, that unleashed a surge of pain that took his torment to a whole new level. Her foot was starting to sweat a little, and the soft rubbery skin mangled his body like playdough. As Mary’s heart rate increased, William could hear the loud rhythmic beat getting louder and louder through her soles. And the more she got turned on, the more her feet began to get warm and sweat.

Mary gently reached inside of her pants and slowly massaged around her soft labia. Her fingers instantly became wet from the thick juices flowing from her excited sex. Mary closed her eyes and began to gently stroke her clitoris, all the while fantasizing about the little people. The type of people she was once one of herself. It was at that moment that she had lost all identity with her former size and life. She fantasized about feeling them inside of her, squirming, struggling, and bringing her pleasure. She longed for that feeling, and she wished she could have that now instead of her fingers. She couldn’t wait until the next time she could experience that again.

Mary then remembered what the tiny cleaners had said about Naomi and her husband. Mary’s eyes opened and she stopped touching herself. It was as if she momentarily forgot but had just been rudely reminded. Her horny feelings dissipated as her anger and jealousy washed over her. As the feeling from her womanhood lessened, she became aware of the tickling of the tiny man under her right foot. The tiny man that was her husband. HER husband. 

She lifted her foot up, which allowed William the chance to breathe some fresh air. Mary pulled her foot back and hovered her toes over him. “How dare you…,” she growled as she lowered her toes on top of him, squishing him between her big and second toe, securely holding him in place. “You really thought I wouldn’t find out about you and Naomi?” she hissed as her cold eyes stared intently at him.

William suddenly realized what his gigantic pissed off wife was talking about. Memories of being inside Naomi’s mouth and getting sucked off flooded his mind. “Mary, I’m so sorry, it wasn’t my fault!” he shouted from between his wife’s toes.

“So you admit it?!” she asked sharply, “It’s true then?!” Mary squeezed her toes together in anger, forcing all the air out of William’s lungs.

“She just did it on her own…” William wheezed as he struggled to get the words out. “I had nothing to do with it! I swear!”

“Did you ask her to stop at any point?” Mary crossed her arms, her gigantic gaze intimidated William.

“No…” William gasped. He had considered lying, but the look in her eyes was enough to scare him straight.

“Did you go off?” Mary said, asking a follow up question.

William hesitated slightly before bursting out into sobs, tearfully shaking his head yes. William did feel bad about what happened, but he was even more fearful of Mary’s anger. He had considered saying no, but he knew Mary would find out, and that would be a fate worse than death.

Mary looked at him with shock, disbelief, and hurt. “You disgusting, pathetic man,” she said lifting her toes over him and smashing them down on him. William cried out in pain as her gigantic toes pressed down on him. Mary twisted her toes back and forth, smashing William in all directions. Watching him scream and cry as she hurt him with her toes made her feel much better. 

“You deserve this!” she called down to him. “I didn’t ask for any of this! It’s all because of you that we are here.” Mary stopped moving her foot and smiled as William struggled to move between two of her toes. Her arousal was starting to come back, thanks to his energetic squirming between her toes.

“Mary…” he panted, “I love-,” Mary squeezed her toes and cut William off.

“Bullshit!” Mary screamed. “I ought to just stomp on you here and now and…” Mary stopped mid-sentence, an idea forming in her brain. “No…” she smiled, “I have a better idea for you.”

William’s blood froze cold when she floated the idea of stomping him. Did she mean to stomp on him as punishment? Or to kill him? He didn’t know, and was terrified of what his gigantic wife had meant. But even more frightful was the new idea she had. William was rapt with fear.

Mary laid back on her bed, swinging her legs up in the air high above her face. William was clenched tightly between her toes, it felt like he was on a hellish roller coaster ride about to throw up. William caught his bearings while Mary’s feet hovered in the air above her head as she laid on her back, smiling up at her tiny husband. Mary brought her feet over her face and opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue as far as it would go. William saw her smile as he felt her toes grip on him loosen. Before he had the chance to sceam, he fell through the air, coming closer and closer to Mary’s open mouth. 


William landed on Mary’s soft wet tongue. Mary giggled and withdrew her tongue into her mouth. “Bulshzeye!” she said with a mouth full of tiny man. She sloshed him around and poor William found himself banging against her teeth and the roof of her mouth repeatedly. He was drenched in her saliva. He was coughing and sputtering constantly, trying his best not to swallow it. But it was inevitable, he ended up drinking tons of his wife’s spit as she toyed with him in her mouth.

After William was thoroughly coated in the viscous fluid. Her cavernous mouth opened wide. William looked up to see her fingers casually approaching him. William cowered toward the back of Mary’s throat, careful not to fall down her esophagus. Mary struggled to pinch William between her fingers that were being shoved into her mouth. Caught between the soft wall of flesh behind him that led to the pit of her stomach and her pinching fingers before him, William was literally between a rock and a hard place and didn’t know what to do. Mary stuck her tongue out as far as she could, rushing William right into her waiting fingers. She pinched a leg and pulled her husband out of her mouth. William slid through gallons and gallons of salvia that had pooled up in her mouth.

“Mmmm…,” Mary cooed, “let’s get one thing straight, when I want you to get out of my mouth, you’d better do as you’re told, Will.” Mary closed her mouth and swallowed her excess spit. William only nodded his head in defeat as her saliva dripped from his soaked body. “Good,” smiled Mary. “Now, for the reason I put you there in the first place.”

“What?” asked William in a terrified voice as he was lowered further and further. After a couple seconds he was face to face with Mary’s bare sex. The strong aroma of her sweat and sex juices surrounded him. Mary’s vaginal folds dripped with the nectar of her womanhood.

“Well,” Mary said, “like you always say, Will, spit is the best lubricant out there.” Mary brought William up close to the first few folds outer lips. “Although, from the looks of things,” Mary pined, “it doesn’t look like you needed any lube, does it?” William shook his head no. “Oh well, good practice for next time, I suppose.” 

With that, Mary stuck him into the wet dripping cavern before him. “Oh yes…,” moaned Mary. William was gently massaged into the sensitive folds of skin surrounding Mary’s vagina. His face was pressed into her outer lips, and then the opening of her vagina as she pressed him deeper and deeper. William gasped for air the best he could until his body was shoved into the tight opening of her vagina. There was no reprieve for William there, it was tight in all directions as her throbbing walls pummeled his tiny body. With no air, William tried to squirm his way back out to breathe. 

“Oh yeah…,” sighed Mary. “That’s it…,” she moaned. “Squirm…, squirm for me.” Mary let out a little laugh because she couldn’t believe how good he felt. It was even better than the two tinies in the bathtub. Just when William thought he was going to slip out and get some air, Mary cruelly pushed him back inside with her finger before it went back to massaging her clit. He would have to start the squirming process all over again. 

William was getting more and more angry with Mary. He knew why she was upset with him, but he felt that she had no right to be mad about something he couldn’t have controlled. Not only that, but didn’t she care about him getting enough air? What if he died? How would Mary feel then? Had she lost ALL of her humanity? How could this possibly still be the same woman that was so shy and guilty about crushing a few empty homes in New Mexico?

But as William’s anger grew, he found himself getting aroused as well. The harder his manhood got, the more difficult it became to move without his body wanting to compulsively hump his wife’s giant vagina. It felt good...but it only aggravated William more and more, as he felt light headed from the lack of oxygen.

Mary was distracted with one of her hands massaging the mound of flesh surrounding her sex, and her other hand rubbing her sensitive clit. With the giantess distracted, William was able to pop his head out and catch a breath of air. The air was humid and moist, smelling of raw sex, but to William it was incredible. He always knew Mary was hot, way out of his league hot. And even though he was fighting feelings of anger and fear, his hormones took over all his rational thinking and he started humping Mary. His head was exposed, but the rest of his body was tightly held onto by Mary’s vaginal muscles. William’s throbbing penis found a fold of skin in the tunnel of her vagina that he vigorously humped. He was so grateful to be able to breathe again.

“Thank the Lord…,” he moaned.

He should have kept his mouth shut, because it alerted his colossal wife to his presence again. Mary looked down at him as she was panting and moaning. Her massive finger came before him.

“No, no, no!” he shouted. “Mary, please? Noooooooooo!-”

Ignoring his cries, Mary’s finger plunged him down deeper inside of her than he had ever been before. “Keep wiggling, Will, oh god… keep wiggling…,” she panted.

William was already out of breath and trying again to escape the gigantic sex cavern. This time he couldn’t because he kept bumping into Mary’s index and middle fingers as they gently fingered her love tunnel. Each time he made a little bit of progress, he was pushed back deep down. Luckily for the tiny man, her fingers created gaps of air that he could breathe and sustain himself with.

Then things started to get tight, really tight. Mary’s fingers exited and began massaging her labia while her other hand gently and rhythmically rubbed her clit. The giantess could feel every single movement her tiny husband made inside of her. Poor William was confused and didn’t understand what was going on. Her walls of flesh squeezed him tighter and tighter, nearly crushing his bones. He finally realized she was cumming and started to wiggle toward the outside world. Mary began orasming wildly, her pulsating muscles sent shockwaves of pleasure throughout her body. Tons of fluids were expelled out of her oozing sex cave, and then, finally, William came sliding out.

William was exhausted and panting for breath, frustrated because he didn’t have a chance to go off. He slid further and further down Mary’s vagina, toward the bottom of her lips and then onto the bedspread below him, right at the crease of Mary’s bottom cheeks. He laid on the bed in a stupor, thankful that he had survived. Mary on the other hand, was reeling from her orgasm that was still raging on. She bucked her hips and thrust wildly. Mary’s butt lifted and crashed down again and again, eventually, her cheeks landed on William, squashing him tightly between them.

Mary’s thrusting combined with William’s movements, only pulled him deeper into her cheeks. Mary hadn’t eaten in quite a while, and had just taken a bath, so it smelled a lot better than it could have. But still, William’s nose was assaulted with a sweaty ass smell that accompanied the taste on his tongue as he tried to call out to his giant wife. Mary could not hear nor feel the tiny man. She clenched her cheeks with every single thrust, which trapped William even deeper. Eventually, Mary’s movements subsided and William tried to squirm free once again. His kicking feet tickled her puckered anus which sent a shockwave through his wife’s gargantuan body.

“Oh, Jesus fuck!” she cried with tears in her eyes. “Will, is that you?!” she called. Just when she thought the orgasm she felt could not get any better, William tickling her anus was the cherry on top that she didn’t even know she needed. “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” she bit her bottom lip. “Keep that up! I feel-” she groaned weakly. “I feel another-” she groaned a bit stronger as she clasped her breasts. “I feel another one coming!”

William could only hear his wife’s muffled voice asking him to keep kicking. He didn’t want to, but her stimulated anus was throbbing and strangely engulfing his body. William couldn’t figure out what to do. Wasn’t the anus for expelling? Not receiving? William didn’t want to give his wife the satisfaction of moving and causing her pleasure. But he was also afraid that her anus was going to consume him and swallow him whole if he didn’t escape.

Not more than two seconds later, William heard Mary screaming in ecstasy. It almost felt painful. The pulsating and throbbing around William’s tiny body faded away. Mary sat there, soaking in the second wave of pleasure that she wasn’t expecting. Meanwhile, William laid between her two gigantic sweaty ass cheeks, wondering if the ordeal was finally over.

Mary sighed a huge breath of satisfaction and stretched out, curling her toes and rotating her neck. Her eyes opened dreamily and she smiled. She reached behind her and dug William out of her ass. She pulled him out from between her cheeks and brought him before her sleepy face. “Will, honey, I had no idea you were into butt stuff…” she giggled slightly as she studied the reaction on his face. When Will didn’t respond, Mary just smiled reassuringly at him. “It’s okay, William, I forgive you.” Mary sighed and fluttered her eyes. “That was fantastic, really… you were fantastic. And if you can do that… then I guess I can forgive you for cheating on me.”

“I didn’t cheat on you, Mary!” William screamed, finally at his wits end. “Get that through your head!”

“Will,” said Mary. “There’s no reason for you to get upset now, is there? Like I said, all is forgiven.”

“Mary, this isn’t you!” said William tearfully.

“Yes it is! This is the new and improved me!” Mary said defiantly. She hadn’t seen William cry since this whole thing started and seeing it now kind of snapped her back to her senses. And she started to feel bad about taking advantage of him.

“No, it’s not, Mary!” said William again. “The Mary I know, cared about little people and didn’t want to hurt them. Remember? We wanted to escape the tyranny of the giants together and get to a sanctuary city, together!”

Mary rolled her eyes in visible confusion. “Will, the whole reason I did any of this was because of you! You did this to me!”

“But I didn’t want you to become a monster!” William snapped back.

“Monster? Is that what you think of me?” Mary sharply yelled at the tiny man between her fingers. “Correct me if I’m wrong, William, but weren’t you the one saying ‘better them than us’, and convincing me it was okay to ruin people lives?”

“I was only trying to do what was best for us, Mary!” William explained. “To protect our family!”

“So was I!” curtly Mary replied. “And this is what’s best for us. I’m big now. We are safe. I can protect this family now, not you.” Those last few words stung William a little bit. And his face shifted from stoic to that of hurt. Mary caught the change in her tiny husband's face and felt bad. “Listen, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings William. Honestly, I didn’t. And I didn’t intentionally try to hurt you about not getting your opinion. We’re a team right? So we need to make decisions that benefit our “team”, and we need to be happy when the other person makes good decisions for our “team” as well.”

“Then what was all this about?” William said gesturing to himself and Mary’s huge naked body. “The insertion? The butt thing?”

Mary’s eyes grew sad and looked away from William, “Because it felt good…,”

“And, why didn’t you just listen to me and let me explain what happened with Naomi?” asked William, again trying not to tear up as he watched his own wife’s giant eyes get watery.

“Because, I was angry…” Mary whispered embarrassingly. 

“See, Mary? You can’t even control your emotions. What makes you think you’re ready to be a giant?” William asked, looking at her.

“Is anyone ever ‘ready’ to be a giant, William?” Mary made eye contact with him again. “Was Naomi ‘ready’? Did that virus from 100 years ago wait until someone was ‘ready’?”

“Well no, but-” William started.

“Then how about this; you seem to already know how to handle Naomi and it seems like you have control over her to a certain extent. And since I’m not ready, why don’t you help me learn to control my emotions so I can do what’s best for us?” Mary asked sweetly to William’s delight.

“Okay, I can help you, but... what is our goal now? We can’t go to a sanctuary city anymore, you’re not welcome there.”

“I know…” grimaced Mary, “little people hate me now.”

“So, are we just going to stay here for the rest of our lives?” asked William. “I can’t do that…”

“I wouldn’t mind it…” Mary pursed her lips in thought. But before William could respond to that statement, Mary sniffed him. “Oh god… so you are that awful smell!” Mary went to her normal sized sink which was gigantic to William and washed him off with soap and water.

“I can’t think about this anymore tonight,” said Mary as she rubbed William against a lufa. “Why don’t we continue this conversation in the morning?” Mary dried him off and headed back toward her bed. “I think a good night's rest will benefit the both of us.” Mary looked around her room and didn’t see any accommodations for little tiny people like Naomi had. “Where to put you…” Mary thought out loud to herself. “I can’t have you sleep in the bed with me, you might get squished… so…” Mary caught sight of her freshly repaired and cleaned converse sneakers on the delivery platform station by her door. “Oh I know! How about you sleep in here, at least they’ll be nice and warm.”

William didn’t even protest as Mary dropped him into the shoe’s opening, he was way too tired. He tumbled safely onto the shoe’s soft insole that smelled of fabric softener with a hint of feet. The insole was soft… and William was so tired that he didn’t even care that it was his wife’s shoe he was denigrated to sleeping in.

“We’ll talk more in the morning,” Mary said with a smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll figure everything out.” And with that, Mary walked back to her bed, her feet thudding against the floor with every quaking step.

William, for one, was worried that he wouldn’t be able to wrangle his wife so easily as he could Naomi. And with that worry on his mind… he fell asleep.

Chapter End Notes:

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