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Author's Chapter Notes:

Added April 3, 2020 [F/fm, Feet, Humiliation]


Naomi looked around the warehouse, it was a gruesome scene; crushed bodies were everywhere. None of which were recognizable. Almost everything was covered in red, as if Naomi had just stomped a bunch of ketchup packets. Naomi’s clenched teeth started to relax and her breathing slowly calmed down. Then she spotted the Harrington family cowering together in a corner of the room. Her eyes locked with William’s as she sighed a deep breath of relief.

“I- I don’t know what came over me, William,” she said. “I’ve never done anything like that before.”

William thought of the stories that he had heard of the rebellions she’d squelched in the past when the two societies were colliding. Even what he had witnessed a few days ago with the legal team had crossed his mind. He didn’t dare to disagree with her. She had clearly done stuff like this before. She was either starting to lose it or she was lying to them, or worse, she was lying to herself.

“Please,” Naomi knelt down to the tiny family in her midst. “You have to believe I’m not a monster.” Naomi’s eyes glossed over with water as tears started to form. William had never seen her cry before, in fact, he thought she was totally incapable of crying.

“Well,” Naomi sniffled. “Do you? Do you think I’m a monster?”

William slowly shook his head as his family remained quiet. Naomi nodded, seemingly reassured by his response.

“They deserved it, Naomi,” William said.

“They did?” asked Naomi with a small smile appearing through her saddened face.

“Of course!” William shouted. “They should have never done that to you! You have only ever treated them fairly and given them work. They should have been more thankful.” William knew that was a lie, Naomi treated them of no consequence at best, but it was best to play on the emotions of the giant heart within her.

“I thought so, too,” Naomi wiped away a tear that broke free from her eye. “You have no idea how nice it is to hear someone else say that, Will. It makes me feel like I’m not crazy!” she laughed solemnly. “And I heard everything you said to them when I was ‘unconscious’ too. And I am so proud of you, thank you very much.” Naomi shifted to her knees and got down closer to them. “And I feel so incredibly bad about how I’ve treated you guys, all of you,” she said, eyeing each member of the family individually. “William, for stepping on you in my shoe. Mary, for making you kill people when you really didn’t want to. And kids, for trapping you in my slippers when I was angry with your parents. It’s just that I want what’s best for you guys and I lose my temper sometimes… please forgive me.”

William and his family didn’t know what to say. One the one hand, her words conflicted with what she said earlier about not normally doing stuff like this, but perhaps Naomi was a slave to her own emotions and didn’t realize it.

Sasha, of all people, spoke up. “It’s alright Naomi. We forgive you.”

The rest of the family looked at Sasha in shock. She had hated everything about their situation and everything that had happened to them. This seemed totally out of character for her. Max wanted to energetically ask his sister if she felt okay but decided against having that conversation in front of the giant that still held them captive, in a sense.

“Oh Sasha, that feels so good to hear,” Naomi said, pulling herself together. “How about I give you two jobs in the company? You and your brother? I’ll pay you well, you’ll be able to afford anything you want from the normal world!” Naomi grew excited, already leaving her sadness behind. “And William, Mary, I’ll set you guys up in the nicest penthouse in any of my company's buildings in town… seeing as you don’t have a place to live anymore,” Naomi laughed quickly. Her personality was starting to creep back to normal. 

Naomi stood back up and dusted herself off. She towered over the family of four. They had been in her custody for a few days now but were still not used to seeing a giant up close and so intimately. William and Max found her beautiful, but of course they would never admit that out loud. William felt that would be a betrayal to his wife, Mary. And Max thought it was weird to feel that way about a person that had turned his mom into a murderer, plus the fact that Naomi herself was a murderer. What they didn’t know, however, was that even though Mary and Sasha were very beautiful, both mom and daughter were envious of Naomi. Many people would think that the two Harrington girls were much prettier than Naomi. But Naomi had something that the girls were envious of. Was it power? Was it beauty? They couldn’t put their finger on it.

“I know I can trust you guys,” Naomi said smiling down at them. “How about, Max, you become the foreman in the big factory, the north building. And Sasha, why don’t you become your mom’s assistant? She’s going to need a lot of help doing her job and I can’t be there all the time.” Naomi put her hands on her hips and smiled approvingly. “Yeah, I think that will work out nicely. And of course, Will and Mary, you still have your same jobs. What do you say?”

The family nodded their heads. It was exciting, but also a feeling of dread and foreboding toyed with their feelings. Everything had changed so quickly in the span of just a few days. And witnessing murder on a semi-regular basis was still extremely difficult.

Naomi stood before them, her left foot still in her shoe, but her right foot was bare. She had used that foot to quietly crush the badly mangled people from her fist. Max watched her foot flex and toes wiggle as she stood there and talked to them. He slowly tuned her out and became fixated as he watched every muscle and curve in her toes and feet. Max felt so insignificant compared to her. Her foot could easily wipe him out from the face of the earth, even by accident and she would never know it! Max wasn’t sure if it was the beauty of her feet that he found tantalizing or if it was the power she possessed, but he found himself growing hard.

‘No, no, no, no!’ he thought to himself. He hadn’t felt anything for Naomi when he was in her slipper last night, but now, today, things felt different. And Max felt very awkward, he just hoped he could hide it from his family, and most importantly, from Naomi.

“Well, I guess somebody from maintenance better get in here and clean this place up, geez it’s a mess!” Naomi covered her mouth as she giggled to herself. Any remorse she had a few moments ago have must have dissipated in the reassurance she got from the Harrington family. “Ironic that Mrs. Hobbs was in maintenance, but now she needs the service herself, isn’t it William?”

“Extremely…” William said. He still felt out of it. It had been a weird day for him.

“Okay, so get on that, I’m going to clean up,” said Naomi walking toward the door of the warehouse. “So, please get maintenance on this mess, then set up your kids in the system and assign them their jobs…and William?”

William looked at her attentively.

“Please assemble Martinez and his crew to my boudoir. I’m going to need some pampering for sure.” Naomi sighed, rubbed her temples, and left; her quaking steps rumbled less and less until they couldn’t feel them any longer.

“What the fuck was that?!” screamed Mary as she broke down in tears again. Nobody knew what to do to comfort her, but seeing his mom cry quickly killed Max’s boner. Thank god, he thought to himself.

“Mom,” said a reassuring Sasha, “it’s okay, everything’s okay. Our life has changed, and we just need to accept that and work with the hand we’re dealt.”

“What changed for you, Sasha?” asked William, relieved to feel that his daughter was on his side.

“Yeah, what gives?” asked Max. “This is so unlike you!”

“Naomi is right, guys,” she sighed. “The little people hate us…”

“You realize that you yourself are a ‘little person’, right?” asked Max in confusion.

“Not really…” retorted Sasha. “We may be little in size, but we, somehow, by some stroke of fortune… or misfortune, have made it into the good graces of one of the ruling giantesses of the world, Miss Naomi.”

“And this advantage has given you a new perspective?” asked her father.

“Not at first,” Sasha said, staring into the distance. “None of my friends will talk to me anymore, well at least, not since mom’s rampage.” Mary looked away in shame. “They said all sorts of hurtful and mean things to me on social media before blocking me. I even tried to reach out to other family members so I could run away from this shit show… but everyone has disowned us. Then seeing how people we didn’t know treat mom on the train was very eye opening.”

“See William!” yelled Mary. “I told you when I didn’t want to do this! I asked you, what will our children think? What will our friends and family think? And you said that it would be okay! That we would tell them that we did what we needed to do!”

“I know,” sighed William. “It’s all my fault…”

“It is all your fault, dad, but long story short,” Sasha shrugged her shoulders while glaring at her father. “We don’t belong in that world anymore. We can’t go back. The tiny world is not for us. We have to build a new life with Naomi.” William and Mary were silent. They didn’t know what to say, but they both knew that Sasha was right. Sasha was still extremely furious with her parents, especially at her father, for putting them, and their mother, in this position. 

“She’s right,” nodded Max in agreement. “And it doesn’t really seem that hard either.” The rest of the family looked at him uncomfortably when he made that statement which seemed to baffle them. “No, really, think about it,” he continued. “All a person has to do is put Naomi and her business first, if you do that, then she is extremely happy. Think, if we hadn’t ran away, none of this stuff with being in her shoe or mom having to stomp our old house would have happened. It seemed like she treated you pretty fairly, right?”

William nodded his head. He remembered the blow job he’d received from Naomi as a reward, if only he’d stayed faithful to Naomi and put her and the business first, nothing bad would have happened to them. A twinge of guilt stuck him though, he still hadn’t told Mary about that, and he didn’t know how she’d react to hearing it either.

“You’re right,” William agreed. “The lesson I learned with the legal team is that Naomi wants you to unquestionably agree with her. The ones who do are safe… even rewarded, but to defect or defy her is what gets people into trouble. I think we can do this.”

William pulled out his smart phone that was cracked but still in working condition. It was industrial strength, but even it couldn’t hold up to getting smashed in Naomi’s shoe. He tapped away after logging into the system.

“I just requested two crews from maintenance to come down here. I just need to put in a work order for Martinez and his crew and then we can get you two set up.” William smiled reassuringly at Max and Sasha. Mary was staring blankly at the ground; William knew he’d have some more work to do in order to get her to come around.

“Uh-oh…” said William as the program gave him an access denied tone. “The system says Martinez is deceased.”

“Deceased?” asked Max. “How does it know that?”

“All of the employees are fitted with a micro transponder that lets us know their whereabouts and their vitals. Let’s see if I can look up his transponder’s history.” William gave a couple taps to his screen and his face drooped.

“Oh geez…” Max said looking around at some of the various crushed bodies as the tiny maintenance crew started to show up. “That must mean…”

“Yep…,” said William nodding his head. “His last known location was right there,” he said walking over to a pile of goo. “This must be him… or at least, what’s left of him.”

“But Naomi said she wanted his crew, she’s going to be so upset when she finds out he was one of the rebels.” Max shook his head worryingly.

“Shit…,” muttered William.

“I can do it,” responded Max enthusiastically.

“Absolutely not!” yelled Mary. “You’re not going anywhere near that gigantic psychopath!”

“Well, that gigantic psychopath, as you put it, is our boss,” replied Max. “Also, she is our way of life now. Besides, I am good at organizing. This will give me an opportunity to show Miss Naomi what I’m made of. I can do it, I know I can!”

Mary shook her head and huffed, but William agreed, surprisingly.

“He’s right, Mary,” he said in agreement. “That is one of Max’s strong suites, also, he won’t be doing any of the work himself, so he’ll be safe. Besides, we’re in Naomi’s good graces right now, so there is no better time for Max to shine and show off his skills.”

“Fine,” Mary huffed. “I don’t even care anymore.”


Naomi was relaxing in her bathtub the size of a building when Max and the remaining maintenance employees arrived. There were about 40 of them in total, way more than was necessary, but William wanted to make sure that Max had everything he needed in order to do his job well. They came up in groups on the tiny elevator attached to the granite stone around the tub.

The tub was surrounded by intricate tile work that had been installed by the tinies specifically for the giantess. Max was amazed, her bathroom looked just like a regular sized bathroom, except much bigger. There were giant sized towels, tub, toilet, and sink. If you didn’t know this was a giant’s bathroom, you would never be able to tell. Except for maybe all the tiny elevators that were attached to almost everything that were used for tiny people to reach areas quickly.

Naomi glanced over at the tiny people heading her way as she soaked in the tub. She furrowed her brows slightly, not sure if she was seeing things correctly.

“Max?” she asked. “What are you doing here? Are you with Martinez?”

“I’m- I’m here to direct these crews to do what you need to do…, uh, ma’am,” Max stuttered.

Naomi smiled and closed her eyes. “Of course you are, little Max.”

Max looked around at the crews already starting to get to work. They were already building the scaffolding and pulling equipment out of the storage compartment in the walls. Two sets were set up down by the foot of the tub and one was set up by her head. Max realized that these people already knew what to do and what was expected of them. He didn’t have to tell them a word.

Naomi propped her feet out of the water and set them down in front of the scaffold by her feet. Immediately, members of the maintenance crew were meticulously scrubbing the red stains off the bottoms of her soles. A crane was used for some of the tinies to rappel over her toes and pressure wash them, blowing out pieces of squashed goo that used to be people. 

People just like Max.

An anger swelled up in Max as he thought about what Naomi had done. Max shook slightly from a mixture of frustration and fear. But at the same time, he found himself incredibly tantalized by this powerful woman, he couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was.

“So you didn’t answer my question, dear.” Naomi thundered as she lay her head back against the headrest of the tub. 

“I’m sorry?,” said Max, confused.

“Are you here with Martinez?” Naomi asked a second time.

“No, no,” said Max. “This is just me.”

“Well, where is he?” snapped Naomi. “I specifically asked for him. Is he coming? Aren’t you his assistant, little Max? Can’t you ask him when he’ll be here?”

Max hated it when she called him “little Max”, it felt embarrassing. 

“N-no,” Max shook. “He’s not coming.”

“What?” asked Naomi in frustration. “Why?”

“He-,” Max stuttered again. He was so frustrated with himself. He just wanted to talk normally in front of Naomi but found it to be such a struggle. He was so afraid to tell her what had happened to Martinez.

Naomi finally opened her eyes and looked intently toward the whimpering boy until she realized what had happened. She rolled her eyes and smiled softly. She lifted one hand and gently picked up Max and brought him before her face, gazing at him with half open eyes.

“Do I scare you, Max?” she asked softly, her breath swirling around him.

“Y-yes…,” Max said softly.

“Hmm…,” grunted Naomi, “I can’t have you being scared of me if you’re going to lead a whole department of people, Max.”

“Okay…” the boy replied.

“Do you understand?” asked the giant woman.

“I’ll try,” stated Max.

“Try?” Naomi smiled.

With that she smiled, and tossed Max into the air. He screamed his lungs out as he flew through the air, swinging and kicking his arms and legs. He fell back downwards and landed softly into Naomi’s soft palm.

“I said to stop being scared, Max,” she ordered.

Before Max could even respond, Naomi flung him into the air again, his screams becoming strained and airy as he couldn’t breathe properly. Once again, he landed with a soft thud into Naomi’s giant hand. She held it still as he panted for breath, taking advantage of this reprieve.

“Max, why are you screaming?” she asked with a serious tone. “I told you, stop being scared, now knock it off! I need you to be able to tell me stuff and not be scared or afraid.” She shook her head disappointedly at Max. “Tell me to stop.”

“Okay, stop it, Naomi!” yelled Max.

“I see I’m going to have to train you a lot harder, aren’t I?” she smiled fiendishly and set Max back down on the tile surrounding the tub.

Naomi looked past Max and glanced down at her feet and the hard work that was going on down there.

“Look at my toes, Max.” Naomi said, biting her lower lip.

On Naomi’s right foot, two little workers were suspended by a harness and tether rope attached to the crane. They were climbing against the tops of her upright toes, still trying to wash all the gunk out from between them. With a slight sigh, Naomi spread her toes apart and wiggled them, causing the two workers to fall between them. One of them was stuck between her big and second toe, while the other was wedged between her third and fourth toe. She clenched her toes, tightly gripping them, but not too tight to kill them. She yanked her foot away from the crane, immediately snapping both tethers easily. 

The squirming figures between Naomi’s toes was a familiar sight to Max by now. He was so rapt in watching the giantess mess with them that he forgot to breathe. He didn’t say a word to Naomi. He was repulsed by the actions, but felt betrayed by his body as he felt a slight tingle course through him. He knew he was getting turned on by this, and he hated himself for it.

Naomi lowered her foot back into the water, drowning the tiny passengers between her toes. Naomi laughed through her nose as her tightly pursed lips contorted into a wicked smile. Max wondered what she was doing, what her point was, he couldn’t see the tiny workers or her toes any longer. But at this point, Max had a painfully hard erection as he watched her torturing them.

‘What is wrong with me?’, he wondered. He was disappointed in his feelings, but was too weak to fight it. Meanwhile, almost every other worker paused to watch the unfolding scene, imagining that could be any one of them.

“I just figured they could do a better job with some more water is all,” Naomi laughed toward the crowd and the little boy in her hand. “What do you think, Max? What do you think I should do?” Immediately, almost every eye of the maintenance crew was on Max, wondering what he would say.

“I think you should do whatever you want to them,” replied Max confidently. The workers were in shock, was this supposed to be the person in charge of them? The person to mediate between them and Miss Naomi? Anger surged within them, as well as a little bit of fear.

“No Max!” Naomi sighed exhaustedly. “Tell me to stop! Tell me to save them! Don’t just let me do whatever I want.”

“What? Why?” asked Max. “You’re big and can do whatever you want! If you don’t want to hurt them, then don’t. But if you feel you need to dispose of them, then isn’t that your business?” Max didn’t understand what she was doing. He had only ever seen her make unilateral decisions, telling his mom to crush the people at the train, then with rebellion in the warehouse. Everything Max knew about her made him think that those decisions were completely up to her.

“Max…,” whispered Naomi, bringing him back to reality. “They’re drowning… and time is running out, I don’t feel them squirming as much anymore.”

“Don’t hurt them!” yelled Max. “Just put them back.”

“Why?” asked Naomi, confusing Max even further. “Why shouldn’t I just drown them between my toes or squish them?” Naomi raised her eyebrows, as if contemplating the matter. “I mean, I’ve already crushed and killed so many little itty bitty people today, what’s two more?” Naomi shrugged her shoulders. “I can just sign the accidental death forms for them, no big deal.”

Hearing Naomi talk so casually about killing them frightened Max to the bone, but it also made his sexual frustration more intense. Even worse, he was so confused by her. What did she want from him? This had to be some sort of test, but he couldn’t figure it out.

Naomi glanced toward her under water foot and started shaking it. “Hey little guys, are you still doing okay? I don’t feel you anymore!”

The workers were watching Max, seeing what his next move would be. One of the female workers in the group, just a couple years older than Max, ran over to him, begging and pleading. She had been running all the way from the foot scaffolding and just now reached him.

“Max, please!” she begged. “One of those men was my father! Please don’t let him die!”

“Please don’t hurt them!” shouted Max. He was on the verge of a breakdown. Everyone was watching him, the fate of two lives were in his hands and he didn’t know what to do to save them. Naomi was torturing him psychologically, and on top of all of that, there was a screaming girl at his side.

“Why not?” Naomi asked again. “It’s fun,” she smiled and winked at him. The wink just infuriated Max.

“At this rate there is going to be no one left that is trained to use the crane harnesses!” another little worker shouted within earshot of Max. When Max heard that, everything clicked for him.

“Miss Naomi, release the two workers you have,” Max spoke with confidence and without stuttering. “We need to keep the employees who do their work and perform their jobs well. We need to take care of them, otherwise, crushing them needlessly will create a shortage of skilled workers. Also, think of the message you want to send to your employees. Do you want them to be afraid that they will randomly be killed for any stupid reason? Or do you want them to realize that the only way that happens is if they rebel against you? These two men did not rebel. They are good workers that need to be released!”

Naomi listened and nodded her head as Max spoke. She twisted her face into an inquisitive frown as she bobbed her head in agreement.

“Release them now!” shouted Max.

Immediately, Noami lifted her eyebrows and looked at Max in surprise. “There it is,” she smiled in a smug satisfied tone.

The swoosh of water could be heard by everyone as her foot rose up and out of the tub. The two men between her giant toes were not moving. Max’s heart sank, he had taken too long. Naomi looked at the bug sized men with curiosity and squeezed her toes together hard. Both men sputtered water from their lungs and started coughing. A wave of relief washed over Max as he saw them sputtering back to life.

Naomi lifted her foot over to the edge of the tiled surface and, lowering her toes, spread them apart and let the men fall to the ground. She removed her foot from over them and let it sink back under the water. People ran over to them and made sure they were okay.

Max was on the verge of tears, it had been an emotional roller coaster. The girl that had ran up to him a few minutes ago was over by her dad, making sure he was okay.

“Max, how old are you?” inquired the giantess.

“Seventeen,” he replied.

“You are very young. You’re just a little boy. Are you sure you’re up to the challenge of running this team? Being a leader?”

“I am, Miss Naomi,” Max said with a solid voice.

Naomi just smiled back at him. She closed her eyes and leaned back once again. Max stood confidently in front of her. Naomi seemingly didn’t care about the well being of the two workers that had nearly become her toe jam. That infuriated Max, but it also turned him on at the same time. And the fact that he was turned on by it only made him more confused and angry.

The girl from earlier ran back over to Max. She was beaming with a happy smile, but her face was still tainted by tears flowing down her pretty cheeks.

“Hey, thank you for saving my dad,” she said. “I’m Lindsey, by the way. Me and my dad have worked for her for years. I’ve never seen her do anything like that before. You handled it so well.”

“I didn’t do anything,” replied Max sheepishly. He wondered if Lindsey had heard him tell Naomi that she should just do whatever she wanted to them.

“I think you’re very brave, Max,” she smiled again.

Just then the giantess spoke.

“Alright everyone,” she bellowed. “The show’s over, get back to work!”

Lindsey looked back at Max, “Hey, I have to go, but, meet me after work later? Say, the commons at 6:30?”

“Uh, sure,” Max replied with a smile.

He watched as Linsdey trotted off back toward the crowd of workers. She was beautiful, and her body was shaped perfectly. But what did she want with him? What did she want to talk about? Max was overwhelmed with wonder when Naomi addressed him.

“It sounds like I’m having to do your job for you, Max,” Naomi shook her head disappointedly. “But you just went through alot so I’ll give you a break this time. But you really need to pull your act together.”

Max shook his head nervously. Maybe he had taken on a job that was more than he could handle after all.



Chapter End Notes:

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