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Yuri climbed a tower made of crisscrossing metal. Her fingers and booted toes twisted the steel girders on her ascent, only briefly interrupted so she could wave to the helicopters passing by. With 3WA-marked binoculars, she scanned the bustling roads. "Now, if I worked for Lucifer, where would I be? The jailhouse?... An evil lair?... A rock concert?..."

Amid the traffic below, she heard a jolt to her left. One speck in dark clothes moved quickly - stumbling over a hovering car's chassis. She zoned in on him; a full-framed man in a navy suit and fedora. He pushed a large bag through the crowd, and fired warning shots from a plasma gun. "Out of the way, or I'll kill you! I'm serious!"

"Ah! Thank you, you've made this far easier." Yuri clapped her hands, the beams buckling under her weight. Bracing herself for impact, she somersaulted off her perch, and landed with a THUD behind the perpetrator. "3WA, you're under arrest!" Behind her, the leaning structure crumbled into itself, twisting like a pretzel.

As she landed, he jolted up, along with the rest of the road. "I can't deal with this, I seriously gotta get back to the Lucifer satellite!"

Yuri tapped her lip. "Wasn't that the one we crashed some months ago?"

"...Seriously? The Dirty Pair?!" With wide eyes, the thief took off, running away.

The woman in gold rushed after him. "How rude!" She held her elbows in close to her chest, brushing through the cramped residential district. She tiptoed over floating cars, bustling in huge packs. "Pardon me! I need to get through!" One zipped right by her back, blowing her elegant hair with a surprise gust. "Ahh, this bustle isn't very utopian..." Dancing in and out of jams, she slipped on a truck, sending it flying into a glass window. She yelped. With ballerina-like grace, the agile agent flipped, landing in a ballerina-like pose. A pile of metal crunched under her yellow heel.

She'd stepped on a car. Lifting her sole up, she - and the entire district - saw the shattered remains of its propulsion and lights tumbling down. Yuri groaned, face in her palm. "Aww, and the Nuumobile Vulkan's such a nice model... in lime green, too!"

Screaming crowds left their vehicles, running to surrounding apartments and parks for safety. Briefly brushing her hair back in place, the Trouble Consultant bowed to them. "That's so sweet of you! Now I needn't worry about casualties! Thank you!" She plowed through the abandoned vehicles, heedless of what she crushed. Each careless stomp flattened swarms of cars were faster than industrial trash compactors. With a swift kick, she sent some of them crashing, forming a roadblock for the escapee.

The infiltrator broke into a sweat, watching the vehicles form a wall before him. "I'm in some serious trouble..." He turned and ran beneath a set of overpasses, crossing atop one another.

Yuri turned a little too fast. Her yellow-clad chest slammed into the platform, jostling cars off it. With quick reflexes, she caught them mid-fall, juggling the vehicles back onto the road. "Wait!" She crawled underneath the structure, pushing more traffic aside; but another, lower overpass blocked her path. Taking a breath, she stood up and straddled it. The citizens crossing the road were given a close-up view of her looming groin and firm backside, driving between slender legs that stretched down seemingly forever. She held her breath as they brushed past her underwear: "So lewd..." The towering trouble consultant lifted one of those shapely, pale pillars up, stretching the worn boot sole over them. She was paying so much attention to not scraping the roads.... that she didn't notice she was stepping into power lines. They tangled around her, sending her crashing to the ground - backside obliterating a large chunk of road. Her tugs made streetlights flicker. From every side, more claustrophobic overpasses and bridges blocked her path. She let out a sigh. "The 50-foot woman made stepping over roads look so easy... It's way harder at 100 meters!"

Crawling out, shaking the ramp above as she bumped her head, Yuri spotted the thief. She lunched out for him, but it was too late; the suited man ran into a passage underground. It was too small for the giant gloved hand to fit through. A metro station!

He taunted: "Guess you weren't taking this seriously enough!" With a tip of his fedora, he swung in a departing train, pulling the bagged device through the automatic doors.

The Lovely Angel had lost him, and had no idea where he was fleeing. She swept herself of dirt and dust from the ground, unable to remove all the debris tainting her smooth skin. "I hope Kei's having an easier time with this mission..."

Chapter End Notes:

Yuri's serious target inspired by a Helman soldier who Rance tries to question in Rance III: The Fall of Leazas. I wanted to give him the most one-note personality possible.

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