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Candace raised an eyebrow at Kaitlyn’s words. The little twig had never so much as spoke back, much less confronted Candace. Looking at the vial, Candace got a great idea.

“Payback, huh? Gonna be hard for that to help when it’s MINE!” Candace said, snatching the vial away. Kaitlyn’s smug look shifted to shock and terror as she sprang after it.

“NO, GIVE IT BACK!” Kaitlyn yelled trying to pull the vial back. Candace, easily, shoved her away and laughed at how desperate the Kiddie Kat had turned. Oh yeah, she hit pay dirt!

“Payback get derailed? Maybe you should have just used it rather than taunting me with it, idiot! Come on, you can get it,” Candace taunted, moving it closer. Kiddie Kat took the bait without a second thought and Candace sent her spilling backwards again. This was just too much. Kiddie Kat had been getting rather boring, but now it was like she was back to how she had been when Candace first targeted her.

“Give it back you stupid, overgrown cunt!” Kaitlyn said and all humor vanished in an instant. Candace’s smile vanished and morphed into a scowl of rage. With a swift kick, Candace smashed the dumb bitch into the lockers and slammed her neck into it. She lifted the little shit up and glared at her.

“Calling me a cunt… you stupid shit I am…” she stopped as she looked at the vial and smirked. She popped the cork open and moved it to Kaitlyn’s lips.

“Let’s see you drink this payback shit,” Candace said. She was about to upturn it when she noticed the faintest hint of a smile on Kaitlyn’s face. That wasn’t right… unless…

“Or maybe… I should drink it,” Candace said moving the vial back. The reaction was immediate as the idiot’s eyes went wide. She barely managed to stop yelling no, but had already given the secret away. With a cruel smile, Candace chugged the stuff down, surprised at how… meh the taste was. But Kiddie Kat’s reaction was anything but. The look of utter despair and horror was beyond words. It was soooo damn good that Candace simply let her flop to the ground rather than turn her into pulp.

“Thanks for the drink, Kiddie Kat. I’ll see you after class. And we’ll have to discuss that foul mouth of yours,” Candace said as she left Kaitlyn in a broken heap. She had no idea why drinking that stuff had fucked her up so badly, but she didn’t really care. It was beyond gr- wooah… Fuck, what was with the sudden heat flash?

Candace had to stop as a sudden wave of dizziness hit. Where had all this come from? Wait… shit the drink! Had she been played?! Turning back, however, showed Kaitlyn just as depressed and downtrodden as before, not a sudden smile of triumph. So what was with this heat? And why was her bra starting to dig into her? Dammit, now her panties were starting to ride up. What the hell wa-... no way.

Looking forward, Candace noticed she was staring past the top of the lockers. She had never been able to see over the top of the lockers before. Looking down, Candace could almost see her already large breasts pushing further and further out. Moving back to Kiddie Kat, Candace COULD see her shrinking further and further away. Holy shit, the little nerd had made a growth potion! So THAT's what she had meant by payback! And Candace had caused it to backfire in the worst way possible for the stupid cunt!

A fit of triumphant and giddy laughter took over Candace as she just watched Kiddie Kat shrink further and further away. Her shirt started to rip at the seams as her enlarging body continued to grow and her breasts demand more space. Her large frame drank in the potions effects with greedy abandon and her pants began to shred as well. Even her toned muscles started to enlarge, eager to join in the fun~!

Pulling Kiddie Kat to her feet, Candace smirked at her as she barely reached her stomach. She was tempted to mock her some more, but the dead look in her eyes made it obvious she was fully broken. Not much point kicking a dead horse… doubly so when a crowd of students had gathered to gap in awe.

“Looks like I broke poor widdle Kiddie Kat. Guess I’ll need something new to play with… Any volunteers?” Candace asked as she towered higher and higher over the gathered crowd. A wave of apprehension and fear washed over the faces, but none dared move for fear it would draw unwanted attention. Save one stupid girl who tried to sneak off.

“And there is one right now,” Candace said before moving forward. The crowd parted quickly to leave the girl alone and Candace quickly cornered her between a wall. She slammed her hand into the lockers to force her to stop, but lost interest in the girl as she noticed the metal give under the impact. Moving her hand back, she saw a clear imprint of her hand in the metal. Shit she hadn’t even hit it that hard! Ohhh this was getting SO much better! The distraction, however, gave the girl the opening she needed to scamper off.

“Holy- HEY! Who said I was done with you?!” Candace yelled after the little bitch and started after her. It took her three steps to catch the girl and she slammed her to the ground. Candace had intended it to the only wind the girl and give her a little shock, get her to realize who was in charge. Instead, the hit caused a sickening crack and a sudden cough of blood to escape the girl. Candace recoiled back, instinctively, as the girl gasped and seemed to struggle to breath. Panic swept the still gathered crowd and screams echoed through the hall. Candace stammered out noises, unsure if she should apologize, make an excuse, or what.

The crowd turned into a fleeing mob as Candace stared at the girl she had mangled. Some part of her was horrified but what she had done. But another was thinking of the possibilities, of how easy that had been, how she hadn’t even been trying, of how much those fleeing shits would beg not to wind up like her, and how her head had just bumped into the ceiling. She was still growing, still getting stronger. And as the last of her clothing lost the battle to keep her contained, a wicked smile spread over Candace’s face.

“Stop running. Stop running NOW!” Candace roared, her voice shaking the tiles and causing the closest bunch to actually stop. The rest kept going and Candace growled in fury at their disobedience. Ripping lockers from the wall, she hurled them after the fleeing students and watched them crumple into heaps. Rather than cause anyone to stop, however, that only made them run faster, and sent Candace blood to boil. How DARE they ignore her?!

“You little shits need to learn who is in charge here! ME!!” she yelled as she picked a random group and gave chase. She ripped more lockers; fire extinguishers, box and all; and even a few people after her targets till most had stopped either from taking the hint or being unable to run. Much more were nothing more than heaps of broken bodies wrapped around various debris. Calming down a bit, Candace realized that might have been a bit overboard, but it was their own fault for not listening.

“Learned your lesson? Figure out that you shits belong to ME now?!” Candace roared down at them and the group quaked in fear. It was the smartest thing they had done so far as Candace’s rage turned to excitement. She had complete control of them, and they knew it.

“Good, then go get the rest of the school and get them all into the gym,” Candace ordered, having to duck down a bit more as she started to push further into the ceiling.

“H-How?” one of the idiot boys asked. Candace turned an annoyed glare at him before pulling him into her crotch. She stuffed his face into her pussy before locked him in with her thighs. She then turned back to the others.

“Any other questions?” Candace asked as the group all shook their heads.

“Good… GET GOING!” Candace yelled as the idiots stood there. They scampered off in various directions and Candace shook her head at their stupidity. Turning back to her prisoner, she flopped down to the ground, dragging the boy with her, before spreading her legs just enough to let him get a bit of air.

“As for you, get to work,” Candace said, thrusting her slightly moistened crotch out to him. He coughed a few times and looked at her in a dumbfounded manner. That was all Candace needed to change her plans. No way was she letting this idiot get such an honor.

Instead, she grabbed his leg and flung him around and back into the ground. He splattered onto the floor with a wet flop and blood was sent everywhere. She spit a glob of spit on his ruined corpse before trying to stand up, and finding it impossible now that she had grown still bigger. Grumbling in annoyance, she took to crawling as she headed for the gym.

Along the way, Candace meet a few more people. Most fled from her the moment they saw her and she let them go. A few stared in wonder and shock. Candace enjoyed it at first, but got bored of it rather quickly. So she took to flicking them out of her way and seeing how much more damage she caused with each new victim. She got up to immediate death by the time she reached the gym.

Busting through the gym doors, Candace blasted through the tiny door like it was paper before, finally, managing to stand and stretch. She moaned as she reached up and found herself barely able to brush the ceiling. It was a good three stories tall and Candace giggled at the implications. Glancing down, Candace noticed a bunch of girls staring up at her and she knelt down to get a better look. She recognized them almost immediately and a big grin spread over her face.

“Well if it isn’t the pride of our college, the girl’s basketball team. Always busy practicing and making sure you’re the best of the best,” Candace said, looming over the tiny team. All of the girls had looks of pure horror on their faces and for good reason. Even the coach looked ready to flee. A quick shuffle by Candace’s feet, though, made sure no one was doing that.

“Yay know… it’s odd I’m not here practising too. I did get in on a basketball scholarship. Oh wait that’s right. I got kicked out for being too… what was the word again. Oh right, undesirable,” any good cheer vanished from Candace as she repeated that last word. That incident had fucked her entire life. She was practically black listed from teams as the cunts had spread all kinds of rumors about her, desperate not to let her get on another team. And now it w- shit she was getting hot again. Really hot… Wait did that mea- ohhh? Ohhhhhhhhh~!

A soft chuckle turned to a booming laugh as Candace started a rapid growth spurt. It wasn’t long before she thumped into the roof even while kneeling and her  body began to fill up the gym. Her knees started to press against the walls and she grunted as she tried to shift backwards. However, her butt found a wall of its own and Candace sighed as she found no space to move. Unwilling to simply stay put, and knowing her continued growth would make the choice for her anyway, Candace decided it was time to break free.

With almost no effort, Candace pushed through the ceiling of the gym and sent it flying backwards onto the building behind it. She rose up and up and up into the air, shocking even herself with how huge she had become. The ruined roof of the gym barely made it past her waist and was still shrinking away. Far below, the bloody remains of the basketball team was splattered in the middle of the floor. Dammit, she must have crushed them during her growth and not even realized it. The thought was disappointing AND so damn hot. She had killed those cunts without even trying, the sheer POWER she wielded now…

With a sudden deep need, Candace sank her fingers into her eager crotch. She had always loved being in control, of ruling over weaker people, and now everyone was weaker than her. That thought gave her such pleasure and delight that she needed release. Her fingers did their best, but she needed something else. Looking around, Candace spotted a group of people fleeing the building and smiled as an idea hit. Stomping over, and feeling the need only grow as she left footprints in everything, pavement included, she bent down and scooped up a handful of the people. They all screamed in horror as the unlucky ones tried to flee. Not wanting any backtalk, she flattened all those she had missed before turning her attention to the group in her hand.

“If you don’t want to wind up like them, get me off. I don’t care how, just do it,” Candace ordered as she lowered them to sit in front of her soaked crotch. For a second there was nothing and Candace was about to crush them all before finding another group. But then the kisses, licks, and massages started. With a surprised moan of pleasure, Candace had to fight not to fall. She hadn’t expected this to feel so good and her knees had almost given out.

“Good little dildos, don’t stop now,” Candace ordered as she moved her hand a bit closer. The pleasure grew as the group redoubled their efforts. Lowering herself down to her knees, Candace had to fight not to moan and gasp in approval. Damn she had picked a group of winners and her orgasm was fast approaching. Moving her hand still closer, Candace couldn’t keep her moans silent as they grew with her approaching orgasm. She gasped, moaned, then gasped again before biting her lip as she neared the edge. With a window shattering cry, Candace came and drenched her hand in her cum. Flopping to her back, Candace had to take a few seconds to herself as she recovered. She stretched out, purring in contentment, as the lingering glow of her orgasm filled her self. She glanced at her hand and found it empty of people. Must have blasted them off with her cum. Oh well…

Pondering on taking a nap, Candace’s thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of sirens. She let out an annoyed sigh before pushing herself up. Sure enough a large group of police were moving toward the college. Ugh…

Candace didn’t even bother to stand up and, instead, just sat up. The police moved in and surrounded her and Candace raised an eyebrow at them. There was a slight delay before any of them got out, but they finally did and took up “protected” positions behind their car doors.

“Put your hands up and surrender or we will fire on you!” one of the officers ordered through a megaphone. Candace rolled her eyes before lifting one of her hands off the ground.

“How about YOU surrender and I won’t do this,” Candace brought her hand down, smashing the hood of a nearby police cruiser into crumpled metal paste, “to you?”

The police responded by opening fire on her. The normal part of Candace screamed at her for being so stupid to not expect them to shot, but that part was drowned out by the simple fact none of it was hurting her. At all. She looked over herself as the gunfire died down and let out a slow chuckle.

“Big mistake, little pigs,” Candace said before standing up to her full height. The officers stared in horror as she towered over them and more than a few leapt back into their cars. The dumber officers opened fire yet again and Candace flattened them with quick stomps from her feet. The rest peeled out and started to flee and Candace watched them go. She let them get a good head start before starting after them. She wanted them to outpace her, for now, and lead her back to the nearby town. Because what better introduction to their new overlord than their “protectors” fleeing from her wraith?

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