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It's been a day, since Mark was in his Cousin's Butt. That weird RPG she had created for him. He knew that his mom was going out again that night, and that he would have to return to Poopipa most likely.

"No!," he says to himself, "I refuse to accept this! I refuse to move from this spot!"

Suddenly he hears a "Mark! It's time to go to your Aunt and Cousin's House!"

"I'm just gonna stay here!," he yells to her.

"Why do you wanna stay here?!," he hears his Cousin mockingly ask.

Mark wants to speak to say something, but as soon as he does, the turds start to form.

"Well I'm not going! And you can't make me!," he yells out defiantly.

"Well then! I guess I'll have to watch you three here, then won't I?!," he hears his Aunt Ylsa cry out to him.

He thinks about his Cousin being there, being trapped in her ass again, and her being in his room. He knew he couldn't have that happen, but he also knew he didn't want to be trapped in that ass again.

There was only One Thing that He Could Do, "Uh?! Never mind! I'll be right down!"

He knew he had to act fast! He grabbed a piece of paper and began writing down, "Mom! Your sister and my cousin are terrible people! They have been using magic to keep me in line according to their sick games! Please tell them to stop!"

He gently folds up the paper and rushes downstairs.

"Here you go!," he gives his mom the paper.

He smiles at his Cousin who seems unamused.

"What the Hell is this?!," he hears his mother ask in righteous anger, but instead of his Aunt Ylsa and Cousin Beth getting yelled at, he is instead grabbed and made to look at Jennifer's Poopy Diaper, & written on it was One Word, "Bitch!"

"What?! Mom! I don't...," but before he can continue on, he finds himself being placed over his Mother's Lap, with his Pants bared and given a Bare Spanking.

And just like before he was back at his Cousin's Place Alone.

"Now I have a Special Surprise for you!," he hears his Cousin, now Towering Over him and Naked again say.

She picks him up and lays him on the bed. He looks at her in Terror.

" I hope you learned your lesson!"

"Oh yes yes! I have!," he calls to her, "I'll never pick on you again!"

"What?!," she picks him up, flicks him on the Butt, & sets him back on her bed, "I was talking about being a Tattletale!"

She sits down once again, and he finds himself in Poopopola Once Again.

But this time he's smaller.

Beth walks up with her Controller in Hand, as she turns on the TV.

She sees as Mark is now forced to Look Up at Shitjake. She watches and giggles, as she hears Shitjake tell him, "I know you were naughty! Otherwise! You wouldn't be half-your-Height!"

"That wasn't my FUCKING HEIGHT!," he yells out to Shitjake.

But he instantly regrets it, when he is dragged over his Poopy Knee, has his TP Diapered Bottom Bared, and Given a Bare Spanking, before returning to his "normal", Litlredbutt-Size, & being let go.

Butt Before He Can Cry, He Sees A Pair Of Wet Wipes Show Up!

"Well! Well! Well!," he hears them say.

Back To The Butt End
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