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Ben and Heather gazed wistfully at the moon from their bedroom window. They had both been silent for several minutes, lost in their own thoughts of what tomorrow will bring. Heather, lying on her boyfriend's chest, was the first to break the silence.

“Can I tell you a secret?” Heather asked, nuzzling Ben with her nose.

“Nah. Not tonight,” Ben replied, playfully.

“Stop!” Heather protested, poking Ben’s chest. “I’m telling you anyway!”

“Why do you even ask if you can tell a secret if you’re telling it no matter what I say? You really should open with ‘Hey, I’m going to tell you a secret’ instead of-” Ben trailed off. He could tell from the expression on Heather’s moonlit-silhouetted face she had something serious to get off her chest. “What’s your secret, love?” 

Heather grinned. “Well it’s just.. I’ve always wanted to be big. Like Huge. Can you imagine? I want to climb the tallest mountains in two steps and look down at all the tiny people below and...” Heather pondered her next words while idly caressing Ben’s chest. 

“Even when I was really young I knew I wanted to be big. My dolls were my little people.. Like I owned them, and they loved being owned by me...”

“Interesting. I thought the company screened out applicants with god complexes,” Ben replied, chuckling.

“Yeah well I didn’t tell them about any of that. Nor did I tell them that most of all...” Heather ventured, “I want to be big with you. I want us both to experience that together.”

The odds were slim. 

Heather and Ben both worked for AllTec. Publicly, the company was a biomedical firm specializing in vat-grown synthetic organs. Privately, AllTec was a Department of Defense contractor, where the nation’s brightest biologists, chemists, and physicists were developing methods of altering a subject’s size. The Pentagon was eager. They never disclosed their intentions with the technology, but Ben surmised that giant-sized soldiers could simply terrify a populace into submission, winning a war without firing a single shot. 

Accomplishing this aim presented enormous logistical challenges. Human physiology evolved to accommodate a certain size. Scaling a human up meant certain organ failure, muscles that can’t lift a body, and bones that break under their own weight. AllTech scientists found genetic engineering solutions to these problems, but only one in a hundred - perhaps one in a thousand - of subjects would be compatible with the treatments. 

Nevertheless, after seven years of research, human trials would start very soon. AllTec solicited its 4,000+ employees to each submit to a simple test to determine compatibility with size modification. They estimated identifying four viable test subjects. They only got two. 

Earlier in the week, both Ben and Heather submitted their blood samples for compatibility analysis. Today they would receive their results. Heather was incredibly eager to participate in trials. She always felt like she and Ben could take on the world together. Why not do so at a hundred feet tall? 

Yet she knew the odds. Ben was the chemist, but Heather was the mathematician. If one in a thousand subjects were compatible with growth treatment, then the odds that both she and Ben would both be compatible were 0.0001%.

The odds were slim.

It was irrational, she knew. But she still remained hopeful. Privately, Ben was not. What if one of us is compatible and the other isn’t? He thought. This is a four-month trial. Do either one of us want to spend four months an ant while the other is a god?

Well, Heather might. Ben mused. Much as she fantasizes about becoming a giantess, she’d like nothing more than to have a big, mountainous boyfriend to protect her...

Ben was hardly that now. He was a couple inches taller than her, but still shorter than most men. He had a lean frame, but wasn’t wirey. His hair was dirty blonde, and his eyes a steely blue. Heather always loved his eyes most.

Heather’s were a mesmerizing shade of green. Ben would often find himself lost in her gaze, and captivated by her smile. Heather’s lips were like most of the rest of her body; voluptuous. She had a wide, toothy, charismatic smile that could charm any stranger. 

And she did know how to use those teeth. Heather loved to bite Ben. Especially after a few drinks. Usually she was gentle. Sometimes she wasn’t. “One of these days I’m just going to eat you,” She’d whisper to him some nights. I’d let her. Ben decided.

The next morning Ben sat at his desk, unsure what to do with himself. His body was tense from the anxiety of awaiting his test results. Ben passed the time mostly by unbending paperclips and ignoring actual work.

“They’re here! Our lab results are finally here!” Heather came bursting into Ben’s office with two sealed envelopes. “I picked them up straight from the mail room! Here!” She thrust an envelope with ‘BEN THOMPSON’ printed on the top in his hands. “You go first!”

"Nice to see you too," Ben replied with a sardonic grin, fingers fumbling to open the envelope. "Goddamn, how many layers of tape did they seal this thing with? Is this normal tape or some military grade-"

"Quit stalling!" Heather snatched the envelope from his hands and expertly sliced the edge open with her fingernail. She closed her eyes, handing the envelope's contents back to Ben. "Go ahead! Tell me what it says!"

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