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Author's Chapter Notes:

A series of brief episodes featuring other characters.

Part 1: Izumi

The bright Japanese businesswoman rapidly finished typing up the report and pressed "send." Izumi then rapdily got up from her seat. She was going to be late for a meeting with one of the shareholders. She speed-walked as fast as her heels could carry her out the door. In the street, she looked in her phone's selfie camera and brushed her soft black hair to the side. She examined her makeup carefully. Her pale cheeks contrasted with her thin, cherry-red lips. She looked pretty, as usual. She slipped her phone back into the pocket of her grey pants.

She entered the restaurant and made her way to the table, just in time. She shook hands with the other woman, a brunette British lady named Emma of about the same age with thick, sexy hair and skin as pale as the moon. "So, let us begin," said Emma.

In the middle of their conversation, the waitress brought over trays of traditional Japanese food, with one very untraditional exception: a small glass bowl containing three tinies. Izumi was a bit startled. She didn't know  she was going to be expected to eat one of them. She was already uncomfortable enough around tiny people, as they were just so weird. She also thought it was disturbing to eat what looked and acted like a human being.

"Mmmmm." Without hesitation, Emma snatched a tiny woman and popped her in her mouth. Gulping her down to her slim stomach, Emma smiled. "Can't eat tiny people in the UK. They've got rights." She then took a dainty sip of water.

Izumi stared down into the bowl. The tiny man and woman cowered away from her face. Izumi felt dismayed. She thought she looked cute, but she guessed to these tiny people she just looked terrifying.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" asked Emma, who had begun to nibble at a roll. She clicked her chopsticks together and snatched another tiny. She shoved it past her lipsticked lips and swallowed the tiny whole.

Izumi sighed and picked up the last tiny. The tiny, brown-skinned man flailed around in her hands. She was worried she would drop him. The man covered his face as she dipped him into the teriyaki sauce. Then, closing her eyes, she popped him into her mouth. Surprisingly, the teriyaki went well with the natural saltiness. The momentary good flavor was spoiled by the disturbing feeling of tiny hands trying to push away her tongue. She grimaced and quickly swallowed before she got too grossed out. She felt a wave of guilt. Was it like she had just killed a human being? Izumi clutched her tummy. She could swear she could almost feel the tiny man moving in the mostly-digested remains of her breakfast.

Emma smiled at her. "I'm glad you enjoy them too. I'll call your manager tomorrow about the acquisition. The price we negotiated over the phone yesterday suffices for me."

Izumi had had to be a little cutthroat to get to where she was. But ending a tiny person's life to gel a business deal didn't sit quite right with her. She only hoped the digestive process was quick for the little guy.


After sanitizing the last tinies from her last rectal exam of the day, Kanae went home. The young doctor was ready for a break with her boyfriend. At least, that was what she called the tiny American man she had bought. She never had much luck with normal sized people. The first couple dates normally went well, but she was seen as "clingy" and "neurotic," even though she knew she was cute.

She brushed aside her red-highlighted hair and lifted the tiny out of his box. "At least you can't run away, can you?" She planted several kisses on his little body.

She brought the tiny over to the couch and settled him in her boobs as she flipped on the TV. Before long, she pulled off her bra and loosened a boob out of her shirt. "You know what to do," she said, placing the tiny on her light brown nipple. The tiny humped the giant nipple, the knob of flesh growing larger with his activity. She couldn't even feel his tiny penis, but she could approximately feel his tiny body.

She spent the rest of the day on social media, as usual. She only spontaneously hung out with people in real life, but mostly just lurked on her phone. She amused herself by having the tiny jump on whatever emoji she wanted to use to react to things.

She then went to bed, talking to her tiny "boyfriend" until she fell asleep. The tiny knew to say nice things to her and say she was a good girlfriend, because if he questioned their relationship or said he didn't like hanging out with her, she had threatened him with "accidentally" leaving him with the rectal exam workers back at the doctor's office.

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