Chapter Eight, New Jobs
I didn't have a clue what diplomacy was, I have NEVER been diplomatic, but seeing Victor and his friends just talk and work with us I believe I can make mother and father proud being the Empire's Laison. How can someone with so much responsibility and power put me so at ease...-Sorcha Freeman
Insectoid hive mind
3 billion killed, another 300 million will be(as it adjusts to the loss of nine fortress worlds with the last two already being targeted), sensors out, 'BULLDOG' capable of regrouping and striking any hive world in less one galactic week.
options, fight, surrender, deceive, retreat.
We have no warships few fighters, we are short of warriors...
We could offer to surrender buy time
as the hive amps up production and reproduction of it's members, it knows it's resources are finite, it had taken 50 Titan years to build the class 1 hive ship, it contained all their ships and 90% of their fighters. The population couldn't be amped up again after this last effort there wasn't enough food and other resources. Surrender and deception could have worked but they did not understand how the bipedal mammals thought and in their position especially with how they eliminated their fortress worlds they doubted they would listen to either surrender or deception.
They had picked up a curiosity while 'fighting' they had been able to analyze the DNA from the inner sphere, it was not small bipedal perfect matching, it matched 98.8% of this universe's humans, with the difference being a few additional codons and sequences and even more surprising is that it matched 98.4% of Titan DNA, it just lacked the sequences for galactic standard size that Titans had. The Small Bipedal mammals A(Innersphere) could produce progeny without modification with either the Small Bipedal mammals or the large Bipedal mammals. They may, in fact, be root species of both...
*@ISS Gyfjon, Niall and Naskia Freeman's cabin
Niall was trapped between his wife's thumb and forefinger having lost his first game of Tupp and Shaar in at least 30 Titan years. It was the first they had played in 30 years, Naskia though she had enjoyed it, felt... uneasy doing the things she did to Naill the other times she had played. She was 'punishing' him for not trusting her, so she could justify what was a burning hunger in an otherwise nearly perfect marriage. She captured him as Naill attempt to escape her, her passions for him, well they were already strong, had passed through the roof. She had denied herself for his equality, what she realized while holding, pinning him, beginning the loving torment of him was that he loved it as well. That he knew full well when she controlled him nothing dangerous or harmful would happen, that when her passions were fulfilled his would be as well. So as she sets her beloved husband down on their bed, all three inches to her eyes she smiles with love and desire as well as just a bit of wantonness in her. She places two fingers carefully to hold him and then proceeds to tickle him with her tongue...
When Naskia wasn't tickling the heck out of him with her tongue, he was quite happy with the loss. Naskia was happy winning, but wasn't 'satisfied', not even close as her right hand kept her husband under control and safe, her left caressed all the parts of her body that needed, ached to be touched.
Having won she got to ask the questions "Niall am I beautiful?" Naskia moaned slightly, it was an easy question for Niall, he said she was dozens of times a day,
Niall "God yes, the most beautiful being to ever grace my universe", louder moan, and shallow sigh as some of her honey began to drip near him.
Naskia "do you love me?", again easy, even easier than the last question,
Niall "Petal I love you more than my life itself! I can't live without loving you, you and Sorcha are the only beings I would give everything for!",
A short primal groan, deep sigh and a reverberating moan as a small squirt of her love lands on him. Oh God did she love this, the power she held over him, her sheer immense size and beauty, well to him as she squirted a bit larger dose. If she could she would do this every day and he would love it, but it wouldn't be fair, he's done a lot more for her then she does for him at least in her mind. The guilt merging with her power only drives her higher, she must complete this, she must enjoy it for the pride he's about to sacrifice.
Niall gets a bit nervous when Naskia's left-hand focuses on her love and its nub, and how her breathing is deeper with each passing second and how her moans now shake the entire bed, she's ready to start tormenting him...
Naskia's Blue eyes gleam in power and lust for her man, her scent is overwhelming and getting stronger by the second, he's halfway in a puddle of her love that's only deepening and expanding as she states "oh so good, so powerful, I am a goddess to you aren't I" her last easy question,
Niall nods and states "yes..." and gulps. Naskia screams in pleasure, her moans echo off the cabin as she breaths deeply enough to begin to pull Niall closer to her mouth.
Niall is scared to death and aroused as hell at the same time, just like the last time they played, though he guesses Naskia won't be quite as 'kind' as she was then, gentle yes, kind not as much. The question comes out as primal grunt "Naskia is better than me at everything", Niall defiantly states no.
Naskia just smiles as her tongue tickles his left leg, "again Naskia is better than me at everything!", her body and mind haven't been this aroused since the last time, oh God the power and control, her dominance over a brilliant being, it is so godlike and wrong, the competing emotion only spur her pleasure higher and higher so she can enjoy it for the power she feels and that she has to enjoy for humiliation she's already put Niall through. Niall only persists in his defiance which only makes her more aroused, she feels even more powerful as he's tiring with only two fingers holding him gently.
Niall thinks he can hold out, there's only so much tickling she can do to one leg, Naskia smiles, it's almost as if she can read his mind (having been married for over two centuries she can) as she randomly tickles other areas, feigning anger Naskia asks with her voice projecting every so slightly "Naskia is better than at everything",
Niall is like a two year being tickled all over "ye, a of cou",
Naskia smiles lovingly "what was that?",
Niall still quaking from her tongue "YES, OF COURSE, YOU ARE!",
she uses her middle finger to caress him "such a good little Tupp" she smiled, with every second becoming more predatory.
Her tongue goes from the top to bottom and she gets ready to start the torment again, she's never felt this aroused and powerful even the last time they played, she's hoping his pride will make him endure the last two questions for a while, the more defiant he is the more powerful she feels when he finally surrenders.
Niall is coated in his wife's love and salvia, he is naked as the day he was born, she's not even trying to hold him with her two fingers (she doesn't want to hurt him), and she's getting off more this time than last time, she's had at least three quasi-Os and whatever she's building up to his world is going to rocked! With all that there is no place he would rather be, nothing he would rather be doing, it has been far too long, they are equals in mind, soul and spirit, but not in body, hers vastly dominates and she's been making exceptions for him for years. Does it frighten him to let her display her dominance, HELL YES, but it also excites the Hell out of him, a physical goddess Naskia would (and had) been able to deal with any of his resistance without even trying, he needs machinery and technology to even have a sporting chance. They both know it, they both have ignored it most of the time, Naskia cause she loves him, Niall cause he's a pain in the ass he admits, Naskia's goddess is gentle and loving, but it is dominating and demanding it should have been released years ago, and they should have worked to let her out more often.
Naskia picks up on Niall being deep in thought, it causes her to plateau until she knows what it is. She with a gentle and loving grin asks "what are you thinking?" as she begins to tickle.
Niall "how Aertimus and I weren't in the greatest shape with that hive ship, how we should have done this more often",
Naskia moans a bit "but it's all about my physical dominance over you, something you can't help", Niall "but you are physically dominate over me, and you never use it", Naskia is again climbing in her feelings of power and arousal, "oh, I think I do from time to time, not as much say Aisell, that girl does believe you are equal to us titans, just not equal to her", both laugh,
Niall "Aisell is a bit of an Aisell supremacist",
Naskia chuckles and nods "but she would never deliberately hurt a human, or intentionally damage their pride",
Nail grin as he places his hands on her tongue strokes just the right way "but like all titans, she has a soft spot for us adorable humans, and like my goddess here can understand at least mentally we've got you beat."
Naskia just shakes her head "peers maybe" she chuckles "betters never", she grins "some maybe just a bit below titan level" and she lets out a thundering moan "and you all need someone like me to protect and love you!!!" Niall smirks Naskia is letting her goddess out again as she sighs "ok little tupp, you've had your fun mocking me" she says with mock disdain, "tell your goddess you are Niall and you are a dumb-dumb",
Niall "NEVER!".
Naskia brings out a trick she's been thinking of for those 30 years, it's a bit more torturous and she didn't want to use it... but Niall 'forced' her to. Her tongue focuses on random ticklish spots while her middle finger 'helps' Niall's arousal, but will not let him release.
For five minutes he resists, his lack of release and inability to adapt to the tickling slowly waring him down, the goddess Naskia only feeling ever more powerful, more aroused and more in love.
He finally breaks laughing uncontrollably "Niall is a dumb dumb", she's tempted to let him release, but she needs his seed for later. Niall "please, please let me release",
Naskia shake her head and her dripping wet finger no "love I need your seed for my garden, we can't just waste it", Niall nods and gets comfortable knowing what's coming next.
Now Naskia bubbling, joyful and happy states "I Niall Freeman am Naskia Bass-Freeman's PET!" Niall "NO", Naskia slowly almost too slowly begins the torture again, she doesn't want him to give up, not for a long time as her trickle becomes a flow. She wants him to endure and endure until her least ministrations bring him to beg for her mercy, which she will grant but not before her 125-foot tall body displays all of her physical power over him.
Niall notices Naskia is putting on a show for him, she stretches out her feet, shows her toes to him as her middle and ring fingers keep tickling him, as her left-hand caresses her feet and toes, then her ankles and knees. She can feel him as aroused as she is when she begins to caress and dibble her love, she comes so close to a premature release, she has to force herself to slow down and enjoy every moment.
Even with minimal pressure on her thumb and pinkie, Niall isn't going anywhere, so she uses them to help with the torment, the poor man is shaking like a two-year-old being tickled by their 'mean' older siblings. She asks again "are you my pet?",
Niall screams and laughs "NEVER", as a primal sigh and moan come from her body Niall does become a bit scared.
Naskia is losing control, she knows it, all the power she has, all dominance, but even with her scary grin and eyes full of lust and hunger, the largest emotions she is feeling are love and protectiveness, each feeding her pleasure even more than her lust, hunger, and power. Her love for Niall, her willingness to do ANYTHING to protect him feeds her and her needs.
She knows she doesn't have long before she can no longer bare him, children, Sorcha was such an experience he might not want anymore, but she desperately craves at least one more. With the way, the universe is, just a couple more, so his legacy is even more established. Her moans take on a fever pitch as with surprising delicacy she moves Niall ever so gently away from her now coursing stream of her love. His defiance, combined with her love is stroking her flames nearly to fusion levels.
Naskia is at most at peak, she half-whimpers half screams "are you my pet",
Niall has been resisting for 20 minutes, his nervous system is going haywire and her gentle strokes are torture now denying him release while stoking his lust to her levels.
he finally yields "Yes I am your PET!", as he is gently lifted to a pillow away from what happens when Naskia finally peaks...
"OH MY GOD" Naskia screams, every peak her and Niall have shared seem to become molehills or bumps in the road, not that they were not awesome, but her current release is beyond anything a mortal should be able to feel, or witness in Niall's case, by her fourth thrust she has broken the bed, the sheets are saturated with her essence, and her scent only seems to get stronger and more potent with each of her nearly endless releases. She turns to her mate, her love, her husband and moans so loud he has to cover his ears to avoid damage "oh Niall I LOVE YOU!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!"
Niall is aroused, frightened and in love all at the same time, Naskia's peak doesn't seem to ending, every minute she seems to be intensifying the Titan rated bed is a ruin beneath her power, the only thing that diverts her from caressing herself is to move him to a safe place, as the furniture has a way of becoming crushed and scented ruin under her body. Finally, she starts to calm down after 20 minutes, 20 minutes of a goddess releasing her passions on a cabin that could only survive approximately seven minutes of said release. She coos and caresses the over-awed Niall who drops to his knees as if to worship his wife.
Naskia beams at him "you did all this for me", he shrugs "pet, petal ah wow" Naskia laughs and gently kisses him "I finally have you speechless my pet" she chuckles,
Niall with a touch more blood flow to his head "I had no idea, are all of you, well I hope you haven't had to settle..."
Naskia frowns and raises his head with a kind caress of her pinkie finger "I doubt any Titan has experienced what I just did, I don't think a Titan could engage the emotions needed for it".
Niall tries to look down, but Naskia's pinkie won't let him "cause you have to protect us" he still sounds down.
Naskia smiles and nods "That's part of it, as is our size dominance, but the biggest part is the love you have for me and the love I have for you. It comes from you being my equal you fighting for it, for me and for our daughter. Without that love, that determination I couldn't have reached the heights you let me reach and when I call you pet you know that I am just as much your pet as you are mine. I don't much believe in God or an afterlife, but you being you make as much as a case for one as anything I have ever seen. Our souls are linked only you Niall could make me feel the way I just did..." as her breathing slowly returns to normal. Niall seeing her beautiful and vulnerable (if such a colossal being can be vulnerable he chuckles) wife looking at him with longing remembers he hasn't released his need yet.
Naskia notes it and smirks "I have had my release, you want yours" Niall nods. Naskia offers her right hand, Niall still a bit shocked at Titan wrecking machine his wife was while she was peaking hesitates. Naskia smiles gently "I kept you safe from me while I was to you a living earthquake, you know you are always safe with me silly." Niall nods and gets on, just being near this beauty and all the pheromones she's dumped into the cabin let alone the ones she's still pumping out and he should have peaked by now. Naskia smirks "you can't peak until I say so Niall", and it clicks his member is beyond fully executed, his seed is at a hairs trigger why can't he release, it comes to him his Petal has a psychological control over it, being so dominated, seeing a being of such strength it is in this respect she owns him... he's her pet..."
She takes him to her love and gently places him there and gently, lovingly rubs him into herself "oh" she moans, "Oh" reverberates through her being into his, as she moans "Now Niall", his body responds by releasing more seed into her than he ever dreamed. He begins to relax and rest but Naskia won't let him "that's a good start sweetie, just two more" as she caresses and loves him, her love slowly coating him again as he recovers in record time this release is agony as much as pleasure it nearly equals the volume of the first. Naskia happily states "oh my Tupp is strong and fertile..." as she begins to build him up for the last one. Niall can't believe it, he's already released twice in quick succession his body shouldn't be able to be so quickly ready, but even now his member is stiffening his remaining seed is reloading and Naskia is nearing her second peak.
Naskia smiles down on her husband, he would be amazing accomplishing this when they first met, more likely godlike, now it's even more impressive due to his advancing years. Having your Titan wife go Magna grand mal peak likely inspires one she giggles to herself. Even now his third contribution to their future child. Her hands and fingers caressing him unti... Oh god, he lasted a minute the first time, 50 seconds the second, oh, oh, oh god 45 this time. She lets him cool off and picks him up.
Her right palm holding him up to her face "Niall as your pet I would ask what I need to do, but I know I have exhausted you, I am going to clean you up place you somewhere safe and warm and you can think of what you will have me do for you tomorrow ok?"
Niall nods wearily, Naskia gently hugs him, he says to her "I am a bit tired for a shower",
Naskia smiles as she brings him to her face again "who said anything about a shower" as she opens her mouth and delicately places him in. Niall "Naskia...",
Naskia mumbles around him "it will only be two minutes sweetie", Niall gets increasingly nervous, but it's mitigated as Naskia carefully keeps him away from her teeth on the front half of her tongue. She knows he's a bit frightened but it is something they haven't done in while so she figures it will be ok. Having waited long enough for his seed to travel, Naskia uses the last minute of clean up to stroke herself to a peak, while firmly yet gently holding her man to the roof of her mouth.
Niall can't help but to release himself as she peaks, Naskia smile and gently removes him "that wasn't so bad now was it sweetie" smiling down on her love,
Niall all but exhausted smirks "I will have design a holo-program to let you know how that feels"
Naskia knows how tired he is and how much he's done for her and lets it slide. "now for the warm place Sweetie",
Niall can tell by where her hand is moving and the increase in her scent "you don't mean to place me in there..."
Naskia nods "it's nice and warm", Niall "but", Naskia shushes him "I will protect you my love, and thank you for this night I hope it wasn't too much a punishment, though I think we will be doing it more often"
Niall nods with resignation "Aye Petal",
as she slips him between her folds "don't worry I will make it enjoyable for you as well" as a couple of tears flow from her pretty face,
Niall states as he falls asleep within her love "as long as you are happy Petal"
As he lays his head on her bulb caressing it as he falls deep into sleep. She keeps her right hand over him like a blanket for his 'sleeping bag' as she falls asleep as well knowing she will love no one like him, that she will protect him and that in his own way he will protect her as well. Both are enveloped in the other's love, Niall physically, Naskia spiritually and both emotionally as they sleep in bliss with the one they love the most.
12 hours later,
Niall evidentially gave Naskia a couple of wet dreams as he is covered in her goo from the hip down. Naskia slowly gets up, she had a number of good dreams with Niall in them in multiple sizes, oohhh they must have been good looking at her husband struggle against her love honey. She discretely chuckles as she gently helps him out of there.
She sees that he's had some good dreams as well... "Niall is this a break or are you up?" she asks,
Naill "break",
Naskia smirks ok you have 45 minutes if you want to get back into your 'sleeping bag' otherwise you have the bed or your apartment to sleep in."
Niall "Petal, me returning to the 'sleeping bag' would make a shower pointless",
Naskia smiles "I know."
Niall takes care of the biological functions his faster metabolism creates as he does Naskia takes the medical monitor to herself, hoping, she knows she's programmed it right, Niall hears the dinging as well as she does, he smirks there will be time to go through its history, Naskia doesn't purge things as well as she should, as he at least rinses the funk off of him so he can get a brand new coat latter...
Naskia looks at the monitor, oh god yes, yes, egg fertilized, implanted, cells multiplying and umbilical cord formed, male well Hussal Luke is the tentative name no genetic defects of note (thank you, god, at their ages...), looks like 130 to 150 feet tall when all is said and done (likely to be a bit shorter then Sorcha, she had 140 to 165, hybrids tend to be on the lower end) and with genetics alone will score 83 to 95 on the titan intelligence test, Sorcha got in her upper range a 93, hybrids are slightly underestimated on that test. It's a struggle not to hug Niall to her chest and proclaim to him I pregnant!!! She just has a mildly creepy loving gaze on everything he does as he waits for her palm and is placed back in the folds where he helped to create a new life. Both have a very satisfied smile on their faces. Naskia is going to give him so much sex and please him any way she can, Niall knows she is and most of the secret she's 'hiding' is it a girl or boy is the only question for him...
*@Back on the FCS Yggdrasil 24 hours prior
Victor, Galen, and Renny were in their dress uniforms,
Renny "Victor it seems wrong that I have more medals then you do...",
Victor "Renny we go through this every time we're in A(s), I as a Soldier up to a Battalion Commander could be awarded for my middling piloting, and decent gunnery as well as my courage and initiative, when I become the official Archon Prince designate you know as well as I do I could be earning a FEDCOM Medal of Honor a week, if it was sincere and legitimate there would still be questions, and there was always a chance I could just be giving myself medals, so..." all three in key "the Golden Fist and Sunburst and two Silver Fist and Sunbursts are the only awards I will have." as they arrive in the cleared out Behethom they hear like a loud and happy chuckle between two rather tall women is actually subdued and stifled by Jana and Sorcha testament to the scale difference between them.
Sorcha notices that the boys are 'overdressed', or more likely she's more causal then she should be, she's never been a diplomat.
Sorcha shyly smiles "ah we have food, I am guessing you have burgers and fries from where you come from, well this is the titan version" she nervously chuckles.
Victor confidently smirks "ah an actually edible state dinner" as he strips down to his Class Bs, Renny and Galen do the same.
Sorcha in a decent off-white blouse and 'jean' sits, the 'Burgers' the boys she could feed the ship for a week let alone the 'fries' and salad, Sorcha and Jana hand our three large plates (for humans) to each of them.
Sorcha says "dig in",
Victor, Galen, and Renny bow their heads and pray to thank God and their hosts for the food. Sorcha's kinda of embarrassed, Titans are kind of all over the map with religion, all three of these men are Christian Victor and Galen are New Avalon Catholics while Renny is a Lutheran all do follow the unfinished book movement.
Victor, Galen, and Renny note their buggers are closer to very large sausage or hot dog shaped sandwiches rather than the typical circular bun.
Sorcha shyly smirks "sorry everything was Titan-sized..."
Victor knows Sorcha's going to be nervous because it's him, let alone her first jaunt into diplomacy smiles with compassion "it's ok, there was no way we could of feed both of you with what we have on hand, the geometry of buns isn't important." Everyone having heard enough of 'Human' speech laughs. Victor smiles somewhat more seriously while slowly shaking his fist a Galen "the foodstuff, kind, the grain foodstuff kind..." he laughs himself.
Sorcha smiles gently down at him, Jana swears she feels something shift in Sorcha when she's around Victor, it's nice when she isn't trying to overcorrect.
Sorcha "well ah, yes the bread, bread we cut it as best as we could to be in proportion to your size..." she turns away as she 'brushes' her hair "like our dress it wasn't the most considered thing which being half Titan my focus..." she feels a gentle caring touch on her pinkie
Victor "it's ok, Lady Freeman, you are new to all this and thought it might sound self-promoting I think you are doing quite well."
Jana sees Naskia's smile in her daughter, not just any smile, the smile when she's near her husband Naill and he's paid her a compliment or told her a joke that brings her joy. Both Renny and Galen pick up on it,
Galen "so you have actual Titan size cows?"
Sorcha shakes it off a bit "what",
Galen smiles "so you have actual Titan size cows?"
Sorcha shyly smirks "not as such, genetically they would be closer to deer, but with..." Sorcha takes 15 minutes telling the story of 'beef' in the Titan world. Jana is a bit bored, but Victor, Galen, and Renny enjoyed the story (if it was a bit long...) if Jana's instincts aren't off she thinks Victor enjoyed it the most... she hasn't seen Sorcha smile so much since she boarded her ship.
Victor smiles "well Lady Freeman that was very interesting, thank you. So how was..."
The conversation becomes friendly and personal as Victor asks how her trip was, whats her impression of the inner sphere force, whats her degrees in, about her childhood, he doesn't pry just asks. Sorcha asks the same, both are over-achievers, Victor would say Sorcha is likely smarter than he, but he's finally almost finished putting the chip on his shoulder away, Sorcha has just started to. Sorcha is surprised by the Archon-Prince, she can tell he never wanted the job, but he will do his utmost cause he can't run from it. He's the first person outside her circle of friends to be nearly as bright as she is, he's charming but in a very nice gentlemanly way. She likes his smile, his eyes, when he doesn't have a stick up his but and when that happens he is very cute! Sorcha keeps the alcohol consumption down their "beer" is more sipped then drunk by all. Toward the end of dinner, she is averting her eyes more and more as she finds herself liking the small man with a big heart she's liaising with.
They chit-chat as they finish the meal. Sorcha looks a bit guilty as she gets a second burger for her, anywhere between 10-30% of Victor, Renny and Galen's meal is left as they plate it for snacks later.
Sorcha, as she bites into it, smiles "I am a bit bigger and my muscles are a touch denser then Jana's, so I need a bit more." Her eyes pleading that she hasn't made faux puas.
As the eating ends for everyone but Sorcha,
Victor states "dinner was quite delicious if we hadn't had a large lunch before we would be asking for seconds as well. Since you do have human musculature..."
Sorcha's eyes widen and brighten he's already read up on Hybrids??? Victor nods as if to answer her question and continues with a beaming smile "you are in need of a bit more nutrition then 'full' Titans such as Jana."
Sorcha finishes chewing and says "if you give me five minutes we can discuss my duties and what you need from me." she says with a sheepish yet sly grin.
As the dinner ends Victor asks "is there anything you need from us to be more comfortable or effective"
Sorcha almost modestly says "No, but it seems you need food and water, what would feed a company of our soldiers for a week would likely feed your entire fleet for a month, I can put in the request",
Victor "please do, Thank you Lady Freeman",
Sorcha blushes for the 100th time "I am just Sorcha, your highness",
Victor grinning sarcastically "please Field Marshal will work just fine" as everyone laughs but Sorcha, Victor touches her pinkee "it's a joke, call me Victor, my friends do",
Sorcha giggles "ok, Victor, well the night was very informative if a bit informal, next time I will be better attired and have a more appropriate meal",
Victor smiles happily "please don't I do enough of those, like four months Galen?",
Galen Smirks "closer to six",
Victor continues "nearly six months of those things a year, where nobles who haven't done a damn thing since their ancestor got the bloody title talk down to those without their titles and dress up. Sorcha, I would rather dress down and talk with folks like you any day with a good normal meal then endure a day with those 'nobles'" Sorcha is pleasantly chuckling she really likes this prince if he wasn't a prince and if he didn't already have a princess...
Jana, as the clean up ends "you were the leader of that work crew, weren't you" she says with a knowing smile.
Galen looks around "who me?",
Jana puts her palm softly in front of him "yes you, you know you are quite cute."
Galen smiles charmingly "I thought handsome would be a better descriptor."
Jana very impressed at how he's handling being flirted with by someone 19 times his height "you Davions don't know fear do you?"
Galen smiles "I am actually a subject of the Stieners, but neither of us has much fear for physical danger to ourselves, as military we fear for our comrades much more."
Jana grins "you know I am 'military as well?" Galen smirks and nods, Jana "I would like to you tour my ship if all goes well you may tour the pilot."
Galen for a moment is taken slightly aback, but as Jana continues her cutely predatory smile he nods "I think I would enjoy both..."
Jana, as she brings her hand between her breasts, smiles down "I have no doubt you will Galen..."
They say their goodbyes, Galen takes Jana up on a 'tour' of her ship, Sorcha thinks he's going to get a tour of the pilot as well, they really hit it off. Sorcha would report what happened to her mom, who would forward to Uncle Aertimus, she thinks of it as a rough draft final paper concept.
23 days since misjump ISS Gyfjon
Communication room, Naskia sees her daughter "Tuppy how are things", the quiet tugging of a smile means things are quite well.
Sorcha "I am a miserable diplomat, I was in the wrong clothes, served the wrong food...",
Naskia "Tuppy from what you sent me it looks like you have good information that we can help them with food and drink",
Sorcha "yeah, but mom that's easy",
Naskia "and it's not even your first day, so how is this prince, Victor",
Sorcha "he's ok",
Naskia "oh really" watching her daughter fidget like that when she was with Ryan and Joseph (Naskia tried to keep her face calm, Joseph might have been the one for her baby, but he died saving her and Alesia, she couldn't fault Victor he was trying to save them as well, and he did finish the monster know as Myrell). A faint smile comes across Sorcha's face, the first sign of joy Naskia's seen on her face since this ordeal took Joseph Archer-Mavoy "he's not what I expected, he's a normal guy" she gushes "with a 170 IQ and a bit of a Napoleon complex, but he keeps that under control" kinda of cry-laughing.
Naskia "he's is very small dear" she chuckles,
Sorcha nods "his heart is very big though, he told me he never wanted to Archon-Prince that he does it so 'someone' worse who wants it won't hurt his people." Naskia smiles at her baby, she is infatuated with Victor, she might even have begun to fall for him, she nods for her to continue, Sorcha broadly smile without even knowing it "his top two aides are 'peasants' Galen Cox got the job for punching him out, calling him an entitled dumb ass and evacuating him from a battle with the odds against him so far that it would have Aise...Felltree (keeping the Kayfabe) desperately trying for a minimal loss"
Naskia smirks "so the heir to a 900 world empire promotes the guy who knocks him senseless",
Sorcha beams "bit more complex, out the academy they posted him as Kommandt, highest of the lower officers in their Armed Forces, that was because he was a Royal, he resented it, he knew he should have been a Lieutenant like all the other graduates, the lowest officer rank",
Naskia smiles "so I gathered Tuppy",
Sorcha "well his dad, more on him later don't know if I like him or he's a warmonger" Sorcha smirks hearing just the little bit on Hanse Davion Victor's father has her knowing the man, like his son, is a complex and rich character. Victor is very much bad news first so Sorcha guesses the more she hears the better he will be, but the one thing that skews things in his favor is his establishment of the New Avalon Institute of Science.
Sorcha continues "well they have Royal houses, Victor is from the strongest economy-Steiner, and Military-Davion, the seedy thing for Hanse is he went to war with another house, I haven't got the whole story, but that other house Liao, which is odd since another good friend of Victor has the last name Allard-Liao... seems to have done something to Hanse and another that had Hanse Davion plotting revenge for what two titan years"
Naskia "that's a long time for a human"
Sorcha "yes it is, but he CRUSHED the Liao, he could have taken their entire state, but he left a bit for Kai's mom, Grand Duchess Candace Allard-Liao and a rump. Again not sure on his dad, Though Felltree and Marionette would probably have to at their best to take him in Tol-Bot. His mom seems very sweet and loving, from the brief videos and pictures she's charismatic as all hell, she tames Hanse's warmongering and forces him to focus on development. But the next strongest set Hohiro Kurita",
Naskia interrupts "another of his friends?",
Sorcha smiles her eyes gleaming "yeah their houses have been at each other's throats for even Titan centuries, but Victor was posted to a backwater cause Hohiro was, their fight the families had decided were to occur when each of them were to take power..."
Sorcha goes over the technologically advance warrior clans and how none were ready for them, but how Victor managed to devise and develop a large part of the defensive and later offensive strategy against them (Victor would say he came up with a few ideas that were roughly parallel with what others had reached, she knew better, she could tell by the tone of his aides voices he reached most of them and more first, and his aides especially Galen felt no compunction in kicking his ass if needed), How Bulldog was mostly his baby after the trap his sister had laid for him at Coventry (Sorcha only knowing Victor for a short time, may just have to kick his younger sister's but)."
Naskia "sister?",
Sorcha "yeah need more information, seems she tried to kill Hanse and Melissa, Melissa is Victor's mom",
Naskia smirks "he told you this", Sorcha rolls her eyes and goes on "NO!, just things about how his dad's medicine has to be adjusted, and how flowers arrangements had to be scanned..."
Naskia frowns "so you picked up on non-verbal and verbal cues on your own how would you father put it 'Sleuthing'",
Sorcha nods "there is a definite change in all three men, Victor the most when they speak on Katherine, they are definitely hiding something." she smiles showing off her vast learning and reasoning abilities
Sorcha "So anyway Victor ends up saving Hohiro, even though he couldn't communicate with Omi, the price he paid to do them a favor."
Naskia looks horrified "They knew how they loved each other and still cut him off after he saved their heir"
Sorcha can feel the rage building in her mother "Her grandfather, arranged it for them to communicate again, Hohiro and Victor went from being foes to friends, with a bit of help from Hohiro's Sister Omi"
Naskia is impressed her daughter remembers all this, she does LIKE Victor a good deal or she wouldn't have gone into this much detail as her daughter continues "he got the other houses to form a 'Star League', named after the same government in which they hit their heights of tech and development, and he and the Precentor Martial were chosen to head up the Taskforce to drive the worst of the clans from his Finance's realm" Naskia notes Sorcha begins to lose a bit of confidence "then they miss jumped, but Cox, Galen's family name is trusted by Victor more then, anyone cause he would correct him by any means, he would make sure Victor's subjects would be getting the best out of Victor and if he's wrong Galen would kick his ass and Victor would thank him for it" Sorcha smirks a bit rambling, but she did get to the point eventually.
Naskia "that's a lot of information, Tuppy, though not much on Omi",
Sorcha gulps Victor did go into some detail on Omiko Kurita, but... "it's in the report mom!" she states curtly and with a bit of anger,
Naskia smirks to herself it's all she needs to know "So you will be able to work with them", Sorcha nods happily "yes, I don't foresee any huge..."another voice sounds like Jana's "yes Galen, yes, RIGHT THERE OH THE EMPEROR, THATS GOOD LITTLE ONE, OHH, MMMPH", Naskia and Sorcha break out into giggles,
Naskia "it seems Galen isn't only good for advising Victor, it seems he's helping Jana plot her way to the 'stars'",
Sorcha "I told her on the way humans are amazing at what they can accomplish, I guess..." "URRGGHH, GALEN, OHH, OHH, OOOHHH" and then they hear in the background the several hundred tons of Jana crashing down "are you all right little one, oh, you were masterful", Mother and daughter can envision how Jana is lovingly holding Galen now as each have done so with humans during Marriage for Naskia and dating for Sorcha as she continues "she's found out" as they laugh uncontrollably for minute or so.
Naskia "please ensure Jana has her contraceptive implants active, evidentially these Innersphere human are genetically different from ours, they share more of our DNA and are likely fertile with either 'local' human or Titan." Naskia seems to be holding something back,
Sorcha "there's more, you and dad?', Naskia nods, "I am going to be a..." tearing up happily,
Naskia nods "a Big Sister, you're going to have a baby brother in about six months!!!".
Sorcha forgetting for just a second how big she is and how loud her voice can be, yells "That's Great mom I am happy for you and dad" Within moments a half-dressed Jana and Galen rush to see if she's ok, and her voice reverberates through both ships.
Victor arrives with Renny chuckling at Galen a bit and whispering to him "first contact went well?", Galen smirks and gives a thumbs up, Victor "Sorcha are you well?"
She's embarrassed "ah, yeah, sorry",
Victor smiles "it's ok, just remind us if you can sing we don't need to set up a sound system", Naskia can be heard Chuckling, Victor goes to the monitor "Ms., Er Dr. Right", Naskia nods "Dr. Freeman thank you for allowing your daughter to liaison with us, she is extraordinarily bright, charming and full of good ideas, I could not ask for a better partner from your side of this", Sorcha blushes,
her mother nods "Tuppy is a very good and bright woman Prince.." Victor cuts her off "as she is my friend I hope I can extend my friendship to you as well",
Naskia nods "please my friends call me Victor or your nickname Shortcake if you will, I didn't ask to the Archon-Prince I just want to the best I can in my families business so that others may prosper."
Naskia nods "Victor I doubt you will find a better woman then my baby, but I am biased",
Victor nods "as all mothers are, even mine, congratulations on your new little one, if we are still around I would be more then happy to see him" after making sure the very red Sorcha is ok other then embarrassment, and that Jana hasn't been scared off the three leave.
Naskia "he's adorable!!! much more polite than your father, but in his league intellectually."
Sorcha "mom, he's kind of spoken for..."
Naskia "I know but still if she wasn't there, well that's enough, I will hear from you soon and tell Shortcake to be good to my daughter."
Sorcha laughs and moans "bye mom!"
As the line close Naskia smirks her daughter has just in her own way admitted an interest in a downright adorable, smart and decent man, shame she is years too late in trying to claim his heart, but both will learn and can be good friends.
Niall "so everything is ok with our babies? er, baby?",
Naskia smiles "yes, Sweetie, now let's look over all that tech your daughter sent us and see where we can advance ourselves and help all you humans fill out your tech tree"
Niall "your saying we're impatient and hop from one thing to the other",
Naskia places her hand beside him, he gets on and she nuzzles him "you already said it, sweetie, now well do a longish day for you of 12 hours, then some martial sex, then you sleep and I will have summaries ready for you so we can complete a titan work day, more martial sex, eat, then I sleep and you have your summaries ready for me, that work?"
Niall "aye Petal" as he hugs her lips and goes over the reactor specs "genius with materials, the design is awesome, what anti-matter too dangerous!!! Dark Matter to unstable, Dark energy the worst of the three. Oh well, simple basic Fusion worked for them."
Naskia "they make huge leaps, then ignore all the applications! either to dangerous, to costly, all ways of saying would take to much time and what we have works, I can see four ways of making their jump drive better, it's simple, effective, genius really makes our warp gates and drives seem ponderous for energy to speed ratio, I mean it gains enough power to work from a simple polymer collector, they don't need anti-matter or better their energy efficiency is awesome."
Niall "I see three, what around 100 TLY?"
Naskia smiles "yeah about 635 of your light years, easy, and thought you would only see the one that needed the biggest energy budget, Sweetie I have trained you well" she kisses him,
Niall "aye but do you see the big breakthrough the one you can jump anywhere in the universe for twice the current energy budget?"
Naskia, looks, and looks, Niall sees she gets close a couple of time, and he points it out "there", Naskia, "dang it I was close", Niall "you were Petal, and a month or so you would have had it and the cooling system it's going to need which I am still trying to get my arms around, but as you have trained me I have trained you."
Each continues to read and bounce ideas off each other, it would sound dry and boring to anyone else but for them it is one of the truest expressions of their love, Naskia provides the base and support, she finds all the good that can milked from the discovery, Niall pushes through makes new discoveries and drives beyond each making the other better, each improving and filling out what they know, in a sense they are making love through their knowledge, bind closer in their pursuit of fact, and loving just being together as Niall kiss her fingernails while she move the page on her tablet caressing