Chapter Seven,
Personal Maneuvers
In under one of your days troops from my universe, one without Titans have inflicted defeats upon the Insectoids as they have NEVER known. My Husband to be, my Brother, the Precentor Martial of Comstar and my Good Friend Kai Allard-Liao have fought as we've always fought with great tenacity, intelligence and a bit of ruthlessness. Having seen this you still have the audacity to consider my kin and I pets?!?!- Omiko Kurita addressing a protest on Donia
Enroute to Donia on ISS Traveler two hours prior to Liason conversation with Sorcha
Omi smiled to herself, it was a long conversation with Aertimus, Naskia and the newly introduced Antero. Since she had liaisoned with them and the Titans had asked her to help them determine who would be liaisoning with Bulldog. They wanted Navarchos Aertimus Bass as senior officer to be the liaison with Bulldog.
Omi had other ideas "You are limiting yourself, Victor will not trust a naval officer or any military with the possible exception of your prince."
Prince Antero "I thought Victor was averse to titles and trading on benefits granted him by his birth."
Omi smiles "he is as are you, but as a ground force commander and the heir apparent your time when your forces gear up..." Omi keeps her smirk to herself knowing the war will be if not won, very, very close to being won before the Titans are involved in combat operations "is limited, Eryn though acceptable is working with Earth as your ambassador to that world and we deem that to be more important, perhaps either of the Freemans."
Omi almost gives up the game as Naskia and Niall look at the other like she's nuts, Aertimus looks at Omi and then Niall and barely hides the what the hell look. Though Naskia has a better temperament than her husband, she would likely be a worse disaster. She would try to mother the entire task force causing no end of minor damage and annoying bits of hilarity at Naskia's attempts to scale down her actions to fit a much smaller world and people, he's not sure even the holographs could save Bulldog from the gentle Naskia.
Omi shrugs "there is always their daughter Sorcha is it..."
Naskia meekly states "she kinda of wished you to die..."
Omi beams "that was before she meet me and we had a good conversation on it, I know she meant nothing by it"
Antero "she has no experience in liaisoning"
Omi "wasn't she running the construction and organization of Tau Ceti with far too few resources and way too many refugees?"
Niall nods with some paternal pride "That my daughter did and did well."
Omi persuasively says "Victor respects those that can accomplish without complaint what others would say is impossible as do I."
Antero "well I wouldn't say she didn't complain after issues arose...
Omi smiles "she adjusted and realized what had to happen." Omi knew she had won when Naill and Naskia were smiling without knowing it, while Aertimus seemed at least neutralized in any criticism of his niece.
Antero felt cornered by her as he states "we'll offer it and see what happens..." Omi nods "any other will be receiving reports with less information then you will get from your news services..." All the Titans looked sufficiently cowed as they had been walked exactly where Omi wanted them. The communication ends, the 'offer' would be made, it would be one that Sorcha couldn't refuse...
If they had known a good part of why she was pushing for Sorcha was due to her dreams, well that was better not known... Though all the points in her favor were valid and would help her with Victor and herself. If anything happened to her and Kitsune, well Victor needed a strong mate and if the cup she increasingly sees coming to her does reach her Victor will need Sorcha. Omi shakes herself and prepares for bed until it happens she has been blessed well beyond most women and she will love her one, her Victor forever even if the worst happens...
ISS Gyfjon two hours later
Sorcha hears the reports from the war zone, It would have taken the Imperial military at least a year to spin up, and months of differing before they would have hit a target as large as a fortress world, Bulldog has hit 9 of the 11 all in under two Titan Weeks. Uncle Aertimus was tentatively scheduled to Liason with Archon-Prince Victor, The Field Marshal is hesitant to have a Military Titan liaison and he knows humans have little power, so Aertimus knows if Omi's 'request' is refused by her, he's going to be parked in a cargo dropship or bay and receive heavily redacted reports while Bulldog goes from jump to jump.
She enters the bridge of the Gyfjon and notes that Gwenn, her mother, and Aertimus look at her with certain expectations...
Sorcha "oh NO, your not saddle me to that pipsqueak" as she thinks as adorable as he may be, and he's all but married,
Izzy "what happened to we're all equals",
Sorcha "we are, but he's too small I will never hear him, and how am I suppose to stay with him, I am so big I will break his ship...".
Niall smirks his daughter is smiling and looking at her shoes, a sure sign she's infatuated "Well we can always get one of Rhionne's kids they are both Royals and hybrids",
Gwenn "I am sure the Prince can communicate to his sister to see if one of her children wishes to be involved in some high-level diplomacy, you know make a big impact..."
Prince Antero "I am sure Rhionne, Daz and Pierce would be overjoyed at having a son, or daughter Liason with a human task force, it would likely be a daughter since the Royal family tries to balance things out, you know with me serving as a ground force commander, but..."
Sorcha smirks and shakes her head "I would hate to have such an imposition place on your family your highness",
Prince Antero "think nothing of it, we exist to serve and it will be a good experience, you can have a break and then you can get back to the building anew of Tau Ceti."
Sorcha "No it's not fair to take your niece out from school and it's more then a internship, from what we have seen in the last 84 hours the Inner Sphere is proficient, Skilled and Ruthless, we can't have a person new to the scene show up and not be ran circles around by them, the rest of the empire might think humans aren't as bright as Titans but we know better and they'll out-maneuver a novice."
Lem twists the knife "so you are asking us to consider you as a liaison?"
Sorcha "well, ah, um"
Niall "it sounds like she is, that a girl daughter",
Sorcha "well, dad, it's just that",
Aertimus "my niece getting involved in military and international relations, Niall, it brings a tear to the eye doesn't",
Niall "it does Aertimus it does",
Naskia gets a bit involved "Tuppy while your there can you speak with this Doctor Banzai, the man's a genius on your father's level",
Niall "well almost Petal, almost",
Naskia kiss him on the head "sure thing sweetie".
Sorcha "FINE, wheres my shuttle and when do I need to be on it."
Prince Antero "the royal house thanks you for doing this Dr. Freeman" Sorcha almost cuts him off, but her control of her temper has vastly improved "if it goes well we will be indebted to you."
Gwenn "you have 40 hours, by then their 'bombardment' of the planet will be irreversible, say hi to the cute prince for us."
Naskia and Aertimus laugh, everyone else chuckles.
Sorcha "I will be resting and packing until then" as she leaves.
Naskia smiles at Niall "I think she likes him" she whispers,
Niall nods "yeap the first human since Ryan, and may have had permanence as well if he didn't have Omi",
Naskia nods sadly "well she will do what she always does learn, and she's got a big enough heart to be happy for Victor and Omi",
Niall nods "when she finally figures out she likes him, which could take her a titan year".
Naskia nods "once she's gone you and I have your punishment to dole out".
Niall "I was hoping you would have forgotten it..." Naskia shake her head "nope",
Niall "so do I want to know what its...",
Naskia beams "Shaar and Tupp! as I implied before..."
Niall groans "I am a bit old for that Petal",
Naskia "no you can lose just as well as you could when you were a younger man"
she says with a loving predatory grin,
Niall "I could be hurt, maimed even",
Naskia "Sweetie I would never allow harm to come to my PET" she says with a special emphasis,
Niall gulps "so I should have some implants deactivated...",
Naskia takes in a sensual breath "or I could do it after I have 'caught' you" as she exhales quite sultry manner. Niall finds himself be ever more aroused than normal as she is quite stealthy for a being her size placed her breasts on either side of him and has maneuvered so that her cleavage just touches his sides.
Niall "you know you flashing your boobs isn't fair Petal".
Naskia with great joy nods "it isn't, but it is fun sweetie" as she scoops him up for his punishment she places between her breasts as she walks to her cabin for his punishment, the walk morphs increasingly to a happy skip as she gets closer to her cabin...
Diona 21 days since misjump
Omi disembarks from the DCS Lotus Petal and is greeted by the largest Titan she has seen yet. Aezhay Maris with her husband Thurfrit is at the landing pad with what few imperial troops have landed and what appears to be the bulk of pro-human security forces in the province.
Aezhay "from what we have been told you are from another universe and have kept yourself busy."
Omi "it has been a very full couple of days."
Thurfrit smirks "to you and I but to my love Aezhay it hasn't even been a full day since we heard you were coming."
Aezhay still blushes when her husband expresses his love for her "Well, different worlds of origin different sleep schedules. We have about 20 hours before the next protest so we'll take you to our lodgings and let you rest if that works."
Omi nods "yes, that will be fine" as she notes just how in love she and her husband are, after children and her mate being a pet it is a remarkably stable and loving relationship at first glance. She smiles maybe there is hope for Titans yet...
Omi is taken to the equivalent of a good holiday inn, she is a touch distressed by the coarseness of the bedding, the mediocre level of the food. However, as tired as she is and in the way that she is even being in a three-star hotel won't stop Omi from getting the sleep she needs. When she wakes up she prepares herself for a march, she basically rides with Thurfit observing the first two days. She may be observing but her dress and manner delineate her from the rest of the protestors.
Two days later
Omi after waking up, and morning hygiene links up with the Aenur foundation protesters, this being her third day on Donia,
Aezhay Maris smirks at her "Why do you combine Victor's family symbology with yours, everything you ware, every day?" somewhat knowing answer.
Omi beams "cause I know as our souls are one our families shall be. We Kurtians have a lot to repent, we are like you Titans in that, though we are more than a touch worse."
Aezhay with a bit of a frown"go on",
Omi "the Kentares Massacre, the occupation of Robinson, New Ivaarsen are all wrongs my family has inflicted on his, the way we exploited his ancestor Mary Davion's children, despicably denied them knowledge of their Davion heritage, the oppression of our own people. If not for what my father has done and what my brother is doing I would not even be worthy to be Victor's friend let alone be worthy of his love..."
Aezhay nods "We Titans have a lot to answer for as well, but your successor wars, and your house's Massacre on Kentares. I am sorry Omi, but what your ancestors have done in 40, I mean 40 of my years, what that's 250 of your years"
Omi is now only "slightly" shocked by the lifespans of these Titans as Aezhay goes on "it's nearly if not as bad as what we've been doing to your kin for a 1,000 of our years." Omi nods "that's why while I am supporting my kin, I am video recording an apology to the entire Innersphere and Federated Commonwealth for the crimes we committed. My life in my homeland will be over once it's been released, my family must disown me and many powerful organizations will do their utmost to kill me"
Thurfrit Maris ponders his wife and Omi's conversation, both ladies notice him thinking, he smirks "then why do it? Victor loves you regardless, try to address the sins you are responsible for and be the best wife you can be for him."
Omi shakes her head "that may work for you and Aezhay, but he has entire political districts that would revolt and my nation may have warlords that would invade his."
Thurfrit "you aren't in that reality anymore...",
Omi nods "and as upside down as this one Victor and I may find happiness, but we still have our Giri, our duty to return and lead our peoples not because we are the best, but because there are much, much worse" she points to the block banner and Cesil's portrait "when you are safe, our scientists with Victor's New Avalon Institute of Science and Nagelring staff" Aezhay feels her feet shuffle "all under the Doctors Banzai will find a way back for us."
Aezhay "is he the one who suggested using chemical weapons and planetary bombardment like what you did to yourself during your first and second succession wars?"
Omi nods "and as you did with a number of your foes, I believe your sister schooled her best friend on orbital bombardment when she found him" she says with a coy smile and silently thanks Banzai's hacking abilities, ISF's questioning and the reasonably open nature of the Maris family as well as the tribe.
Aezhay backs off "yeah we done it as well, and Victor said it would be a war to the knife at current he doesn't seem to be joking."
Omi nods "when someone wishes to exterminate you, you can not hold back and hope, you must do what is required and hope wisdom finally reaches them before it is too late." Thurfrit and Aezhay smirk and nod.
There are a couple hundred thousand protesters, Ler, Dunnermac, Avartle, Titan and Human, the march begins over three Terran weeks after Bulldog misjumped into this universe and time. There is a feeling of hope that the demonstrators have, the human task force seems to have the insectoid threat in hand, the imperial armed forces should be able to mobilize and handle the revolting province. Then maybe a new vote can be held on human emancipation and suffrage.
FCS Yggdrasil high orbit above Insectoid fortress world 5
FCS Fox and FCS Intrepid use the carbon fiber net and weight offsets to slowly ensnare astroid B.125.C.12 it's 15 miles in diameter and is mostly nickel-iron, when it hits Fortress world 5 it will leave a mark. Slow constant acceleration, use its gravity and the gravity of the Foxes to pull in other asteroids as well, even now there is a tightening swirl of 18 such asteroids and thousands of lesser ones baring down on Fortress world 5. The Tugs, other warships, and large cargo dropships are being used as gravity wells to maneuver the asteroids into a decaying orbit, the continued and non-stop bombardment will at least sterilize the world, but more likely crack it like an egg over time.
As the chain forms the gravity of Fortress world 5 with all the new asteroids in a decaying orbit draw in more debris, to include two massive 30-mile diameter Water carbon Comets. NAIS projects that just the 'push' items would be enough to end Fortress world 5, they had a list of probabilities of various objects that would 'join' their crusade to end this world, one of the comets was rated at above 98%, that both would be 39.98%, and they were the largest items in the system that could. In the next several days the orbit of Fortress world 5 new rings will continue to compress and then one hour a large asteroid will break through the polluted atmosphere, then another, then a massive one until the world can take no more and breaks up into a billion fragments itself...
FCS Cincinnatus outbound from Insectoid redoubt to FCS Yggdrasil
Victor's 10th Lyran Guards have again led the offensive in the core, a couple wounded, mostly armor plate and expended ammunition were his losses.
Dr. B. Banzai from FCS Yggdrasil" how did the mark two chemicals work Highness",
Victor smirks "damn effective, we have the resources to make more?",
Banzai smiles "plenty from the remains of insectoids themselves and their outposts, depending on how the asteroids hit we may have enough from just this remnants of this world to keep us going through the entire campaign".
Victor "and our Ether and muscle relaxants?",
Banzai winces "a bit harder though Ridgemont has our numbers along with other proposals",
Victor winces at that he doesn't want Earth involved in what may be his second war, he would like to keep them neutral and supply both sides, get a bit of a boot-strap from both sides. He isn't sure he can pull it off, worst case they can late declare for the Titans and half ass support them. It was his goal to be back in his universe after the insectoids were dealt with. Having Earth bond to a military task force that was transitory was a bad idea, they had to have a fallback position.
Renny brings in some coffee Victor grins "thanks Renny", Renny "so boss what 40 hours?",
Victor nods, "we'll be on the Yggdrasil to see it, we haven't done anything remotely like this since the first succession war",
Renny shrugs "doesn't feel right does it",
Victor shrugs "they were going to not only kill but torturously execute all of humanity",
Renny holds up his hand "we've done more than what's required we gave them 12 hours before we started and the lines of communication have been open ever since, all we've got is a F*ck off from them. Still Highness it doesn't feel right us being the heirs of Arthur, Charlemagne, and Barbarossa."
Victor glumly nods "it's a war to the knife until they even start to communicate anything other then f*ck off we have to play this for keeps." Renny frowns "I still don't like it", Victor nods "nor do I" as they watch five 10+ miles in diameter asteroids head toward the world they just left...
38 hours later
ISS Wayfair
Whereas Omi has taken a downshift in her accommodations, Sorcha has been getting upgrades. First from a prefab command center, to guest suite on the ISS Gyfjon to what is roughly a luxury shuttle for Caucus leaders or cabinet minister on vacation. The ISS Wayfair can easily accommodate four Titans in comfort along with the crew. The storage and refrigeration areas are stocked with the finest quality foods and drinks (no hard Alcohol, and no Titan soda since she was to be coordinating, not partying with the inner sphere forces!), the coach in the lounge was nice enough to be her primary bed, and her quarters were borderline 'ROYAL'. Sorcha felt guilty at having all these nice things while Alesia, Imperail and Earth troops were all living in compartive squalor while rebuilding the mess she had made.
While Sorcha beat herself with guilt Senior crew member second class Jana Cotati comes in from the bridge.
Jana "you must be Sorcha Freeman, we have heard lots of good things about you."
Sorcha wants to bite her head off, but restrains "Well I attempt to do my job",
Jana "well..." then she stops, she know Sorcha isn't in the mood for this right now "well let me show you around..."
It is a large Shuttle roughly the size of a large Innersphere Cruiser all to carry six Titans around in luxury. All the rooms are fitted with the latest and best of everything, the beds are large enough so even Aezhay would be comfortable in one, the sheets on them are from Earth, 1200 thread count per inch cotton, no Titan could weave such a fine sheet and undoubtedly on her hybrid or another Titan's body it would be gloriously comfortable. The cost of such comfort; Sorcha guesses the empire could of feed four families, Titan families for the bedding they imported from Earth.
There are in each room a very nice bathroom set, sink of Titan marble, cabinet oak, several soft and harsh lights to ensure the guest has 'their' setting of limunation, a tan marble bathtub, actually more like a hot spa with the latest shower set up. Her room was nearly 15 units by 30 almost enough for a personal shuttle and a garage, along with the massive bed, four huge closets with 'official' clothing already hung along with some printed version of her more casual dress, two nice cherry cabinets and bookcases on either side and a very nice crystal work desk along with a new pad, , and encoder. Sorcha, while she lived out of this shuttle, was living like a princess, lucky her...
Sorcha used her guilt to begin to study Victor and the inner sphere task force. So much war for so little result, the only side that really gained were Victor's families. Each having ruled well in the most part while maintaining at least a decent level of personal freedom and individual liberty. House Steiner the Lyran Commonwealth always seemed to lose worlds but its economy was nearly always booming and growing. While House Davion and the Federated Suns after nearly being destroyed had roared back, taking world after world back, then conquering new ones. It was Victor's father who conquered almost as many worlds as all the empire had during the fourth succession war. So much noble sacrifice and drive wasted on empty throne. Though the Federated Commonwealth seemed to slowly taking Star League's place.
Sorcha smiled when she read about the romantic views nearly every inner sphere citizen and every nation had on the Star League. Technically to justify their fight with the clans they had again unified under the Star League's banner. Sorcha gave a derisive snort, the Confederation by its own writings would never truly rejoin, the Combine even with its current leadership and Omi pushing it was very hard to see and the Free Worlds League needed to be stable before it could join. It was a sweet fantasy and wise strategy but this Star League 2.0 was dead before it was born. If the Humanity of that universe was to be united it would be under the fist and sunburst of the Federated Commonwealth.
Sorcha notes it's getting late, as she prepares to get a snack and go to bed (she would be attempting to meet with Victor tomorrow, God, if there was one only, knows what kind of fiasco that could be) Victor, His mother, even his dad were striving for more self-determination, but in an environment where war was always declared even outfitting 1% of the population to fight was prohibitively expensive for anything else. They had made good progress, but they were still healing the wounds from the second secession war, let alone the first. When her head was clearer she would see the solution and help them as they were helping her. She finishes her snack, cleans up and lays down. As she slept she dreamed of gray-blue eyes and sandy hair...
Sorcha is nervous, she wonders why, Victor is a just an average everyday human, smart and capable, she's been working and living with them for her entire life (21 Titan, 136 Terran years), Victor isn't even five by Titan count. His file is impressive, brilliant in many fields, had some issues with stellar navigation (though he recovered rapidly... Renny Sanderlin 'helped' she wouldn't be surprised his issues were more to make a friend outside of court then actual lack of ability, all those engineering, computer science, and mathematics courses-no issues if he could hack those, he could have hacked Stellar navigation she thinks with a smirk). He has seen losses Trell one (where Galen Cox used his patented 'royal correction' methods, a method Sorcha used often, a nice uppercut... to 'encourage' him to leave the planet) and Alyinia, he had his victories at Twycross (some would say luck and his friend Kai, but Aertimus, Lemm, and others looked his plans and how he adjusted, Kai just made victory easier and less costly), Outreach was hell for him Hohiro Kurita and Kai kind of kicked his ass, and he fell in love with Omi there, but through the hell he patched things up with Hohiro and learned a lot. Enough to bring a single large Battalion to Tienette and rescue his new friend... only to be denied the ability to communicate with Omi... "oh Victor" she says to herself, he was at the front of his troops every chance he had.
Victor's biggest weakness is for his intelligence and ability to learn (and man could he!!!) was that he was a remarkably unremarkable Mech pilot, he was a decent lance leader, good company commander, excellent Battalion commander, borderline invincible at the Regimental level and all but a god of war at levels above that, he could run Sen. Tarsus's empire's logistical needs in his sleep while supplying the imperial military as a day job such was his skill with supplies and logistics.
Sorcha smirked to herself, yes she was nervous, but she shouldn't be, Victor had Omi and it wasn't like he was some celebrity. He was a military officer like her uncle Captian, so what if he was a genius, that he was of good character and a leader of 5 Trillion humans on 900 worlds. Well at least wasn't adorable with those gray-blue eyes and sandy blonde hair...she shakes her head, she's to be an imperial liaison where the empire could help the task force and where the task force could help the empire was to be her focus. The pilot calls over the intercom "we're here"
FCS Yggdrasil
They pick up the Wayfair, it's a bit longer than a Monolith class jump ship and has much more volume, it's transponder announces the ship and who is on it.
Victor shakes his head and smiles and announces to Galen and Renny "it seems the Empire has a sense of humor" as he allows them to read who their liaison is.
Galen has been in close proximity to every meeting with Sorcha besides the battlefield one "Vic, you and her" he chuckles "if you hadn't found Omi, well"
Victor laughs "is a bit too large for me Galen, about 130 feet and over 1,100 tons, not that she's fat, she's very lovely and proportional, but..."
Renny and Galen share a smile "if you didn't have Omi...",
Victor smile "maybe I am always trying for the woman that is impossible",
Galen "Clara Oswald", all three moan,
Renny "no more classic Dr. Who..." Galen Beems "what she's an impossible girl..."
Crewmen Jana Cotati thinks how pretty the FCS Yggdrasil was a well-armed ship of roughly 23 Units in length, her large shuttle only out masses by 3 to 1, but even with her shields, the 'tiny' (to her) weapons would rip through her ship. It would be a death by 1,000 cuts as the Naval PPCs she sees would strip off, or even easily puncture her shields at max (which are nearly as powerful as large warships such as the ISS Xifos), their lasers and autocannons would at least dent and melt the armor and her Phase cannons would barely scrape it Ferro-carbide composite armor though the crew may get a good rattling from the hits. It still wouldn't save her or most Titan ships.
The tactical assessment being complete, she notes it is a much more solid ship then hers, actually more solid then anything the Titans have constructed. Everything even the jump sail is built to survive a battle. That is something in their arrogance Jana admits the Titans like her overlook, yes they want survivability, but not at the cost of a thousand other things. The FCS Yggdrasil would never be a ship of exploration, but as a warship, a Battlecruiser, it would bring honor to its designers and makers and would likely outfight even the Talanis class even being 1/10 its length.
Jana activates auto dock, only for it not work, she overhears on her comms "Imperial ship please vector 20% to starboard"
Jana blinks twice, Manually docking, Sorcha overhears and heads for the co-pilot seat, Jana "what are you doing",
Sorcha smiles "Dad taught me how to dock manually before I was ten, something about keeping the family alive when we go on trips..."
Jana smirks "your mom that bad a pilot",
Sorcha grins "you are using pilot and my mother in the same sentence they do not go together" both ladies laugh loudly, as the space traffic controller squawks in "Imperial shuttle is everything ok?",
Sorcha answers "yes we assume there isn't an auto-docking mechanism on your ship",
the control laughs "everyone who flies the lowest end drop-shuttle knows how to dock, why would you burn needed computer power on what you have been trained to do endlessly?"
Sorcha smirks, a very human attitude, one she partially shares "roger traffic control, assume you want our airlock on that large egg looking thing on your docking clamps",
Controller "good call, lining up it well, you have flown before, keep it up" Sorcha being Sorcha shows off and lets inertia dock them. Controller "good job whoever docked that 'ship' glad someone trained you well"
Sorcha smiles and says "yeah my dad did, you won't believe it when you see me but he's human as well."
Jana and Sorcha secure the Shuttle as around 40 Federated Commonwealth engineers and technicians secure the ISS Wayfair from the FCS Yggdrasil side. Within minutes the ships are docked together.
Somehow they managed to get what for a human would be a massive dropship, for Sorcha it's good working space, it's docked and accessible to her shuttle and their cute little battlecruiser (though it along with most of their hardware is quite potent regardless of its smallish size to her at least). The ground crew shows her around, she doesn't pick any of them up and thanks them. If she could have carried them the 30-minute tour would have been over in five, but they were civil and polite and for her to even ask to pick them up right now would be a bit rude and very uncomfortable for them. It was her job to be as unobtrusive as a 142-foot tall woman can be. She wants to set up her holograms, she's able to be their size, her and crew member Jana will at least have it prepared.
Senior Crewmember 2nd class Jana walked around what was to her a decent office space roughly six by six units with eight units of height. It's been scrubbed surgically, they have gone to great lengths to ensure the floors and walls can take serval Titans/Hybrids mass. The color they choose was a light baby blue to paint their space. Overall she likes what they have set up for them, it wasn't easy and they did it rather rapidly, but those things she would expect from humans. Her consideration and appreciation of that work was somewhat unexpected of Titans in her mind. Jana's teal eyes gleamed. She had always thought a bit more of humans than her peers and seeing what the small and industrious beings were capable of only increased their standing in her eyes.
She was no giant by Titan standards, at 114 feet tall she was even smaller and more pixyish then Eryn, well, her chest wasn't (not quite Naskia's but nice Jana thinks large enough to be 'interesting'), but everything else was. Her blonde hair with purple highlights, her thin yet trim arms and waist, she even had slender hips and thighs. She didn't consider herself to be a knock-out, but she was cute and smart and whoever was leading the ground crew seemed to appreciate that...
Jana wasn't sure if those humans in the Empire were ready for citizenship, it wasn't that they weren't capable just that too much time and effort had been invested by Titans in putting them down. She would keep it to herself but she felt national plus was the way to go. It would give Humans time to show what she already knew them to be capable of, and shine a bit of a different light on them then what Titans were use to. Sorcha would almost certainly dislike her from then on and though she agreed with Sorcha, Loona, and the whole pro-human Titans, she just didn't think the Titans themselves were ready. However, she knew the humans from Earth and those from this task force were more than capable and they were 'exotic' enough that Titans could look through less jaded eyes.
Speaking of humans as she makes a final check of their 'office' space, she sees the cute one again, he is looking at her with some intensity. He is definitely the boss of the ground crew, Blonde hair, medium blue eyes (she thinks), nice oval face and square jaw, yeah Jana hoped to see more of this man as he with some humor gives her a half bow and roguish salute and exits 'their' territory.
Sorcha calls the Yggdrasil, "this is imperial liaison Sorcha Freeman, I request an audience with your command, or whom you delegate".
Kommandt Cox "our food stores are a bit limited, we would like to meet for dinner, but about 500 to feed and..."
Sorcha looks at Jana, Jana smiles "we've got enough for one of our months, you want to start to deliver food and drink to the various task groups?"
Sorcha nods and responds to Cox "we have plenty, my crewmate and I will be happy to share, by your clock 1900 for dinner",
Cox smirks that will be fine "in Behemoth we have set up for your workspace?",
Sorcha smile "that will do, have a dining room set adequate for whom you are bringing and my crewmate and I will use our desk and chairs as well",
Cox "sounds great see you at 1900".
Jana looks over to Sorcha, "well my lady lets setup", Sorcha nods as the women begin to occupy their workspace in the pressurized hull of the inner spheres largest dropship.
As they work the asteroids hit the planet, all watch in awe as with every hit the world seems to crack and crumble until the second to last asteroid hits and the sphere just turns to dust and particles, millions of Insectoids are no more, no trace they ever existed... Both Sorcha and Jana are stunned, will the death of a world let the insectoids know they are serious...?"?"