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I wanted to curse at her but it was pointless.  Kara would probably declare I forfeited an action or something.  So instead I pointed at the zombie in the square next to me.  I'd stepped here to shoot it and so shoot it I would.  The sound of dice rolling reached my ears and Kara looked down and gave a shake of her head.  "Sorry.  No dice.  You rolled a one which is a miss."  She giggled at her own pun.  Wonderful.  Our kidnapper thought she was funny.  

I pointed again.  Killing a zombie would be best after all.  Another roll.  "And you have a four!  Hit.  Your arrow sinks into it's flabby tummy.  Alas it's far too fat for your arrows to do much more than get stuck into it.  If only you had a weapon that did two damage instead of one.  Like a hammer."  

Fuck her!  She'd done it again.  Two more wasted actions.  So once again I stepped back a square and called to Brian.  "We need to figure these rules out and fast.  We're losing too many actions.  And I suspect we're not using the best strategy either.  She's making us waste time figuring out the game."  

"She said something about searching.  Someone should try that after getting rid of those zombies."  Brian pointed at Tiffany and the others.  "Lets kill the one with you guys in the room and then try searching and opening that golden door."  

Luck finally shone on us as Tiffany offed the zombie in her first try.   Then she tried pointing at the floor away from the door making a motion like digging.  "Wanna search huh?"  Kara giggled from above.  "Okay.  Hmm...you find a sword.  Not too bad.  Better than your shortsword anyways."  

Tiffany's luck continued again when she successfully opened the golden door.  Looked like there were no special rules for that.  Or maybe it was just for this mission.  No idea.  Apparently while she wanted us to lose Kara was going to abide by the rules if we guessed them correctly.  The question being did she intend to let us live even if we did win?

The new room that opened then spawned another of those fat zombies but Mark had remembered her hammer comment from earlier.  So in he went and our luck continued to shine as he offed the zombie.  The only bad part was as this room wasn't actually part of the map it meant Kara got to pick him up.  And I could see her fingers carressing him as she deposited him in the other room.  I suspected that he was feeling humiliated.  I know I would've in his place.  But the room had some sort of special item in it, an orcish crossbow.  Apparently a higher damage ranged weapon.  Our odds were improving.

The next few turns went really well.  We were able to come up on the other side of the map via the room as it apparently was a secret passage of some sort.  Of course the smooth sailing couldn't continue.

Mark picked up another of those red X's and Kara clapped announcing that he'd leveled up to yellow.  Which meant he would get one extra action each turn.  Which sounded great.  Until we got to the end of the round and we noticed she was putting a lot more zombies on the board than she had prior rounds.  Noticing our concern she grinned.  "Oh yeah, just so you know the higher your level, the more zombies that come out.  It's always based on whoever has the highest level.  So Mark here means yellow level zombies instead of the blue ones you've done til now!"

Then I heard a happy squeal again.  "Ooh, a necromancer just came out from below.  And a new spawn point.  You better hurry and kill it or even more zombies will keep appearing."  Kara pointed at the spawn point back near where we started.  Of course it would be in the most out of the way location.  

Brian looked over at us.  "I think we need to barge up north.  That door in the building above the one we're in has two Xs in it.  Plus we can cross through there to get closer to the other rooms and maybe thin out some of the zombies around us as well.  Plus we need to see where that necromancer is going to move so we can head towards it. "

I then looked at Mark after we all agreed with Brian's plan.  "So no killing anything except those fat zombies until we level up.  The last thing we need is for you to get to level 3 while we're still level 1.  I can only imagine the size of the swarms then."  
And with that we had a plan.  We moved up and soon were slaughtering our way through zombies.  Honestly for a little bit I think I forgot about our situation as things were going so well.  We opened up the new house and watched as a veritable horde of zombies appeared in it.  It turned out that every single room in the house was connected.  With a total of nine spawning points.  Each time she put more down it looked ever worse.  

Then Kara's smile grew wider and I knew we were in trouble.  She reached over and picked up the biggest figure we'd seen yet, standing almost half again as tall as us and placed it in one of the far left rooms.  Luckily not right next to us.  "And there's the abomination.  Now you guy have access to everything you need to kill.  Good job!  Get the necromancer.  Get the abomination, get the red Xs and you win!"  

I looked back at the others.  "The abomination can't be that easy to kill.  She was smiling too much.  Bet you there's some secret to taking it out like with the fat zombies and she's hoping to screw us over again."   Brian nodded in agreement.  "Lets get the Xs and the necromancer first while avoiding that thing.  Then we can see what we can do to it.  Hell, maybe that's what we need to kill it."  

We decided that we'd split up.  Three of us going for the upper red X.  Three of us thinning out the zombies and seeing where the necromancer went so we could kill it.  Kara had mentioned extra spawns while it was around so we needed to defeat it.  

Clearing the first room was easy.  And necessary as it had two of those fast zombies.  Brian and Jeromy ended up in there with the remaining four of us stuck just outside after killing the zombies on the road.  Nobody went further up as there were four of the slow zombies in the next room. It'd be easier to let them come to us so we could kill them.  


As expected she moved each group of zombies one square closer to us.  The group of four ended up in Brian and Jeromy's spots but they weren't going to attack as only the running ones got to both move and attack.

Kara then started drawing cards for the next round of spawns.  "Ooh."  I did not like that almost happy inflection to her voice.  "Extra activation for all the walkers!"   I turned to Brian and Jeromy as I heard the ominous pronouncement from above.  "You guys have four wounds to take.  And no armor.  And poor Brian already has a wound.   So no way for you both to survive."

I stared in horror as Kara reached down and wrapped her left hand around the two of them, lifting them up into the sky in front of her face before opening her palm so she could stare at them both.  "Luckily you can give all five wounds to just one of you thus saving your friend.  So who's it going to be?  Who is going to die so the other may live.  If you guys don't chose I'm going to choose for you.  And if I choose one of you will be at two wounds and the other still dead so it might just be better for you to decide.  

Kara continued to stare at them, smiling as her tongue poked out of her mouth and slid along her upper lip and then her lower one.  "Clock is ticking.   Here let's use this as a timer."  Kara walked over to the shelf where she had all the animal memorabilia before coming back to us and plopping down an hour glass.  "It has sixty seconds.  Decide before the sand runs out."  With that she turned it over and I watched as a small white stream started pouring out of it.

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