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Once Filburt and Hutchison had finally returned everything back to its right place and completely passed out together on the former's bed from sheer sexual exhaustion, Rocko and Heffer got out their video camera and plugged it right into the latter's central control computer, with pretty obviously malicious intent if I do say so myself.

"Alright, the recording's officially saved onto this computer now, so if we just download it onto my digital video camera via USB like SO..." Rocko began monologuing as he typed and typed away on Hutchison's brain keyboard, searching frantically for the new video file that the two of them had just created in her memory banks.

"You know, this type of stuff REALLY shouldn't be existing to this extent in the nine-"

"SHH!" Rocko loudly shushed Heffer, slapping his left hand over his mouth to silence him while sorting through a whole myriad of traumatic childhood memories with his right.

"Alright, so here's all of the countless times she was raped and molested by her parents whilst growing up...that one time when she literally got her entire right hand cut off by her parents just because she was caught fingering herself with it...the countless members of the Kankerous Koala Klan that she's ended up having to kill in self-defense with the help OF her hand hook in order to avoid being raped AND burned at the stake by them...ah, here we go, our new voyeuristic sex tape between her and Filburt!" Rocko laughed rather uncharacteristically cold-heartedly (despite the fact that he was actually emotionally DEVASTATED beyond belief on the inside) as he excitedly clicked on the aforementioned sex-tape file and hit the DOWNLOAD TO CAMERA command.

"So I guess that video's IN the camera now?" Heffer asked confusedly, scratching his head.

"Yep, it sure as hell IS!" Rocko cackled evilly, briefly testing his new video to make sure that it actually worked on the new device that he had just transferred it to before finally returning both the camera itself AND its USB downloading cable into his pockets and quickly erasing the original file from her memory banks before she could wake up and tell Filburt about it.

"Oh, come on, Rocko, shouldn't we also erase those horribly fucked-up childhood memories of hers so that she'll be able to sleep better at night?" Heffer asked Rocko worriedly, ever-so-slightly tearing up out of sheer unbridled sympathy for the poor, POOR little kitten.

"Oh, COME ON, Heffer, who CARES if she's batshit crazy? At least it'll help her to break up the freaking MONOTONY that suburban life often entails! Come on, we've got PLACES to be for fuck's sake!" Rocko yelled irritably at Heffer, also making a surprisingly good point as the two of them hastily made their way over to the secret exit at the back of Hutchison's brain.

"Like WHERE, might I ask?" Heffer angrily stood up to Rocko for once in his lifetime, grabbing him by the back of his hazmat collar and lifting him up (yes, with exactly one hand; his right one, to be exact) so that he would have no other choice but to make straight eye contact with him.

"Uh...well, you know, bed and then the local movie store..." Rocko depressedly sighed, his ears and tail alike drooping in undeniable shame as the two of them snuck back out of Hutchison's head by going into her nose and purposefully getting themselves sneezed across the bedroom by her, then quickly snuck their way back out of Filburt's house through the currently-unused doggie door that had already been built into the back door just in case, used the Grink Ray to grow themselves back to normal size and hastily headed back home to go to much-needed sleep in their OWN beds before Filburt and Hutchison could catch sight of them.


"Um, hello, Misters Chuck and Leon Chameleon, we have a rather...ahem...INTERESTING new sex tape that we'd like you guys to make into another one of your cloyingly pretentious art-film montages. Do you, UHH..." Rocko asked, blushing and fidgeting and shivering and nervously chattering his teeth and frantically glancing around himself to make sure that no one even remotely related to the video's subject characters was eavesdropping on him as he placed his video camera onto the countertop, "t-th-THINK that you could perhaps, uh, DO that for us?" he asked, placing his hands on the countertop and glaring at Chuck with a VERY awkwardly forced smile to make it seem as if he was innocent.

"Oh, why OF COURSE, our dear compadres!" Chuck and Leon laughed. "Why, we'll make it MAGNIFICENT! GRANDIOSE! FASCINATING! DELIGHTFUL! Why, perhaps even EROTIC, if you don't mind us stating!"

"Oh, not at all, TRUST us!" Heffer (vaguely sarcastically) agreed, nodding his head for emphasis as Chuck and Leon grabbed the camera and immediately got to work editing Rocko's new sex tape, which would predictably become known as none other than "La Vida Moderne De Feline".


"Jumping JEWNIPER, Hutch; I just had the absolute CRAZIEST dream last night! More like a NIGHTMARE, actually!" Filburt groaned and clutched his head, still recovering from the absolutely SPLITTING headache that his experience last night had given him.

"Oh, you poor THING!" Hutchison gasped in shock, reaching over to lovingly pet and comfort him. "What exactly WAS this so-called NIGHTMARE of which you speak, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I was being fucking HORRIFICALLY raped and abused in literally ALL KINDS of different ways BY YOU! Even with masochism admittedly being one of my primary fetishes, it was fucking horrifying and traumatizing beyond belief!" Filburt stammered, clutching his pillow and violently shaking in fearful paranoia as he frantically glanced from left to right to make sure that there WAS, in fact, no one secretly spying on him and Hutchison through the bedroom windows.

"Hmm, that's weird; I don't seem to remember that ever happening at ALL!" Hutchison giggled teasingly, patting Filburt on the shoulder reassuringly with her hook hand. "Come on, let's go and get some coffee at Chuck's & Leon's to make you feel better! Last one there after our shower's a rotten EGG!" she laughed merrily, with neither her nor Filburt noticing the massive mud/piss stain all over the latter's bed as she and Filburt immediately went over to the bathroom to take their obligatory morning showers, brush their teeth and get dressed, then immediately bolted off to Chuck's & Leon's aforementioned coffee shop, luckily having one of their scheduled "honeymoon days" off from work on this exact day.

Little did they know, however, what had just been released into the public BY Chuck & Leon at that very same place...

"Um, HELLO? Anybody HERE?" Filburt asked nervously as he and Hutchison forcefully swung the double-door entrance of Chuck's & Leon's video store (of which their coffee shop just so happened to be the basement) open only to find literally not even a SINGLE person there, whereas an EXTREMELY unnatural amount of hustle-and-bustle noise could very clearly be heard coming from the basement!

"Holy FISHSTICKS, do I have an absolutely AWFUL feeling about this...I'm nauseous...I'm nauseous...I'm nauseous..." Filburt somewhat nauseatedly groaned as he VERY reluctantly and fearfully approached the downstairs door into the basement (with Hutchison almost-AS-reluctantly in tippy-tow, of course; yes, she was, in fact, walking tiptoed in high heels, PLEASE don't question it) and slowly but surely reached out his violently trembling hand to grab the doorknob.

"I must not fear...fear is the mind killer...fear is the little death that brings total obliteration...I must let it pass through me, allow the fear to dissipate, and then only I shall remain..." Filburt DREADFULLY nervously chanted to himself in an exceedingly shrill whisper as he FINALLY mustered the courage to open the door and walk down into the coffee shop...and to say the least, him and Hutchison were NOT pleased with what they saw on the flat-screen television inside.

As Filburt and Hutchison were busy walking down the rest of the steps into Chuck's & Leon's coffee shop, they suddenly caught sight of themselves having downright LUDICROUSLY fetishistic BDSM sex with each other on the television and immediately tripped over their shame and tumbled all the way down the staircase with not one but several great big THUDS in response.

"Oh dear sweet Mother Teresa...turtle on his back...with everyone in the entire room watching him fuck his own wife several football fields BEYOND silly..." Filburt blushed intensely and muttered to himself, rocking back and forth face-up on the floor in a desperate attempt to get back onto his feet while Hutchison (who had been VERY unluckily crushed underneath his shell) merely gasped for air.

"FUCKED UP..." one of the pot-smoking "zebra twin" hippies in the film's current audience drug-addledly murmured to himself, taking a nice big sip of his trusty crack-laced coffee.

"LIKE...KINKY..." the OTHER pot-smoking "zebra twin" hippie who just so happened to be fraternally sitting right next to him also murmured to himself, taking another nice big sip of HIS trusty crack-laced coffee as the real...ahem...MEAT, so to speak, of the film began.

"LA VIDA MODERNE DE FELINE!" the narrators (Chuck and Leon, naturally) very hammily announced as the video immediately cut to a nice big shot of Hutchison chaining Filburt up to the wall and whipping him while wearing an almost buck-nakedly revealing pantyhose bondage suit while the music suddenly cut into a giant PARODY of Paranoid Android by Radiohead.

"Please, can you cut THESE CHAINS, I'M TRY'NA EAT SOME FOOD!" Chuck and Leon sang in a voice disturbingly similar to that of the song's original singer while Filburt was being hung from the ceiling and forced to endure the fruitless temptation of the dangling sausages all around him by Hutchison.

"There's nothing on TV, SO WHY DON'T WE GET NUDE?" Chuck and Leon sang as Heffer (VERY paper-thinly disguised by the hazmat suit that he had been wearing at the time) was shown making his hilariously over-the-top "naked" face inside Hutchison's brain.

"WHY NOT? (they may be civilized, but not refined) WHY NOT? (they may be married, but lacking in decency)" Chuck and Leon sang as Hutchison gleefully smashed and sucked Filburt's dick WHILE he was bound up in chains.

"When I am queen, you will be first into the pen...with all your skulking, miserly and selfish Jew brethren!" Chuck and Leon sang as Hutchison forcefully dunked Filburt's face into a great big tub of mud, then poured it all over both herself and Filburt alike.

"WHY NOT? (they may be civilized, but not refined) WHY NOT? (they may be married, but lacking in decency)" Chuck and Leon sang while Filburt was busy licking Hutchison's entire mud-covered naked body clean, LITERALLY from head to toe.

"Your glasses MAKE you look pretty GEEKY!" Chuck and Leon sang as Hutchison literally whipped Filburt's glasses right off of his eyes, followed by him manually taking them off himself so that Hutchison could properly step on his face without breaking them.

"Kosher-Sausage-eating Jewish WEAKLING!" Chuck and Leon sang as Hutchison sang a bastardized version of Rock-a-Bye Baby to Filburt while he literally sucked himself to sleep on her dildo.

"UNSANITARY! UNSANITARY! Why don't you know how to be CLEAN?! PATHETIC FATASS COIN-COUNTING LECHER; GO AND NAIL YOURSELF TO THE CROSS, YOU FUCKING CUR!" Chuck and Leon sang as Hutchison vaginally pissed all over Filburt's entire naked body to wash the mud off of him, staining his entire bed in the process.

"TALK SHIT...TALK SHIT, COME ON, TALK...SHIT...ABOUT ME...MAKE ME SUFFER...MAKE ME SUH-UH-FERR-RRR-RRR-RRR...RRR-RRR-RRR-RRR, TALK SHIT...TALK SHIT, COME ON, TALK...SHIT...ABOUT ME...MAKE ME SUFFER...MAKE ME SUH-UH-FERR-RRR-RRR-RRR...RRR-RRR-RRR-RRR..." Chuck and Leon sang while a great big light-speed montage of all of the absolutely horrific things that Hutchison had inadvertently done to Filburt flashed across the screen like sudden PTSD flashbacks of the Vietnam War.

"THAT'S IT, SIR! YOU'RE LICKING! THE DIRT OFF! OF MY FEET! THE STINK OF! DRIED CAT SHIT! FOR YOU IT'S ONLY FIT! THE STROKING! THE SEMEN! THE STROKING! THE SEMEN! MURRAY LOVES HIS CHILDREN...MURRAY LOVES HIS CHILDREN, YEAH!" Chuck and Leon began rambling psychotically in vocal all-caps as Filburt was forced to lick, suck, and get his dick pleasured by every last square inch of Hutchison's rancid, disgusting feet, culminating in him FINALLY ejaculating into the crazy bitch's vagina.

"Um...F-F-Fi-FILBURT?! Did...did I really DO all of that to you last night?!" Hutchison, who had just finally gotten back up onto her feet alongside Filburt, stammered in utterly disbelieving, nearly-microscopic-pupiled shock, covering her mouth with her hands and almost wanting to vomit from how ungodly humiliated she was while Filburt also did much of the same. "If so, then MY GOD am I sorry! I literally have no idea WHAT in God's name came over me!"

"Oh, I think I have a pretty freaking GOOD IDEA of WHO came over you..." Filburt growled lividly, gritting his teeth, balling his hands into fists and turning BOILING red with anger as he glared downright soul-meltingly at Rocko and Heffer, who were now merely minding their own incredibly suspicious business shaking and trembling and crossing their arms behind their backs and wobbling their tightly crossed legs like lily-livered wusses, sweating literal buckets and whistling as "innocently" as could be all the while as they desperately struggled not to make direct eye contact with anyone else in the room (most ESPECIALLY Filburt and Hutchison).

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