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                Isabel breathed a sigh of relief when she noticed the sun was starting set. The days on this planet felt slightly longer than the normal cycle she was familiar to. That fact combined with the non-stop travel was truly starting to take a toll on her. She felt exhausted much quicker than she did yesterday.

The trio had reached the city’s limits a few hours ago and were back to the empty expanse of the desert. Wesley sat in his now usual spot, Isabel’s right shoulder, swinging his legs and grasping Isabel’s hair. He had enough time to recover from his scare earlier. It deeply frightened him, the prospect of almost becoming an animal’s lunch. However, like he and Nathan had predicted before, Isabel took care of the threat quite easily. That gave him a slightly more optimistic view of things.

Nathan was silent, again, since their incident with the howler. The silence, immobility, and lack of visual stimulation granted Nathan with plenty of time to think. He noticed the lack of conversation between Isabel and Wesley. They would talk to each other seldomly, with Wesley usually initiating the conversation. Isabel would reply quickly and dryly, leaving hardly any room for an actual conversation. Nathan was in the belief that his presence was a reason why Isabel kept the interactions short. However, his gut led him to doubt that it was the only reason.

He found himself thinking back to the strange detail he noticed earlier. The Howler that Isabel killed had blood on its fangs, and he remembered it looking fresh. Howlers were pack animals, they stayed together in tightly knit groups. Nathan never had time to truly study the animals he frequented on the planet, but he knew that Howlers very rarely resorted to cannibalism. He felt like he was missing something. The only person who had witnessed the inside of the building was Wesley, and with Isabel literally in between them, he had little chance to get a word in. Nathan felt a bad sensation in his stomach, nothing about this felt right at all.

Looking up, he realized his surroundings were familiar. The next city down this road wouldn’t be for another couple hundred miles. Nathan noticed a strange noise and perked his head up. He focused in on it, it happened periodically. It sounded like it was coming from above him. He looked up and saw Isabel panting, more audible than she probably thought, and her forehead dripping with sweat. She looked like she was nearly drained out. Even after what she’s done to him, he couldn’t help but empathize. He’s spent many days here, a good portion of them he was either starving or dehydrated. At the worst of times, both.

During his travels, Nathan had noted a cave that was underground and held a pool of clean water. He’d make trips there to refill his canteens. Coincidentally, it wasn’t terribly far from where they were now. He deliberated on whether he should reveal the location of the cave or keep it secret.

Most humans can go days, weeks even, without eating. However, as Nathan learned the hard way, time and time again, most humans can’t last more than a few days without water. On this part of the planet, water was a most precious resource, and Nathan knew Isabel wouldn’t last another day without it. That much was clear to him. Wesley had food and water in his backpack to last a few more days. However, if their ‘guardian’ were to fall, Nathan doubted either he or Wesley would last long enough to make it to any nearby city, let alone back to Sedicus to retrieve his bike.

In all honesty though, there was no downside to telling Isabel about the water source. It seemed to have plenty of water in it so sharing wouldn’t damage the supply. It was just… Isabel herself. Something about her demeanor and attitude unsettled Nathan to his core. He wanted to see the good in her, any redeeming qualities, but so far, she had given him nothing to see. Save for her actions toward Wesley, which didn’t come as a surprise, with the fact that he was her brother. He imagined the possibility of a day where not even Wesley would be safe from her terrifying wrath. He truly hoped that day would never come.

Nathan’s hope for Isabel wasn’t abandoned, but the prospect of her just dropping her prejudices seemed highly unlikely. Her no nonsense attitude and absolute rule made that very clear for him.

Even with those feelings deep inside, Nathan still desired a human connection. He’d been alone for so long. Many days and nights he could feel himself going mad. Living in this desolate wasteland, with only himself. He felt as if he were plummeting into a void. Each passing day only dragged him deeper into its depths of despair and sadness. His grip on reality was starting to slip. Assuming he ever had a grip on it.

Nathan shook his head and closed his eyes. Nearly every time these thoughts managed to infiltrate his head; they’d get close to consuming him. He still managed the willpower to clear his mind of these dark and foreboding thoughts. Yet, he still couldn’t help but wonder, why hasn’t he lost himself?

A memory suddenly came forth from his head. Almost as if it were cleaned from the dust and cobwebs in the back of Nathan’s mind. Words departed unto Nathan, by a person he could not remember clearly. Almost as if the words slowly escape from a heavy fog, he remembered only this.

“Hope is all we have left. When you lose that… you’ve lost yourself.”

Nathan felt a sense of clarity. That was it. He had lost hope. He thought back to the realization he made just that morning. Isabel’s ‘lessons’ made his revelation short-lived, but he managed to remember it again. He actually had a shot at escaping. It wasn’t ideal, traveling with an imperious young woman and a cowardly but kindhearted child. But this was it. He could put up with the physical abuse and ostracization if it meant he could leave. Where didn’t matter, he just wanted to be safe.

Begrudgingly, Nathan decided he was going to have to play by her rules. He’d cooperate the most he can and abide by Isabel’s demands. He even decided to inform the two siblings of the secret he’d been keeping, at an acceptable time that would minimize damage to Nathan of course.

To begin with this renewed vigor, he’d have to break a rule. It was the only way to hold out an olive branch.

“Isabel,” Nathan began.

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