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This chapter was written by Brosus


Zoey slept well that night, the hours of skating taking their toll. Eventually you fell into an unnatural sleep yourself, but the hot environment kept you shifting between reality and dreams. Even in your dreams, Zoey's potent farts haunted you, as whenever one went past you you could smell it, nearly choking in your nightmares. Meanwhile, she rested pleasantly, her stomach bubbling away to process her meaty meal as well as those tasty chips and soda. It would create more than enough material to haunt you with tomorrow. Finally the sun shined in on her, and she woke up just a minute before her alarm would have gone off - a perfect start to a good morning! Bellowing a yawn, she smacked her alarm right as it went off and began to rub her bleary eyes.

At this point, you had been awake several minutes, though to say you slept much at all would be an exaggeration. At best you drifted in and out of conciousness, and recent groanings of her body beginning to awaken had brought you with them. You had no idea how deep you were, only that it reeked.

Zoey's first activity whenever she woke up was to sit up and grab her phone - browsing instagram and snapchat helped her wake up. Mindlessly shifting about on her bed, she shimmied a bit to get comfortable while she scrolled through her social media. Grimacing, she noticed her steak dinner from last night was fully digested. Not quite ready to be released all the way though, so she just shifted over a bit, leaning to the side and letting a droning fart out. Mmm, she knew the smell of her farts, and enjoyed the meaty undertone to it.

You were brought more awake when you were brought upright, presumably by her sitting up. Well, updown, because you were pretty sure your head was still pointing 'down and out' so to speak, and now with the covers off while your entire body felt slimy, at least your head was sticking out of Zoey, for now. As she sat upright, the skater preteen's muscly buttocks tossled your head, reminding you there was no hope of fighting back. Suddenly she leaned over, and a disgusting jet of stink came flying through her hole, around your neck and straight up your nose, gas-boarding you with the same fetid meaty farts you'd been putting up with all night. You gagged; even after a night of in-and-out conciousness caused by these bootyblasts, each one only seems to get worse than the last.

"Eww, that fart was pretty grody... guess I should probably get washed up." Zoey said, hopping off her bed and onto her feet. "Gotta get ready for school... blegh."

You were knocked around by all these forces, but glad to leave the fragrant fart's air behind as she moved. You were excited to hear her mention a shower, now she would finally notice you and let you out... and hopefully be distracted enough to let you get away. Hopefully her whole family wasn't this insane.

As she closed the bathroom door and dropped her pajamas, you were finally free to see the outside world once again - albeit this time upside down. Somehow, you had managed to end up facing the same way she was naturally, if a bit to the left. She turned on the shower to warm up before plopping down on the toilet to let her piss out. You realized this was your best chance before the shower to get out.

"Zoey! Down here! You didn't forget about me, right?" you shouted up at her; better to take the friendly approach.

"Huuuh, what the, I haven't started... is that a voice... holy fucking shit, I forgot all about my butt buddy!" Zoey said, so shocked she almost stood up. She put her legs on the toilet and bent forward. "What the fuck, you like my nasty ass so much you shoved yourself up their all by yourself while I slept, lil dude? I mean, that's pretty sick, but I gotta give you big props for being able to handle it, I don't think even I could!"

As usual, Zoey didn't give you a chance to talk back, continuing to blather as she put her legs down. "So sorry dude, but like, I gotta piss like a race horse, I've been holding it in all night. Hey so, did you notice anything different about my farts through the night? I know I did, we gotta compare notes in the shower, I'll get you out when I'm in there!"

With that Zoey unleashed the gates of piss, blasting the front of the toilet and spreading piss spray everywhere. If you weren't so disgusted, you'd be impressed; the pressure was greater than yours in a urinal. A bit dribbled down your way, and you had to flex your head to avoid it. She then flushed.

"No point wiping when you're boutta shower, y'know? Here, let me get you out..." she stepped into the shower, unceremoniously squatting and basically shitting you back out into the real world. "Heheh, that doesn't make me a mom right? Eugh, you fuckin' stink lil guy!" Picking you up by the head, she set you in the soap bin and angled the shower so you got water while she washed. "So like I was saying, you could probably tell I had meat to eat last night, right..."

The rest of the shower went like this, and stuck on the soap dish, you had no chance of escape. Finally, she grabbed a towel and dried herself and then you off, bringing you with her to her room.

Clean and naked, Zoey went to her closet to put on her clothes for the day, grabbing a hoodie, a skirt, and some spats, the same as yesterday. The spats filled in even her tightest of crevices. It was okay if she got a bit of a wedgie, no one should see it under her skirt, and she wanted her new friend to get experience up close and personal.

“Okay buddy, back in you go! Don’t forget our little game, okay? We don't have a lot of time some I'm having cereal for breakfast, and milk kinda upsets my tummy sometimes, so you’ll have to tell me about it later. Oh, and in case you were wondering, I had steak for dinner, and then chips and soda after that… could you tell? You’ll have to tell me later what you thought. Oh, and don't worry, those are the same spats as yesterday. We've been learning about like, control groups in science and in experiments you have to keep the environment similar, so in pursuit of science, I figured we should set a uh, they call it 'control' sample right? Yeah! We'll have our own little, like... Oh, I know, I know! Advanced Sciences Society, yeah!" She laughed uproariously at her joke, nearly falling on the bed and you. Oh. Yeah, A.S.S., hilarious, you thought. You were pretty sure that wasn't how control groups worked either.

"Oh shit, look at the time, c'mon lil guy we gotta go!" She threw on her clothes and as you ran to hide under the pile leftover, she grabbed you and shoved you in those same bike shorts. "Shit, normally I'd get a real meal, but cereal will have to do..."

As she rushed through her house, you were tossed around by her butt cheeks and as you were pushed in by her shorts, you realized they definitely hadn't been cleaned and stunk just as before. As she sat to eat cereal, you finally confirmed for yourself your earlier fear: yes, that brown smear you had seen at first was a skid mark of some kind, and you could only pray that wouldn't happen while you were captive. At least a school would let you chances to escape to other insane young minds...

Fueled up, the tomboy threw on her sneakers and ran out onto the bus. The spats were so tight, you were crammed up her crack with each bound, until finally your body once again met her anus. The spats stopped there, leaving you pressed against her grimy anus. Her asshole was more than happy to greet you, opening slightly at your touch with a wet crackle, a string of slime hanging between two folds. Above, you could hear her stomach churning in over time, trying in vain to process her milky breakfast.

As she climbed onto the bus, you couldn't help but think of how this hole had eaten you once already, and how you had to escape before it sucked you so deep it never let you out again... probably to Zoey's delight. Either that or her studies led her to the ultimate farting session, one which would end in you choking on her fumes for good. However, the taut orifice didn't seem to be opening, in fact it was closed so tightly that you couldn't even open it if you tried. Zoey’s anus was a pretty shade of pink, warm and musky. Freshly showered it wasn't so bad, but the stench from her farts ruined any sexiness you could find from being stuck in your crush's filthy ass. Then you remembered why it looked so fresh too, thinking back to how it had had little brown stains even after she ‘cleaned’ with your help yesterday. At least she hadn’t taken a dump… yet.

As she sat down on the hard bus seats, you were pushed up by the wedgie, being forced head first into her anus, the grimy surface rubbing its foul sludge onto you. With one ear trapped against the asshole's rim, you could hear the rumbling growing in intensity behind it, a disastorous fart developing thanks to Zoey's poor choice in diet. Her butt began to groan in distress as it became bloated by the terrible payload trapped within. Zoey's asshole puckered in strongly, struggling to hold the roaring cloud in.

Zoey smiled happily. She was going to hold in this bomb as long as possible, so she could build the stink up to its maximum level. She couldn’t wait to get a report on what you thought. Maybe they should work out a rating system for these…

You struggled against her butt, trying to push your face even just a millimeter away from it. You still hadn’t accepted your fate. Just because you had a crush on this girl before didn’t mean you still wanted to be in here – now you definitely didn’t. You had seen the truth: that she was a dirty, stinky, little 12 year old girl who loved to fart. And you absolutely hated it.

Finally, you were able to free your head from her anus's nasty grip, coming off with a faint pop, leaving some residue on the side. This caused Zoey to have a slight itch, and that was all it took to open her preteen pucker. As you began to breath in relief, your clean air was robbed in a nearly silent, yet potent, booty blast that carried the smell of methane, old dairy, and rotten eggs. The air was sucked from your lungs so that you could fully appreciate it, her loose asshole smacking your freed head as you tried to cough the full gas back out.

As you recoiled and tried to push yourself away from her freshly oiled butthole, it merely shimmered back at you, slowly bulging back out. That silent but deadly had only been a tiny prelude of what foulness was lurking within the depths of her ass. It groaned, and then...


Zoey leaned over to the side and forcibly pushed the built up fart in one go, the milky gas shaking her large intestine with intensity. Her immediate surroundings on the bus grew silent as her classmates turned to look for the source of the noise. The smell that hit only seconds after made the culprit obvious, only Zoey was ever that disgusting.

You were buffeted by the wind tunnel level of winds directly, the hot, unprocessed, milky fart throwing stench from the deepest parts of Zoey's uncleaned colon straight into your face. The sheer pace that her meal had flown through her stomach brought untold horrors from within her out, the air thick with the pure scent of shit, one which undoubtedly was working its way towards you. The sheer pressure with which the gas exitted made it impossible to fight as it forced its way into every opening it could find, blowing back your filth-riddled hair and filling your lungs to the brim with rancid fumes. Its remnants singed themselves into your nostrils, ensuring you would be smelling this disaster for the rest of the day.

Zoey sighed with relief as the closest people on the bus gave her disgusted looks. It had been earth shatteringly loud for you, but for normal people it just sounded like a normal fart. Sure, it might be surprising to hear audible farts from a girl, but those who knew Zoey were not surprised – there was a reason no one sat directly next to her. She sunk down into her  seat, unfemininely speading her legs to ventilate her now very warm ass. 

Zoey closed her legs back up to seal as much of the stink in with you as possible, to let you fully enjoy it so she could hear about it later. Nothing would stop her and her friend from exploring the many ways she could make her butt into a weapon of ass destruction.

You barely held onto conciousness, merely trying to get clean breaths to clear out your gunk filled lungs. It took you several minutes to regain clear thought, but when you did, you found yourself still stuck within this girl's sweaty ass, the fumes of the last blast still stuck within the confines of her spats.

Eventually, the bus pulled up to school, the students pouring off. Zoey skipped off gleefully, her asscheeks bouncing in rhythm with her movements and compacting you right back towards her hole. You would have no respite from this literal hellhole.

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