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Author's Chapter Notes:

Saturday morning. As Nick wakes up he starts to discover what happened last night after Laura left him at home and a new scenario appears for Saturday night.




Obviously, Holtby called the Police that night, but apparently they didn’t believe his story. The picture he took of Laura was too dark and the marks of the soles of her shoes in the garden only looked like small mounds of mud or poorly maintained grass. Erika and Rebecca didn’t testify, so the patrol that drove to Holtby’s house fined the family man for cheating the police and losing patience.

It was 9 o'clock on Saturday morning when Nick's cell phone rang. He didn’t get up directly, but stayed in bed for a while answering Josh’s and Becky’s messages. They were worried, apparently they were talking about something that had happened in the neighborhood in a local television channel.

Naturally, someone found the remains of the dog that Laura had stepped on, both on the asphalt and on the mangled lawn of that man's garden. But they had also found the tenant of that house dead, a few meters from the remains of the dog. They were talking about a terrible outrage caused by a neighbor's van. Nick saw the image of the van with the body dented, the broken glass and blood traces. He couldn’t believe that, Laura would never had done that...


He got up quickly and went down to the kitchen. Erika and Rebecca were already having breakfast and before he could sit down, somebody knocked the door.

- "Not a word about that" Nick remembered the two girls as they nodded.

He went to the door and received Aunt Nancy, a woman in her early 50s, with shoulder-length blond hair and a slightly wrinkled but well-groomed face. She dressed casually, with a tracksuit and running shoes. She gave him two kisses and went inside looking for Erika.

-"Hi dear! Hello also to you, Rebecca "he said with a smile.

While they were talking, Nick went to the kitchen and sat down for breakfast. He took out his cell phone to answer his friends' messages. Both were eager to know the details.


Josh wanted to propose an idea he had had. Laura had sent him a message around 3 A.M. telling that she was home and was going to sleep.

- "My God, did you hear about the hit?" asked Aunt Nancy, entering the kitchen and sitting next to her.

-"What? An accident? "

-"Yes.  A group of thieves tried to steal your neighbor’s car yesterday. Apparently they got it and then they charged him and his dog, killing them both. They say that the car looks terrible, with its nose shattered and bloodied, so the crash must have been brutal ... what I don’t understand is why the thieves didn’t take the car finally "

It couldn’t be true. Laura had killed that man? Just thinking about it Nick had a chill and imagined Laura crushing the man as she had done before with his dog.

- "OMG no, I had no idea ... well, I've finished breakfast, I'm going to dress quickly and go to Josh’s house" said Nick running up the stairs to his room.

He didn’t want to discuss the neighbor's issue with his friends or anyone else so as not to make the situation worse, but he had to talk to Laura about it.
After getting dressed quickly and talking to Erika and Rebecca to make sure they had not told anyone, he started running to Josh's house, where Becky was going to meet them as well.


- "Hold on, honey," said Aunt Nancy when the door was already open. "I love the mosaic you have made in the garden, it seems so original ... Erika didn’t want to tell me how did you do it and I would like to have one too. What is the trick? " she asked smiling.

Nick didn’t understand anything. He looked at the lawn of the garden and saw the huge footprint of Laura's shoe marked on it, combining green parts of grass and brown parts of sand forming a mosaic with the pattern of the sole. It was practically the size of a car.

- "Ah, this ... Well, it was made by a fellow student at the university. He's studying art and he's doing pretty well. I’ll talk to him so he can go through your house to make you one too.“ After saying that, Nick ran away.

Holtby’s house was locked, with all the windows and doors boarded up and his car wasn’t there. Apparently, they decided to flee the town for a while after the experience last night and not facing the risk of being ridiculed by telling the story and no one believed them.

In 3 minutes he arrived at Josh's house. Becky was already there. After talking for almost half an hour about everything that happened during the previous night (except the neighbor), the opinions were diverse. Nick still liked Laura as much or more than before, Becky found his behavior fatal and totally condemned the murder of the dog. On the other hand, Josh, without giving much importance to the death of the dog, hadn’t been able to get an idea out of his head since he saw Laura for the first time.

- "Come on Nick, you can easily ask her..." begged Josh.

- "I don’t think it's a good idea ... she doesn’t like to be seen in that size. Besides, I already told you what she did to Mr. Holtby when he took a picture of her... "


- "Yes, but this is different ... I mean, I wouldn’t even have an established script. We would just follow you with the car while recording ... we could win a lot with this"

- "Listen, let me call Laura to come by here in her free time and talk about it. I also want to talk to her about one thing"

Josh's sick obsession with the world of cinema gave him the idea of r03;r03;recording a short film in the style of "The attack of the 50-foot woman" with Laura. Nobody would never know that its size was really gigantic, so special effects would be acclaimed by the public. His idea was to shoot in story style, without a team behind or anything like that, just him and Becky following her with a car.

After a brief call, Laura thought  it was okay to spend a moment with them before eating. When she arrived, the three friends shuddered to realize that Laura was still wearing the same clothes last night, only now had its usual size: about 1.80 meters.

Despite looking freaky, Laura accepted Josh's proposal in good taste. "Alright, you can record me if you want," she said laughing. "It will be fun to see myself from that perspective for the first time ... But remember that everything you record I have to see it before you pass it on to anyone and I'll decide if I give you permission to do it or not"

- "It seems fair ... thank you very much, we are going to triumph all together!" said Josh excitedly.

Laura had to explain her secret to Becky and Josh as well. Then Nick and she moved away a little to talk about the neighbor's business. Apparently, the man had started to insult and punch her in the thigh from inside her jeans pocket and she ended up losing her nerves with him.

- "But, how do you think of killing him?" asked Nick angrily and at the same time a little surprised and scared.

- "Well why I got nervous. It was already very late and I had been exposed for too long so that more people could see me ... "

- "Fuck ... how was it?"


- "Well ... I walked to his house and took him out of my pocket. He kept insulting me and even bit my finger while I was holding him " said Laura as she showed him a small red mark on the front of her index finger, similar to a granite. "I simply took his car parked outside the house with the other hand and as soon as I left him on the ground I rammed him with the car as hard as I could."

Nick shuddered as he imagined the scene.


Chapter End Notes:


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