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Author's Chapter Notes:

Tony comes to in a part of America he never would have visited by choice. But choice is something Tony no longer has. Here he becomes quite intimately acquainted with another part of the female form and even gets some pop culture exposure while he's at it.



Where am I now? What am I now? Tony woke up again in darkness. He was definitely moving, or at least the world around him was. Once again, he couldn’t move or speak. He could shift where he was looking like when he was Erika’s panties but couldn’t discern anything in the pitch-black container he was trapped in. He was jostled against something hard as he was thrown into the air by a bump. I must be in a car.

“Mom can you turn on the radio?” Tony heard a girl’s voice from outside whatever he was trapped in. She sounded younger than Erika, the slight whine in her voice hinting at maybe 12 to 13 years old.

Mom can you turn on the radio.” A younger voice repeated what she said mockingly. This must be her brother, definitely less than 10 years old. Both kids had strong southern accents. Tony realized just how far from home he was. He could travel the entire United States in the time it took to fall asleep and no one would even notice him.

“Shut up Johnny!”

“Mom! Lily-Anne told me to shut up!”

“Quiet down both of you, I don’t wanna hear another peep outta y’all until we get back home y’hear me now? Here’s the got-damn radio.” A woman’s voice sounded from Tom’s left side. It was hoarse and raspy, definitely their mom. She was probably a chain smoker… hopefully just cigarettes if she’s driving her kids around. Tony heard a click and the radio sprung to life.

“This is KMLJ Missouri. Bringing you only the hottest country hits West of the Mississippi. We’ve been providing the town of Log Jam only the smoothest country crooners since 1999 and still going strong. Up next, ‘A Tractor Can’t Say No’ by the Flannel Brothers.”

A bud light. A cold night. Suddenly, the feeling’s right.

You’re so warm. So clean. A hot little sex machine.

We move close. We go low. So thankful a tractor can’t say no (yeehaw).

The twanging guitars and harmonizing voices of the two singers were almost more painful than being trapped in the washing machine. Tony wished Officer Blaine or Hawthorne were here so he could give them a piece of his mind. He agreed to take part in this program to avoid being trapped in rural Missouri. Then the chorus came in and brought a fresh new hell.

Oh-Oh-Ohhhh a tractor can’t say no.

In a field, no one has to know.

Because (oh-oh-ohh) a tractor can’t say no.

Better than any woman, yer engine’s runnin’ and I just keep comin’

Because (oh-oh-ohh) a tractor can’t say no.

“Moooom! I want my lollipop.”

“Lily-Anne, what did I tell you? I want your lips zipped. Besides, that big city doctor said you should be cuttin’ down on your sugar. Here, have one of these instead.” Light filtered into Tony’s world and he realized he was trapped in some sort of black leather purse. He saw lipstick, a wallet, some loose change, a tampon or two, nothing unusual for a woman’s purse. If only they weren’t larger than him and, you know, he wasn’t small enough to be trapped in the purse, this would be completely normal. A calloused hand with rough lines and chipped neon blue nails reached into the purse, fumbling around, picking up the scattered debris, looking for something. Finally, the weathered palm wrapped itself around Tony, completely engulfing his being and trapping him in the warm, fleshy, cigarette-smelling prison of her fist.

Toy felt himself go into freefall, before landing on a much softer surface. Chubbier, softer fingers wrapped around him. These fingers were smaller, wider, and fleshier than the bony woman who had picked him up. He guessed this was Lily-Anne. The massive round, somewhat dirty face of a preteen girl eclipsed his vision. Tony saw chubby, freckled cheeks and a slightly turned-up nose. Stray strawberry-blonde hairs fell across her dark brown eyes. Most prominent, however, was her dazzlingly white smile shining down from right above him. Blue and green braces lined her slightly crooked teeth. The wires were still shining, she must have just gotten her teeth cleaned.

Like magic, her teeth disappeared, replaced by her pink lips forming a frown. “Ugh! Low sugar? Mom these are gross!” Her high-pitched voice was like a foghorn. Tony got a front-row seat as her lips contorted as she talked. He caught a glimpse of her massive tongue flicking around the inside of her mouth and several tiny specks of saliva flew from her mouth and landed on whatever counted as his face. He assumed he was some sort of “healthy” lollipop for unhealthy kids. Pretty sure I won’t make it through the week thought Tony.

“Shut your trap Lily-Anne they’re the same and they’re healthy. Now eat that or you don’t get nothin.”

“Maybe if you didn’t eat so many burgers you wouldn’t be so fat.”

“Shut! Up! Johnny!”

“What the hell did I say? Not a peep out of either of you until we’re home or y’all are grounded!”

The kids grumbled but quieted down. The hand holding Tony slowly began to edge toward the girl, Lily-Anne’s, mouth. No way this is worse than the washer/dryer combo hoped Tony as her solid white teeth grew ever closer. Tony saw strands of saliva hanging from the blue and green squares of the braces that lined her teeth and, as she opened her mouth, the red cavern leading to the black hole that was her throat. The massive, soft red muscle of her tongue occupied most of her mouth. Tony was small enough he could see the little indents of the taste buds the lined it, just waiting to devour him. Cascading waterfalls of saliva swirled around her mouth, coating the inside of her cheeks and forming a pool underneath her tongue. Her hot breath gusted over Tony, smelling strongly of what Tony would describe as industrial mint. Yup, definitely fresh from the dentist.

Tony felt like some sort of strange voyeur into these peoples’ lives. He was about to enter the mouth of a girl he never met, likely never would have even knew she existed. Now, she only saw him as crappy candy. She didn’t even want to eat him she just wanted something sweet. At least when he was Erika’s panties he was her favorite pair. He wondered how long he would keep his human worldview on things when his life just a rotating assortment of becoming objects to be used and thrown away.

Houston, we have touchdown. Tony entered Lily-Anne’s incredibly hot and humid mouth and came to rest on her wet, firm tongue. The muscle undulated beneath him, slightly massaging his body, tasting him. Is she humming that shitty song? A low, siren-like noise echoed around the walls of her mouth as she closed it around him. The insides of her cheeks compressed and Tony felt an incredible pressure pulling on all sides of him, it wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable since he was a piece of hard candy, but it was weird. Her tongue raised him against her hard palette the pliable yet firm muscle surrounded him on all sides. He was wrapped in a wet, warm embrace. Honestly, it felt good. Like a full body massage in a sensory deprivation tank. And if she was getting some pleasure out of tasting him, hey it’s a win-win.

Once again Tony found himself in complete darkness once her lips had sealed him in her mouth. However, he found that he could actually shift his vision down the stick of the lollipop and see the world through the part sticking out of her mouth. Right now, with her hand wrapped around him, not much was visible, but hopefully this would relieve some boredom in the future

It was odd, he reflected, to feel himself shrink inside her mouth as the weak acids in Lily-Anne’s saliva broke down his body and digested him. Thankfully he was spared a trip down into her stomach, but if I was real food I bet I wouldn’t be so lucky, he thought ruefully. Also a silver lining, she was apparently the rare kind of person who didn’t chew her lollipops. Time passed as she rhythmically sucked on his body. It was really strange having your entire being sucked on. A small implosion of pressure was buffered by the reassuring warmth and dampness of her thick tongue. It ran along most of his body, exploring and licking him all over before pushing him up to the roof of his mouth and swallowing a pool of candy-flavored saliva. Each time she swallowed, Tony heard an audible gulp and could feel her mouth muscles tense as her throat pulled the liquid down to her stomach.

Despite the surprisingly noisy interior of her mouth (slick sliding and dripping sounds occurred, echoing off the walls of her cheeks each time she sucked on him), Tony heard the car stop. The mint smell had also faded, replaced by a sickeningly sweet artificially sweet smell and a slightly metallic-acidic smell that he guessed was just the smell of her mouth. Another strange thing among all the other things, he smelled like candy – obviously because he was candy. But, like, her breath is candy but her breath is me. Wild stuff. Being trapped as an object was making Tony wax philosophical.

The hand gripping the stick part of him suddenly pulled him out of her mouth with a wet popping sound. He was treated to a view of her pale-pink lips stained red by what could only be him. I’m a red lollipop. The more you know. He noticed that the skin on her surprisingly full lips was slightly cracked, like she had been picking at them. Then, her cavernous mouth parted slightly, treating him to a view of his prison for the past few moments. Her colossal tongue snaked out, pressing up against him and running in circles around what he felt was his face. He was soaked in her spit, and the cool air of the car contrasted nicely against the intense warm pressure of her tongue. He noticed that the circles were increasing in speed as her tongue wore him down surprisingly efficiently.

“Why can’t I get candy too?” Lily-Anne’s brother, Johnny, whined. Tony stole a glance at him from between her fingers. He looked just like a scruffy child, nothing really stood out. His clothes were ripped and crudely mended in places but Tony figured if he could get a good look at the ladies in the car their clothes would be in a similar condition. They clearly weren’t well off.

“I told ya already son, we gotta switch off dentist visits yearly. You’ll get one next year.”

Lily-Anne’s lips curved into a smile at her brother’s disappointment but she didn’t say anything, knowing not to push her luck. She inserted Tony back into the humid cave of her mouth. The rhythmic sucking started again and Tony relaxed, enjoying the massage. However, this time he felt an intense pressure around his middle. Lily-Anne had pushed the stick to the corner of her mouth and gripped it between her molars as she climbed down out of the truck. Her mouth seemed much more predatory now, reminding him that at any moment this little girl could crush him between her teeth and think nothing of it. Her tongue started swishing back and forth beneath him, she was playing with what remained of his candy being. The friction felt incredible and Tony lamented his inability to do anything to release himself. Despite the pressure of her teeth he was lost in ecstasy as the comfortable groves of her tongue rubbed along him, greased by the sticky, sweet-smelling saliva that coated his body.

Since her hand no longer restricted his vision he could see their home. It was a mobile home, not a trailer, but one of those houses on wheels that could be moved. It looked clean, if not slightly beaten. Around him Tony heard the sounds of loud conversations and even louder TV turned up to drown out the loud conversations.

A sharp pain brought him back to reality. Tony couldn’t figure out why it felt like he was being torn open until it hit him: she was chewing on the stick. Her molars absentmindedly rubbed the waxy cardboard, chipping off fragments, making him feel like she was grinding him between her teeth. He wanted to scream but couldn’t, this was much worse than being chomped to bits. At least that would be over quickly. Trying to do anything to distract himself, from the pain, he tried to focus on the soothing sensation of her tongue manipulating his candy form. She had draped it over him, and he could feel the small, thin veins that ran underneath it, pressing against him. It felt like the warmest, wettest weighted blanket. Then, nearly instantaneously, he felt an indescribable shift. No more pain.

What the hell? I’m still being sucked on so I didn’t change forms… So what happened? Tony tried to shift his vision to the stick part of him but found it was impossible. He was stuck in the candy part of his body but could feel the hard stick pressing against him. Can I shrink my consciousness? He wondered. He could hear splintering sounds as the stick broke under the pressure of her teeth and with a sharp pft! A wave of spit rushed over him as she spit the stick on the ground. He, however, remained in her mouth. Well now this certainly is an interesting development.

Lily-Anne didn’t give him much time to ponder this as she shifted the fragment of hard candy that was all that remained of Tony between her molars. Goodbye Missouri, thought Tony, I’m glad I didn’t pick you. In one swift motion, Lily-Anne brought her molars shut around Tony, immediately crushing him and absorbing his remains into her saliva to be digested. All he felt was an immense, overwhelming pressure. Then, nothing.

“Aw mom, this thing barely lasted half an hour!” Lily-Anne complained.

“If it’ll shut your yapping go and grab some chocolate from the pantry, I’m gonna go have a smoke.”

If Tony were still around he would’ve been dumbfounded that this whole ordeal had only been thirty minutes. But he was waking up somewhere else, in some new form. Never to visit the town of Log Jam, Missouri ever again.


Chapter End Notes:

As always, hope you guys enjoyed, always love reviews, and stay tuned for more chapters. More plot is on its way.

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