[Reviews - 18] starstarstarstarstarPrinter

Celebrities get the best toys. A sex-crazed story told from the perspective of a fresh-off-the-shelf toy and his new mistress, in a world where shrunken people are a luxury that only the wealthiest can afford. 

Rated: X
Categories: Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Butt, Couples, Entrapment, Humiliation, Insertion, Lesbians, Mouth Play, Slave, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.), Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.), Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.), Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.), Munchkin (2.9 ft. to 1 ft.), Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m, FF/m, FM/f, FM/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Completed: No
Word count: 73861 Read: 495247
Published: May 04 2018 Updated: November 01 2023
Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended

The 'Table of Contents' link will show you everything you need to know about the story, if you are looking for something in particular.

1. First Day on the Job by tallie [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3760 words)

In which Emma shows her new toy the ropes. Insertion, entrapment, masturbation, and domination in the most fundamental sense. 

2. A Demonstration of Her Powers by tallie [Reviews - 0] (1169 words)

In which Emma succumbs to her feral desires. Panties entrapment, mind control, and vaginal insertion.

3. A Little Role-Swap by tallie [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (2039 words)

In which we learn the limitations of gender-specific pronouns. Sex, insertion, bodily fluids, and masturbation from the tiny perspective.

4. Two Men and a Godess by tallie [Reviews - 0] (1590 words)

In which we experience the reality of sex from the worst perspective. Couples' sex, insertion, plenty of cock and bodily fluids from a micro POV.

5. Prove Yourself, Toy by tallie [Reviews - 0] (1759 words)

In which we are surprised by updates more frequent than monthly. Vore from the GTS perspective and some remarkably normal equal-size, man-woman sex.

6. A Brief Outing by tallie [Reviews - 0] (1310 words)

In which Emma tests the limits of her toy's survivability. Primiarily feet, all from the tiny POV.

7. Headed Home, Getting a bit Frisky by tallie [Reviews - 0] (1596 words)

In which Emma takes a brief break from the sexual torture in the previous chapters. Very low-impact urine, foot crush from the GTS perspective (which is awfully boring, to be honest), body control, and some vanilla, size-free sex. This chapter is mostly a bridge.

8. Not Just a Sex Toy, a Commitment by tallie [Reviews - 0] (1273 words)

In which Emma learns that power comes with responsbility. Low-impact vaginal insertion, vore, and a whole-body tour. Updated at the same time as Chapter 9.

9. To Break an Unwilling Slave by tallie [Reviews - 0] (3325 words)

In which Emma tries to drive her toy's new place in life home. Shower POV, a bit of low-impact foot crush, vaginal insertion, and anal insertion. Updated at the same time as Chapter 8.

10. Big and Small Roleplay by tallie [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (2466 words)

In which our hapless male hero enacts his escape plan. Role reversal with almost all content from the GTS perspective, to include anal, masturbation, and a blowjob. About two sentences of tiny vaginal insertion.

11. A Plan Foiled by tallie [Reviews - 0] (2654 words)

In which Aaron experiences sex from an even worse perspective than before. Anal insertion at micro scale, couples sex, bodily fluids, and hopefully an end to how all this body-changing is mangling my pronouns.

12. Not Knowing the Self, Every Battle Must be Lost by tallie [Reviews - 0] (3163 words)

In which Aaron's hopes of escape are thoroughly dashed. Very tame watersports, a bit of a POV scene with some mild foot crush, and some nano insertion.

13. Rebellion and Submission by tallie [Reviews - 0] (2256 words)

In which Emma tries to establish her dominance over her toy once and for all. Minor insertion, from the GTS and tiny POV, a bit of a tantalizing vore precursor, and the terrible trappings of plot development.

14. Light Breakfast and a Meeting by tallie [Reviews - 0] (2427 words)

In which Aaron experiences his newest punishment, and I continue to succumb to the temptation of wasteful plot development. Only vore, with the illusion of unaware.

15. The Table of Contents is More Informative than the Chapter List by tallie [Reviews - 0] (2446 words)

You got storyline in my erotica! You got erotica in my storyline! In which Aaron carries on his inevitable adventure, and Emma enlists the assistance of a friend. Full tour vore, a little dangling threads of lesbianism, and entirely too much dialogue.

16. This is Going to Hurt by tallie [Reviews - 0] (3468 words)

In which Aaron learns his first lesson with his new teacher. Foot crush, a bit of rare large man/small woman sex, and some relatively extreme torture (though without any graphic violence).

17. Talking Shop by tallie [Reviews - 0] (2886 words)

In order to actually end this story, I have to tell a story. In which I continue the self-indulgent development of a storyline; I apologize in advance for this. Plot, plot, plot, dialogue, plot, giantess insertion, plot, and more plot.

18. A True Professional at Work by tallie [Reviews - 0] (1824 words)

In which Aaron's new co-mistresses take an indulgent break. Some insertion from the tiny perspective, and good old-fashioned lesbian sex. Hat tip to author minifriend for some stylistic pointers.

19. Break to Make by tallie [Reviews - 0] (1705 words)

In which we see the first steps of the tiny toy training program. Mostly domination, a bit of vaginal insertion, and a bit more plot.

20. Dildo Candidate School by tallie [Reviews - 1] (2581 words)

In which Dominique and Suzy begin their training program for our shrunken protagonist. A bit of crush, domination, some very explicit POV scenery, and moderate plot development.

21. Like a Bicycle Brake by tallie [Reviews - 0] (3822 words)

In which Aaron receives his most practical lesson, and fails his first test. A bit of a playful giantess, some vaginal insertion, and a small amount of same-size sexuality.

22. Dominique Tipper, Interpol by tallie [Reviews - 1] (3392 words)

In which the story takes a sudden right turn. Moderate anal insertion, plot, dialogue, plot, characters, and more plot. I'm so sorry.

23. Going Home by tallie [Reviews - 0] (1568 words)

In which Emma retrieves Aaron from Dominique's charge. Some shrinking, but more plot than size content.

24. First Day on the Job, but For Real by tallie [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (2199 words)

In which Aaron follows orders, and meets an unexpected friend. Just regular sex. Nothing else.

25. Editorial Discretion by tallie [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (2312 words)

In which Emma tries to solve the problem of cheating on her boyfriend. A teensy bit of crush but mostly plot.

26. Procrastination by tallie [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (3224 words)

In which Emma gives in to her baser desires. Normal-sized sex, some role-swapping, and idle fantasies of all sorts of size play, all from the GTS perspective.

27. A Doctor of Self-Doubt by tallie [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (3315 words)
In which Dominique checks up on the shrunken protagonist. Mostly plot, a tiny bit of mouth play, and a vague overview of the travails of a shrunken man used as a permanent sex toy.

28. I / Me / Myself by tallie [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (3737 words)
In which I try another role-swap between Emma and Aaron and absolutely mutilate the pronouns. Normal (gender-bending) sex and a tiny amount of shrinking.

29. Emma's Challenge by tallie [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (4595 words)
In which I settle on a pronoquilbrium... for now. Giantess body exploration and masturbation from the tiny perspective, with a bit of plot. Maybe too much plot.