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Author's Chapter Notes:
(1:00 A.M./PDT)
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Jeremiah Chadwick--B.S./Poli-Sci and D.Jur from the University of Florida, with an MBA from Harvard--had gone to bed an hour earlier than usual because he had an important meeting in the morning. David West, in Human Resources, was concerned about the legality of some of the lay-offs he had been ordered to implement. So, naturally, Chadwick was quite disoriented during the first two seconds after he was awakened by the ringing of his V-tec cordless telephone on the night stand to the left of his bed.

Picking up the pencil-thin receiver, he looked at the caller I.D. through semi-bleary eyes.

" 'PhantomMiko 1.0?' What the frig is that supposed to mean? Probably one of those frigging Third World telemarketers! Up at the crack of their dawn to try and sell us stuff we used to make. Screw them all...and the camels they rode in on!"

The politically incorrect attorney slammed the receiver back on to its cradle before lying back down. Only for the phone to start ringing, again! So, Chadwick sat up again, twice as fast as the first time...and twice as angry.

"Listen, you son of a...!"

"Jeremiah Chadwick; alias Stargator."

That electronically garbled reply not only froze him in mid-sentence. It also chilled him to the soul! There was only one place, in all of cyberspace, where he used that screen-name. And there was no way anyone should have been able to call him, on this particular telephone, using it!

"I have found you guilty of praising stories that depict the sexual exploitation of underage children. Therefore, let the punishment fit..."

Chadwick slammed the receiver down a second time. Following which, he ran to his bureau, and started rummaging through the top drawer, with frantic urgency.

"Looking for this, Stargator?"

The corporate attorney spun about...and gasped in fright.

There, he beheld a nightmarish figure dressed in black and standing on its right leg. With his burner cellphone in its right hand! The former defensive tackle did not even waste words in asking how that had happened, or demanding its return. He simply charged forward. Whereupon, that nightmarish figure hopped off its right leg, to deliver a powerful crane kick to just below the waist band of Chadwick's pajama pants (while simultaneously landing on its left leg)!

It then delivered a left-handed tiger claw strike to the right side of Chadwick's face. Knocking the corporate attorney out cold.

When he finally regained consciousness, the first thing he did was to feel his lower jaw. Miraculously, it did not feel broken! He then sat up in order to see if his gonads had been even more seriously damaged. That was when he realized two things. First; that he was stark naked. And, secondly; that he was staring at the head board of his bed.

The latter now looked to be the size of a Times Square billboard.

Chadwick had read enough on-line macrophilia stories to recognize what had happened. Somehow, he had been shrunken! But, how could such a thing be possible, in real life?

Unfortunately, he would never live to learn the answer.

"As I started to say, before you so rudely hung up on me," declared a female voice he recognized almost immediately: 'Let the punishment fit the crime.' "

Chadwick craned his head upward, and over his left shoulder. Thereby spotting his pajama pants wrapped around the ass of an otherwise naked giantess! An ass that quickly crashed down on top of him, blacking out all his surroundings.

And, of course, ending his life.

When Tomiko Phan stood back up, she placed the bloody-seated pajama pants on top of Chadwick's bed. She then used her own burner cellphone to call "911" and anonymously report a break-in at Chadwick's address. All before using his burner to access a certain X-rated website...and then leaving that phone right next to the pajama pants.

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