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Debby arrived at the house of Dr. Marta Lorre a few days after seeing the ad. The house looked run down. It looked like the kind of house that you would see in the horror films of the 1930’s. This did not look like the kind of place anyone would practice medicine, but Debby decided to check it out. She knocked on the door. 

“Is that Debby?” asked a voice from inside. 

“It is I,” Debby said. 

“Enter,” commanded the voice. 

Debby entered cautiously. The interior was reasonably well kept. At the doorway, Debby was met by the doctor. 

“Debby, I am Dr. Marta Lorre,” she said, examining her subject. “You certainly do not look like you need a beauty formula.” 

“Thank you,” said Debby. “But, the reason I am getting this is for revenge. I slept with my son-in-law and now I am trying to win him back.” 

“That’s what this is for,” Dr. Lorre said. “Take this bottle, pour it in your bathtub or pool, and come back to me in a week. If I don’t recognize you, it probably worked.” 

“Thank you so much,” said Debby. With that, she took the bottle and ran off. 

That night, she poured it in the pool in her backyard without a second thought. She immediately changed into her bathing suit, the same one she wore that night at Henry’s house. Then, she dove into the pool. 

Immediately, Debby knew that something was changing. She could feel a burning sensation throughout her body. She closed her eyes and let it sink in for a few minutes. Boy, was she in for a rude awakening, literally. 

When she opened her eyes, she noticed that everything was different. The entire neighborhood seemed so small. 

Then, it hit her. Everything wasn’t small. She was big. She stood up to measure herself. Judging by the height of her house, she was now a shapely 50 feet tall.

Dr. Lorre had to see this. Debby walked to the doctor’s house. On the way, she crushed a few things. At first, they were unintentional. However, as she continued crushing, she realized how much she liked it.

She made it to Dr. Lorre’s house without being trailed by cops. When she got there, she yelled for Dr. Lorre. It got her attention. 

“I think it worked,” yelled Debby. “But I can’t let you make anymore.” When these words came out of her mouth, she stepped on Dr. Lorre and demolished her house. 

Now, Debby set her sight on one thing. “Time to find that bastard son-in-law of mine.”

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