Summary: When cities across the world like New York, London and Toyko go missing, their foundation, buildings and people disappearing in thin air, the world assumes multiple theories: Aliens? Terrorist? Judgement Day?
The answer might shock them: the cities haven't left Earth at all. In fact, each of them has been transported into a different body part, and those bodily functions will destroy each and every city, killing millions through actions of eating, using the restroom, and more.
First story in an upcoming series
Rated: R
Categories: Teenager (13-19),
Young Adult 20-29,
Body Exploration,
Instant Size Change,
Mouth Play,
Watersports Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)Size Roles: FF/mWarnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: Micropocalypse
Chapters: 5
Completed: No
Word count: 13768
Read: 62123
Published: February 23 2018
Updated: August 12 2018
Story Notes:
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
1. A Snotty Forecast In Seattle by Skulldeath50 [Reviews - 14] (1473 words)
Hello to my third story on the site! This is a partly-interactive story, in which you can tell me down below what city you want in what area of a woman's body! The rules are simple: just don't use a body part/city that has already been used and no incest. However, you may request a part two of a body part.
With that said, this first chapter focuses on nasal fetishes, so if you are not a fan, just glide on past. I'm hoping to do vore next chapter also, so if you enjoy that, I should have that up with weekend.
Contains: Nose; Unaware; Destruction
2. New York In Nylons by Skulldeath50 [Reviews - 0] (1995 words)
"...or New York end up between a late 20's woman's toes. She'd be wearing Nylons and going about her work day[.]"
I liked this idea because it was different. Also, sorry in advance for making the holes in the nylon too small. I just wanted the city to be in a more inclosed enviroment. And remember, insert ideas for future cities in future body parts!
Contains: Odor; Foot; Footwear; Legwear; Unaware
3. Vancouver With A Side Of Vore by Skulldeath50 [Reviews - 1] (1937 words)
This chapter may be less juicy then the others, as I'm not a huge fan of vore anymore, and so I wasn't quite sure on what points to hit on. But other than that, this is simply a vore chapter that will transitioning us for a city in the colon and a city on a buttcheek. (Please tell me if you think both of those should be 2 different cities in one chapter, or if they should be two seperate chapters...)
Contains: Vore; Unaware; Destruction; Violent; Vore; STORYLINE
4. Boston Gots Some Booty by Skulldeath50 [Reviews - 2] (2231 words)
Hey guys, sorry I took a long break, and also sorry for any wrong edits or grammar in this, as I rushed myself. With that said, please review and read the end notes!
5. Coming All Together Now! (Part 1) by Skulldeath50 [Reviews - 1] (6132 words)
Sorry for the long break, and make sure to comment on how you think the story is going. Also, note that this is part one of two.