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You are brought back to consciousness by a rhythmic tremor. Your eyes slowly open. Bright light. You close them again and feebly roll over. Your nose touches something wet. Opening your eyes a second time you rapidly back away from the patch of blood next to you. Your body still aches but it is your mind that is raging. You are dead. You fell from a great distance and that is your blood. Yet somehow it's not quite right. The blood smear should completely surround your body not just the top half? You continue to stare in confusion. Suddenly there is a flash of blinding light. Your body begins to burn and toppling on your side you begin to throw up.

As the light fades you look back at the blood stain. It has gotten smaller. Now it is no bigger than the palm of your hand. You must be going insane. Unless. Turning round you scan the surroundings. Your heart leaps. You have gotten bigger! Somehow your body survived the fall and whatever caused this to happen is being reversed. You jump in excitement as you feel your energy returning. To your left Holly's foot is still shaking the ground but, while still being many times your size, is not as large as before.

However dangerous it may sound you know that at this size you would be able to get some one's attention. At a guess you would say you are roughly three quarters of an inch high. You are large enough to get help. You stare back at Holly's gently moving foot. Even though you are visible to the human eye now your experience inside her shoe prompts you to look elsewhere.

It appears that Holly's desk is the first one so you will have to get past her to contact whoever is behind her. Even at your new size this idea is daunting. Her left foot lies a little way ahead. The best course of action, you decide would be to stick to the edge of the desk. Not too far out though you think, remembering your close encounter with the boot. Cautiously you head forward. Her foot has ceased tapping and now the only sound is the ceaseless scratching of hundreds of pens and the gentle creaking of the desk above you as Holly shifts her weight. The constant rumbles of giant feet striking the ground acts as a reminder of your peril.

Amongst all this you try to focus. You guess you will have to try and get attention however you can once you are out of range of Holly. Your daydreaming almost costs you dearly as her huge foot lands in front of you. The force knocks you backwards. There is a familiar smell emitting from the shoe that causes your stomach to churn. That was too close. You stare dumbstruck as her foot rests where you could have been. It remains motionless for a few minutes before twisting on the spot, as if to emphasise what could have been, and moving away.

You continue your journey with double the speed and double the care. You stop for a rest once you feel you are in a safe enough place. Next to the back leg of her chair you are just out of reach of her feet. You hope. Ahead of you lies a barren expanse before the shadow of another desk provides a questionable shelter. You try to catch glimpses of your soon to be rescuer. At this height you just cant get the right angle. You stare ahead. At least you have one plus on your side. Whoever you are about to contact is wearing flip flops. That makes it a little easier.

You cross the space between the two desks with relative ease. The exam is in full swing and there is very little movement between desks. This still wasn't enough to relax you completely as you made the mad dash from shelter. After a brief pause to regain your breath you head over to the stationary foot. You remain cautious. Your last experience with Holly proved that it is foolish to think yourself safe.  

Ahead of you two massive feet lie motionless. Her skin is bronzed from tanning and shines with the same thin layer of perspiration you saw in Holly's shoe. Her nails are painted a hot pink that reflects the light from above. You tense up as her foot twitches. Flexing her toes you see the emerald green of her flip flops and the unmistakable grey, toe shaped patches from frequent wear. Her legs, also a shimmering shade of brown tan, extend upwards to where the hem of a white skirt can be seen handing like a thin cloud from the edge of her seat. There is a heavy thud as her toes settle back onto the insole. After waiting a few more minutes for any further signs of movement you take a deep breath. Steadily you make your way towards her instep. There is a distinctive line where her tanned skin gives way to the pale sole of her foot.

Hesitantly you touch her skin. Its soft and warm to the touch yet still slightly clammy with perspiration. You jump back as her foot moves slightly then hit her foot a little harder. Again this receives the same response. You know that if you wish to be saved then you are going to have to put yourself in danger. Edging towards the goddess again you go for it. 'Hey!', you scream, 'Help! Down Here! Help!' Striking her skin with the palms of your hands you dodge backwards as her foot flexes then resume your desperate attempt. As your arms begin to tire and your voice becomes harsh her foot moves backwards. You look upwards as the desk is pushed back, the tremors knocking you over.

Looking down on you like an ancient goddess is a familiar face. 'Sarah!', you scream, 'It's Me! Sarah!'. Your body fills with energy as you continue to shout and wave. You could not have been more fortunate. Sarah, your best friend since 8th grade, would be the first person you would wish to find you. A shocked expression appears on her lightly tanned face, framed by her chestnut brown hair. Her hazel eyes are wide open as she stares down at you. After a few seconds of silence she begins to talk. Her voice booms around you causing your head to roar with pain. After the ringing stops you make sense of her message. 'EEW!'

Your body freezes. You feel a knot in your stomach as all your hope is obliterated. Your mind does not believe your eyes as her massive foot begins to rise. 'No!', you scream. You know it is no use. Looking back into her eyes you are filled with fear. She thinks you are a bug. The shadow of her foot snaps you back to your senses and you begin to run. Faster than ever before your legs pound to get away. There is a tremendous crash as her foot stomps down behind you throwing you forward. 'Please Sarah, No!' you scream and you scramble forwards. Her foot once again rising above you.

Panic stricken you run blindly. Particles of dirt rain down on you as her foot hovers over you. Diving to the right you barely avoid being crushed beneath her foot. Your body screams with exhaustion as you run for your life. Your breath tastes of copper and your limbs burn as her foot rises again. You are pushing your body to its limits. As fatigue begins to snare you her foot slams down in front of you. Unable to stop you plough straight into her foot and slump down into the dirt beside her instep.

The ground shakes as you watch in horror as her foot draws towards you. Without the energy to flee you are an easy prey. Sarah's foot slams down with a sickening crunch. Flecks of blood spray across her toes. As the sole of the flip flop plunged into your legs your torso is thrown forwards. Pain seers through your body as your bones and flesh are turned into a bloody pulp. Your head smacks into the soft skin of Sarah's toe as she grinds away your bottom half. You begin to blackout from the pain. As your mind swims you can feel yourself being lifted up then falling a short distance back to earth. Through the darkness you can see a red smear on the bottom of the foot that now hovers above you. You struggle to focus as your best friend's foot hangs above you. There is another Shock wave of noise as she addresses you again 'Fuckin' Bugs'. A final scream escapes your lips as she brings her foot down. When it rises for the third time you are nothing but a dirty smear on the bottom of her footwear.

Guess this was your final exam.

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