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Sweat pools around you as you lie huddled the semi darkness of the shoe. Your back is pressed against the hard grimy wall. Her salty perspiration stings your eyes as you peer through the darkness at your surroundings. The toe section of her shoe extends for what seems to be miles in both directions. Sitting there amongst the filth and slime caused by the day to day presence of her foot you begin to feel even smaller than before. Rubbing your eyes this feeling is intensified as you gaze upwards.

Suspended above you her massive foot fills the sky. Her toes hang above you as if to taunt you with your demise. In the darkness of the shoe this sight is little more than a terrifying shadow yet at this size it is easy to pick out details. Your eyes pan across the vast expanse of flesh. Behind her cloud-like toes lies the ball of her foot beneath which, just minutes ago, you were being ground mercilessly into her insole. You touch your arm and marvel at how you are still alive. Perhaps you are more durable at this size than you would be normally, still, your eyes travel back to her foot, you wouldn't want to test it. The sight before you now is that of the bare sole of her foot. Stretching on as if into eternity the huge living landscape continues for what could be hundreds of miles before climbing into the mountains stalactite of her heel. Sitting menacingly at the very limit of your vision it is silhouetted by the bright light pouring in from outside. Atop all this your entire world balances on her toes, shaking and pitching with each minor twitch.

Squinting you look back into the distance. The light coming from behind her hell reflects off the filmy layer of sweat covering her foot bathing that end of the shoe in an eerie glow. In the darkness you try to remember the outside. You cant have been in here long but already your memories are slipping away. Your old lift existed in what is now a place of certain death. A land inhabited by gods of such epic proportions that they could kill you without even knowing.

You are snapped back into reality as the light is shut off. The entire shoe is quaking as you are once again thrown to your knees in the darkness. You are sent sprawling a few feet across the slimy insole as her heel hits the floor. Rolling over you just have time to look up as the sky falls. For the second time you are left fighting for your life beneath the foot of a goddess.

A salty liquid rushes up as you are pushed into the swampy insole. You struggle to breath as the weight of her foot compacts your rib cage and sweat floods into your mouth and nose. The pressure, while not as intense as before, causes to you scream in agony. Unable to even offer a pointless resistance you lie for what seems forever gasping for air between bouts of pure terror. Her foot twitches once, twice, each time causing the state sized muscles to smash you into the insole. Around you the excruciating heat of her body causes the sweat to dry, plastering you to her skin. The acrid stench of her feet is multiplied by proximity. Another spasm causes your bones to groan as you struggle for breath. Each movement brings you closer and closer to the end. As the heat and pressure continue their steady increase your vision slowly fades. 

A roar of air and speed tear you awake as you lie pinned against the sole of her foot. You watch in bewilderment as the insole of her shoe rushes by before dropping away. For a split second you see the shoe, your world, lying still against an eternal brown desert, before your senses are overpowered by your speed of ascent. The world blurs as you feel your angle change, gravity now pushing on you instead of trying to drag you to your doom.

The kaleidoscope of noise, wind and sound pauses as her foot slows to a stop. You attempt to avert your eyes as a blinding light beams down from above. The foot vibrates gently as this is suddenly replaced. You are met with the most incredible sight so far. A face the size of a planet now fills the heavens above you. Looking up in awe you try to make out her huge facial features. Two huge chocolate brown eyes stare down at you through a fringe of jet black hair. Her nose and pale cheeks are dotted with a small amount freckles. Just below her pink lips are pulled into a a half smile of mild interest. A necklace of gigantic black pearls hands from her neck. You know her. 'H-Holly?' you shout, a shred of hope returns to you.

Your hopes of discovery are dashed as she looks away. As her foot tilts forwards her face is replaced by a massive hand. You brace yourself as a massive finger impacts to your left, her huge fingernail painted a similar shade of pale pink as her lips. You begin to feel yourself slipping as her foot trembles. Your right arm slips free while you attempt to find something to hold onto. The air is filled with a shock wave of sound as her nail rakes across her skin. She has an itch.

The wind tears you free while in the background her hand continues its assault of her foot. You flail your arms wildly, looking for something to hold onto. Another quake sends you flying from her flesh and begins your rapid decent. All noise around you is wiped out by the sound of air roaring past you. Still flailing your arms you free fall down the side of her cliff like foot, occasionally crashing into a slight crease. Your body roars with pain as you land momentarily on the hard surface of her heel before you continue your doomed decent towards the floor.

The kaleidoscope of noise and colour returns as you plummet down the side of her leg. As your life flashes before your eyes you wonder if anyone has heard your screams. Twisting your aching body round you see the earth racing upwards to take your life. Your body goes limp as the wind twists you away from your fate.

Your impact is signalled by a brief explosion of agony as your body crunches into the ground. The last thing you see through your dying eyes is the vast shadow of Holly's foot descending towards you in an attempt to finish you off.





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