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Steve was speechless. He’d been following Tasha – or at least her path of total destruction – to the best of his ability, but it hadn’t been easy. First, she was absolutely gigantic. Not only was it difficult keeping up with her unfathomable strides, but even her footprints made the cityscape a ruined obstacle course of carnage. Toppled over trees, cars either abandoned or reduced to burning heaps of metal, and people flooding the streets like panicked cockroaches didn’t make for easy travel.

Second, he was undergoing a moral dilemma to a magnitude he’d never even considered possible. On the one hand, Tasha, the repressed love of his life, was in considerable danger. Something had gone terribly wrong, and Steve realized during his pursuit that she was still growing. He wanted to help her. He needed to help her. He didn’t know how, but he knew the first step was simply getting to her, though it was proving anything but simple. But on the other hand, Steve couldn’t ignore the sheer amount of destruction Tasha’s newfound size was causing. Before he had to abandon his ambulance, he passed hundreds if not thousands of dying people on the streets, the people he’d dedicated an entire career to protecting and healing. He wanted to help these people, he even felt partially responsible through his connection to Tasha. The guilt gnawed at him, as he was reminded by the suffering and death all around him wherever he looked.

And third, he was still grieving the loss of his brother. He’d caught up with Tasha right as she began to lecture Don about her newfound size. He was a few blocks away, but could hear her speech as if right beside her. And while it chilled him to the bone, it also turned him on more than anything he’d ever experienced before. It was the first time he’d ever heard her stand up to her abusive, drunk ex-boyfriend, and he couldn’t think of anyone that deserved that moment more than her. Adding to his already guilt-riddled self-worth, was the fact that Tasha sticking Don into her pussy one last time and crushing him to death actually excited him more than it pained him.

The image, burned in his memory, flashed before his eyes as he turned down Wall Street to once again find his giant, beautiful, Tasha. She’d grown quite a bit since he’d seen her last, thanks to her encounter with the army which Steve also heard, but had to bypass on foot. But no matter how big she grew, he noticed, she was still as beautiful as ever. Her mischievous grin, normally impish and unassuming, was now steeped with malice as she bent over, peering into a high-rise building. As Tasha leaned, the tremendous bubble of her butt flattened into the building behind her, though Steve was too far away to hear the windows shatter.

“HELP! PLEASE SOMEONE! ANYONE!” a panicked female voice screamed.

Summoning what inner-fortitude he had left, Steve looked away from his giant dream woman towards a half-crushed minivan in a nearby footprint-shaped crater. A middle-aged woman dressed in a torn peacoat screamed as she kneeled by the destroyed van. Next to her, sticking out of the broken window and mangled frame, was the top half of a young boy.

“SOMEONE PLEASE HELP MY SON!” she yelled hysterically.

Steve jumped down into the sinkhole, a good four foot drop. As he approached the trapped son and frenzied mother, he noticed the boy was perfectly still. “Mam,” he said, slowly but firmly, “I’m a paramedic. I’m here to help.”

Steve kneeled down next to the boy as the woman sobbed. She remained so close, he could feel her tears landing on his shoulder. He pressed his index and middle fingers into the boy’s blood-slicked throat, feeling for a pulse. Nothing.




Steve looked up, past the woman, to see his enormous friend turning around in the cramped street. Her movements were mesmerizing, sensual, and unnatural. Like a mountain come to life. He knew exactly what she was up to. Her smile said it all. Steve had to look up high in the sky to see it, past the golden locks of hair tousled over her perfectly tanned shoulders, and past the alluring curve of her breast and hip.

“My god…” Steve whispered.

“PLEASE SAVE MY SON. YOU HAVE TO SAVE HIM…” the woman wailed directly into Steve’s ear. He couldn’t ignore her, but the bulk of his attention was focused on Tasha as she slowly bent over, forcibly pushing her butt into the building she was just peeking into.

“He’s…” Steve barely managed, “he’s dead. I’m so sorry.”

The mad woman grabbed onto Steve’s shirt and screamed into his face, but he couldn’t hear her. She was drown out by the cacophonous collapse of the building Tasha was grinded into. The rumbling grew louder and louder, finally culminating in a deafening explosion as the giantess collided with the ground. Steve pulled the woman down as he ducked for cover. A giant gust of wind invaded the crater, bringing with it a wave of thick brown dust. Steve covered his face with his shirt, but the woman gagged in between sobs and gasps for breath.  

Trapped and blind in the cloud of debris, Steve’s stomach sank when he heard another loud rumbling after an all too short silence. Tasha was getting up, he realized. Slightly panicked, Steve felt his way to the side of the footprint.   

“I HOPE HE AT LEAST GOT TO FINISH…” Tasha said, her voice deep and resonating like thunder. She stood back to her full height, surveying the destruction her ass had unleashed. As the dust settled and the giantess returned to view, Steve’s blood turned to ice – she was facing his direction. Her sexy smirk displayed not even a hint of remorse as she took a step forward.


Steve reached up to the lip of the footprint as his bottom lip quivered. “L…lady, you gotta move!” He reached out his arm. “Let me help you!”


“MY SON! MY BABY!” the woman wailed as Steve looked from the grieving mother to Tasha.

“Oh fuck!” he swore. She was so impossibly big. She moved so fast, covering blocks in a single step.


Steve hoisted himself out of the footprint, and leapt forward as Tasha’s foot crashed down like a meteor.


The force launched Steve into the air before colliding with the quaking cement. Even after the earth stopped shaking, he could feel the low, vibrating bass resonating in his back molars. He laid on his back looking up, straight up, as Tasha continued her lazy death march, completely unaware she nearly squished her own friend into nothingness. As he sat up, grimacing in pain, his gaze was transfixed on Tasha’s round butt, the hypnotic sway of her hips completely overriding any semblance of instinctual self-preservation.

As the terrifying booms of Tasha’s footsteps began decreasing in volume and magnitude, Steve looked down into the now larger footprint. The half-crushed mini-van was now a paper-thin piece of sheet metal, and Steve couldn’t see anything that even resembled the remains of the grieving mother, not that he wanted to. His jaw hung as his mind re-evaluated the fact a living, breathing person was just popped like a grape under the sole of a gigantic woman. And not just any woman, but the love of Steve’s life.

He looked back to Tasha and was once again surprised by her speed.

“No way I can keep up on foot…” Steve muttered to himself. Wiping his forehead, he looked the opposite direction and smiled as he spotted Tasha’s favorite building in the entire city – the Empire State Building.

“If I can’t get to her… I’ll just wait for her to come to me.”


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