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"Our top story today: the government of the United States of America has formally surrendered to the giant woman known as Diane.  I say again, the government of the United States of America has formally surrendered.  An interim government by Secretary of State for Agriculture Jeff Hammer has been set up with emergency powers to create an effective system of governance as our nation enters this new world order.  A nationwide state of emergency has been declared."


Billy hated the mainstream news media; they were nothing more than a bunch of lying, sycophantic, corporate-controlled shills who cared more for their smear stories than good, old-fashioned, honest journalism.  However, the internet had been down recently, so the only source of news he could get outside of newspapers filled with lurid, barely-censored photographs of this giant whore was the TV.  He sat alone on the sofa in his living room, and despite the pleading of visiting state troopers organising mass evacuations, he just couldn't abandon the land that had been passed down from father to son since the dream of the USA was just a glint in George Washington's eye.  Surrounded by empty beer cans, and chugging down his seventh and with four more unopened sitting on the table by his side, he wondered if he was making the right choice.


The talking head on the screen continued talking.


"This woman, identified as Diane Smith, aged twenty-four, of Metro City, grew to an immense size estimated at seven hundred feet this morning, and after a failed attack by the National Guard grew once more to an estimated eight miles in height.  This is completely unbelievable, I know, I myself had a hard time believing this was true until I saw the footage.  What we are about to show you is filmed by members of the general public. It has not been enhanced digitally or modified in any way except to make then suitable for broadcast.  Please note that this footage is of a very disturbing nature, and we advise those of a nervous disposition to look away now."


The TV screen switched, showing a shaky, blurry recording of an immense foot filling the road.  The camera tilted up, following her legs.  Her crotch and her tits were blurred out, of course, but what was not was her next step, which brought her sole upon a howling mob of fleeing people.  The screen switched again, this time something rather more professional shot from the air, probably a drone.  There, that same woman, but much, much bigger, lay across the landscape, apparently asleep, her vast form curled up around the city pockmarked with footprints.  Here and there columns of smoke could be seen rising from ruined towers.


"There is more footage out there on the web," the newsreader continued, "but we cannot show you on this channel.  What is known is that this giant woman proceeded to destroy much of Metro City, with the death toll estimates ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people.  Humanitarian aid workers have stated that the destruction they have witnessed is something they would have expected to see from a nuclear bomb, and are calling it the worst humanitarian crisis to hit our nation in recent memory.  Her motives for doing this are unclear, but eye witnesses say that she had become mad and drunk with the power her new size brought."


Billy did his best to ignore the ground shaking every few seconds.  If he looked out of his window he would see the source; the silhouette of an impossibly huge woman advanced directly towards him, her hips swaying and her breasts bouncing with each relaxed step, possibly unknowingly crushing people underfoot.  He knew what she looked like, and that she was a fit young girl that he might have hit on if they met at a bar only made it worse for him.  In his lap rested his father's colt pistol; he was going to make sure he died as a free American, and not squashed like a bug under this whore's foot.


“After a brief nap she made her way to Washington DC, arriving at around 2pm this afternoon. The evacuation of the city and of our branches of government had not been completed by this time, so we fear the numbers of casualties is likely to increase.  From the outskirts she walked straight through city into the heart of our nation’s capital.  The White House has been confirmed as one of the many historic buildings demolished by this giant woman’s advance.”


The TV now showed another aerial shot, this time of a different city.  The aircraft taking the footage kept a respectable distance, such that were it not for the helpful arrow denoting the White House, situated in a patch of green in the corner of the screen, Billy might not have recognised the city as Washington DC.  There were very few tall buildings there, so the more modest structures only accentuated Diane’s immense size when compared to her mountainous toes.  If anything, she looked a little disappointed that the capital failed to live up to her expectations.  The camera followed her as she approached the White House, and kept recording as she stopped before the home of the President, raised her right leg so that her thigh formed a right angle with her waist and torso, then brought her goddess foot down on the puny representation of American power.  The ground around her foot cracked and twisted as a ripple of destruction spread from its epicentre, swallowing entire city blocks and annihilating all within its path until it faded.  The Washington Monument shuddered in the resulting earthquake, and then collapsed in a heap of historic old rubble.  Diane looked impressed at her work as she looked down at the carnage, toes wriggling in their self-made craters.


“Shocking scenes there,” the newsreader said, unnecessarily Billy thought.  “The President was not present at the time and has fled to London, England, where he has set up a government-in-exile with his surviving cabinet.”


I bet the limeys are loving this, thought Billy, though he had to give them credit for putting themselves on the line for sheltering the leader of an old ally.  He had finished his beer, and immediately opened another can.  The TV screen shifted to another perspective, this time from the streets outside Capitol Hill.  The Capitol Building stood prominent in the foreground, but behind it was a wall of pale pink flesh.  It took him a while to work it out, but Billy soon realised that he was looking at the giantess towering over the home of the US legislative branch, and that ‘wall’ was in fact her toned abs, and that the giantess was squatting on her heels.  The camera tilted upwards, revealing a belly button that Billy reckoned could accommodate a football stadium, up to a large mass of pixels that were a bust that the network didn’t want him to see, and then a lovely young face staring down at the building, apparently listening intently.  The giant woman smiled, and the camera shifted down to reveal why; the Stars and Stripes had been replaced with a shameful white flag.


“Bastards!” Billy shouted at the TV, then took a mighty swig of his now lukewarm beer and tossed the empty can to the floor.  He buried his face in his hands and let out an distraught moan.  “You bitch.”


“Negotiations were short,” the newsreader continued regardless.  “As the most senior member of the cabinet remaining in the Capital, Jeff Hammer, the Secretary of State for Agriculture, was hastily sworn in as acting president.  A press release explains that he was able to communicate with her with the use of a stadium announcement speaker.  At a press conference held just after the giant woman left, he had this to say.”


The screen then showed the interior of a room, with a middle-aged man with grey hair standing behind a podium and in front of an American flag hanging from the wall.  His face was ashen, and he trembled awkwardly, as though he was about to collapse from a heart attack.  Pale, liver-spotted hands clutched the wooden podium with a vice-like grip, and he leaned on it for support.


“Right now our priority is to ensure the survival of our great nation,” his voice stammered out.  “The events of the past day have proved that further resistance is futile and will only result in more loss of life.  The only way that these United States can endure is to co-operate fully with our Goddess, even if we must surrender our liberty.  Rest assured that we will do our utmost to keep our citizens safe, and that federal and state governance will continue to operate as normal.  I implore the citizens of this great country to carry on with their lives as normal, while we set up a new system of government that will allow us to prosper under this new world order.  God help us all.”


Politicians - they were one of the few people Billy despised more than journalists, and now they had proved themselves to be the spineless toads they’ve always been, except this time they kowtowed to some massive bitch instead of big business.  They didn’t even try to fight back, but were so ready to fall to their knees and call her ‘Goddess’ just to save their own skins.  America was dead to him now, and those sons of bitches had played their part in its downfall.


The TV cut back to the newsreader, who now leaned on his desk and touched his earpiece.  “No, I refuse,” he said.  “…. I don’t care what she says, she’s not.  ….  What, do you think she watches this show?  How can she tell?  …. This is a flagrant abuse of the independence of news media.  ….  Right, fine.  If you say so.”


He looked back to face the camera with a defeated look in his grey eyes.  “Following that, the Goddess addressed a group of reporters just beyond the city limits.  Once again, the footage is graphic, and viewers are advised to exercise discretion.”


The screen switched to show footage of the goddess in question, looming hugely over the tiny throng of journalists and cameramen that had been made to gather by her toes.  The camera was pointing almost directly up, allowing a view of her face, distorted by perspective, some eight miles or so above them.  Once again, those certain parts of her naked body were blurred out.  The camera zoomed in to her face, and refocused to show her grinning wide and drunk with divine power.  This time it was a professional camera, and did a far better job of displaying her deadly beauty.  The unseen news crew could be heard conversing in hushed, awed tones.


"Oh my god, she's so huge," a woman's voice was heard say.


"Jesus Christ, this shouldn't be possible," a man said.


"She got the White House.  It's all gone..."


“Everyone ready?” she said.  Her voice sounded distorted by the sheer volume and distance between them, but it silenced the chatter.  “People of the world, hear me.  It should be painfully obvious by now, but some of you may yet need convincing.  I am now the goddess of this world, and all of you are nothing but tiny mites before me.  You have seen me, and you have seen what I am capable of.  Believe, me I am capable of so much more.  From now on, none of you can run from me, none of you can hide, and none of you are safe.  If I am attacked again or if my authority is defied then thousands of people will die.  This will be your only warning.  Pray that I need not give you another.”


The screen suddenly turned dark, then shifted drunkenly until the camera zoomed out to show that the giantess was standing on one foot, and holding her other directly above their heads.  She wobbled slightly, and held her miles long arms out to maintain her balance.  The camera captured every single line and wrinkle in her sexy, divine sole, which had claimed so many lives over the course of a single day.  The assembled journalists screamed in terror, but ever the professional the cameraman kept recording this historic speech.  Diane’s voice drowned out even the roar of the small crowd.


“Take a good look, mankind, for this is your future.”


Only then did the cameraman break his professional demeanour.  The screen showed an incoherent blur of colours alternating between blue, green, and red, but in rare moments that it remained level for any significant moment of time it showed the news crew abandoning their equipment and running desperately for their vans.  One man shrieked hysterically as his trembling fingers tried and failed to insert the key into the door, his cargo pants were marked with a dark stain at the crotch where he had understandably pissed himself.  The cameraman regained some composure, but his frantic, heavy breathing could be heard.  He tilted the camera up, showing the approaching sole filling the entire screen, until it all turned black and the footage ended.


The screen then returned to the newsreader, who, after a moment to compose himself, continued with his broadcast: "In accordance with her orders, that footage has been sent to news broadcasters across the globe to spread her message to all of humanity.  As of now, however, the Goddess is heading south, apparently following the east coast.  Her destination is unknown and difficult to predict, but it seems likely that she is heading for either Florida or aiming to cross the border into Mexico.  Therefore, we implore our viewers in the following states to switch to regional news and listen to evacuation orders..."


Billy had seen and heard enough and turned off the TV.  Looking out of the window, he saw only a pair of pale legs sauntering towards him with a contemptuously casual gait.  The ground tremors had reached the point that each of the colossal bitch's steps shook the many porcelain ornaments that his mother, God rest her soul, loved to collect from their mountings and smashed them against the floor.  She was heading straight for him, that much was certain.  She might move away at the last minute, distracted by something else to visit and abuse for her pleasure, but if not then his farm and everything that he had lived and worked for would fall beneath her feet.  That couldn't be avoided, but there was one thing that he still held a degree of power over and that she could never take from him.  It rested in his lap, his father's gun once used to kill Japs in the Pacific.  Even then, if by some miracle he was spared, a world without a free United States of America was not one he wanted to live in.


Billy looked at the broken ornaments that his mother spent a lifetime collecting, shattered coloured porcelain on the worn carpet, and had made up his mind.  With a final swig that finished his can he held his dad's gun to his temple, and closed his eyes...




About half an hour later, the modest home, the surrounding farmland including the barn, the grain silo, and fields of wheat disappeared beneath Diane's foot, leaving no trace that they had ever existed.  She hadn't even noticed; what was the life of a single tiny human when there were seven billion of them scattered across the world, each now finding purpose to live only for her pleasure?  Soon they would all see her in person when she cross the great expanse of land and sea, and the peoples of the world would despair when she visited to subjugate their puny nations to her divine rule, but she was in no great rush for she now had all the time in the world.  With each cataclysmic step as she followed the line of the Atlantic coast south to warmer climates she demonstrated the single, inescapable truth - the goddess Diane reigned over all mankind.


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