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Part 2

Sofia's uncertainty had returned as she and Catrina had made their way toward Coosa. Before their.... stop, the forest had been only a minor inconvenience. But now... now it was a welcome, and unwelcome, reminder of the sheer POWER she wielded. Evergreens snapped in half with a simple push and her feet dug ditches into their roots. Birds took off in terror of the two giantesses made their way through their home. It made Sofia think back to the gas station... and the temptation that had come into her head. Thankfully, their massive strides made what would have been a thirty minute trip to only a few and it wasn't long before the office buildings of Coosa came into sight.


Coosa wasn't a huge city, but was on its way to becoming one. A few highrises had gone up here and there over the years and it wouldn't be long before it hit that unspoken mark to become a true metropolitan. But it hadn't hit it yet and the skyscrapers were the exception rather than the rule. Most of the rest of the city was housing or service buildings, malls and such, that served the residents. And that meant it had plenty of people to make any attempt to hide two giant women showing up all but impossible.


Sofia tried to get Catrina to wait at the edge of the forest as they arrived at the highway leading into the city, but the muscular giantess plowed right on past her. Cars swerved and crashed into each other, or the median, as her foot slammed down from the small cliff Sofia had stopped on.


"Catrina! Be careful!" Sofia said as she, with a good bit more care, stepped down onto the highway. Car alarms and horns were blaring from every direction along with screams of panic. Sofia cringed as she looked at all the accidents and the mess Catrina had made.


"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Catrina said as she stared down at the various people, either fleeing or staring in awe. Sofia noticed just as many were staring up at her and she tried to cover herself as a sudden burst of embarrassment hit her. She had nearly forgotten she was completely naked. Catrina, though, didn't look to care in the least.


"Just... just watch your step as we keep heading to the city. There will be more witnesses there," Sofia said as she began to move toward the city. Catrina didn't follow, at first, but fell in after a few seconds. Thankfully, the accident they had caused made the highway wide open for them to walk down, though the opposite lane got a bit... messy as people stared at them. But there really wasn't a way to stop that, the highway was the only way to get to the city proper without having to go through residential areas. And Sofia wasn't willing to do that after what Catrina had done back at the gas station.


After a minute or two of walking, the two of them reached the exit leading to the main road of Coosa. Word must have spread about them as a mass of people, police, and news crews had gathered to watch them approach. Sofia smiled as her plan came together and she gave the cameras a wave, before snapping her arm back around her chest. She really needed to find someway to cover up.


Awe and a bit of panic spread through the gathered crowd as she and Catrina moved to only a few yards from them. The police had made a line with their cars and some wooden barriers to keep the public back. Most of them had their guns out and trained on them, but held their fire. Sofia wasn't worried about them, though. They, basically, had the same weapons as the guards did and none of them had been able to hurt either one of them. And that was before both of them had grown quite a bit larger.


As both of them stopped, their feet cracking the pavement where they rested, a deafening silence hung over the area. Sofia glanced between the people and Catrina, wishing someone would say something. Finally, Sofia decided to be the first to speak just to end the silence.


"Uhhh... hi?" she said, her voice causing people to stumble back in shock. A shot rang out, but if the bullet hit her, Sofia didn't feel it. It wasn't followed by any other, thankfully, and the startled crowd began to compose itself.


"Please, we don't want to hurt anyone. We... we just need help getting back to normal. And making sure the people that did this to us get punished," Sofia soothed, her hands kinda spread to show she meant no harm. The crowd started to mumble among itself as the police looked between one another. Sofia hoped they believed her, she didn't want to have to figure out another plan. Or try to get out of here without hurting someone.


"Miss, MISS! Ted of Channel 6, how did you end up like this? Are there others like you?" a reporter for a local news station asked. Sofia leaned down a bit, causing a stir in the crowd, as she got a better look at the man. He was rather attractive and looked earnest in his questions. Perfect!


"Umm, well we wound up... bigger because of a government experiment. And I think we are the only ones. Actually, that was why we came, we wanted to make sure they couldn't cover this up," Sofia answered. The murmurs grow far louder as the reporter's eyes lit up like he had just spotted a fountain of pure candy. He tried to ask more questions, but other reporters started trying to talk over him. Other people began to try and move forward, forcing the police to split their focus, and a general wave of awe and curiosity filled the air. Sofia's held breath was released as her plan came to fruition. Perfect, there was no way the military could cover this up or risk attacking them, now. And all they had to do was answer some questions and no-


Suddenly, Sofia felt something push against her rear and her balance was thrown completely off. She tried to stop herself, but her reaction was too slow. By the time she fully realized what was happening, it was too late to stop. With a cry of alarm, and fear, Sofia crashed down onto the gathering crowd. The force knocked the lucky people off their feet and broke nearly every glass pane in a block radius. Sickening pops erupted from under Sofia’s chest and arm as the people caught under her were splattered like grapes. Bile rose up in Sofia’s throat as a good chunk of the police line and the crowd, including the reporter, were now stains on Sofia's toppled over body.




Catrina couldn't help but laugh as panic surged through the crowd. The various people all scattered in every direction as revulsion and guilt took over Sofia's face. The little idealist had been given a good push into reality and Catrina was SO glad she had been the one to give it. Did she really think Catrina wasn't going to squash all these people and just accept being made weak and small again? Naw, she was NEVER going to give this up.


Leaving Sofia to try and explain why she had just crushed twenty or so people, Catrina stomped past her fallen body and kicked the closest police cruiser out of her way. The unlucky officers that had been taking cover behind it simple ceased as their car smashed them apart before embedding itself into a nearby building. Catrina smirked in approval before continuing forward, enjoying the soft crunches that her feet caught with each step.


"Catrina! STOP!" Sofia yelled after her, but Catrina responded with a finger and nothing else. She looked down at the fleeing crowd, slowly thinning as the smarter ones ducked into alleys or buildings. Catrina sped her pace up just enough to catch the majority and then slowed to stay a bit behind. The panic screams of terror and fear were music to her as she made a game of seeing how many she could catch underfoot in one step. She got up to five by the time she got a bit bored with it.


Looking back up, but not stopping, she looked between the buildings on either side of her. She swung out her right arm and was amazed as it plowed through the concrete building like it was made of paper. A quick test of her left arm proved it was not a fluke and a power-crazed laugh escaped her mouth. A new game began of smashing a random floor of the building while continuing to move through the city. Some of the buildings collapsed from the damage, some withstood the abuse, but either way people fled the buildings and were forced into her path. Catrina licked her lips as the much thinned out crowd began to grow again. And it wasn't the only thing.


A soft moan escaped her lips as her body began to enlarge. Each step caused the pavement to crack a bit more and sent more of the crowd stumbling. Her arms began to hit the higher floors without any trouble and her hips moved closer and closer to them as well. Catrina's moan turned into a deep chuckle as her slow pace overtook the crowd with ease, her steps growing longer and longer. Finally, with a grunt of satisfaction, Catrina's latest spurt came to an end and the hundred foot ex-prisoner stopped her rampage as she took time to admire her new height.


Nearly all the buildings in Coosa were now smaller than her and Catrina rested her arm on one, before crushing it like a used soda can. The dust, debris, and blood mixed together into a pile of debris and Catrina stomped it down for good measure, shattering the last few panes her steps hadn't broken. Looking for her next victim, Catrina spotted the tallest building in the city, and one of the few still taller than her. Giving it a miffed look, Catrina headed for it, plowing through any building dumb enough to be in the way. Her toned body shoved its way through concrete, steel, and glass without so much as a scratch and more than a few splatters erupted on various parts of Catrina's body. She ignored it all, though she did enjoy the splats, as she focused on her goal. Finally, she reached the building and stopped to stare into its polished glass sheen, her own face staring back in annoyance.


"Could bring ya down just by walkin... but I got a better idea. Lucky you," Catrina said before turning away, not adding the for now the occupants would have wanted to hear. Cause she WAS going to crush that place, just not till she was big enough to crush it AND the city. And as another surge began to slowly form inside her, Catrina knew it wouldn't be long before that eyesore would be dust.



"Catrina! STOP!" Sofia yelled after the crazed woman as she strolled forward into the fleeing crowd. The black woman responded with a finger and continued her deadly walk. Terror, anger, and self-loathing filled Sofia as she watched the death toll climb with every step. What was she THINKING bringing her here?! It should have been obvious she was unhinged considering she was on death row AND after what she had done to the gas station. But some part of her hadn't wanted to do this alone and now...


Sofia pushed herself up onto her feet, making sure to put them where she had fallen so as not to add to the carnage, and stared after the monster. She had to stop her... but how? Talking sure as hell wasn't going to work which left only one real option... a bad option for all kinds of reasons.


Despite her growth, Sofia was still just as scrawny and thin as she had been. Catrina, on the other hand, was toned, well-defined, and built like a tank in comparison. Worse, Sofia had never been in a fight in her life and Catrina, considering her background, had almost certainly had. Oh sure nothing had hurt either of them so far, but if anything could it would be each other... and Catrina was more likely to manage it than Sofia. But looking down at the blood splatters still on her body and the slowly dripping off remains, Sofia knew she had to try. She was the only one who could.


Taking a deep breath, Sofia moved forward and tried to psych herself up. But her effort stopped dead as screams from below drew her attention down to the ground. A woman was only a few feet from her foot and looked to have, barely, avoided being crushed. Terror flooded into Sofia as she moved her foot away, only to barely avoid smacking into another fleeing person.


"Wai- No do- Stop! Please, I am try-" Sofia tried to say as she had to come to a dead stop to avoid hurting anyone. People were in such a blind panic that they weren't paying attention to anything and a crowd of people, cars, and debris was now forming between her and Catrina. Dammit, she needed to go after her, but couldn't without causing even more terror and destruction.


Sofia's thoughts were interrupted as shots began to ring out among the chaos. She felt pinpricks hitting her in various places and she looked down to see the surviving officers firing away at her. Their guns were as ineffective as the guards at the prison were and Sofia let out an annoyed sigh. Wait... yes! If they could clear the streets, she could go after Catrina!


"Wait, stop! I don't want to hurt anyone! Listen, I need your help so I can stop Catrina!" Sofia tried to explain as she fought her instinct to move thanks to all the bullets hitting her. The gunfire didn't slow at all as Sofia swore under her breath.

"Please! You all saw her push me over, I d-"


"Save it you overgrown Mexican cunt! Should have deported all of you illegals years ago!" one of the officers yelled. Sofia's frustration turned to white hot rage as her head snapped to the idiot. The fucker fired despite the glare of rage she was giving him and his bullet simply bounced off her cheek. Sofia bent down to loom over him, ignoring the rest of the idiots as she glared down at the fucker.


"What... did you say?" Sofia demanded as her rage pushed everything aside. The officer's bravado fractured in an instant and he fired again, but shot wide. Sofia narrowed her eyes as she bent down closer to him, putting him and the area around him in an unnatural shade. The officer lost his nerve and tried to flee, but Sofia was quick to react. She went to her knees, crushing a few police cars, before slamming her arm down to block his escape. He tried to shove Sofia's arm out of the way, but she barely even felt it as she dragged him closer.


"First of all, I'm not an illegal. I was born here and so were my parents you fucker," Sofia said, spitting out the last word and splattering him with a glob of spit. She didn't wait for him to get it off himself to continue.

"Second, my grandparents are from Panama, not Mexico!" Sofia yelled, her voice blasting him back. She stared at him and was only kinda aware of the fact he was shrinking away. Part of her felt the road cracking more and more under her weight, of debris being shoved aside as her body demanded more space, and of the fact the remaining officers had fled.


"And lastly, the only reason I am like this is because of people like YOU! I wasn't supposed to be part of this, but abuse of power made me into THIS!" she finished, slamming her fist into the ground and causing him to stumble. Sofia's mind went back to the warden, the military that did this, her own arrest, ALL of it was abuse of the weak by the strong. ALL of it just one injustice after the other. Why did she ever think these pigs would ever do anything to help? When had they EVER done anything but abuse people like her?


The officer regained his composure and stared at the enlarged Sofia in a mixture of terror and resignation.

"You...you're a fucking monster..." he said. Sofia's anger flared and she raised her fist to smash him, but stopped mid swing. Instead, she picked herself up and rose to her full height. The officer had to crane his neck all the way back to see up to her now seventy feet high head as she glared down at him.


"No, I'm the powerful... and you're the weak," Sofia said before turning away. She could kill him, it would be as simple as taking a step. But letting him live, to be completely forgotten about and left to wonder why he was still alive was a far better punishment. And, besides, she wasn't a monster.


No, she was powerful and she was going to use that power to make the changes SHE deemed right, that SHE wanted done. No more protesting, no more wishing for change, no more ineffective rallies, change had come and it came at the sole of her foot. And if anyone complained, then she would do to them what had been done to her.  


Sofia looked at the destruction Catrina was causing.... and ignored it as she turned her attention to the nearby police station. It was time for the ex-powerful to learn the new order of things. Unlike Catrina, though, Sofia attempted to minimize the damage she caused. Rather than plowing her way to the station like she easily could have, she followed the streets and keep an eye out for where she stepped. Despite her efforts, she still felt, and saw, a few poor souls get crushed under her soles. Sofia wasn't happy about it, but there really was no way to avoid it. There were just too many of them and her feet took up too much space.


A few police officers were scattered about the roads. The stupid ones trying to stop her or fired on her and got a more literal experience of being crushed under foot. The smarter ones keep out of her way and even a few actually did what she had wanted them to do and herd people away from her. Sofia made a point of avoiding them even if it was inconvenient.


After a minute or two of strolling, Sofia stopped in front of the police station. She remembered when she had been brought her after being arrested. It had looked so large... so imposing... so dominating as she was shoved inside. But now... now it looked like a large model a kid had made. Gunshots from various windows and even people on the ground greeted her and Sofia rolled her eyes. Always going straight for their guns... she might have decided against this action if they had tried talking. But these "civil servants" had proven they were the shoot first kind, and Sofia had no use for them.


"Coosa's finest... hiding in their fortress while the city dies around them. Pity death has come to you," Sofia said, feeling rather proud of her taunt. The gunfire didn't let up at all as Sofia shook her head, idiots... She thought about just walking through the building, but worried some might manage to survive. Smashing it apart would be more through, but- and then the perfect idea hit her.


Sofia moved to stand a bit closer to the building, crushing a few cruisers that had been made into an ineffective barrier. She raised her hands and smirked down at the tiny station.

"I'm not resisting," she said before letting herself fall forward. Her massive body smashed into the station and sent bits of debris, glass, and even body parts flying as it crumbled under her weight. Its reinforced steel and cement barely slowed her descent as her torso buried it and everyone inside and she smashed into the ground with enough force to send a shockwave all the way to Catrina. Dust and red mist erupted out of the impact and Sofia had to stifle a cough as some of it wound up in her nose. Despite the fact she had fallen onto such a hard material, Sofia didn't feel any pain or discomfort, she might as well have collapsed onto a hard bed.


Picking herself up, and wiping bits of debris and blood off her torso, Sofia looked down at her handiwork. The station was no more and all that was left was a crater where she had fallen onto it. The building next to it had been damaged as well, but Sofia didn't really care. The guard dogs for the ex-powerful were now dead or scattered and Sofia, Sofia had never felt so good in her life.


"Just an illegal alien, that destroyed all of you," Sofia bragged as she slammed her foot down onto the remains for good measure. She turned away from the crater and was going to see what Catrina was doing. But her eyes stopped roving as they spotted another familiar building. The very bank she and a number of others had been protesting when she had been arrested. A smirk formed on her face as she decided Catrina could wait just a bit longer. But her new target, and her new growth spurt, couldn’t.




Catrina sipped up the last of the water with a satisfied ahh. It was odd just how thirsty she had become from her rampage and general mayhem. Who would have guessed genocide was thirsty work? Rolling away from the, now empty, fountain, Catrina gazed down at the suburbs she was in the middle of crushing.


Skyscrapers and office buildings had gotten boring after awhile so Catrina had headed out of the main city and into its offshoots. She was glad she had as once she got a bit bigger, they wouldn't be any fun at all, just little specks to be ignored. But for now, they were small enough to be different from the office buildings, but still big enough to be worth her time. Though that wasn't going to last much longer.


As if summoned by her thoughts, Catrina purred in approval as her body began to expand again. She watched the fountain slowly disappear under her growing form and chuckled as her body began to press into nearby buildings. Idiots who thought they were safe inside tried to flee, but Catrina only forced her growth to accelerate. Her body's expansion shook the ground, causing them to tumble and Catrina laughed as they were overtaken, and crushed by her growing body. Three more houses fell into ruin as Catrina finished her latest spurt. And far FAR more would follow them.


Getting back onto her feet, Catrina stretched and looked around for her next target. She thought about heading to the nearby golf course, or maybe that spiffy mall as-


Her thoughts stopped as movement drew her eyes to a spot on the horizon. She had to squint to make sure she wasn't seeing things, but sure enough something was moving toward her. Something that wasn't on the ground. A few news helicopters had buzzed around her a few minutes ago, but she had shooed them off with some debris target practice. Catrina sighed as she wondered if they had forgotten her "request" and started to look for something sturdy enough to be tossed. She stopped looking, though, as the shapes drew closer. These weren't news copters, and there were more than just a few...


Despite herself, Catrina couldn't help but let a cold chill run down her back. Oh sure nothing that had been thrown at them had hurt... yet, but this was military-grade weapons. Pistols, shotguns, and rifles didn't really measure up to rockets, missiles, and tank shells. She glanced back, instinctively, to try and find an escape route... but her fear faded as she did. Her eyes traced the trail of destruction and death she had carved through the city. She looked at the spaces where office buildings had stood before she had walked right through them. Looked at the cracked craters her feet had made in the asphalt, looked as Sofia hugged a building in two. The top part cracked off and collapsed onto the scrawny girl, but she brushed it off like it was nothing but a bucket of water, her laughter almost drowning out the noise of its collapse. If they were that powerful, that tough...


"Sofia, get over here. We have guests," Catrina yelled as her fear melted into anticipation. She thought about just leaving the wimpy girl to find out the hard way, but there was still a slight bit of worry under her new found confidence. There always was the chance they could hurt them and if so, having Sofia around to use as a shield would be very helpful. Besides, it looked as if she had, finally, let go of her inhibitions and was enjoying their newfound Godhood.


Sofia glanced over and followed Catrina's eyes to the helicopters. Her face paled a bit as she noticed their approach, but it regained its color as she looked down at the mess she had caused. It seemed like the same realization hit her and the thin hispanic marched over to join Catrina, taking a dumb roundabout way. OK so maybe she hadn't let go of all her dumb inhibitions...


Sofia arrived next to Catrina just as the helicopters arrived and encircled the two of them. The two hundred and eighty foot giantesses stared back at the thirteen or so helicopters surrounding them, all loaded with missiles and machineguns. Catrina's confidence dipped a bit as they leveled on them and she could see Sofia starting to waver as well. It was easy to act confident when weapons meant to take out tanks WEREN'T pointed at you...


"Attention convicts, I am General Franz of the United States armed forces. You are to sit down immediately, keep your hands and feet as close to your body as possible, and surrender. Refuse and we will open fire on you," a commanding voice from one of the copters' loudspeaker said. Catrina narrowed her eyes at the copter in front of her and debated on what to do. If she sprang forward she could, probably, catch it and smack it into the next county. But that left more than ten other copters to take out and they'd all scatter. And then there was Sof-


Catrina glanced back and swore as Sofia started to bend down. Fuck she was going to do what they said! If she did that, they'd focus all on Catrina and then... Oh fuck this she was NOT going back to another prison or being a guinea pig for another experiment OR giving up this power!


Her choice made, Catrina sprang forward and swiped at the copter she had picked out. Her hand came rushing forward right on target and she smiled in approval... and watched her hand whizz past the copter as it rocketed upward. She had missed....


"Fire at will!" the General said and Catrina swore as the copters all exploded in fury. Rockets smashed into her arms, her face, everything as streams of bullets carved paths up and down her. Sofia screamed as she was given the same treatment and could do nothing but shield her face. Catrina tried to do the same as the full wrath of the captors rake them both. And as quickly as it had started, the noise and explosions ended.


Smoke from the rockets and bullets forced Catrina to blink a few times. Pain was spread all over her body and she feared for what her body hadn't quite processed yet. Was her arms shredded? Was blood pouring out of her? Was she still hopped up on enough adrenaline to not realize how bad off she was? She'd seen it happen before... someone be fine up till they notice the wounds and then....


Catrina dared to look... and her eyes widened. She wasn't shredded... she wasn't bleeding out... hell she wasn't even bleeding! The only signs of her being attacked were a few marks on her body, and those were already starting to vanish. A surprised gasp came from Sofia as well and Catrina glanced around to see her no worse for wear either. They hadn't done a damn thing to them. Not a thing....Not a THING!


Catrina couldn't help it as she let out a booming laugh. The military couldn't even touch her! NOTHING could touch her! She was unstoppable! And oh... oh she was going to be even MORE unstoppable. She gave the copters a vicious smile, even as they opened fire again, and watched as they sank lower and lower.


Behind her, Catrina heard Sofia laugh in relief before gasping as she started to grow as well. Both of them smiled as their heads moved closer and closer to the clouds, their feet demanded more and more space, and the explosions became less and less annoying with each second. The captors tried to rise up with them, but fell behind as they surged up, the suburb becoming more and more like a model. The three hundred foot titans smirked down at the threat that was now nothing but another toy.


"You should start running," Sofia suggested as Catrina lunged foward to prevent them from following that advice.




It was such an obvious mistake, such an easy to see flaw... once you looked for it. Merabel couldn't help but bury her head in her hands as she cursed her own blindness for the twentieth time. The unexpected flaw in her serum was the flight or fight response... adrenaline. If the subject had it in their system in large amounts during or soon after injection, the serum would have, well the very effect this prison had seen first hand. Worse, the subject's own body would begin to produce the serum as well allowing them to continue their growth possibly indefinitely.


Looking back on her test subjects, it was easy to see the warning signs. All her failures had been with animals that had been stressed or worried. Her successes, calm and docile. Even her massive failure during her demonstration was a clue she had missed completely. The old version of the serum should never have caused such horrid results, but with the animal stressed from the trip and the new environment...


Merabel's thoughts were pushed aside as her machine dinged for her attention. She withdrew four vials from the mixing machine and let out a relieved sigh. At least she had been able to make a cure. It hadn't be difficult once she had learned the cause of all this. There was still the issue of getting them to the subjects, but that was why she had made extras. Though, these four were all she could make with the supplies she had here.


Before Merabel could stow the vials away, voices began to echo in from the ruined hallway. A shiver of fear ran down Merabel's spine as she ducked behind the nearby desk. She knew some of the prisoners were still around, she'd had to avoid them to get in here, but prayed she was overreacting. Maybe it would be some of the surviving guards or troops sent by Franz. It would take some explaining, but surely they would listen once she explained-


"There ain't shit in here, let's go 'fore the cops show!" a female voice said, dashing all of Merabel's hopes.


"Girl, ain't no cops gonna be coming here with those two freaks running round. Gonna be too busy trying to stop them to worry bout us," another said, the voice much clearer and closer. Merabel covered her mouth as she tried to stay calm.


She had seen these prisoners mowing down guards and had little reason to think they wouldn't kill her. And if they damaged or broke the vials holding the antidotes... She had to stay hidden and keep qui-


The relative quiet was shattered as Merabel's phone rang for attention. She swore and turned it off, sending the General to her voicemail again, and prayed the prisoners hadn't heard.


"The fuck was that?"

"Came from this way," voices said as Merabel went into a panic. No, no, NO! She had to do something, had to stop them. But all she had were the antidotes, various lab equipment, and the locked drawer with the other samp-... No... no she couldn't do that. But the footsteps were getting louder, and someone was saying it came from the infirmary, and her phone was starting to go off again, and-


With a determination bore of panic, Merabel unlocked the drawer. Only three serums were left and one had been a special mixture she had hoped to show off once the normal serums had worked. It was supposed to be fast acting and with greater effects, but the disaster had precluded its demonstration.  Or rather, delayed it. Grabbing it, Merabel injected the stronger serum into herself and hoped it took effect quick enough. She knew this was madness, but saw no other choice. Risking capture by the prisoners and the antidotes being destroyed was just too dangerous.


Merabel didn't feel any different as a group of six prisoners appeared in the doorway, stolen guns leveled at her. Merabel raised her hands and tried to beg not to be shot, but her words came out as more gibberish than pleads.


"Shut up, SHUT UP! Fucking hate when they blubber," one of the prisoners said as she moved forward, her shotgun leveled on Merabel. Merabel did as she was told and focused on not shaking or dropping the vials in her hands. The group moved inside, some eyeing her up and down while others focused on the vials. Oh no....


"What'ch got there? Some good shit? Maybe some stuff to make us bigger?" the one who had lead the way asked as she moved closer. Merabel gulped as she backed away. All of the prisoners were staring at the vials now and all of them were looking very VERY eager to try them.


"N-No, their not. Their to cure that n-"

"Bullshit. And if its not, then you won't have a problem with me taking a sip," the prisoner said, speeding her pace to catch up to Merabel. In truth, there really wasn't a problem with the woman sipping it. All it would do was make her lightheaded and maybe give her a stomach ache. But Merabel doubted she would take just a sip and with, now three, people to cure she couldn't waste any of the vials. Unfortunately, as the woman lowered the shotgun to press into Merabel's breasts, she might not have a say in the matter.


Merabel was about to answer when a sudden wave of vertigo hit. She stumbled backward a step and her vision swam. Distant voices sounded from somewhere and she thought she heard laughter. But just as quick as the disorientation hit, it faded away and she blinked the last of it away.


She looked up at the prisoner, their gun still leveled, and then not leveled. The woman's smirk vanished as did the smiles from the others. Panic and fear took hold of them as they seemed to shrink away and Merabel started to feel tied up. She grunted as she looked down and watched the floor move further and further away. By the time she looked surprised, her head smacked into the ceiling, and started to push against it. Cracks spread from it and Merabel tried to bend down. Another surge turned her bend to a flop and she crashed down onto the lab equipment she had been using, flatting most of it. She tried to look back to see what had survived, but her growing backside smothered it all by the time she turned. Something began to wiggle under her foot and was joined by others as her feet started to press into the wall. Merabel turned just in time to see blood splatter out as her feet started to cause cracks to run up the wall. She was going to be sick, but a sudden impact on her head distracted her. She looked up into the ceiling, and then into the sky as she blasted right through it.


"Oh G-" was all she got out before her breasts followed her head and exploded out of the ceiling. The rest of her came right after and within less than five seconds, Merabel had gone from barely five feet to almost fifty. And then the second surge hit.


Yet despite the confusion and sudden explosion of growth, Merabel had keep a firm, but light, grip on the vials. As her head surged every higher and her feet further away, she glanced down to see the four vials still safely held in her growing hands. She let out a relieved sigh before pushing herself to her feet.


Standing up, Merabel gasped as she looked around herself. The prison was like a toy set, a ruined one anyway, and the trees around it barely reached her hips, and were still sinking. She could see the path the other two had made through the forest, but whereas they had had to push trees out of their path, she could stride right over them. And would soon be doing more than that as another wave crashed in and her size began to increase still further...



Tomoya had heard the distant explosions, screams, and general mayhem long before she saw any of it. She leap down onto the abandoned, and damaged, highway before looking toward Coosa. Much of it was now in ruins with bits of buildings tossed around and destruction everywhere. Fires blazed through blocks uncontested and masses of people fled the city on foot, having long abandoned their cars. A few military helicopters moved over the pandemonium while a handful of off-road vehicles tried to make their way inside. It was like Godzilla itself had visited the city.


Pushing down a bit of fear, Tomoya moved toward the madness, doing her best to avoid any vehicles that looked occupied. At fifty or so feet, it wasn't easy, but she managed as best as she could and the vast majority of the vehicles had been abandoned. The few people she did meet fled from her in blind panic and terror. Tomoya thought about telling them she didn't want to hurt them, but seeing the destruction those other two monsters had caused... She wouldn't have believed her in their place either...


Her rage rekindled by her thoughts, Tomoya picked up the pace and tried to spot her query. The smoke, screams, and general mayhem made picking even huge things like them out difficult and familiar sights, now devastated, only made it harder. Her eyes keep being drawn the shops she had visited, restaurants she had eaten at, hangouts her friends and her had-


Suddenly, an explosion erupted on Tomoya's face and she cried out as it nearly sent her reeling. She growled and turned to see one of the military helicopters moving to duck behind a nearby building. It was tempting to go after it and teach it a lesson, but a quick check showed the missile had not even singed her skin. Whatever had happened to her had made her superhumanly tough as well. Besides, she wasn't here for the military.


As if summoned by her thoughts, a sudden quake drew Tomoya eyes downtown and she spotted one of cunts. Yet her rage was doused as she looked up, and up, and up at the towering monster she had become. The black woman who had used a truck like a dildo was now large enough to use a building like one, and was doing just that. She gasped and groaned in pleasure, her voice now echoing above the din of chaos, and completely ignored the many missiles impacting on her. Tomoya couldn't help but take a step back in awe and fear, but the mangled remains of her home flashed before her and rage took hold once again.


"You... you... BITCH!" Tomoya yelled before charging the much larger woman. She ignored everything in her path as she charged, plowing through buildings and debris. Her rage left her only dimly aware of the fact the titaness was looking less and less titanic with each step she took, but she couldn't care less. The black bitch had enough time to look down in confusion before Tomoya tackled her.


The two giantesses flew backwards into the suburbs as Tomoya slammed the bitch into the ground. She grunted in shock and surprise as Tomoya raised her fist to smash her teeth in. Tomoya's hand stopped dead, however, as the woman caught it with her much larger hand. Tomoya's spurt had gotten her up to a hundred or so feet, but that was less than half the size of the bitch she was fighting.


"The hell did you come from? You some bitch from the prison?" the woman asked, not even straining to stop Tomoya despite her putting her entire being behind her fist.


"No you damn monster! I'm the daughter of the couple you murdered!" Tomoya said between gritted teeth as she tried to force her hand. She lashed out with her other fist, but the woman easily caught it as well. She rolled her eyes at Tomoya.


"Girl, do you even know how many couples I've killed? You're gonna have to be more specific than that," the woman said as if she was talking about how many eggs she had eaten or bugs squished. Tomoya's rage reached new heights as she realized the bitch hadn't even SEEN or even CONSIDERED her parents at all. She'd killed them simply because she had, not even INTENDED IT! Just a...a...A!!!


Tomoya roared in fury and yanked her fists back. The woman tried to hold them, but failed as Tomoya felt herself explode outward. She lunged forward and slammed her head into the woman's and the blown sent stars blasting through Tomoya, but the other woman looked just as dazed as she was. And most importantly, didn't look bigger than her. In fact...she looked smaller.


Shaking off the blow, Tomoya jumped to her feet and tried to slam her foot onto the cunt's head. The other woman, however, recovered from the blow and rolled out of the way. Tomoya's foot smashed into the ground, sending dirt, dust, and a virtual wave outward through the area. Some part of her gasped in shock at the sheer power she had just displayed, and how much smaller everything had gotten, but it was swamped by her fury.


Before Tomoya could attack again, the other girl lashed out with a kick and struck Tomoya in the side. She gasped in pain and staggered back before slipping on a building. She crashed down with the force of a small nuke and annihilated an entire cul de sac. But Tomoya didn't care as she leap back to her feet. She thought she heard someone yelling, but ignored it as she charged forward again.


The other woman was ready and got into a combat stance. Tomoya lashed out, but her swing went wide as the woman juked to the side. She lashed out with a quick blow to Tomoya's side, but Tomoya ignored it as she struck out with another wild punch. The woman couldn't dodge, but blocked the blow with her free hand before backing up. Tomoya followed with a charge, before being sent flying back as the woman unleashed an uppercut right into her jaw.


Tomoya crashed back down as the woman crossed her arms in triumph. Worse, her smirk of victory began to move away as she started her own growth, quickly catching Tomoya in size, and growing past it.


"Come on, get up! I want to make this last rumble fun before I outgrow it!" the woman said before kicking Tomoya. Tomoya's fury ignited, but she didn't increase in size. She tried to surge back to her feet, but the woman lashed out with a kick, knocking her back down, before slamming her first into Tomoya's face. Tomoya's world was sent reeling and she heard murmurs of boredom and rumbles before everything went dark.




Sofia had watched, and listened, to the fight between Catrina and the asian girl. It had been impossible to miss as the titans had brawled right in the middle of the city, sending quakes rocking the entire city. Some part of Sofia had been yelling at her to go help, to assist the girl in stopping Catrina. But the other part reminded Sofia of all the death she had caused, of how fun it had been to watch the military and police flee, how good it felt to watch herself grow bigger in the windows of the skyscrapers. This power and control was just SOooooo intoxicating that trying to stop it now...


And yet, as the poor girl was beaten down, effortlessly, by Catrina... the first voice keep getting louder. The girl's purpose of getting revenge and Catrina's cold dismissal... it applied to her too. How many families had she killed? How many innocent children were now orphans? How many... how many more needed to die before she admitted what she had become. She had become the powerful... and just as abusive of it as the people she had protested ever were, maybe worse. Sofia looked back at the devastation she had caused... the bloody footprints, the collapsed buildings, the crushed vehicles...


No... no she would NOT become what she hated! She would NOT turn into them or Catrina! She had to stop this! Sofia's fists closed and she took in a deep breath before marching toward Catrina. Her determination grew with each step, as did the rest of her. She had to stifle a moan as she rocketed higher into the sky, finally cresting every building in Coosa. Catrina had grown as well, but Sofia surged beyond her, and still larger. And, as she stopped a few feet behind her, the once terrifying prisoner only reached Sofia's navel.


Catrina had been so busy beating on the poor girl and anything else that got close to her that she didn't even see Sofia till she was right on top of her. She turned with an annoyed glare, that turned into a surprised stare as she looked up at the towering Sofia.


"No more," was all Sofia said before lashing out with her leg. Catrina tried to block the kick, but reacted too slowly. She was sent flying back and crashing into the highway outside of the town, digging a large trench as she skidded to a halt. What little fear Sofia had had, vanished as she felt her body surged outward yet again. She stomped after Catrina, each step sending her head, and her confidence, higher. Her feet were not fitting well in the streets by the time she reached the still recovering Catrina and she breathed a sigh of relieve as she left the ruined city behind.


Reaching down, Sofia plucked the comparatively small Catrina up and delivered a vicious punch to her stomach. Catrina doubled over and Sofia raised her foot before smashed her down with it. Sofia put her full weight into the blow and smiled as a massive crater erupted outward from Catrina's body. The black woman was as still as death as Sofia felt her rush of adrenaline slowly ebb away.


Turning back to what was left of Coosa, Sofia cursed herself for waiting so long to do this. At her new thousand feet height, Coosa was laid out like a model for her to see... a model that had been utterly devastated. Debris and collapsed, or collapsing, buildings littered the area, entire blocks were cut off by the ruins. People were fleeing in every direction, crushing on another or abandoned others in sheer panic. What few military and police forces that had survived were scattered and barely able to keep some kind of order in whatever places there were. Fires spread unchecked, streets ran with blood, and all of it.... all of it her fault. She could have st-


Sofia's thoughts were thrown to the wind as something smashed into her back. She screamed in surprise as she crashed into the outskirts of Coosa, sending a massive dust cloud blasting through the city. Sofia tried to roll over, but whatever had hit her fought to keep her pinned. Despite its efforts, Sofia managed to turn just enough to see her attacker. Catrina. Still alive and... and growing...fast!


"You, fucking little SHIT!" Catrina yelled as she lashed out at Sofia. Sofia still was a good bit bigger than Catrina and managed to fend off the blow, but another followed and another, and each blow sent Catrina's body ballooning outward. Within seconds, Catrina had caught up to Sofia in size and any chance the less skilled Sofia had to win was lost. Doubly so as Catrina just keep right on swelling...


With a massive punch to her side, Sofia crumbled and fell to the ground. Her body obliterated what was left of the highway they had come in on and more than a few cars were sent flying from the blast. Sofia managed to look up to see Catrina swell so large her head was nearing the clouds and her fury was only starting to abate.


Yet for all her fury and sudden increase in size, Sofia's eyes didn't fix onto Catrina, but the massive, shadowed figure that moved to block out the sun.




Merabel gritted her teeth as she fought off another wave of... of... she didn't even know what to call it. Apprehension? Anticipation? NEED? Maybe all of the above... Whatever it was, she had seen, and felt, the result when she had let it slip past. If she had thought she was huge before that mistake, she had been proven so very very wrong.


Merabel had no idea how massive she now was. Entire forests, hills, and even small towns were like points on a map and the clouds looked in, literally, reaching distance. It was tempting to try and prove that right, but the shock of it being true wo- She cringed as another wave hit and she, barely fought it off.


She had known that dose had been more effective, but never imagined... Taking steps was so difficult now, not just for avoiding killing people... well... too many people. She knew, realistically, there was no way she hadn't killed a few people on back roads, off-roading, or just sheer shock. No, the hardest part was not looking back, seeing entire sections of forests flattened, hills obliterated, tow- NO, no she hadn't... hadn't stepped on any towns... But by God if she had...


Another fresh wave smashed into her and Merabel barely held it off. Dammit, it would be so easy to just let go, let this... whatever it was take her and send her rocketing into the stratosphere. To grow and grow and grow till entire continents were no bigger than these towns and to then grow some more. Nothing would stop her, nothing would question her, and humanity would be saved or damned on her whim. No, not humanity, EARTH ITSELF!


It was soooooo tempting, soooo effortless, soooo... wonderful, but still she refused it. She didn't want that power. No, that was a lie she did she SOOOO BADLY DID, but the things she would do with it, the things the two prisoners had already done... that was what she didn't want...


Seeing what was left of Coosa, the devastation... all caused by women who were only a fraction of her size gave Merabel the strength of will to keep resisting her almost primal urge. She would not become death, or its mother. She WOULD stop this and make sure this pandora's box was closed as tightly as she could manage. Because everyone depended on it. To even imagine someone who didn't care with this power... Maybe it was a good reason to take it now an- NO NO NO!!


Throwing her crippling inner battle aside, Merabel moved forward and stopped a few feet, well miles in normal people's terms.... miles were feet to her now, and could be inc- STOP IT... from where the two prisoners were locked into a battle. She bent down, her massive torso causing an eclipse of the sun, and tried to get a better idea of what was happening.


The black prisoner had grown to a surprising degree, more than large enough to crush everything in Coosa, while the hispanic prisoner was a good bit smaller. It looked as if the black woman had won the rumble and was preparing to finish off her opponent, but never got the chance as the sudden eclipse drew her eyes up, WAY up, to Merabel.


The prisoner stumbled back a few steps, shock and terror replacing her rage and arrogance. Merabel had to fight not to smirk at her look of terror. A woman large enough to crush skyscrapers was so terrified of Merabel that she could barely think, much less act. Merabel felt herself enlarge just a bit as she didn't catch herself quick enough, but even that small surge turned the prisoner from a doll to a mouse. She flopped onto her rear before trying to flee, but Merabel was done marveling. She had to finish this, now.


Grabbing the small woman, she lifted her up and brought her free hand, still holding the vials, to her mouth. A small squeeze was enough to get her to open up and Merabel, with dexterity she was amazed she had, slipped a single vial into her mouth. If she was this dexterous, what else could she do? Maybe even being thousands of feet high she could still he- NO STOP IT NO!


The woman gasped and groaned as her body started to convulse. Merabel set her down and sighed in relief as she began to shrink. The woman screamed in rage at her reduction in size, but quickly vanished from sight, now too small to pick out. Merabel turned to the other woman and found her just waiting patiently for her turn. Merabel offered the vial and she took it without fuss along with a second. She only drank one, but keep the other in hand as she started to diminish. She seemed relieved as she began to shrink faster and faster.


With her work finishes, Merabel stood up. She could see military vehicles of various makes moving in and knew Franz was down there. It was tempting to flatten them all and make him pay for this, but she would kill hundreds of others doing it. Instead, she turned to focus on the last part of sealing this power away.


"Follow me and I'll crush you, the area around you, and any towns nearby!" Merabel yelled, feeling herself swell yet again as she marveled at the sheer sonic force of her voice. It was time. She took the last vial and gasped as her growth stopped dead. The urge was still there, the pressure and need all too present, but letting it go did nothing. It had worked.


Turning from the city, Merabel stomped her way back toward the prison. Already she could feel herself starting to shrink. It wouldn't be long before her threat would be nothing but that, a threat. But the idiots didn't know that and would be busy cleaning up this mess. She would be left alone, for a few minutes, to get what she needed. And then... then she needed to disappear.




Merabel opened the trunk of her car and took out a spare lab coat she keep inside. She was still 10 or so feet tall, but was shrinking further back to her normal height every second. By the time she got it out and started to put it on, it fit well enough to give her some modicum of modesty. She pulled it around her nude body and glanced at the ruins that had started this nightmare.


The medical wing was just.... gone. And there really was no other word for it. Her near instant growth had obliterated everything and her massive backside had flattened what had survived her explosive exit. Nothing would ever be salvaged from that mess and that made Merabel breath a bit easier. Any data related to that potent brew was now long gone and would, hopefully, stay that way. But the less potent stuff, the stuff the prisoners had gotten...


Moving to the passenger side, Merabel opened the door, she hadn't bothered to lock it, and moved aside the papers and coats she had left to make what looked to be just a giant mess. In fact, it was just to hide what was under it, three more vials of the compound. It had been insurance, a trump card if Franz tried to squeeze her out of her discovery. Now... now they might be the biggest threats to the plane-


Merable's heart froze as she moved the last coat and found only two vials. One was missing.... Oh God no, no! Who could have taken it? Had they used it? What if they were a spy? What if this got out? How- Her questions came to a sudden halt as a soft, but noticeable, thud came from behind her.


She knew what it was, knew what was going to be behind her, knew the damnation that was waiting for her. It was why she didn't turn... not until a soft, but slightly too large, hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her around. Merabel found herself staring into the neck of a large hispanic woman.


The woman was rather plump with a noticeable bit of stomach and breasts that were, already, fighting to free themselves. Her pants were, likewise, straining to contain her yet the woman didn’t seem uncomfortable in the least. In fact, she was smiling. She was only about a head taller than Merabel, but that didn’t matter near as much as the fact she had, obviously, grown. And the only thing that could do that...


"Are you the Doctor who made this stuff?" the woman asked, holding up the empty vial. Merabel thought about lying, about trying to bluff her way out... but her damn need to be modest had doomed that. After all, why the hell would she have taken a lab coat out of the car that had the vials if she wasn't? And while the woman wasn't too much bigger, she had seen, and felt, how much stronger it made a person even at "normal" heights. Lying would end badly for Merabel and only get her to admit it the hard way. So she simply nodded.


The woman smirked at her slow nod and tossed the vial away like it was useless trash. She bent down a bit so they were closer to eye level and gave her an odd smile.


"Then I owe you a thanks," the woman said her smile softening a bit. Merabel forced a return smile, hoping beyond hope that this ended peac- Suddenly, the woman stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Merabel. She tried to fight her off, but it was like trying to fend off a grizzly bear. The woman lifted Merabel off the ground and buried her head into her vast cleavage. The sudden hug was terrifying... yet nice at the sametime. It was tough to breath, and the scent of the woman surrounded her... but the hug wasn't tight or constricting. It… it was almost like she was just giving her a normal hug...


And then the woman let out a soft moan and Merabel felt her face pushed deeper in. She struggled a bit, but still the woman held her strong. She could feel herself being lifted further from the ground, feel the woman's arms and hands spread over more of her, see the light fading as her face was pushed deeper and deeper into her expanding cleavage. Worse, what had been soft and welcoming, was becoming tight and constricting. More and more of the woman's body demanded space that Merabel couldn't give and she began to be pressed further and further into her body. The bit of pudge had given all it would to her small body and was now wanting HER space, pushing her back into the strong arms that refused to budge. Arms that were, also, taking up more and more space.


Merabel trashed, screamed, and cursed as the tightness increased. Her breathing became harder, her body started to bend in odd ways, and still the pressure grew. She screamed in pain as things began to snap and what little light she could see faded. She glanced up to see the woman smirking down at her before the woman's ballooning breasts buried her. Merabel let out one last scream of fear and defiance before a sudden crack in her skull sent her spinning into oblivion....


Emma smiled in satisfaction as the thrashing stopped. Her growth had topped her out at about 8 or so feet, but she could, easily, have gone further. But that had been all the doctor had been able to take... She let go of the corpse and shivered as it, slowly, peeled off her torso and flopped to the ground. Emma couldn't stop from dry heaving a few times seeing the bloody ruin that had been the doctor, but it passed. Well, it was to be expected for her to be a bit sickened seeing a dead body for the first time... and feeling it pull off her... and seeing its bloo- Oh no...


She fought back another heave before looking at the mess she had made of herself. Maybe the hug of death was a one time only thing... it was certainly messy, but damn had it felt good doing it. She'd decide once she got in a shower and found out how hard it was to get all these... remains off. If it was too much work to get clean then she'd find new, less time consuming, ways to get her kicks.


Turning her attention back to her first, of many, victims, Emma grabbed her leg and lifted her off the ground. With a grunt of effort she sent the carcasse flying into the woods and marveled at how it vanished from sight. Perfect, now no one would learn what had happened to the doctor. They'd just assume she had vanished, afraid of what someone might do with the horror she had unleashed on Coosa. As for the other two vials...


It was tempting to down them too. To grow as huge as the doctor had, crush cities under her feet. But Emma had a feeling that it would get rather dull after the tenth or so city. Naw, best to stick to the plan and enjoy her minigiantess status. And once it got dull she could try out being a proper giantess, and go from there. With her choice made, Emma grabbed the two vials and crushed them into powder before blowing what was left away.


With her work finished, Emma turned and headed back to her apartment. She'd need to leave once she grabbed her stuff and bathed. She wasn't exactly social but enough people would recognize her and know she hadn't always been an amazon. Money might be an issue for a bit, but she was sure she could find work. Who didn't want a super strong, near invincible amazon on their payroll? And a change of name might be for the best as well. Hmm, she was partial to Ann....

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