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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sam arrives home.

Short chapter, but I've been real busy. One of the family member's is very sick and is not getting better. Other family members are falling apart and I'm going crazy trying to take care of their affairs. But, life goes on. Hopefully, I can keep putting these last few chapters up without too much delay. Wish me luck, and thanks to all of those who've left reviews and comments.

----- Home is where the heart is

I didn't get home until the early evening on Thursday. I was greeted by the girls -- Erin, Julie, Cindy and Zoe. It was nearly time for Zoe to leave for the clinic by the time I got home so I took her, even though I had only been home for a short while.

"How was your trip, Sam?"


"Just ok, huh?"

"It was better than ok, Zoe. I did a bang up job."

"All work and no play."

"I'm back home now so I can play. I have a few things to do first but I'll play."

"What do you have to do?"

"You know, the usual. I usually take off on Fridays but I'm going in tomorrow to fill out some after travel forms, wrap up a couple things. Stuff like that. I don't think I'm going to Mike's tomorrow though."

"That's too bad. I was going to go watch you this time."

"I'm a little wore out from traveling. I'm sure you understand. Plus, I didn't get much practice in this week."

"There's always next week."

"So, am I to understand that you're getting over your fear of crowds?"

"A little. I've been working with another young lady, Mia, at work. I sit in on her sessions, as long as it's ok with the client."

"Is it?"

"So far. I do get stares for the first few minutes though."

"Does that bother you?"

"Not too much. They stop staring after a little while, so no problems."

"Are you're enjoying this?"

"The work? Yes, I am, Sam. Thank you."

"I'm happy for you."

"Are you sticking around the clinic tonight when you drop me off?"

"Sure. Maybe I'll get to see Jill."

"We talked Monday. She's sorry about everything."

"Is she sorry about what you went through? And speaking of which, how is your relationship with her?"

"We're on talking terms."

"That's it?"

"That's it. Don't expect much more."


"No. We were friends, once. Then enemies. Now, who knows. Be happy we're talking."

"I'll support you whatever you decide."

"I can use support. What about your relationship with Jill?"

"Forgiveness. I should probably tell her tonight. I need to move on. I really do want to be friends."

"You two were good friends long ago too, weren't you?"

"Precisely, except it wasn't that long ago. Not as long as you."

"But you knew her in high school, right?"

"She was Julie's bratty little sister, yeah. But Jill and I didn't really become friends ourselves until just a few months ago. I think we were closer to each other than she was with Julie."

"Still are."

"What makes you say that?"

"They hate each other."

"Is that what she told you?"

"Yep. Julie confirms it. I think they had a fight or something."

"They did. Last Saturday night."

"What about?"

"I don't know exactly. It was after Julie left. I just know that's why Julie came back home."

"Ah, I see now. Maybe you and Jill can talk about that."

"I wouldn't count on it."

But I did, in fact, see Jill that night. I think I caught her by surprise as she was working, pushing a cart of supplies down the hall. I could tell that she was uneasy about our meeting. I reassured her that she needn't be apprehensive.

"Jill! You can't keep avoiding me forever."

"It's painful to talk to you."

"It shouldn't be. I'm not going to hold a grudge."

"I just feel so bad about everything."

"Not everything was bad, Jill. We've had some good times together. We were friends, right?"

"It was under false pretenses."

"But everything's out now."

"Yeah, it is, I guess."

"So, it's ok. I want to be friends again."

"You do?"


"What about grinder? I mean Samantha?"

"Jill, there's nothing that you can do about that now. That shouldn't even be part of you and I. It's over, just let it go."

"I can't. I won't ever be able to make it right."

"Samantha would want you to be friends with me. Ask Zoe. Let's not keep playing this trying to avoid me game."

She shrugged.

"Jill, I really think you need to talk to Zoe about your relationship with her too."


"Yes! You two have to come to better terms."

"But, I killed her lover."

"No, you didn't."

"I may as well have."

"Just talk to her."

"What if she doesn't want to talk to me? I wouldn't blame her for not talking."

"I think she's ready to talk. Trust me."

"Maybe later."


"I don't know, Sam."

"Promise me you'll try."

"Fine. I promise I'll try. But it won't be easy."

"Doing the right thing isn't always easy. But I know you can."

She then ran off. Later, I ran into Tee and invited her over. I had a feeling she'd accept. If she didn't I had a secret weapon: the inversion table was at home just sitting there empty all week, waiting for Tee to use it. I needn't have worried about that.

"Are you sure it's going to be ok with your mom and dad, Tee?"

Her face morphed into a huge grin.

"What's the smile for?"

"I already asked them."

"Oh, you sly little fox. You already had this planned."

She shrugged.

"I suppose you packed a bag?"

"In the corner over there."

"Alright. As soon as Zoe's ready we'll go."

The business trip had done me good. Even though I was tired from traveling all day, the whole trip left me emotionally refreshed, especially last night. I was feeling pretty good about things in general.

Julie and I did talk some Thursday night, but nothing of real consequence. Tee and I spent the night together after her hanging on the table and Zoe spent it with Julie. Tee was growing: she gained even more height since last week -- now at three six. She was gaining on me, currently only one and one half inches shorter. She was so excited that she never put her clothes back on after the measurement. And the excitement carried over into bed that night. Even Mr. Happy was excited. Attitude means everything.

----- Friday

I had to go in to work Friday so I ended up bringing Tee home that morning. I didn't want until next week to fill out my time and the post-travel form and to have the de-briefing with my boss -- my recollections would not have been as fresh after the weekend.

"Thanks for traveling, Sam."

"No problem, Heather. Any time."

"The people out in Utah have some really positive feedback about you. They were very impressed and appreciative of the work you did."

"Good to hear. It was kind of fun for me too."

"You earned the respect of the head honcho."

"Cool. Who's that?"

"Her name is Wilma Lampo. She keeps a low-key profile though so I'm not surprised if you missed her."

"Oh yeah, I think remember her."

Well who'd a thunk it? I did what I needed to do at work then left early beating Julie and Zoe home that Friday evening. Erin was still at work. She works a lot of Friday nights, poor gal. Julie and I needed to talk.

"So?" Julie asked.


"How did your trip go?"

"It went well. I managed to impress some of the folks out in Utah."

"You can be very impressive."

"Only because I'm little and people don't expect much from me."

"Even if you were twice as tall as me you'd still be impressive."

"You're impressive yourself, Julie."

"Only because I'm big."

"Even when you weren't, you were impressive."

She shrugged. "While you were away, did you ... decide anything?"


"Like, what you want to do about us."

I sighed. "Sort of, but we still need to talk first."

"You're breaking it up. I know it."

"No, Julie. Not if it's up to me."

"So talk."

"Tonight. Privately."


"Be patient, ok?"

"I suppose I have to."

Cindy and Zoe were still doting on me like they were last week, likely in response to the bad night I had with Julie, so I suppose that they were still feeling sorry for me. But I had a little surprise waiting when Erin finally came home that night.

"So, did you have as good a week as I, Erin?"

"It's Chloe now and yes I had a good week."

"Zoe said you didn't have to change your name."

"But I like it."


"No, really. I like the name she chose. Don't you?"

"Well, it's gonna take me a while to get used to it. Probably even longer than it took to get used to your blue hair."

"Don't you like my hair?"

"Sure. But until I got used to it you looked like someone else."


"I don't know. Someone I never met before."

"Well, I'm someone else now. I'm Chloe, with blue hair."

"If you say so, Chloe."

"I do."

"Don't be mad at me if I forget and call you Erin instead for a little while longer."

"I won't."


This must have been the surprise that Zoe was talking about before I left. Cindy was chipper too.

"Cindy, how's Gabe?" I asked her as we talked later that evening.

"Good. He's thinking about a new job."

"Cool. What new job?"

"We don't know yet. He hasn't told me."

"We? I like hearing you say it like that."

"Don't make too much of it."

"I can hope."

"Are you trying to fix me up."

"I considered you already fixed up."

"We're apart and I don't expect him to like, stay celibate or anything for me."

"If I know him he is. For you, of course. I don't mean he's celibate because he's religious or because he can't get any. I mean, I'm just sayin', you know, because I wouldn't want you to think bad of him in any way. He can if we really wanted to and ..."



"Shut up."

"Got it. So, uh, how was your week?"

"Other than the imps at school, good."

"What did they do now?"

"It was Lexie."

"And what did she do?"

"She's like, five three or something."

"Yeah, I remember her."

"Her little developing boobs are right at eye level."

"Uh. Yeah. Ok."

"She mashed them in my face."

"Her boobs?"

"Yes, her little, budding, yet still bigger than mine, boobs."


"In front of all the other girls too. They thought it was hysterical."


"I can't wait to leave."

"I understand. Be patient. It'll be all over soon."

"I'm sorry to unload on you, Sam."

"No problem. What are friends for if you can't vent?"

"Thanks. You're a good friend. I'll miss you when I'm gone."

"I'll miss you too."

"Too bad I'm going to Arizona. If it weren't for Gabe then when you break up with Julie I could be there for you."

"To console me?"

"To take Julie's place." she said, winking.

"Well, we haven't officially broken up."

"Just as well. I really hope you two get back to where you were before."

"If we do stay together then we will have moved well past what we once had."

We all ate a good hearty meal that night, talked and then it was bed time. All turned in a little early and I had my chance to talk with Julie privately.

----- The conversation

"So, what did you want to talk about, Sam?"

"I don't know where to begin."

"Are we getting back together or not?"

"Right to the point, I see. I don't know. You hurt me."

"I didn't mean to. I was angry."

"I'll say. Why were you so angry?"

"Because they said you weren't worth staying with."

"The girls in the Sunflower club?"


"What else did they say about me?"

"That you're like a toy person. A toy doll. I told them you're my little doll. Sorry."

"You sound like you were sticking up for me. Thank you."

"They said grow up, stop playing with dolls."

"I see why you were angry."

"Because they didn't want me to go out with you. They wanted me to go out with someone else. Someone much taller."

"They wanted you to do something against your will."


"They didn't respect you, did they?"


"You're used to getting respect now that you're big."

"I guess so."

"Did you get respect before?"

"You mean when I was smaller, don't you? Hmmm. Maybe you're right, I didn't get respect when I was smaller. Not like now."

"I wish I'd get some respect."

"I respect you."

"But you didn't. Not two weeks ago."

"I wasn't thinking straight at the time."

"Yeah, well, if we get together again I have to feel safe. I can't do that if you're angry."

"I won't get angry again."

"Yes, you will. You can't help it. We all do. You know, shit happens and we get angry."

"I won't hurt you."

"Yeah? Why the violence?"

"I didn't think it was that much violence."

"For you, no. For me, well, I have a much different perspective than you. Do you know what you're like being next to me?"


"You're like that tree in the middle of the front yard. Think about that."

"That tree is not so big anymore."

"Of course not. Everything shrunk to half its size for you. Think of a three story tall building then."


"Now think of it moving."


"You bet your ass it is."

"What can I do to convince you that I won't hurt you?"

"That's the question, isn't it? How about you tell me?"

"I don't know."

"Then we'll finish this talk when you do. That is if you want to stay together."

"I do."

"Can I ask you why you want to stay together? What makes you want to stay with me?"

"I always had a crush on you."

"But I'm just a toy doll for you now."


"Ok. Good answer, Julie. My lack of stature doesn't seem to bother you. That's what I wanted to know and I'd be a fool to throw that away, but I'd be a fool to put myself in danger again too. We'll think of something. Until then, let's just cool it."

"I don't know if I can?"

"If you really want to stay together you can."

"I'll try. I promise."

"Ok. So, Julie?"


"Thanks for taking care of Zoe this week."

"I didn't mind. I can still drive her around if you need me to. I want to help too."

"If she's needs you, not if I do. But I'll keep it in mind."

"Remember what I told you about letting her help you."

"I remember, but when she's ready. Let her get her life back first. It's just starting to get better now."

"That's another reason I want to stay together with you."

"Why? Because I'm helping Zoe?"

"Because you help. Period."

----- Friday night or early Saturday morning

I ended up sleeping on the couch that night. At my size it's quite comfortable. Tee and I had been using it for several nights now. I fell fast asleep pretty quickly especially since I was still tired from traveling.

Somewhere in the middle of the night I was woken up.


"Ungh. Not today, mom. I don't want to go to school. I have a sore throat."



"Sam? Are you awake."

"Uhhhhhh. I am now."


"What time is it?"

"I don't know. It's late."

"Why did you wake me, Zoe?"

"I have a surprise."

"I thought Chloe was the surprise."


"Yeah. Erin is changing her name to Chloe on your behalf. Didn't you know?"

"She's so sweet. Yes, I knew."

"So, that's the surprise, right?"

"No. Get up."

She grabbed my hands and pulled me up off of the couch. It was dark and like last time Zoe was silhouetted against the background by the lights filtering in from the street. She was a beautiful sight, but you knew that.

She lead me to the wall: the wall where we sat last time. The same one she led me to before in consolation for the calamity caused by Julie that night. And like last time she moved me up against that wall. Now she started pulling my underwear down.

"Wait. Zoe. Don't do that."

"Why not? I've seen you nude before."

"Because it's not right."

She giggled then grabbed my underwear again.

"No, really, Zoe. I mean it."

"I'm nude too."

"That's all the reason you should stop."

I looked at her and could barely tell in the darkness, but I realized that yes, she was as naked as a jaybird. I'm not sure where that phrase came from, but she was definitely naked.

"Please, Sam. I've waited for this. I wanted this last night but you were with Tee."

"Wanted what?"

"Sit down."

I sat, my back sliding down the wall. Zoe grabbed Mr. Happy. Damn him and his enthusiastic attention span. This was not the right time to be saluting.

"Whoa, whoa. Zoe!"

"Just chill."

"No. We've been through this."

"We have, haven't we?"

"Yes, we have, and you know what can happen."

"Really? Why don't you tell me?"

"You can get pregnant."

"No, I can't."

"Oh, no. What's wrong?"



"But I saw the doctor last week."

"Did she tell you that you're not able to have babies or something?"

"No. She put me on the pill."

"She wha ... Wait! You did this for me."

She laughed. "Of course I did."


"I know. I'm a lesbian."


"Perhaps I'm only ninety-nine percent lesbian."

"You better be real sure about this."

"Ninety-nine and a half, then. Relax, Sam. That's all you have to do."


"And no talking."

"Ok. I mean ... shhhhh."

Like last time she lowered herself onto my member, only she was facing me now. She made sure to rub her body against mine the whole way down.

Also, like last time she stayed very still once she was impaled by Mr. Happy. But only on the outside. On the inside we were dancing, her pussy squeezing my dick and Mr. Happy was throbbing inside of her. At last, a dance I could finally get into.

Again, the tension built very quickly. I used Buddhist meditation to keep from cumming too soon. I found out that I needed more practice. Still, Master Soo should have been proud. I held off for a good two seconds longer than I would have otherwise.

I convulsed. I came. I shook uncontrollably for few seconds.

Zoe whimpered. "Oooooooooo." It was low, almost a whisper.

Both of us barely moved yet we were wasted when we were done. It was a long time coming but it had only lasted a few minutes. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep first.


Chapter End Notes:

Oh no, Zoe! I hope you're not complicating Sam's life, especially where it concerns Julie. And speaking of her, will Julie and Sam ever get back together again? Don't worry, a resolution is coming soon. Maybe next chapter, maybe not.

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