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Mrs Rooth was lying on the lounge floor on her tummy with her two daughters as they watched TV. She was as eager for Julian to start giving her backrub as he was to be massaging her. Julian climbed onto Mrs Rooth’s leg and slowly made his way up her body. Mrs Rooth and her daughters had all stripped down to their bare fur, for no reason whatsoever other than they thought Julian might appreciate it – he did, immensely. “Hurry it up Julian, I want my turn soon!” Kim purred teasingly as she shook her hips to entice the little man. “O- Okay… sorry…” Julian replied timidly. He’d just made it to Mrs Rooth’s nice firm furry cheeks. “Mmm… what’s the matter hon? You’re not getting stage fright, are you?” Mrs Rooth asked and giggled. Julian didn’t reply, he just climbed up and over Mrs Rooth’s cheeks. “Aww! No attention for my bum?” She asked. Julian stopped.

“D- Do you want me… t- to… to do that?” Julian inquired nervously. He looked backwards at the mouth watering sight.

“Well yeah, I mean, if you’re feeling up to it…” Mrs Rooth replied “Just be careful with me, I’m fragile…” she giggled, swaying her tail alluringly. The little Neera nodded, gulped and slowly made his way over to Mrs Rooth’s cheeks. He climbed up them again, immediately got onto his hands and knees and started rubbing. “Mmmh… God… you’re a good little guy and a perfect little masseuse…” Mrs Rooth giggled. Julian chuckled.

“You’re not to the first person to…” Julian’s eyes met the gaze of the three others and he immediately stopped in his tracks. His cheeks flushed red and he turned his attention back to his task. “Oooh! Little Julian has a girlfriend! Tell us about her, is she pretty?” Blossom asked. Julian remained silent.

“I bet she’s never made you release faster than I have…” Kim giggled, looking down at the Neera. “Hm? I don’t think she has, has she?” Kim pushed. Julian simply remained silent.

“Kimberly stop it. You’re embarrassing him” Kim finished teasing Julian immediately.

“Sorry little guy…” she apologised.

Julian smiled “it’s okay Kim… I did have a crush at one point. She was absolutely beautiful, but was in a relationship with another man” he informed. Blossom watched her Neera friend closely and could see he didn’t like telling the story. “Sweetie, please don’t say anything if it’s upsetting you, I hate it when you’re sad”

“it’s fine… She was kind, generous; intelligent… she knew much about the above world, your world. She even knew how to properly work a computer!” Julian informed. It was clear to the others that this might not have been common knowledge for Neeras. “But one day she came back with no food and… and her lover started beating her in public…” Julian sniffled, still carrying on with his job. A tear dropped from the pool in his eyes and landed on Mrs Rooth who pouted down to the little man. “Oh, honey. That’s so sad… come up here and let me give you a nice warm cuddle” Mrs Rooth bade.

Julian shook his head “It’s… it’s fine…” he replied.

“So, what happened to this girl’s lover?” Kim inquired.

Julian cracked a small sadistic smile as he looked over to Kim. “He got what was coming to him…” he informed as he moved to Mrs Rooth’s other cheek. He continued his task after wiping away the tears. “So… what? You killed him?” Blossom asked timidly.

“No! Of course not! But I bet him up and humiliated him in front of everyone” he informed; slightly shocked that Blossom would think he was capable of such a thing. “I haven’t got much in this world… so I try my best to defend what little I have”

“Well now you have us, and we have you. So don’t worry about anything else, and focus on having fun more often” Blossom smiled.

“I’d rather work to earn my keep…”

“What do you think you’re doing?” Mrs Rooth replied.

“Oh… Oh! Okay, fine, I don’t mind as much that I’m rubbing a big stinky bum then” Julian replied.

“What?!” Mrs Rooth exclaimed, slightly insulted at Julian commenting on her scent.

“I didn’t say it smelled bad, you smell nice and fruity…”

“Oh… Well in that case, I suppose I won’t mush you under my butt” Mrs Rooth giggled “And my bum is not big”

“Yes it is! It’s humongous! You could squish me under it easily!”

Mrs Rooth giggled again “And don’t you forget it little guy…” she replied playfully.


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