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Chapter 13


                I needed some time to myself, so I asked Alisa to let me go out on the porch for a little while to breath some fresh air. She had left me on the ground, but I was able to jump up and hoist my body onto one of Vivian’s padded porch chairs and I got comfortable. With the cool, morning air blowing across my body and the shade offered by the 2nd story apartment porch, I was soon asleep. It was the best sleep I’d had since I got kidnapped. No nightmares of Patricia, no dream meddling, no giant bodies on either side of me. It was just me, the cool morning air, and sleep.

                I woke up a few hours later, thirsty and hungry, and needed to get back inside. So I slid off of the seat and went over to the door, but it was closed. I peered inside and didn’t see any movement. I tried to open the door, but it was too heavy, I couldn’t get it to budge. I banged on the door, and I shouted. I tried reaching out with telepathy, as Vivian had done to me on a few occasions, and couldn’t figure it out. I stood there, staring into the living room, naked on the porch, for a few minutes before I got uncomfortable. I jumped back up onto the chair, which afforded no view of the door, and waited to be let back inside.

                Having just slept I couldn’t fall back asleep. I was alone with my thoughts. Unlike my dreams, which were surprisingly asexual considering my last few weeks, my waking thoughts were completely sexual. I couldn’t go thirty seconds without some boobs, or hips, or thighs, or feet, or mouths, or whatever was floating up to the front of my brain. My thoughts turned to the three women who I’d given the least to, Carol, Betty, and Sandy. I was repulsed by the thought of Carol and Betty. Just two weeks ago I was so excited to be sleeping with them, but now their rather pedestrian bodies were nothing compared to the beauties I found myself with. When had the switch happened? Why didn’t Sandy try as hard to receive my “blessings” as the other four did? Was it like a drug to them? Did she manage to not get addicted? Vivian’s boobs were so big, and soft, and that natural, heavy round. Christie’s were definitely bigger, and it was made more obvious by the fact that Christie’s body was shorter and more sleight than Vivian’s. But her boobs had some of the characteristics of overlarge boobs, they went where they wanted, they encroached on more of her stomach, and they required more lifting to keep on her chest. But, they were still in the top three sets of boobs on Planet Earth. All they needed was another dose or two of sperm and they’d be riding just high enough that maybe they’d surpass Vivian. It was a good dilemma to have, if you were me. Or was it? Vivian dreamed of having my penis. It was odd, a thing that can only happen in dreams.

                I went on with my thoughts like that for what may have been forever, before the cravings hit me. The sun had passed overhead and was now heating up the porch a little bit, and I hadn’t been around a woman in hours. I’d totally forgotten about the craving I was getting when I was trying not to have sex before the kidnapping. Well, they were back and stronger than ever. I started by getting dizzy, then I got sweaty, then my stomach started to feel weird. I couldn’t form a complete thought, my mind got looped on to breasts getting squished together, over, and over, and over again. I wondered if I could masturbate myself out of it, but I couldn’t get myself hard, even with the mental image of boobs squishing over and over. At one point I leaned over the edge of the chair and vomited down to the wood below.

                I didn’t hear the glass door slide open, I barely heard the “Oh no, he’s sick!” But I did feel the soft, warm hands that scooped me gently off of the chair and cradle me up to a warm, soft neck, with my feet against forgiving boob flesh. Just the smell of the body I was against helped to level off some of the symptoms. I improved just enough to start getting hard. Feeling the prick against her upper chest, my savior pulled me away from her body just to verify. My savior was Sandy.

                “I need… sex… to get better.” I wheezed. Sandy kind of frowned at me. “Please, Sandy… I need to.”

                Sweet, young Sandy. She wanted what was best for me, I could feel it. She just didn’t believe a word I said. She hugged me to her body again and whipped out her phone to call someone. “Yeah, we are going to need you ex, now. See ya there.”

                Sandy took me out of the apartment, and despite my pleas for sex, she brought me to her car and then we drove off someplace. In the car she set me aside on the car seat. No longer in contact with her body my symptoms overtook me and I lost track of time and space.


                I woke up on a piece of paper underneath harsh, fluorescent lighting. A large man with a round face and a beard sat nearby, looking into a microscope. I sat up, and the astute man noticed my movement. He turned around and smiled. “Just as I thought. Good morning Neville, I’m Dr. Greenbaum, Christie’s ex boyfriend.”

                “What? What am I doing here?” It was kind of scary seeing a full-sized man nearby. I’d been surrounded by women so much lately, that I forgot what other men even sounded like. Greenbaum was calm and collected.

                “Your friends brought you in because you were having quite an episode. Vomiting and tremors and the like. Your bloodwork had some… interesting… foreign agents inside of it. It is kind of hard to explain, but they were building up extra… energy… and it needed released. Without spending a few years and a few thousand dollars I won’t be able to tell for sure, but from all things that I can see… the agents in your blood are robbing your body of energy and then transmitting it elsewhere.”

                “How did you treat my symptoms?” I asked. The doctor strained to hear me, but he seemed to know what I was saying. “I gave you a quick blood transfusion. We had a package of blood down the hall that was about to expire, so I swiped it, claiming I was disposing of it. Unethical and illegal, but circumstances being what they are.”

                “Circumstances?” I asked.

                “You are a 15 inch tall human being who was over six feet tall a month ago. You have five women in the lobby, including my ex-girlfriend whose body I knew intimately, that are all supermodels or whatever, beyond normal human beauty. I broke up with Christie almost a year ago, she was seven inches shorter, her hair was much thinner, but beyond that she was well-endowed before, maybe DD cups, but now she is… otherworldly. That doesn’t happen to women when they turn 30. I wish it did, the world would be a better place, but it isn’t. Somehow your… energy… has been transferred to those women. That’s the Occam’s Razor theory anyway, and they have all developed a chemical dependence on your proximity. I ran their blood too. Other than that, you are all completely healthy.”

                “So, to stop shrinking I need to…” I asked.

                “Get a blood transfusion every eight hours. Probably, and even then, I’m not certain it’ll work.” Dr. Greenbaum tapped his chin for a moment, thinking. “But, if you find yourself in need of some chemical relief, I’ll write a prescription for a drug that’ll scrub some of the stuff from your blood. It won’t get all of it, it was an experimental ebola medicine that worked much better on other blood related illnesses. I already gave Vivian a blood drawing kit, it seems she has the same blood type as you. So you can get a few transfusions at home and away from prying eyes.”

                He then left the room and retrieved the girls. I noticed, as they were coming into the room that the good Dr. was eying my harem with great envy. Especially Christie, though Christie explained to me on the way home that he dumped her in exchange for his bustier new girlfriend from Romania.



                All of the girls were so smart now, they took in the information Dr. Greenbaum gave them and then started to extrapolate all of the pertinent information. Such as, we all had foreign agents in our blood, and mine were constantly sapping the energy from my body. When it reached a critical mass it needed to be released, and what better way to release it than from an act of sex. Unfortunately, they receptors in the girl’s blood weren’t always active, they needed to be turned on, and that happened by the acquisition of boosters from my semen. So when I came on them, it activated their receptors and I gave them my energy.

                That was the theory, anyway, how it actually worked or got started was all magic. Like, how did the energy know to make the girls hotter? How were they getting intellectual upgrades as well? Why did one seem to come before the other? There were a lot of questions, but, to be honest, I didn’t really care. Christie posed a theory that there was there was a point of infinitesimality as I got smaller where my shrinking increments would get so small that It’d be like I stopped shrinking altogether. She and Vivian got together and did the math and decided it’d be somewhere between 1/8 and ½ inch in height. When they announced their math to the group my dick was diamond. The thought of being so small that I could literally swim in any of their belly buttons turned me on to no end. Outside of Vivian’s dreamscape, it was the first time I’d even thought that small, and I loved it. Unfortunately, my thoughts weren’t private anymore and Vivian knew what I was thinking.

                “Ok, so, I think we need to make a plan.” Vivian announced after hearing my thoughts. “Of how we are going to take care of Neville and take care of ourselves.”

                “Well, what does NJ want?” Sandy asked.

                “I want what you want.” I said, being purposefully vague. I wanted to shrink. I wanted to get smaller and smaller until I could hide in the shade of a nipple. I wanted to make these women more and more perfect and discover what new and exciting powers they developed. Vivian smiled and took the blood drawing kit the doctor had given her and literally removed it from the table.

                “Neville doesn’t want to be treated.” Vivian interpreted. “So we won’t do it.”

                “We should all move into Neville’s place, then.” Helen suggested. “At least until we start using are newfound gifts to afford a better place.” There was unanimous agreement on that point.

                “I kind of like the informality we have now, but I think, going forward, it would be good to know who gets NJ on which days? Maybe a schedule or something.” Christie posited. I loved the informality we had now, it kept things exciting. But as I got smaller and more helpless, it may be a good idea to know just exactly who should be taking care of me.

                “I like that idea.” Alisa agreed.

                They discussed some other things, like what to do with me when everyone had to work, and stuff of that nature. It was decided that after work the next day, Monday, They’d go to my townhouse and start working through the logistics of moving in.

                As for that night, the girls all agreed that Sandy should take me home, as she had been the one to “save” my life earlier.



                Things were a little awkward with Sandy. Of everyone, she seemed to take to my stature the least. As we were settling down for the night, she lay me on her mattress beside her, climbed into bed, and just stared at me. It was odd, having this huge woman seemingly afraid to even touch me, but it was the situation I was presented with. I had to break the ice, the staring was a little crazy.

                “I want to thank you, Sandy, for if it wasn’t for you having sex with me a few weeks ago, none of this would have happened.” I said.

                “Thank me? I still can’t believe you are happy like this. I slept with you because I like to sleep with big, fat guys. But you are so… small now. I don’t know what to make of it.” I hadn’t slept with Sandy since before the kidnapping, I was still full height when last we had sex. It seemed to be making a little bit more sense as to why she kept her distance. “I think you are cute, but I feel guilty for this. Which is weird, because I thought sleeping with you that first time was charity.”

                The first time we slept together felt like charity going both ways. I let it slide. Sandy was the most human looking person that still hung around. The other women resembled goddesses from mythology more than they resembled mortal humans these days. Sandy kept staring down at me.

                “You feel guilty? The only person who is guilty is Patricia, and she is in jail. If you are feeling guilty then I forgive you, though I really have nothing to forgive. I hadn’t had sex in almost four years when we slept together, and now I’ve practically been drowning in it. The crazy part is, the women who have slept with me aren’t even jealous of each other, at least not overtly.”

                “That is because they see you as a fountain of beauty.” Sandy said. “They don’t like fat, funny NJ, they like Neville’s sperm. They like what he gives them. When the well runs dry, they may well turn on each other.” I hadn’t thought of it that way. I’d been basking in the warm glows of hot women.

                “Do you still see fat, funny, NJ?” I asked.

                Sandy nodded. “Which is why it doesn’t feel right just using you like a sex toy.”

                I stood up, standing I was a little bit taller than her shoulders were wide. It reinforced just how small she really was, especially in comparison with the other girls. She was the closest to me, in that respect. I strolled a few steps over and leaned against her hips as if I was leaning against a wall. I crossed my arms and looked her up and down. “I am no sex toy, I am a man with a particular set of skills. No, they aren’t the skills of the layman. My skills are those of a sex master.”

                Sandy giggled a little bit, but I could feel warmth start to emanate from her hips behind me. “Go on.”

                “I am a sex assassin. I can hide under covers. If you want me to demonstrate.” Sandy nodded her affirmation. I took a few steps and the lifted up the comforter that had been piled up below Sandy’s legs. She proceeded to reach down and pull it up over her body. “I can, even in darkness, find the sensitive places on a woman’s body.”

                Sandy rotated so that she was laying on her back, legs straight out. There wasn’t any light on under the comforter, but I maneuvered with grace and accuracy beyond what I thought I could do.

                “Can you hear my voice? Wiggle your toes if you can.” I said. She wiggled her toes, meaning that the distance, my size, and the comforter wasn’t blocking our communication. Her toes also revealed my entry point. I command crawled over to her feet, and when the comforter got lighter, I knew I was there. “Some women prefer a small foot rub before sex. These women know what they like. Others say they don’t, but they are just horn dogs.” I got up into a seating position, and faced the sole of her foot. It wasn’t stinky, but it did smell like a foot. Sitting on my butt, I placed on leg out on either side of her heel. Her toes came up to the top of my chest, because, like the rest of her, she had small feet.

                I used my hands and arms and started to give her foot a light massage. She was tense at first, and the ball of her foot thumped me as she twitched, but she soon relaxed. My ministrations soon started to elicit some light moans. I spent about ten minutes on the first foot, quietly narrating my actions on her toes and the soles of her feet before moving over to her other foot.

                The massage on her left foot when much like it did on her right, but it ended when she relaxed just a little bit too much and pushed me over.

                “Undeterred by the involuntary actions of the woman, a sexual assassin moves up between the legs of his target until her gets to the soft, and sensitive thigh flesh. This is where the good assassins are separated from the great assassins. For a lesser assassin will start too close to the pussy, but a skilled assassin will know just where to begin.”

                I was bullshitting, but I trusted my instincts. I kneeled down next to Sandy’s skinny thigh and started to massage her left thigh. I used my core strength to get into the flesh, while I spread out my hands to taunt as many nerves as possible. Sandy moaned and shifted, lifting her knee and spreading her legs slightly more.

                “The expected response causes the assassin to move across to the other thigh, thought he has been granted access to the underside of the thigh, he must start on the interior, and work his way over. I was still in darkness, so my other senses worked overtime to pick up on the subtle clues of Sandy’s body. Her gentle and persistent moaning was a good sign, but I also picked up on her breathing pattern, as it had become a bit more erratic. Her pulse was stronger under her skin and her smells were increasing. Her thighs were smelling sweeter as she sweat an almost imperceptible amount, but from the meeting point of her legs, the monster that lived beneath the sheets was waking up. It was sticky and it burped and it smelled of Sandy’s uniqueness.

                I eventually worked my way under her thighs, one after the other, causing them to get more and more vertical and spread wider and wider as her arousal slowly grew and grew.

                “The way is now clear for the sexual assassin. Many targets will use their hands to try and hinder his progress at this point, as he moves in for the kill. They may try, but they will fail.” I got down on my hands and knees and I low crawled towards Sandy’s quivering pussy. She was frozen in anticipation and if I made the next move right, she’d be on a one way road to orgasm city. My brain told me to start high, go straight for her clit, but my instinct told me to start low and work my way up.

                I started low. I place one hand near the bottom of each outer labia and lightly started to massage the area. I heard her hands move above my head and each one grabbed a thigh, but she did her best not to interfere with my work. I measured myself discretely against the pussy in front of me, no small task considering the complete darkness, and determined that I wouldn’t fit inside of her like I had Vivian when she used her brain to fuck me in her real imagination. I slowly worked my way up her labia, and at a certain point her inner labia joined the rotation. Her pussy seemed to be reaching for me, almost like a mouth of some jungle flower, uncoordinated and struggling. By the time I’d worked my way up to her clit, her vagina was seemingly grasping at my body as I leaned against it. Her clit was too small to grab in both hands, but I interlaced my fingers and took hold of it with both anyway. I pushed my palms against it in pulses. This simple action garnered a small scream from Sandy as her hips lifted up off of the ground. She couldn’t lift high enough to displace me, however, and I continued working. Shen her ass slammed back down I almost felt my knees buckle, but somehow my legs ended up under her butt after her return to the mattress. The pressure was immense, but bearable, and I continued to work.

                Sandy lifted her hips off of the ground again, and as she did I took advantage and got my feet back under me. I took a deep breath, and then I attacked her clit with my mouth. Her clit was the size of, maybe an orange or a clementine, and I wasn’t quite able to get my teeth around it. But the sudden attack on her caused Sandy to start bucking. I held on tight and felt my body flail around behind me. I had an idea. On her third buck, I shifted my grip, closed my legs, and then lifted them and brought them forward with all my strength. I brought my lefts forward like a dagger and shoved them into Sandy’s vagina feet first. I went in up to my thighs.

                I worked hard for the next twenty seconds or so. I bicycled inside of Sandy’s vagina, I massaged her clit, and tried to lift my body up and down along the entrance of her vagina, rubbing against as much labia as possible. I felt weird, and it was exhausting, but Sandy was moan/screaming at a fairly high pitch. A sound I’d never heard from her. She lost the ability to resist and her right hand joined me in pleasuring herself while her left hand continued to hold onto a thigh. At some point I came, and a great torrent of my cum scattered across her labia. Shortly thereafter Sandy came, and a great squeeze soon followed as she closed her thighs and held my body down against her lower abdomen. I could feel her juice squelching past my legs as she orgasmed once, twice, three times in rapid succession.

                It took a few minutes to come down from all of the excitement. Eventually she let her legs part, one of her hands retreated from the comforter to turn on her nightstand lamp. The other hand gently stroked my back. She lifted the comforter and looked down past her body, her elongating body, past her slowly growing breasts. She smiled at me, lowered the comforter back down. Her right hand pulled me out of her vagina and lay me on her stomach, where it held me as we both fell asleep.


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