Summary: A shrinking story told from the perspective of Billy Little. An odd character, that happens to stumble into something that will dramatically change his life forever. It's an extremely detailed depiction of his nightmarish episodes. This is just the beginnings of something so much bigger than Mr. Little. Because, before he realizes what's actually happening, the entire world has already changed into a completely different humanity.
Rated: X
Categories: Giantess,
Unaware Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.)Size Roles: FF/mWarnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 63
Completed: No
Word count: 154994
Read: 701920
Published: September 25 2016
Updated: July 24 2017
1. Chapter 1 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 49] 

(3031 words)
...and, so it begins...
2. Chapter 2 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(1979 words)
3. Chapter 3 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 1] (2562 words)
4. Chapter 4 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(2764 words)
5. Chapter 5 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 1] (2849 words)
6. Chapter 6 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 1] (3094 words)
7. Chapter 7 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] (2437 words)
8. Chapter 8 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 0] (2717 words)
9. Chapter 9 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 1] (2956 words)
10. Joyce by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(3087 words)
After this chapter, the coming events will begin to stay in present time. Billy's memories and past experiences will still happen, but only not nearly as much, I hope that my writing is sufficient?
11. Chapter 11 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 1] 

(2696 words)
12. Chapter 12 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 1] 

(2669 words)
13. Chapter 13 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2601 words)
14. Chapter 14 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(2506 words)
15. Chapter 15 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(2590 words)
16. Chapter 16 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 1] 

(2516 words)
17. Chapter 17 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 1] 

(2413 words)
18. Chapter 18 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(2087 words)
19. Chapter 19 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(2430 words)
20. Chapter 20 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(2390 words)
21. Maxine by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2015 words)
This will be a two-part chapter, sorry I couldn't get it all into one...
22. Maxine Pt. 2 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2101 words)
23. Moving In with Amy by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2871 words)
24. Jazzy's Play Room by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2503 words)
25. 'Hide and Seek' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2406 words)
26. 'Breakfast at Amy's' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(1854 words)
27. 'Breakfast at Amy's -con't' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(2335 words)
28. Breakfast at Amy's - Pt. 3 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(2365 words)
29. 'Respect' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2683 words)
30. 'Reflections' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 1] 

(2712 words)
Reflections - will be a continued chapter too.
31. 'Bath Time' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(1884 words)
32. 'Bath Time - con't' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 5] 

(1903 words)
33. A New Attitude by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(2730 words)
Sorry for the long wait. I finally got started again and I should be uploading at least once per week. Hope to get several more chapters with Amy, ...and Billy, of course, has no idea what she's really like...
34. A Second Chance by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2601 words)
Here, we start to see a more demented side of this beautiful blonde...
35. ~Punishment~ by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(3845 words)
A quick re-cap, then we'll return to Amy's apartment. This beautiful, blonde giantess, is beginning to let all of this power go to her head!
36. 'Trapped' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(2214 words)
Sorry for the extended wait. I've been going through a lot of stuff lately and this just kept on getting moved back. Hopefully, I'm back on track once again.
37. 'Air Tight' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(1797 words)
38. 'Air Tight - continued" by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(2436 words)
This chapter was done quicker than what I normally do,, I thought that I'd just go ahead and post it! Thanks for all of the reviews guys! Really, I get a real kick from hearing your thoughts and suggestions. I'll try and work all of them in, (If it works out so that it doesn't take away from the plot) so, expect to see some of your ideas...
39. 'Rewards' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(1889 words)
This time, Billy finally gets to relax.
40. Maxine's Undercover Experiments by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2228 words)
This is a connecting chapter, a set-up for the following scene. And, a little bit more expectation as to what is coming...
41. A Day at the Office by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(2077 words)
Billy struggles, Maxine discovers a new formula, and Amy has a pleasant drive to work. Also, some new characters are born and Maxine begins to think of all the advantages of her new discovery.
42. Ch. 42 'Tom' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(2644 words)
Yeah, I know... I'm side-tracking a bit here, but after this chapter, you'll soon see where this is heading...
43. 'Tom' - continued by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(1911 words)
This chapter starts from a different perspective and continues, just a little bit beyond where we last left off...
44. Ch. 44 - "Powerful Lady Lawyers" by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2661 words)
Amy finishes up her first week, and as she doe's, she discovers something else that had happened during this same time that will reveal to her that more people were actually affected by those chemicals...
45. Ch. 45 'Prisoners' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(2467 words)
This will ultimately be the beginnings of a new humanity, with Maxine discovering what she can now do, ...she can't help herself from imagining the possibilities...
46. 'Toys' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2478 words)
Just a short tween chapter to aid in the introduction of Angela Cooper.
47. 'Toys' ~ Part 2 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(1667 words)
I changed the Title name for the previous chapter to 'Toys' and I also updated the summary, to one, that I hope is more fitting...
48. Unwinding at the End of the Day by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 2] 

(1962 words)
Tom wakes up and slowly realizes where he is...
49. 'Angela's Surprise' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(3531 words)
"Thomas Speedman meets Angela Cooper, ...will she like what she sees?"
50. Chapter 50 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2637 words)
Tom begins to wonder if he'll live to see another day...
51. 51 'Mr. Yum Yum' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(1603 words)
Thomas begins to wonder if he'll ever see the light of day, and get away from these giant bitches.
52. Melancholy Daze by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 4] 

(2134 words)
A new character is introduced and we find that this old world isn't quite as big as we thought it was...
53. Melancholy Daze - pt. 2 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 4] 

(2510 words)
This chapter finds Denny being given to Angela, and she gladly accepts, taking him home with her is the meat of the scene. I've already continued into pt. 3 and it should be up by Friday night.
54. Melancholy Daze - pt 3 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2765 words)
Dennis gets introduced into his new home...
55. Melancholy Daze -pt.4 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2764 words)
The final chapter of Melancholy daze, but not the end for Denny. We find out a little more and learn a little too. We'll check back with Tom and see what's happening with him...
56. Angela Awakens by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 4] 

(2303 words)
Here, Dennis discovers what his new life is like, .... and we, find out a little bit more about Angela.
57. Angela Awakens ~ con't by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(2101 words)
Angela playfully satisfies her impending urges...
58. 'All-Nighter' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 4] 

(2277 words)
This chapter reveals what had happened to those two janitors; unsuspectingly creating the mixture of chemicals that eventually caused them, and Billy, to suddenly shrink.
59. A Late Night Date by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(3117 words)
Here, we find Thomas finally arriving at Amy's place...
60. 'Squashed' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(1218 words)
...this is just a short one. Tom gets a little taste of being under Amy's control.
61. Late Night Date ~ con't by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 3] 

(3329 words)
Amy continues to play with her new toy...
62. 'Twinkies Palace of Pain' by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 4] 

(2320 words)
Here, we'll discover a few more things that had already happened. Told from Twila's perspective, we'll see what kind of life that little Jeffery has been living, as well.
63. Twinkies Palace of Pain ~ 2 by midnightwriter85 [Reviews - 4] 

(2772 words)
Jeffery makes a run for it...