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Author's Chapter Notes:

Jen and Leslie begin to clean the house. 

Mike was still small. He had awoken and found he was bathed in light again, but he was still small. Looks like this whole endeavor wasn't a dream. His predicament was still the same as last night. Tiny as hell, stuck in his sister's sock fuzz, and covered with food with two giant beasts crawling on top of him. Wait...that last part was new. Mike suppressed a scream as he realized there were two ants crawling over the lint ball and trying to get the leftover food from the floor. The ants were big, yes, but they weren't massive. Except for the fact that they were ants, and ants were usually small little tiny creatures that roam the floor and such...and now they were bigger than him. He could practically ride one if he wanted to. But he didn't want to. He just wanted to stay as quiet as hell and get them away from here.

He struggled more than ever before to get the hell out of his prison, but he just couldn't, and time was running out as the ant was approaching his exposed head. Would it think he was food? Would the ant bite his head off? Mike was terrified. After everything he went through yesterday with his sisters, a stupid tiny little ant was going to end him. He'd rather have died under his sister's foot than a freaking ant eating him. It was almost upon him when a small shake occurred and stopped the ant in it's tracks. 

Still terrified, Mike looked over at the source of the quake and saw a leg reaching into the sky. Following it, he saw it belonged to his sister Jen. She still looked sleepy, so maybe it was still early? Either way, she had saved him, for the time being. The quakes continued and only got stronger, and within a couple seconds, Jen was right upon the tiny mess of food Mike was in, and soon he was staring right up at her gigantic face staring right down at him. 

Mike was still too terrified, whether from the ants or his huge sister, he wasn't sure, to make any call of attention to Jen. Not that it would have made much of a difference either way. The once calm and collected face of Jen turned into one of complete disgust over the mess on the floor, and Mike felt a tinge of sadness as the form of Jen disappeared from above. He was not alone for long, however, as her face appeared once again above him a few seconds later, this time with a friend.

Mike let out his scream he was holding back as he recognized the napkin approaching his position. There was no way out of this; he knew exactly what she was doing. Jen was going to scoop up all of it, ants, food and her own brother, with that napkin and toss it. And Mike could do nothing as the napkin lowered and planted itself on top of him, blocking out the light. He felt the napkin start to close, and felt what he assumed were his sister's fingers closing the napkin. This was it. He felt a pop of pressure occur, and then, there was light? 

Mike watched from the floor as Jen lifted the napkin along with the ants, spilled food, and even the lint ball with it, as she crumpled it up and went over to the trash to toss it. As it turns out, Jen grabbing the lint put enough force on it to pop Mike right out of it, and save him from certain doom within the kitchen garbage. And thank goodness for that. And then the situation dawned on him. He was free. Mike could move his body again. He had never felt so damn glad to move his arm or shake his leg. He had his freedom back! And just in time too as Jen was walking out of the kitchen, leaving Mike all by himself.

He thought of the irony of it all. Here he was, in the exact same position he was in when this started. Alone and in the kitchen. Hey, maybe he would get big now!? ...No, of course not. Still, he was free to move about again, of course, that didn't really go so well last time, and it took him forever. The ants were gone for now, and he seemed pretty safe under the table, so Mike stayed there for some time thinking of a new plan.

Clearly, getting anyone's attention at the floor was impossible. They didn't even see the stupid lint he was stuck in, they would never see him. And going out into the open was a stupid idea, as look what happened last time, he became human sock fuzz. If he got up high, and maybe made some object move, it would get them to notice him. But that could possibly go wrong. During all this thinking, Mike took note of how dirty the kitchen floor was. Had it really been this dirty yesterday? That was another reason not to go out in the open, he would blend right in with the dirt. 

No, he would stay under the table. So far it had been the safest place. As long as he stayed away from the chairs, his sister's feet wouldn't get him, and there were sure to be crumbs and other goods here he could nibble on for food. The more he thought about it, the more he liked this idea. Just stay low here in the kitchen in a safe spot until he grew big again. It was foolproof. He could spend time sightseeing, it was like a vacation really. Yeah, this would be fun. To begin, Mike went strolling along beneath the table, marking the danger spots from the seats. 


All was quiet in the house for a few more hours. Molly, who had to work early on the weekends, had left before it was even light out. Linda was getting ready to leave for work when Jen stepped into her room.
"You remember what I asked you to do today, right? We'd all appreciate it," Linda said after they had gotten the conversation started.
"Yeah, I know, I was planning on starting once you left," Jen responded. "About that though, can you please tell Leslie she has to help? She's just going to sit on her ass all day unless you tell her."
"I'm sure she'll be working hard on her homework, and if you need anything, you can ask her yourself, you're 26 Jennifer."
"Oh my god, you always do this Mom, you always take her side. You let her get away with everything! She won't listen to me if I tell her, but she'll listen to you."

Linda finally gave in and went to Leslie's room to speak with her. Afterwards, her two daughters saw her off as she left for work, telling them she's see them for dinner tonight. Meanwhile, Leslie and Jen got into it again.
"Oh cool, I see how it is," Leslie said with a mocking tone. "Just tell Mom on me."
"What are you talking about," Jen got defensive. "I just wanted you to help me but I knew you wouldn't listen to me. Look, you don't even have to do that much, just help me so I don't have to do everything."
Leslie thought about it for a few seconds before giving her response. "Alright, fine, what do you want me to do?"


Yep, Mike was completely safe. He looked around, and noticed where the seats where, and made sure to stay away from them. He also didn't venture too far out, for fear of other repercussions. But he did it, now he was safe. He was situated near the center of the area beneath the table. No feet reached here, and he could see everything. And that way when he grew back, he had plenty of room to. It was perfect. In his searching and confidence, though, Mike never noticed the sounds of his sisters walking about, or his Mother leaving. It was when he heard and felt the minor quake of someone walking into the kitchen that Mike took notice. Confident of his plan, he happily turned around toward the entrance and immediately lost everything. From his position under the table, the upper body was blocked off, but that didn't matter. All he needed to see was the legs and feet covered in bright orange socks of whoever it was, and the broom they were holding.

Mike was completely unsafe on the floor. At least he first thought so. He watched from the center of beneath the table as his sister swept the kitchen floor. Even from his vantage he could see the dirt and dust piling up near the center of the kitchen. He was saying the place needed to be cleaned, but he didn't mean now, when he was still on the floor. But, he still seemed safe. He was under the table, right? How many people actually bothered sweeping under that. Whoever was sweeping looked like they were doing a half-ass job anyway. It was probably Leslie. Haha, he thought. If it was her, he was safe. She couldn't be bothered to sweep under the table. He was worrying for nothing.

Then the sweeping stopped. It was over already. He really didn't have nothing to worry about! His smile was starting to return. Until the figure of his sister started approaching the table. And then with a loud screech, the chairs were shoved aside. And the figure squatted showing Mike the full full of Leslie with a rather disgruntled face, as she brought the broom under the table, and started to sweep up the dirt from beneath. And Mike could only scream.

Mike instinctively ran away from his giant sister, but that was probably the wrong thing to do. The enormous straw bristles of the broom crashed into the ground against the wall several feet ahead of Mike, but within seconds they were whizzing past him blowing dirt and dust all over the place, easily knocking Mike down on his ass. A few seconds later the broom crashed down again, and Mike wasn't even able to get to his feet before it flew right towards him. Mike was easily caught up in the bristles and was dragged and rolled across the floor along with all the other pieces of worthless dust and dirt. He was soon released by the straw bristles and rolled a tiny bit away before resting beside the rest of the dirt at the base of Leslie's socked foot. 

More dirt was thrust upon Mike and the pile as Leslie finished getting what she could from under the table. He saw her rise to her full height as once again he was propelled by the broom out of the comfort and safety beneath the table, and to the open area of the kitchen, alongside the other dirt he was with. The chairs were pushed back into place with a loud screech. The broom crashed down once more near Mike and approached him again, before the bristles slammed into him and he was sent spiraling along the ground against his will like the insignificant piece of dirt he was. 

Leslie was relentless with the broom and gave Mike no time to even collect himself before again and again he was pushed around with the dust from the floor. He caught glimpses of Leslie looking down upon him with no care at all about what she was doing to him, because to her, she wasn't doing anything to him. There wasn't even a "him" to her. Just it. And Mike was once more pushed by the straw bristles, only this time he wasn't released, rather his puny body got stuck to a rouge dust bunny that attached itself to the bristles. And Mike felt himself lifting up along with the broom.

Relatively high in the air, literally hanging on by a dusty thread, Mike screamed as the broom plummeted towards the ground at fast speed, before crashing into the tile floor and mess of dust and debris. Mike face planted on the dirty floor, and began to be dragged along it with the stuff before being lifted again and the process repeating. Leslie was pulling no punches and quickly and forcefully swept the floor not caring about much other than getting it done. The crashing finally stopped and turned into a smoother, yet still rough, repetitive scrape along the ground as all the dirt and dust was formed into a nice pile. 

Despite the beating he just took by a simple broom, Mike was glad he was stuck now, not wanting to be in that pile. The last thing he wanted was for his own sister to toss him in the garbage. Of course, things changed as the dust bunny Mike was stuck to was yanked from the broom, releasing Mike from it's grip as both it and he fell right into the center of the dirt pile. Although uncomfortable, Mike survived the fall by the cushioning of the dust. Not the most pleasant bed, but it worked. Except for the fact he was now looking straight on at the giant field that was a dustpan, and his sister was showing no signs of forgetting about the pile. He turned around just in time to see Leslie brushing the broom against the floor, gathering all the little pieces of dirt, dust, debris, crumbs, and her own brother, and swept them towards the dustpan.


"Can you just sweep the kitchen floor?" Jen responded to Leslie's question on what she should do. 
"Alright," Leslie said in a dry voice. "How do I do that?"
Jen gave a huge sigh. "You take the broom, sweep the dirt into a pile, sweep it on a dustpan, and toss it out."
"That sounds like a lot of work."
"Just do it," Jen said, wondering why she wanted Leslie to help in the first place. "I'll be right down here."

Reluctantly, Leslie got the broom and dustpan from the closet and began to sweep the floor. She did so haphazardly, wanting to just get it done more than anything. She did the back part of the kitchen by the back door before Jen appeared once more and reminded her not to forget under the table. Annoyed, Leslie pulled the chairs away, crouched down, and violently swept all the crumbs from beneath the kitchen table. There were quite a lot of gross crumbs and dirt under there. She wasn't going to say it but Jen was right, don't forget the table it was pretty disgusting. 

She then brushed all the dirt from that side into a little pile, before starting to sweep the other side of the kitchen. Not wanting to walk to far, she rather just slammed the end of the broom into the ground and brought over whatever crumbs she could from that side. After getting what she thought was a decent amount, she pushed them into the pile, and set the dustpan on the ground. That was when she noticed the loose dust bunny stuck to the broom. She effortlessly pulled it off the bristles, and dropped it to the ground in the pile. 

She looked down at the pile and could only consider it gross. All that crap was just on the kitchen floor. Yuck. She never even considered the possibility that one of those tiny little dirt pieces was actually her brother, looking up at her screaming for her to notice him and stop. But she didn't, and she swept the pile forward onto the dustpan. Nearly half the dirt pile stayed on the ground, not even making it into the dustpan, but Leslie just left it there. Whatever, she tried. Unfortunately, her brother was not one of those that were left on the floor. He was stranded in the middle of the dustpan Leslie was now lifting up and walking with towards the garbage, to dispose of it's contents. Leslie reached the garbage can, and lifted open the top, and began to tilt the dustpan to trash all of it's contents. 
"Stop!" A voice belonging to Jen called out.
Leslie titled the dustpan back level, but a few of the crumbs had fallen down into the trash already. "What!? I'm cleaning, okay? It's what you wanted!"
"Yeah, but what is that?" Jen said, pointing to the the large amount of dirt remains still on the ground.
"Yeah, I was going to get those later."
"Why not just get them now, then? It's easier."
"I know what I'm doing," Leslie snapped at Jen, as she began to tilt the dustpan once more, allowing some more crumbs to fall into the trashy abyss.
"Don't talk back to me like that," Jen said, getting frustrated. 
"Oh my god, I didn't even want to do this, you did!" Leslie yelled back, leaving the dustpan still slightly titled, slowly having more crumbs and dirt slide down into the trash.
"Oh yeah, I'd like to see you do all this when I move out!" Jen said in a fit of anger, just now realizing what she said. She hadn't told anyone she was moving out yet, not even her mother.
"You're....you're moving out?" Leslie said, now much more calmer and subdued. She brought her hand away from the trash can and, not even paying attention anymore, dropped the remainder of the dirt onto the floor at their feet. 


Mike was easily pushed from the floor onto the dustpan by the relentless broom handled by his sister. More debris was pushed on top of him, covering him and burring him in it, barely letting him look out as his sister bent down to pick up the dustpan. When she was closer her screamed out to her, desperate to get her attention before she did the unthinkable. But he was merely a speck of dirt on a dustpan full of specks, and she heard nothing. 

Mike felt his footing being lifted from the ground to Leslie's waist level, granting him a much clearer look of her uncaring face of what she was about to do. Mike began sobbing and screaming and doing anything to get Leslie's attention, but nothing changed, and soon he heard the sound of the trash can opening, and the dustpan floor began to tilt. Mike lost his footing and began sliding down the small grooves in the dustpan, big enough only for someone of his size. Gravity was taking full effect and Mike could do nothing as he slid down.

And as soon as it began, it ended, and the floor leveled out, and Mike was fine. Looking up and out of the dirt, he saw the colossal figure of both Leslie and Jen standing above him, paying absolutely zero attention to the dirt he was in. It looked like Jen unknowingly just saved his life, he would have to remember that. It was short lived, however, as the dustpan titled once again, and Mike was sliding down.

Mike could hear Leslie and Jen arguing about whatever up above him, but he didn't care one bit about what it was, rather concerning himself more on the impending doom that was the trash can he found himself falling towards. More dirt queued behind Mike and the gravity increased, causing him to fall quicker towards the edge of the dustpan. Mike screamed out one last time, as the dustpan shifted at the last second, and he fell from the edge and towards the floor below. 

Chapter End Notes:

End of Chapter 6.

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