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Mitch stood outside his office, sweat coming through his shirt.  In his mind, his earlier conversation with Ming kept replaying.   “Humiliation?, Yes feeding off of another’s breaking spirit would power the spell.” That was What Emily and Meg really wanted from him.  Someone they could break and feed off of like vampires.  


"No" he thought.  "No matter what, I can't let them continue to use me like that."  


He just needed to stay strong.  He coudln't let Meg or Emily humiliate and break him.  It would be easier now that Mitch knew Emily wasn't under some kind of mind control. 


No, she wanted to leave him and he was starting to think that was alright. After all,  the Emily he loved wasn’t some hyper cruel dominatrix.  Not unless she’d hidden that part of herself from Mitch.  And if she had?  Well in that case, he didn't want her as part of his life, or that bitch Meg.  


With that resolved, Mitch had lost any interest in Meg and Emily's drama.  Undoubtedly Meg had come to his office to have some fun and play with him.  Well she was going to be disappointed.  Mitch would give Emily whatever she was owed and she and Meg would have to leave him alone.


Mitch walked thru the doorway and into his office.  Standing impatiently outside his doorway was a very large woman with broad shoulders and thick arms.  She wore a sleeveless pink tube top that hugged her enormous chest.  Her firm torso was exposed and rippled with every shift. Meg.


Coming closer, the voice of this amazon giant became distinct. “Where is he?” The other woman, Natalie responded, “I have informed Mitch that you are here.”  This wasn't enough for Meg who crossed her arms like a petulant child and pouted.


Stamping her foot Meg said,  “I’m not known for my patience."   “I can imagine,” Natalie responded neutrally.  Meg looked at her in wonder for a second.  Natalie for her part tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and continued not giving a fuck.


 “Are you for real?”  Meg wondered aloud.  Natalie simply ignored Meg, punching at her tablet with a stylus.  For a second neither said anything.  Meg simply loomed over Natalie impatiently, then Natalie noticed him. 


“Ah, Mitch, this woman is here to see you.”  Natalie’s tone suggested she would love nothing more than to kick Meg out onto the street.  “No,” Mitch swung his office door open, “Meg and I are just finalizing the terms of my divorce, Nat.”  


This brough a smile to Natalie's face.  Natalie really disliked Emily.  “Very good then.”  Natalie turned around and sashayed her tight ass away.  


Meg walked over to the door.  She rudely didn't thank him and bent her head down to get under the door frame.  Mitch marveled at this.  In the short time since he'd known her, Meg had become the tallest person in the world.  His eyeline was even with the chiseled eight pack abs.  He had to look up to see the huge spheres of her breasts.  Framed on either side of those mighty orbs were enormous arms with cannon ball sized biceps and corded forearms.  Veins crosed and twitched as she moved.  If he could have seen above that point he would have commented on her increased beauty.  The poutier lips and shiny eyes.  


Mitch shut the door.  Meg was such an inhuman hulk that navigating around her gave him a chance to appreciate just how much wider than him she was.  The bottom of her ass cheeks hung out of her too small skirt.  Just one of her thighs was bigger than his chest and her broad hips stretched too wide for him to encircle.  IF Meg wanted to she probably could have used Mitch like a soccer ball.  Yes, this bitch  had profited greatly off of cuckolding him. 


“Goddess,” Meg breathed in her deep voice, “that woman is amazing.”  Mitch walked around his desk and began rummaging in it.  “Maybe I should invite her to play with Emily and I, see if she’d like that,” Meg idly ran a hand over her huge, ripe breast holding its heavy soft mass.  "Maybe I could give her some workout tips.” 


“Somehow I think Nat might be too much for even YOU to handle, Meg.”  Mitch said as he found what he was looking for and pulled it out onto his desk. “Watch your tone with me, shitstain.”  Meg stopped feeling herself up and glowered.  “Don’t forgot I own your ass.”  Mitch wrote on the paper and inspected it.  Satisfied, he ripped it free and held it up.  “What the fuck is this supposed to be?” Meg said as she took it.  Mitch smiled, “Its a check for half my fucking net worth.  Take it and get the fuck out.” 


Meg's face turned red and she leaned forward onto the desk. The thick wooden desk groaned under her weight. “Who the FUCK do you fucking think you are asshole.”  Meg snarled.  “I’m someone who is bored.  Honestly I don’t want anything to do with you.”  Mitch shrugged.  


Meg straightened up and looked down at him.  She couldn’t figure out what had changed.  he had been cowed.  The perfect toy for her and Emily.  Then her face hardened as she understood.  Somehow, the little fucker had figured it out.  Everything.  He understood that she and Emily fed off of him.  That he gave them vitality, strength.  The little bitch had decided he was done.  Done being humiliated.  “He thinks he can stop being my bitch,” Meg thought, “Fuck that.”  



Mitch was trying to stop a smug smile from stretching over his face.  He had beaten Meg.  He was done being her bit…  *RIIIIIIPPPPPP*


Mitch snapped back to the moment.  "Did she just...?"  Yes, the cunt had just ripped up Mitch's check.  Meg's cannon ball biceps swelled into relief as her whole body flexed and her veins pulsed. 


In that second Mitch felt small.  Meg was just so big and powerful.  It was only a second and a little uncertainty.  But it was enough.  That little weakness flooded the Amazon giant.  Meg flushed scarlet as her body swelled imperceptibly.  She hadn’t grown much.  Less than a tenth of an inch of height and an ounce of muscle and fat. 


But every time she grew, Meg felt as if she was having the best sex on LSD.  She had no intention of ever stopping.  If she got bigger the world would just have to adjust.  Licking her lips, Meg reached behind her and broke the door handle.  Mitch felt his jaw drop.  It was such a casual display of strength.  She had just broken and crumpled steel like flicking a light switch.  An incredible show of power. "Mitch, I think we need to talk..."

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