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Author's Chapter Notes:

I'm glad to see your reviews i really appreciate it :)

To answer slavetowomen's question there will be some feet interaction in the future so don't worry. I just wanted the first couple chapter's to get everything set before the fun begins.

After showing my friend my story he gave me a few tips on what to change so i hope this looks better then the first chapter.



Aubrey, Age 12 - dark blond hair

Sophia, age 10 - lighter blond hair

“Mom! Mom!” Screams rang out as Sophia ran as fast as she could, her house coming closer with each step. Hearing the young girls screams, and the older woman stepped outside before glaring at Sophia. “Where is your sister? First you run off then she leaves to, your both such terrible-“”Mom you need to help her!”

Seeing the fear in Sophia’s eyes, her eyebrow cocked as she looked down at her stepdaughter cupping something in her hands. “Help who, what the hell are you talk…” the words died at her lips as she saw what she had been holding.

At roughly three inches in height sat a naked Aubrey as she covered her from. “W-W-What is that t-thing?!” Sophia’s eyes hardened as she gave an uncharacteristic glare towards her step mother. “It’s Aubrey! She’s not a thing!”

Trying to regain her composure the older woman took another look confirming her daughter’s words. It was in fact a miniature Aubrey. Taking a step back, her face contorted back and forth as she tried to process what was going on.

“HELP HER!” Sophie screamed out finally getting the older woman’s attention. “G-G-Get in the car, N-Now!” Needing no encouragement, Sophia ran towards their mom’s small car before climbing in the back.

“I-It will be ok Sophia… try to stay calm.” Aubrey sat still as she rubbed her arm with worry. She had to look composed for her sister’s sake she was on the verge of tears. “B-But… but what if this is permanent!” Sophia wailed as her eyes began to water.

‘I… I don’t know…’ Her silence made Sophia whimper but before she could question her sister further, the car door opened as their step mom got in. “W-We’re going to the doctors, I can’t let your father see this or he’ll hate me!”

Both sisters’ glared at their step mom but remained quiet. This was nothing new, and they had bigger things to be worried about… like Aubrey’s fate.


(Hospital, unknown room)

Aubrey shivered as a cold draft ran through the empty room she was in. After getting to the hospital, the doctors had taken her to an empty room with just a bed in it. After being given a small garment she could only wonder why they even had something her size to begin with.

Even with the room void of furnishings minus the bed and her mother nowhere in sight she had to smile however… Looking up sheepishly she smiled as she saw her younger sister clenching her fists as she tried to control her tears.

‘What the hell’s going on…?’ “Aubrey… A-Are you going to die…?’ Sophia whispered surprising the blond. “O-Of course not… it will take a lot more then… whatever this is to stop me from protecting my little sister.” Aubrey feigned courage as she watched her sister smiling softly.

“You promised so it’s true.” Sophia smiled moving a bit closer to her sister. After a few minutes Sophia began to sniffle once more however as she looked down at her miniaturized sister. “I’m sorry…” Aubrey looked up at her confused before seeing her on the verge of tears again.

“S-Sophia what’s wrong?” Wiping her eyes, she pulled her knees into her chest as she continued to cry softly. “I-I-If… if I hadn’t left home you wouldn’t have followed me and got sick…” She whimpered as she tucked her face between her knees.

Aubrey scowled at her sister as she moved closer to her. “Softy… that’s not what happened and you know it. This… “The words died as she tried to come up with a name for it. “W-What ever happened to me it’s not your fault. You know this so don’t think it is.”

“She’s right you know.” Both sisters’ heads snapped to the door of the room as a tall man in a white lab coat stepped in. “Pardon the intrusion but my name is Doctor Anderson. I’m the physician your mother brought you to. I’m the head practitioner of this hospital and… and I thought talking to you in person would be best.”

Aubrey looked at the older man in silence. He was old, much older than their dad but probably no older than 50. With light grey hair and a trimmed beard he had a rather grandfather type look. As he took a step in the room, she took a cautious step back for some reason.

Her actions were noticed however by the older man so he stepped back. “My apologies this must be a big change for you. Let me put your fears to rest… you’re going to be fine.” Both Aubrey and Sophia looked up with hope upon hearing this.

“S-So I can be f-fixed then?!” His face remained neutral as he closed the door behind him. “Aubrey Faye Michaelis, did I pronounce that correctly?” Aubrey frowned, hearing her full name spoken. It was rather foreign to her. “Yes… But no one uses my surname.”

The Doctor nodded skimming down a small chart he held. “And this must be your sister Sophia Lynn Michaelis, Quite the names for you both.” He smiled warmly as the two sisters remained quiet. As he looked up from his chart he stared the younger blond down as he stepped aside from the door.

“Would you mind giving us a minute Miss Lynn, I would like to have a word with your big sister alone.” Sophia frowned at the older man as she remained still. “I-I don’t want to leave her…””It would just be for a moment, I just have some confidential information I need to disclose to her an-“”She can stay.”

The Doctor stopped as he looked down at Aubrey’s stern expression. It wasn’t one suited towards one her age. “Are you sure?” ”Yes, whatever you need to tell me I want her to know to.” The Doctor frowned knowing this would probably lead to both of them crying.

Seeing them both waiting he moved to a chair next to the bed, (The one Sophia was meant to sit on) before setting his chart down on the bed. “Alright then. The truth is Mis- Aubrey… that what you have is still unknown to us.”

Aubrey didn’t like were this was going but she remained silent as he spoke. “There is no name for your sickness and to be frank we’re not even sure if it’s a disease or not. What you have… it’s been an occurring epidemic that’s been notional as of the last three months.”

Aubrey and Sophia looked at him shocked. How could something like this be an unknown if it had been going around for months? The Doctor rubbed his temple as he looked down. “The reason this sickness had been a secret for so long is because no one understood what it was. When the first encounters of it occurred the CDC came in and abducted the residence who were struck with it as they tried to isolate what it was causing this… decrease in size.” He almost looked pained to say what had happened to her.

Alarm played out on both sisters’ faces as Sophia moved her hands around her sister protectively. “N-N-No, I won’t let you take her!” Sophia nearly screamed as she pulled Aubrey close. Seeing the fear in both the young girls’ eyes, Anderson raised his hands up in a calm fashion.

“Clearly I didn’t specify this had occurred before. I assure you Miss Lynn I have no intention of having your sister taken somewhere… it wouldn’t do anyone any good.” His voice was saddened as he looked down.

“W-What do you mean… I thought you said I’d be alright…” Aubrey’s voice cracked as she looked up at him in fear. Silence passed for a moment as the elderly man lifted his chart back up. “Aubrey… what you have isn’t life threatening and from what the CDC and the head doctors from California to Florida have stated it’s not contagious either but… As of now, there is no cure for this.”

Time seemingly stopped for both sisters as they tried to process what had been said. Sophia was the first to react as her eyes began to tear up. “A-Aubrey… Y-You said you’d be alright…” The elder blond felt her body shaking as her composure crumbled.

‘I… I’m stuck like this…’ Cupping her mouth she felt her own eyes tear over. Doctor Anderson stood up before heading towards the door. “I’ll leave you two alone for a bit…” The only reply he received was crying from both sisters however.

Shaking his head he stepped out before closing the door behind him. There were numerous things he still had to tell Aubrey but… she needed some time to process this. After all, her life was about to be changed forever.


(The next day)


Aubrey looked upwards as she laid on her bed in silence. Her mind was twisting and turning as she tried to let everything sink in. ‘A hereditary disease that clumps you molecules together… why the hell has this been dormant till now… and why me?’

After she and her sister had calmed down (as best they could) Dr. Anderson had explained what it was that had happened to her. Whatever this was wasn’t exactly genetic but it did attack those who were genetically stronger… or to be put bluntly firstborn’s.

Age… height… size… it didn’t matter. Young, old, they were all affected nationwide. Rolling to her side she pulled her knees into her chest as she stared at the massive landscape of her bedroom. ‘I’m really stuck like this…’ The realization had been painful and had yet to entirely sink in but… she was happy about one thing.

‘At least Sophia wasn’t the one who shrank… I don’t think she could have taken it as well.’ At least with her affected she was calm and rational about it but her sister usually acted on her emotions. There was no telling what she might do if she had shrunk.

‘But still…’ Her mood soured. She was her sister’s keeper. She protected her, fed her, helped her with school work and chores, hell she even bathed her, the little brat never liked to do it herself anyways. All the things she used to do though… she suddenly couldn’t.

‘How will I look after you now?’ Hearing the door to her room opening she leaned up before smiling dryly as she saw her sister come in. “Hey softy… you feeling better?” Sophia said nothing as she moved towards their bed.

‘I’m the one who shrank but still… she’s taking this worse than me.’ As the younger blond moved to the foot of the bed, she sat down before staring away from Aubrey. “Sophia?” Remaining quiet, she twiddled her thumbs as if worried about something.

“A-Aubrey… Can… can you teach me… teach me how to fight?” Aubrey’s eyes widened in shock, did she actually just hear that right?! “S-Sophia what are you talking about, you’ve never fought in your life, you hate violence.”

The younger blond nodded before pulling her legs up next to her. “I… I know that but… You can’t protect me anymore.” The words struck her hard. Aubrey felt her eyes water hearing this, more for the fact they were true.

“And that’s why… that’s why I want to learn to fight. I want to protect you now.” Aubrey looked up at her sister once more shocked by her statement. It was true she was the size of a doll but her sister wanted to change herself just to protect her?

“S-S-Sophia… you don’t need to fight to-“”I don’t want you to be hurt again!” Sophia screamed as tears fell from her eyes. Aubrey cringed as she saw the saddened expression of her little sister. “You could have died… a-and i… I don’t want you to go…” Sophia whimpered as she moved her fingers around her sister.

As she was lifted upward, Aubrey felt a warm around her. It was like the warmth she felt whenever she held her sister when she was scared or sad. Sophia hugged her diminutive *little* sister as she cried to stop her tears.

‘She wants to look after you now…’ The thought made her smile. It was true she would need some help now, but still her sister and her changing rolls seemed, foreign to her. “Please… teach me, I want to keep you safe forever.”

The warmth from before began to spread through her, causing Aubrey to blush. This feeling, it was much stronger than usual. Looking up at her sister’s saddened face she sighed. She’d never be able to say no to her as long as she lived.

“Alright Softy… if it’s what you want, I’ll teach you whatever you want to know.” Sophia’s face immediately turned to one of joy as she hugged her sister closer. “T-Thank you Aubrey, thank you, thank you, thank you!” She squealed with glee.

‘J-Just don’t overdo it softy… I don’t want you to get hurt.’ She was about to speak up her thought but was halted however as she was lifted upwards towards her sister’s colossal face. “I promise to look after you Aubrey. I’ll take care of you from now on until you better.”

“S-S-Sophia, don’t make promises like that I might never get better.” Her sister’s face dropped a bit but she smiled once more. “Then I’ll always look after you. I promise.” Blushing Aubrey smiled herself before her eyes widened.

“S-S-Sophia what are yo-“She was cut off as her face collided with her sister’s lips. ‘S-She’s k-kissing me, at this size?!’ Sophia gave her sister a long kiss before pulling away happily. “I’ll make sure to always keep you safe no matter what. From now on, we stay together for everything.” She chirped happily before setting her frozen sister down.

‘S-She just picked me up… a-and kissed me…’ Aubrey touched her face were she had just been kissed before blushing profusely. She had often kissed her sister but on the head or back of her hand when she comforted her. ‘W-Was she just trying to comfort me like I used to do to her?’ Looking up, shaken, she saw her sister’s innocent eyes before smiling.

‘I guess so…’ Still, their relationship was about to change… and she didn’t know if it was for better or worse. ‘No matter what though… she’s still my little sister, and I’ll protect her somehow.’ It was her job after all.

“Alright, when do you want to start training Sophia?” The younger blond smiled happily as she hopped off the bed. “Now!”

Chapter End Notes:

Well i hope you all like it. I know it was still kind of slow but the fun will come next chapter so please be patient with me :)

Please leave me some reviews i enjoyed seeing the two i got and i'll try to write back to you :D

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