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I open my eyes. I shudder and freak out, springing head upwards, gasping for air. I look around me. I am in my bedroom. Clean. Dressed. “Was it a dream..?”

I felt sort of upset. If it was a dream, I am indeed some sick kid, but it was amazing. “It felt so real..”

I heard footsteps and saw a figure at my door frame. It was my mother, dressed in a sports jacket, yoga pants and her favorite pink running shoes. She looked at me, questioning, “Sweetie, are you okay?”

“Um.. Yea-yeah. I'm alright.”

“Had a nightmare?”

“No-no. A dream. You were in it.”

“Sounds lovely. Can’t speak any longer, Mommy’s gonna hit the gy-”

“Wait! You don’t remember?”


“Yo-you were, you. You were in my dream and-. You know.”

“What? Look, it was your dream sweetie. There is no way I knew what happened. Now Mommy has to seriously go. I’m running behind my schedule. I'll lock the door when I leave. Please, eat something. You need the energy.”


“Make sure you write your report. Its just a few days until you’re back, starting something new.”

I shook my head in agreement and watched her walk off. I sat there in bed. How could she not remember? Was it seriously a dream? Then I heard the door shut as she left.

I got up and peered over the balcony, looking at the living room. I decided to head down and grab something to eat. I walked down the stairs, towards the kitchen and opened the pantry, grabbing a nutritional bar. I unwrapped it, and started to take bites off of it. Then it hit me. Her room. It must be a mess, since it wasn’t a few days ago. I threw the bar on the counter and dashed upstairs, pushing her door open. It.. Was spotless. Clean. I looked around and noticed her room was cleaner than mine. “Damn.”

I felt disappointed. All of this confusion was starting to give me a headache. I walked down stairs and decided to watch some television. I jumped on the couch and switched on the tv. I flipped through some channels, until I hit the News station.. “destruction was recorded last evening. There seemed to be-”.. It seemed similar to the house last night.. “a spot in the ceiling from the bedroom. Sources say the reason how it was destroyed is unknown, but it seems a nearby tree must’ve fallen, since there is a stump of one close by..”

The house we were in last night.. Something was odd.. I kept flipping through the channels. I felt my head pound even more with even more confusion. I decided enough and got up, walking towards the medicine cabinet. I looked through it, but with no luck anything with aspirin. Until, I noticed a strange bottle containing tablets that looked like an aspirin. I grabbed it and examined it. “Mommy’s Aspirin”. She wouldn’t mind I thought opening the bottle. I took two and threw them in my mouth, swallowing without trouble. I sealed the bottle, put them back and relaxed on the couch flipping through television. I watched and watched until I felt bored and tired. I laid down on the couch and decided I needed more sleep. I closed my eyes with ease.


I felt her hand shaking me and heard her voice. I turned over and looked at her. She was in her sports jacket and still her yoga pants. “You were asleep for three hours since I left.”

“Where?”, I questioned. It’s only morning.

“The gym.”

“This early?”

“What? Its past noon. Mommy’s been at the gym since probably when you woke up earlier.”

“Earlier? But I woke up now.”

“What? Sweetie, are you alright?”

“Fine. I think I took aspirin last night before I fell asleep.”

“Aspirin? Where?”


She got up and walked towards the kitchen, looking through the cabinet.

“Are we going to the beach today? You promised. You also said something good would happen too.” Did she forget about her promise? Why was she worried? She kept looking through the cabinet until she grabbed a bottle.

“Did you take this?” she showed me. It looked familiar, but couldn’t tell. “I guess. Only aspirin we got.”

“It’s Mommy’s Aspirin.. Meaning yo-..” She paused. She put the bottle back, closed the cabinet and looked at me from the kitchen. “Do you remember anything I told you yesterday?”

“Yeah, we were heading to the beach today.”

“No, no. Something about.. Giants.”

“Giants? What? Are they real?” I laughed.

She giggled. “Well, I do have something to tell you about them.. Seeing how you forgot my.. ‘Story’.” she joked.

“What story?”

“Something about your father. I’ll tell you. I know you’ll like the outcome.” she winked.

I looked at her in confusion. She laughed. “I’ll get ready and so will you for the beach.” She walked past me and up the stairs.

I got myself ready and she got herself ready. I noticed something different. Her breast seemed bigger and her ass looked amazing. Wait. What was going on? Do I have feelings for her? Nevermind that. She is gorgeous. I walk down the stairs and meet her by the door, noticing her only wearing a two piece and sunglasses on her head. She had a bag around her shoulder, with a magazine sticking out and a towel inside. In her other hand had the umbrella. “You look very pretty.”

“Me? Oh you’re making Mommy blush.”

She opened the door and started to walk out of the apartment. We were walking on the sidewalk. I kept thinking to myself something was going on. I didn't know what. What was I forgeting or not knowing? After thinking, I was ened up walking behind her, noticing her ass jiggling. I felt some excitement but tried to cool it. My own mother I questioned. I mean she is amazing. Her ass.. Her..

“Sweetie, did you put sunscreen on?”

She got me off guard and I questioned with a quick yes.

“I think I put mine on. I can’t remember.”

I walked a bit closer and couldn't keep my eyes off her ass but when we were closer I stopped and walked ahead of her.

Soon we reached the beach. My mother laid out her towel and put on her sunglasses as she dug her umbrella into the sand. She took no time to then lay down in a haste of tiredness.  The sunlight glimmered on her body and made her look like a goddess. After she settled down with a magazine, I started walking over to the water to splash around in.


The End.




Chapter End Notes:

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.  ;)

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