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Chapter 5.  Lindsey takes charge.


  Lindsey walked into Coaldale, and she was slowly making her way into the city.  As Lindsey was walking down below the tiny people were running through the streets as fast as they could.  They were running to get out of her way, and the streets were being cleared.  To Max sitting way up on Lindsey's left shoulder he was seeing these tiny people running as fast as they could, but at the height he was at it did not look like they were moving fast. Their screams and shouts sounded faint and far away. Lindsey continued her walk nice and slow and everyone saw her since she towered over every building. Lindsey then stopped walking she stopped and looked around, she then put her hands on her hips and stood there looking around. She then said, "Well Max, I think I'm going to take control of this city, everyone will answer to me and to me alone, you will sit upon my shoulder and rule."  She then took a few steps while still keeping her hands on her hips, she stopped and she spoke loudly and as she did her thunderous voice just boomed across the entire city.  "Listen everyone listen up.  I have decided to take control of this city so from now on I will run this city and beyond. You will all answer to me and if my boyfriend Max tell you to do something then you will do it. Darlene Lear and all those who are loyal to her you will get your turn I will find you all and deal severely with you all." Lindsey then dropped her hand to her side and she began to walk through the city she was heading towards City Hall. As Lindsey neared City Hall some people were leaving the building while other ran inside. Lindsey stopped outside the building, it was a 5 story building.  Lindsey got down on one knee she leaned in a bit, she then made a fist and brought it down onto the roof of City Hall. She brought her fist down onto the large foyer part which was the height of the building. When Lindsey's fist hit the roof it just caved in and down below the people ran and ducked for cover.  She then tore a chunk of the roof right out.


   Lindsey looked and and down below the people were getting up there was debris all over the floor and as the dust settled they looked up and saw Lindsey's gigantic face. Lindsey leanned in closer and Max from her shoulder saw many police cars heading to City Hall. Lindsey looked in and she saw someone she recognized it was the Mayor he was getting up.  Lindsey reached in and she grabbed him with her thumb and fore finger and she lifted him up into the air.  The building security wanted to shoot but decided not to, they stood there as the giant girl lifted the mayor up into the air. Lindsey lifted him up to the roof height and she looked at him, he was kicking and he was pushing on Lindsey's thumb but it was pointless.  Lindsey then said, "This city and beyond is mine and I control it now you answer to me. You and this city are now at my mercy, I can let you live or die your choice." The Mayor looked around he looked down and back at Lindsey and said, "You are in charge."  Lindsey smiled and said, "Good I'm glad you see it my way, now I want you to tell the police to bring to me Darlene Lear and all her followers, her dad is the local school superindent and her mother is the head dean at the college. I want them rounded up and brought before me, I know they are here. Now do as I say or would you want me to start tearing this city apart?"  The Mayor shouted up to her, "No, don't Lindsey, I will do as you ask as you want."  Lindsey then lowered him down to the ground and she let him go.  She then leaned in closer and took a deep breath and she blew down into the building and as she did she sent everyone down below flying across the floor with all the debris. Her breath caused everyone to flying into the wall and her breath pinned them there.  She then stopped blowing, and she then stood up.


   Down below the entire area was surrounded by police there were at least 450 police officers and lots of police cars. Lindsey looked down and around and then the Mayor ran out and he headed to the closest police car, he talked to the officer. Then a few minutes later anouther police car arrived and a passenger got out it was the Police Cheif, he walked up to the Mayor.  The Mayor said, "You need to pull all your men back, you have new orders."  The Police Cheif shook his head and said, "I can't that giant girl must be stopped, you may give new orders but I will refuse them now Mr. Mayor let us deal with this giant girl."  The Mayor took a few steps back and he looked up at Lindsey then back at the Police Cheif and said, "Really, stop her how tell me.  Look at the size of her how long do you and your men think you can last in a fight with a 250 foot giant girl.  How many bullets will slow her down. She told me what she wants and if she does not get it she will tear this city apart. Now do you want to be responsible for the destruction."  As the Mayor was speaking a lady Seargent said a few words to him. He nodded and said, "Ok we will do as this giant girl wants."  He turned to the Mayor and said, "We heard who she wants we heard her voice as she spoke, I will order my people to bring in those she wants."  The Police Cheif turned and he gave orders to have those Lindsey want to be put under arrest and to brought in.

   The police got into their vehicles and were leaving the area.  Lindsey stood there with Max on her shoulder.  Bill ran up to Darlene and said, "Darlene we've got to get out of here the police just arrested your parents under orders from that giant Lindsey. They are now looking for us."  Darlene motioned for the others to leave and just as they were going to leave the house was surrounded by the police. The police entered the house by force and started to arrest some of Darlene's followers.  Darlene ran to the study which was upstairs with Bill, in the study she had a secret hideaway which only she and Bill knew of.  They both got into their secret hideaway just as the police entered the room.  They made a sweep of the house and no Darlene or Bill. They searched the house again but no Darlene and the ones they arrested were quite.  They were put into a police van, and the police van left the area and it headed back to where Lindsey was.  Bill and Darlene were quiet and Bill said, "I think they are gone we can get out." Darlene took out her cell and she shushed him up.  She reached over and hit the wall and a pannel opened up about the side of a tablet, there was a switch, she pushed the switch downwards and they began to move. A minute later the door opened and they were in anouther room and they stepped out.  Bill looked arounud and said, "Whats this whats going on?"  Darlene took a few steps and she said, "Its an underground chamber and passages under parts of the city, it goes from my house to the school to the college and to city hall, also there are several rooms, we are a good 5 floors below ground. Don't worry there is an electric car that we can use to get around."  Bill and Darlene headed to one of the electric cars.

   Max looking out saw a police van heading straight to where Lindsey was and he shouted to Lindsey.  The police van stopped in front of Lindsey's right foot and she watched as the police removed 6 people from the van.  There were 4 guys and 2 girls and they were all laid before Lindsey's right foot. Lindsey looked down and she said, "I should just lift my foot and crush them."  Lindsey lifted her foot and she brought it down onto them but did not crush them they all disapperared under her foot, they were all under her toes area. They were all pinned under her foot, they were all shoutig and screaming at the top of their lungs and then Lindsey noticed one had managed to pop up between her big and second to, it was a girl, she began to shout and scream for mercy.  Lindsey then lifted her foot and as she did the girl that was between her big and second to stayed there, the others were still lying on the ground. Lindsey then reached down and she plucked the girl from her toes and she put her down to the rest. Lindsey then sat down onto the ground.  Even while sitting down she was huge, the ones lying there before her were looking up at her, they were still hand cuffed. 

  Lindsey looked down at them just lying there and they looked up at her and they could see Max way jup there on her left shoulder. She then said, "Well now tiny ones, where is Darlene and her boyfriend huh?"  Then one of the guys down below shouted up, "Go to hell you giant bitch, Darlene is smart she will find a way to bring you down along with your stupid boyfriend."  Lindsey made a fist and she hit the ground with it and when she did the six jumped a foot into the air from the impact. Lindsey then reached down and she grabbed him with her thumb and fore finger and she lifted him up into the air up to her face, the two girls screamed. Lindsey spoke and her booming voice shook him to the core, she said, "Who the hell are you, huh TELL ME? I CAN CRUSH YOU LIKE A BUG OR STOP YOU FROM BREATHING."  Lindsey then increased presure and when she did the guy between her fingers began to gasp for air and as he wasn gasping the others down below began to shout and scream at Lindsey.  Lindsey then began to laugh, and as she did the guy was turning red in the face and he then began to tun blue, she the lowered him down and she let him go and he fell 3 feet to the ground and he began to take deep breaths. Lindsey then reached down and she grabbed one of the girls and she lifgted her up into the air up to her face, the girls screamed as loud as she could.

   Lindsey held her in front of her mouth and she spoke loudly, "BE QUIET YOU BUG, I'M TIRED OF YOUR WHINING SO SHUT UP."  Lindsey's voice just boomed and her breath just blew the girls hair back and she shut up fast.  Lindsey then spoke and said,"Now you bug girl you can be loyal to me or Darlene, now who are you most afraid of someone who can hurt you with words or someone who has you life in her hands."  The girl shaking said, "I'm so afraid of you, please dont' crush me, I am also afraid of Darlene her family are very powerful, I will tell you everything but I ask one favor."  Lindsey nodded.  The girl then said, "I will need your protection and so will my family."  Lindsey then put her down and she said to the police, "Remove the hand cuffs from this girl."  A police officer ran up to her and removed the cuffs from the girl. The 5 other lying there on the ground began to shout to her, one of the guys said, "Brittany, what the fuck is the matter with you, we are loyal to Darlene. You are a betrayer and Darlene will punish you you will be begging for mercy."   Brittany shouted to them while pointing up at Lindsey, "You guys are all stupid, Darlene may be powerful but Lindsey is a real Goddess, she is way more powerful then Darlene."  Lindsey then reached down and grabbed Brittany and she lifted her up to her face. Lindsey then said, "Tell me your name and where Darlene and her boyfriend are?"  Brittany shouted up to her, "My name is Brittany and Darlene and her boyfriend are underground and only a few of us know, Bill has no idea of this.  She only told a few of us girls, and these passages come up in defferent areas of the city. The largest room is outside the College its about 4 floors underground.  By telling you this my family is now in danger."  Lindsey looked over at Max and said, "Do you believe her?"  Max nodded and said, "Let her prove it, pick up her family and put them under protection and if she is lying then just let them go and Darlene will deal with them."  Lindsey nodded and she said, "Brittany tell me where you live and call your family."  Brittany shouted the location to Lindsey.  Lindsey then lowered her and she then dropped Brittany down between her breasts.


  Brittany slid down a bit between Lindsey's breasts and she shouted up, "Why do you want me to call my family?"  Lindsey lookoed down and said, "Cause I'm going to go and pick them up so call them to be ready." Lindsey made a fist and she brought it down next to the 5 lying there on the ground, the impact sent them all a good feet into the air and they shouted. Lindsey then got up she then said, "Take these 5 to ther station and lock them up, I will return to see they better be locked up."  The police immediately began to put then back into the police van.  Lindsey then headed across the city to Brittany's house. As Lindsey was walking her breasts jiggled and Brittany was feeling it. Brittany was surrounded by Lindsey's giant breasts.  Brittanys mom got off the phone with her and she shouted, "OH MY GOSH EVERYONE THAT GIANT GIRL IS ON HER WAY HERE BRITTANY JUST BETRAYED DARLENE."  Brittany's sister ran outside and she screamed and ran back in and shouted, "Lindsey is coming she is coming."  Lindsey reached the house and as she did 3 cars took off speeding down the highway and Max said, "Loyal servents of Darlene fleeing."  Brittany's family came out, her mom and dad and her younger sister and cousin.  Lindsey lowered her hand and they all climbed up onto her hand, Brittany's dad helped them get on.  Lindsey then lifted them up into the air when the dad shouted, "Where is my daughter?"  Lindsey smiled and said, "Don't worry you will all join her."  She then moved her nad to her cleavage and she turned her hand and they all slid out of her hand and down between her breasts.  Brittany's family slid down between Lindsey's breasts.

  Lindsey looked down and as they looked up to them it was like looking up from a valley and Lindsey's face covered their field of vision.  They then heard Lindsey's thundering voice, "You will be safe in there, Brittany told me what I wanted and in return I will protect you all from Darlene and her followers, now for your sake she better not be lieing cause if she is you people are no longer under mhy protection then Darlene and her goons can have you. Now to see if Brittany was telling the truth."  Lindsey then headed across the city to the College Campus and as she was walking Brittany's family was feeling the jiggle of Lindsey's breasts. As Lindsey neared the College Campus she said, "Brittany tell me the location."  Brittany shouted up, "Its east of the football field its in that area, its 3 rooms, thats why nothing is built there."  Lindsey entered the campus and she looked around and she saw the football field, she walked up to it and students were running away fast. Lindsey then got down onto her knees and she dug her fingers into the ground and pulled up several hundreds of pounds of dirt at one, she did this a few times, and in a minute she managed to dig a hole that a backhoe would of taken 2 hours to did.  Just then her finger hit something hard and she removed more dirt. She then punched a hole with her finger into the hard surface.  As this was happening Darlene and Bill entered the room and to their surprise Lindsey's huge fingers just crashed through the roof and they watched as she curled her fingers and just tore the roof out.  Darlene and Bill turned and ran out of the room and closed the door, and on the door was a window. Lindsey looked and she said, "Well Brittany you were right."  Lindsey then began to feel around in the room and Darlene and Bill watched.  Darlene said, "Lets get out of here, come were are going to go to a passage that only my family knows about it goes out of the city, we need to get to the electric car."  Bill and Darlene ran to the electric car and they headed away from the location that Lindsey had found with Brittany's help. 

   Lindsey stood up and she looked around, "I am betting that there are rooms like this all over this city and passages Darlene and her boyfriend are hiding somewhere underground in the city. It will take too long for me to dig up this city to find them I should question her family."  Max shook his head and said, "No Lindsey they wont talk lets think for a minute.  Darlene went into hiding cause she is afraid of you you are a giant and there is no way to fight you and her followers are stupid doing what ever she wants and those who are not are terrified of her and her family."  Lindsey nodded and said, "You are right Max, I'm just wondering if she will surface."   The electric car took a turn and then it began to head upwards like as if on a ramp. They went up and up and then they leveled off and the car went a good 50 feet and it stopped.  Darlene and Bill got off and Bill followed Darlene, they went throught a door and down a hallway. Then there was a ladder and they both climbed up and Darlene pushed open a door and they bith came out.  Bill looked around and said, "What place is this where are we?"  Darlene headed away and Bill followed, she said, "Its my family's mainly my grandfathers, there is a car in the garage its always gassed up lets go and get out of here. This place is only half miles from the city."  Darlene and Bill ran to the garage and as they did they looked over at the city and saw Lindsey.  Darlene and Bill got into the car Darlene started it up and she drove out ofn the driveway out onto the gravel road and she headed to the highway.  In a minute she reached the highway and she turned out and headed away from the city.

  Brittany shouted up, "Lindsey, Lindsey, I know that Darlene's grandfather has a small acerage about half miles from the city, its possible she could come up there to get away."  Brittany then told Lindsey the location of the acerage and Lindsey headed for it. As Lindsey reached the acreage she looked around and she saw the barn, a chicken coup and a quanset. She grabbed Max and she put him down and Max ran into the barn and he looked around and he saw the trap door, it was open, Bill had not closed it.  He ran back out and told Lindsey. Darlene was a good 10 miles from the city when she decided  to turn onto a gravel road and she then headed down the gravel road to anouther highway that was 5 miles away.  Lindsey looked around and Max shouted up, "Maybe they are still here hiding?"  Brittany climbed up and she shouted, "Check the garage, her grandfather owned a greens sports car."  Max ran up to the garage and he looked in and ran back out, Lindsey reached down and she grabbed him and she put him back up onto her left shoulder, and Max told her that the car was gone. Lindsey said, "They could not have gone far, I will do a quick run around to see if I can spot that green car, Max I will put you between my breasts so you won't be blown off my shoulder."  Lindsey then grabbed Max and she put him between her breasts, Lindsey then headed out to the highway. Lindsey then picked up her speed and she then began to run following the highway, she was covering ground fast she was covering 7 miles a minute.  She ran for two minutes and she stopped, and she looked around.  Darlene turned out onto the other highway and she began to speed down it real fast and then she slowed down and she turned into anouther gravel road and she drive down it.  She then turned into a farm land and she drove up to a building and she got out and opened the side of the building, she then drove into the building, she got out and she closed the wall.  Max shouted up to Lindsey, "Hey Lindsey what about the other highway."  Lindsey then began to run to the other highway and in less then a minute she was there, she ran down the highway for a minute and she looked around, and saw nothing.

   Bill asked, "Why are we hiding?"  Darlene said, "We were about 5 miles from the city when Lindsey paid mty grandfathers place a visit, security system sent a message to my phone, thats why I headed out here just incase she decided to look for us, now the person giving Lindsey info is someone I trusted, but no on knows about this place."  As Darlene was speaking the ground shook and he ran to the window and looked out and saw Lindsey standing there. Lindsey stood there looking aound. Darlene pulled a switch and the ground went down like a elevator and above then the ground closed up. Lindsey saw the old buildings she reached down and just tore them form  the ground and there was nothing, she did it to the second one nothing.

   Lindsey then said, "Ok everyone there is nothing, I'm running back to the city."  Brittany shouted, "Oh no please don't." Max laughed and said, "Is it because of my girlfriends jiggly breasts.?"  Brittany's family shouted in unison, "YES." Lindsey the headed back to Coaldale she picked up her speed and she began to run and as she was running her breasts just jiggled and all those between her breasts felt it and Max was loving every moment of it and as Lindsey neared Coaldale she slowed down and she walked back into Coaldale. She wasn't finished with the city yet.

   Darlene pulled a switch and they came up and they got into the car ans she pulled out and she headed to the highway.  She turned out onto it and she then headed down the highway away from Coaldale.

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