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 Lindsey Horvath turned and she headed away from Coaldale and as she did the ground around her just shook with each step she took.  The people of Coaldale felt the ground under their feet tremble as Lindsey walked away.  Lindsey then increased her walking speed and Max sat down on her left shoulder.  Lindsey was still in view to the people of Coaldale as she was walking away. 


   Darlene then said to her goons, "Well look at us we are 150 feet tall and now those who are against me will pay.,  lets go."  Darlene then headed into the city of Coaldale followed by her boyfriend Bill and Barbara and Joseph, all 4 of them entered Coaldale.  As they did many people went running while others fell to their knees shouting praise to Darlene. Darlene and her three friends towered over most of the buildings as as they were walking through Coaldale screams and shouts from the people in the streets were heard across Coaldale.  Darlene stopped, she looked around and she spoke, her voice was like thunder, 

    "Alright everyone, listen up all you tiny people.  Look up at me and my 3 friends, look at me.   I am now a giant and a goddess, your Queen.  I demand total loyality from those of you who have doubt.  Those of you who are loyal to me that is good."  

Then down below a young woman ran up to Darlene and she fell before Darlene's feet and she began to praise Darlene.  Darlene looked down and she saw this tiny woman down there at her right foot.  Darlene reached down and she picked up the woman and she lifted the woman up to her face, the woman screamed.  Darlene looked at the woman and she said, "I know you, you are Rachael you are loyal to me, i will let you live.  Joseph a present for you."  Darlene extended her hand and she handed the small woman over to Joseph, Joseph took her and he held her between his thumb and index and middle finger.  The tiny woman screamed and Joseph laughed he then put her into his shirt pocket.


    Darlene looking around said out loud, "Bill I would like you to level 2 tall buildings in this city, however give the people the count of 100 to evacuate then demolish it."  The people heard what she had said, and the tall buildings were being evacuated fast.  Bill headed towards a tall building.  Darlene then said, "Barbara and Joseph, I would like you to head to the North Copperhead residence and begin tearing the roofs off the houses and crush every parked car.  I will head to the Paradise residential area and begin destroying some houses.  Tear the roof off of at least a hundred houses."  Bill reached a 10 story building he counted to a hundred.  He lifted his arms and he brought both fists down onto the roof causing many of the windows to blow out, debris fell down into the streets.  Bill hit the building a few more times and it collapsed and the noise echoed across the city.  Down below in the streets people went running, many were screming in fear while others were shouting for mercy.


   Joseph and Barbara arrived at Copperhead residential area and they began to tear the roofs off the houses and crush the parked cars.  Barbara was also grabbed some of the people and instead of putting them back down she was tossing them aside like garbage.  After see this many left their homes as fast as they could.  One man running through the streets shouted, "DARLENE AND HER FRIENDS ARE GOING TO KILL US..AT LEAST LINDSEY WASN'T DESTROYING EVERYTHING IN HER PATH AND HURTING ANYONE IN HER PATH."  Darlene too began destroying houses and as she did she was just laughing.  She was laughing at the tiny people down below running for their lives, to her it was funny.  Bill reached anouther tall building and he began to demolish it and in a few minutes he turned it into rubble.  Bill then began to laugh and he shouted, "LOOK AT ME LADIES I AM A REAL MAN A HUGE MAN.  I CAN NOW DO WHAT I WANT TO ANY OF YOU NO ONE CAN STOP ME."  Darlene replied, "You all heard that, Bill can do what he wants to any of you, he has my permission.  I Darlene your Queen have given my boyfriend and my other two giant friends to crush anyone they think is not loyal or anyone they don't like."  The people of Coaldale began to hide where ever they could other began to leave, and Darlene noticed this.


    Darlene shouted, "BILL, BARBARA AND JOSEPH BLOCK ALL MAIN ROADS AND THE MAIN HIGHWAY INTO THIS CITY, THROW DEBRIS AND JUNK TO BLOCK THE EXITS.  PEOPLE ARE LEAVING AND SOME CARS HAVE LEFT, NO ONE MUST LEAVE."  Joseph shoted, "DARLENE 5 CARS HAVE LEFT SHOULD I RUN AFTER THEN AND CRUSH THEM." Darlene replied, "No.  Let them go, let them escape."  Bill and Barbara and Joseph began to block all main roads into Coaldale and the main highway by putting debris onto the roads and highway.  

   Darlen and her friends continued to destroy the city and hurt its inhabitants. Joseph was picking up girls of all ages and he was ripping off their clothes and he was dropping some into his pants while others he was licking, and he was enjoying every moment of it.  Barbara was breaking peoples legs and watching them crawl away, and Bill under Darlen's orders contined to demolish buildings.  The people were screaming and begging for mercy but no was given..Many were shouting and bowing before Darlene to have mercy and to tell her giant friends to stop hurting people.  Darlene just stood there laughing.


   One of the cars that managed to get away, its driver turned to his friends who were in the car and said, "Darlene and her friend's are going to kill and hurt alot of people.  We need help and there is only one who can stop them, Lindsey Horvath."  A girl in the back seat, she was brunette and about 21 said, "Do you really think Lindsey will help us, she practically let them go and she left as they entered Coaldale, i don't think she cares."  To which a guy also in the back seat replied, "Maybe she does not but look at how the people of Coaldale behaved, we we so loyal to Darlene putting her on a pedestal, she and her goons are now giants and are now torturing people.  Lindsey at first was much bigger at 250 feet and she did  not go out of her way to hurt anyone. Lindseyt simply gave us what we wanted Darlene Lear our Queen and her goons. I am no longer loyal to Darlene, I will beg Lindsey for help."  There was a minute of silence then everyone in the car agreed.  The driver took a turn and he headed straight towards Max Conrad's farm.


      Lindsey was lying on her stomach she was facing the farm house it was destroyed but a part of it was rebuilt.  Now being 900 feet tall Lindsey was seen as far away as 5 miles even though she was lying down. The car was approaching Lindsey and she was coing into view, they were coming upon her towards her feet.  As Lindsey was lying there she for fun began to flex her bum cheeks and as she was flexing her bum cheeks they just jiggled. Lindsey came into view as the car spead towards the farm, the car slowed down as it neared the gravel road. Lindsey's feet were pointed towards the highway, she was a good 2 miles in. The driver turned in and they headed down the gravel road towards the farm. A girl in the front seat leaned forwards and she said, "Oh my gosh look at ther size of her.  Look Lindsey is flexing her bum cheeks, she sure must love doing that."  The driver replied, "She does it for her boyfriend Max, he just loves it when she flexes her bum cheeks."  The finally reached the entry to the farm and the car drove in and Lindsey saw the car.


   Lindsey reached over and she simply put her index finger onto the car so it could not go and she said, "Well look a visator."  She then removed her finger and she then grabbed the car with her thumb and index finger and as she did the sides caved in a tiny bit and everyone in the car screamed.  Lindsey picked up the car and she lifted it to her face and she looked at it.  she then lifted it close to her right eye and she looked at the people in the car. They all looked into Lindsey's eye.  Lindsey then pulled the car away and she lowered it and she put it into her palm and said, "Max there is a car here, do you kow these people."  Max was on Lindsey's back and he ran up onto her left shoulder and as he looked down he saw a car there on Lindsey's left palm.  He said, "I don't think so.  Lets find out what they want."  Lindsey brought her hand closer to her face and she said, "Alright, you can all get out and tell me why you are here."  Everyone got out of the car, all 5 people got out and they stood there in Lindsey's palm looking around.  Then they looked up into her huge face.


   The driver of the car ran forwards and he shouted up, "GIANT GODDESS LINDSEY HORVATH MY NAME IS BARRY LUKE AND WE REALLY NEED YOUR HELP.  DARLENE AND HER GOONS ARE DESTROYING COALDALE AND THEY ARE HURTING AND TORTURING PEOPLE, PLEASE..."  Before he could finish speaking Lindsey interrupted him and said, "Thats not my problem, you people of Coaldale wanted Darlene, you people put her on a pedistal, now you can have her.  Those who get hurt or maimed should be glad that a goddes and queen like Darlene and her goons did it."  The 5 tiny people strood there in Lindsey's palm and there was silence, then the guy who spoke before in the car ran forwards and he fell to his knees and he bowed, he then looked up and shouted, "GIANT GODDESS LINDSEY HORVATH I BEG YOU FOR MERCY.  MY NAME IS ANDREW JOHNSON AND I BEG YOU TO HAVE MERCY ON US TINY PEOPLE.  I ADMIT WE WERE LOYAL TO DARLENE AND HER GONS BUT HAVE NOW SEEN THER TRUTH AND BEG FOR YOUR FORGIVNESS.  PLEASE GIANT GODDESS LINDSEY HORVATH HAVE MERCY, THE PEOPLE OF COALDALE ARE BEING TORTURED BY THOSE 4 GIANTS, THEY AREN'T ALLOWING ANYONE TO ESCAPE.  MY FRIEND WHO IS THERE HAS SENT ME A TEXT THAT BARBARA HAS BROKEN THE LEGS OF AT LEAST 200 PEOPL.  JOSEPH IS TORMENTING GIRLS OF ALL AGES AND BILLL IS LEVELING THE CITY. PLEASE HELP PLEASE STOP THEM LINDSEY."  There was silence and Lindsey spoke and said, "Well Andrew since you begged for my mercy i shall give it, I willl head to Coaldale and put a stop to this carnage.  You all get back in your car now."  Everyone got back into the car and Lindsey put the car down onto the ground.


   Colonial Horatoi was sitting at his desk when Coloniall Gene Han walked in, they shook hands and General Han said, "Colonial, those 4 people you turned into giants need to be returned to normal.  There is talk in Washington to strip you of rank.  You used the device for personal use.  Darlene is your relative and you enlarged her and her friends.  Did you know Darlene and her friends are in Coaldale tirturing people?"  Colonial Horatio stood up and said, "No, I did not.  Darlene told me they wanted to fight Lindsey Horvath and to help people get away from her.  Darlene told me they just wanted to scare the bad people in the city."  Colonial then handed an ipad to Colonila Horatio with live footage of what was happening in Coaldael.  Colonila Horatio watched for amminutes, he the put the iapd down and picked up the phone and said, "Yes its me prepare the shrink cannon and the Hercules gun ship and the Hercules transport and two blachawk helocopters.  We are heading out fast."  Colonial Horatio then said to Colonial Han, "your more then welcome to come along."  Both Colonials left the office and they headed outside.


   The shrink cannon was being loaded onto the Hercules transport, there at the military base were 3 soldiers who were enlarged to 20 feet, they were helping with the load.  Within 10 minutes the planes and helicopters were loeaded and the planes were heading to the runway for takeoff.   The tow black hawk helicopter had taken off and were on their way to Coaldale.  The two Hercules planes took off and they were following the blackhawk helicopters.


   Lindsey then got up and as she did the ground around her just shook. The driver of the car drove out of the drive way and they watched as Lindsey took a step, she stepped over the trees and the powerlines.  From their view her foot landed at least a hundred feet or more away and when her foot came down the ground just shook.  Lindsey slowly headed back to Coaldale.  As Lindsey was walking back towards Coaldale the Military armada was approaching Coaldale, they were coming upon behind Lindsey. One of the soldiers in the Blackhawk helicopter said, "Oh my gosh thats Lindsey Horvath, she is heading towards Coaldale."  The Colonial Horatio replied, "She is most likely going there to stop Darlene and her friends. We need to step on it.  We are going to shrink down Darlene and her freinds and take them with us."  The pilot replied, "Sir, why did we bring the gun ship?"  The Colonial gave the pilot a sten look and said, "Darlene is a family member, I myself will discipline her and her friends.  I won't let Lindsey interfere, she might kill Darlene.  The gunship is going to use its artelliary on Lindsey if she tries to hurt Darlene."  The 4 military aircrafts passed Lindsey overhead, she looked up and saw them pass.


   The four military aircraft approached the city of Coaldale, the Hercules transport with the shrink cannon made a circle around the city.  Colonial Horatio give the order to have Darlene and her friends reduced to normal size. A side door on the aircraft opened and the officer aimed the cannon and a green wave energy beam shot out and Joseph was hit and the energy beam envelped him and he began to shrink down.  Darlene saw what was happening and she shouted, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"  Within 10 seconds Joseph was reduced to normal size, the officer aimed the cannon and anouther beam shot out and Barbara was hit and a green enery enveloped Barbara and she began to shrink down and in 10 seconds she was normal size.  Barbara seeing she was no longer a giant began to run from the mob of people and so did Joseph.


   Bill saw what had happened and he shouted, he began to run through the city stepping on anyone and anything.  He was destroying anything in his path, the Hercules Transport made a turn, the officer fired up the cannon and the cannon fired and the beam hit Bill and he began to shrink and in 10 seconds he was reduced to normal size.  Darlene screamed, she tore a roof off a tall building and she flung it at the aircraft and it missed the aircraft.   The cannon fired and Darlene was hit, she screamed and she in 10 seconds was reduced to normal size.  The blackhawk helicopter came down to where Darlene was and a soldier was lowered down, a mob was approaching Darlene and a few warning shots were fired.  The soldier motioned for Darlene to come, she was furious, she ran to the soldier and she and the soldier were hoisted back up into the helicopter.  The Helicopter began to ascend.


    Lindsey neared the city of Coaldale and she was still 2 miles out, she spoke and her thunderous voice just boomed and thundered across the land and sky.  "Darlene Lear, fun time for you ends now."  Colonial Horatio told the officer on the gunship, "Do what you can to stop or slow down Lindsey, we need to pick up Joseph and Barbara, we have Darlene and Bill."  Lindsey slowed down as she reached Coaldale, she saw the two blackhawk helicopters over the city and the two Hercules transports up higher. The Hercules gunship fired its main cannon and as it did the sound was heard as far away a 5 miles.  A stream of large armor peircing bullets were shot and Lindsey got hit in the chest and shoulders.  The bullets had no effect on Lindsey as the bullets hit her in the chest her large breasts just jiggled.  The gun man in the Hercules Transport shouted, "OUR PRIMARY WEAPON IS HAVING ZERO EFECT ON LINDSEY, SHE IS TOO BIG AND POWERFUL."  Then several missiles were fired, 12 missiles were fired and all impacted into Lindsey, into her chest stomach and legs, having zero effect. 


  Lindsey squatted down and with her right hand she scooped up several tons of dirt and she stood up and took a step and said, "Back off leave me alone."  She then flung the tons of dirt up at the gunship and the hand full of dirt flew over Coaldale and it impacted into the Hercules gunship and the dirt was like bullets and it damages the aircraft and the aircraft began to come down. Some of the dirt came down onto Coadale causing some damage to buildings.  The other three military aircraft took off.  Lindsey saw the Hercules gunship come down outside of Coaldale and she then headed around Coaldale towards the gunship. As Lindsey was walking around Coaldale the ground across the city just shook with each step Lindsey took. Lindsey saw the crashed Hercules gun ship and she walked up to it.  She saw tiny soldiers getting out a few started to run while others just stoof there looking up. Lindsey then spoke and said, "So you people attacked me, now should I show you mercy or just crush you all under my foot?"   The tiny soldiers looking up at 900 foot tall Lindsey began to scream and shout at the top of their lungs.  The soldiers that started to run earlier were quite a bit away but to Lindsey they had not run that far,  Then the rest of the soldiers started to run, and Lindsey reached down and she picked up the crashed aircraft. She lifted it and she threw it aside and it flew a good miles before it crashed into the ground.

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