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Author's Chapter Notes:

Kelly, now 2 miles tall, is so angry that all she can think about is "teaching a hard lesson" to the world. Ron and the rest of the team at the FSD will try to prevent it. Will they be able to?


Chapter 19. Climax


“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Of fuck!” Ron said, sitting in the back seat of the large cockpit of the C5 Galaxy plane they had adapted to dispatch the reducer. “Why in the hell did they have to nuke her?”


He was looking at the humongous form of Kelly, standing in the remainders of Manhattan, her scale now so colossal that the only thing he could do in order to get a reference was to ask the pilot.


“Major Thorne… can you tell me… how tall she is?”


“When we get closer” the pilot said. Major Thorne had insisted on piloting the plane himself.


Ron, who had also been very adamant about having to be present in the plane when the chemical was delivered, nodded and waited for Major Thorne to continue his approach to Kelly.


In the moments of silence, dozens of thoughts ran through his mind:


She just destroyed a city. She just killed millions. How… how could she be able to do something like this?”


Memories of Kelly’s naked body lying next to his less than a week ago in a hotel room ran through his mind again. Kelly had always been reserved and even a little mysterious, but Ron could still not believe that his recent lover could be capable of something like what she had done. Of course, he had seen her kill plenty more people over the last couple of days… but with every moment that passed, she seemed to be more purposeful on it. And now, of course, thanks to the stupidity of whoever had made the decision to nuke her, she had the power to cause unimaginable damage.


“Over 10,000 feet” Major Thorne said


“What?” Ron asked, getting out of his thoughts


“She is somewhat taller than 10,000 feet. I cannot provide you with a more accurate number before we get closer to her”


Two miles! She was two fucking miles tall or more. There were not many things in the country that were that scale. At most, a few mountains in the Rockies.


“Fuck” Ron muttered


“What do we do, Doc?” Major Thorne asked


“I… I need to run some numbers” he said as he switched his laptop on.


“Fuck” the pilot then said


“What?” Ron asked


“She is moving. West”


“Can you follow her?” Ron asked


“Are you kidding?” Major Thorne said. “She is way faster than this truck”


“What will you do?” Ron asked, nervous


“Fly in her general direction. Sooner or later, she has to stop”





Andrew was one of the hundreds of passengers in the ferry as it made its way across the lake. They did not know exactly where the giant woman was, but they had heard that she was coming west, and someone in town had convinced enough people that the ferry was a much better option than trying to get into the highway. Apparently, giant women were attracted to highways, they had heard.


Suddenly, the ferry started rocking. Andrew was close enough to the railing so that he could take a look. What he saw startled him. The water, that had been calm until a moment before, suddenly seemed to have formed a strong current heading north. The ship, which had been heading west, was now having a lot of trouble to keep on its original track.


Then, something even weirder happened. The water level… it started to drop very abruptly. An instant later, Andrew heard the Ferry’s keel touching the lake’s bottom. People started screaming. He just said:


“What the hell?”





She had been thirsty for a while. The lake had looked big enough. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as deep as she would have liked, but it was not as if she had too many other options. So, kneeling in the ground and bringing her head down, she pushed her lips out and started sucking. Water started pouring into her mouth and throat and refreshed her. It was a good sensation.


She drank for a while. She had really been thirsty. By the time her thirst was quelled, she realized that the lake was half dry.


“Fuck” she said aloud, more impressed than anything.


Standing up, she resumed her walk while she pondered on what she would do when she became hungry.





The citizens of Cincinnati had seen her coming from far away enough. It was pretty evident that she was heading in their direction. The city fell into chaos. People threw themselves to the streets, cars started crashing against each other, fires erupted all around the city without anyone trying to fight them…


Soon, the giant woman, the self-proclaimed goddess of the Earth, the destroyer of cities, stood at the gates of Cincinnati.


She smiled to anyone brave enough to look at her face.





“At this rate I’m going to make it to the West Coast in less than half an hour” Kelly thought as she looked at a privileged view of the Great Lakes from her vantage point of view.


A large city in the shore of the closest of the lakes grabbed her attention. She was not done teaching her lesson to the world, so large cities were incredibly appealing. At least a few more would pay for the mistakes of their leaders. At her current size, a city had become the minimum unit of scale to Kelly when she had to decide what to do.


She was still mad at everything that had happened, so this particular city would suffer the consequences of her anger.


Standing at its doorstep, Kelly then realized that she actually did not know which city she was in front of. And she could not think on any way to find out. Of course, this was not going to stop her.


“Hello there, my dear microbes” she said. “I’m afraid I should have paid some more attention during Geography class, but the truth is that I need to admit that I have no clue on which city this is. I hope you’ll forgive me, but you see, I cannot find anything remarkable from up here to help me identify it. It’s not as if I care too much, anyway. In a few minutes, there is going to be little left of it”


The truth was that Kelly had not made her mind up yet on how she would deal with this particular city. The possibilities were endless, but she was looking for something a little bit more creative than just stomping her way through it. She smiled mischievously as an idea came to her head.


“Brace yourselves. Hurricanes have come to the Midwest”


Then, she stooped, puckered her lips and started blowing. She was curious about the strength of her breath at her new size. The results beat even her wildest expectations.


Tens of thousands of citizens of Cincinnati, along with their vehicles and the pieces of urban landscape that were not deeply rooted into the ground instantly became airborne. She could not make them out individually, but she could see the vague mass flying.


She chuckled but kept blowing, using her neck and lips to change the direction of the air stream to catch more victims. The best part was that she was not even putting any effort into it.


She decided to check what would happen if she forced it a little. She had to stop after a couple of seconds, when she saw glass shattering and ripping skyscrapers open as some unluckier buildings were ripped from their foundations and joined the mass of people and cars.


“Oh fuck” Kelly said aloud, absolutely impressed with herself.


She felt her nipples harden and her cunt started feeling wet once more, as every time she found out just how powerful she was.


Feeling she could still blow harder, she decided to go for the kill.


“Have you ever heard about the story of the three little pigs?” she asked, her tone mocking.


Then, she started blowing again, using as much strength as she could. She found out, once again, that she seemed to have an endless supply of air. Her nipples hardened a little bit more as she saw some of the city’s skyscrapers wavering like leaves as her breath hit them. She put just a little bit more on her effort. Finally, the tallest buildings started either breaking in two or breaking from their foundations. Kelly kept ongoing until more than half of the city had been turned into a wasteland.


Her right hand met her crotch. She was wet again.


“I don’t have time for this now. I’ll find something to fuck when I get to the West Coast” she thought


Then, as she walked around the ruins of the city she had destroyed without even having set a foot on it, Kelly bid farewell to any survivors there might be.


“Boys always told me that I was very good at blowing. I guess they were right”






“She’s on the move again” Major Thorne said. He had managed to get closer to Kelly, but now that she was walking again, she was putting some distance with them once more


A progress bar completed on Ron’s laptop. He smiled first and frowned later.


“We have a chance” he said


“What?” Major Thorne asked


“If she had got just a little bigger, it would have been impossible, but we may still have a chance” Ron said again


“What are you talking about?” the Major asked


“We designed the mission so that we would spread the gas close enough to Kelly. The idea was that she would breathe enough of it to make her smaller” Ron said


“I already know that”


“We still have enough gas… if she takes it all” Ron said


Major Thorne turned. He gave an icy look at Ron.


“Well, 83% should be enough, as a matter of fact. That’s the margin we have. And that’s the only option” Ron insisted


“Are you sure there is enough? Back in the lab, you mentioned that falling short on the dose could even end up in her becoming immune to future doses” the Major said


“Look, this is a model that assumes many different things about Kelly’s changes with her growth. But if the assumptions are more or less correct… yes, I’m reasonably sure there is enough” Ron said


“I understand” Major Thorne said


Both men looked at each other for some very long seconds. Then, Major Thorne looked at his co-pilot. He nodded.


“Let’s do it” he said


“Can you do it?” Ron asked


“If she stops for long enough, I can”





The sky had been reasonably clear until then, but as Kelly casually strolled through the mid-west, clouds started to show up. What was new for Kelly was that some of those clouds were actually lower than her eyes.


“Oh my God!” she said aloud as stratocumulus started forming right under her tits.


She marveled at the thought at first. Then she started to be bothered as the clouds grew thicker and she started to lose sight of what was happening at her feet. It was not as if she were worried about what she could end up crushing under them, but she wanted to see the landscape she was walking on.


So, after a while, she stooped and started blowing the clouds away. The ease with which she was clearing the skies was amazing and it made Kelly think back on the times when she had wished she would be able to do just this when she was small and an annoying cloud got in the way as she was sunbathing.


The ease with which she had dealt with the clouds made her think again on the fact that she was not just a large woman anymore but more like something belonging to a new category. A category where, before her appearance, no living being belonged.


With the skies now clear again, it was easy enough to see the cloud of dust in the distance. It took her a while to realize that it had been caused by thousands of vehicles heading in her direction. She could not see them well, but it did not take her too much to deduce that it was the army.





The plains of Indiana would be the stage for the army’s last stand against Kelly. Hundreds of tanks and tens of thousands of soldiers were advancing as quickly as they could, trying to intercept the mountain-woman before she could make it to Chicago. At some point, the general in charge of the operation commanded everyone to stop. They had been noticed. There was no need to advance anymore. The battle would be brought to them.


The first ones to engage would be the fighter jets.





Hundreds of inconsequential explosions erupted in almost every inch of her anatomy as swarms of tiny insects flew around her body and shot missiles at her.


For a while, Kelly just waited for them to tire, hands on her hips, showing them how useless what they were doing was. At some point, she decided that she had had enough and swatted a prodigious hand at them.


At her new scale, even the nimble fighters seemed slow and clumsy. Her hand and forearm finished dozens of them, which ended up exploding against her skin. Dozens more were sent out spiraling by the strong currents her casual gesture had created and crashed on the ground all around Kelly.


She just chuckled. Then, she said:


“Isn’t this just getting old? You attack me, you fail and I crush you. I could swear I’ve lived this a few times already. And the bigger I get, the easier it is to finish you. At least, I cannot complain on that front”


Puckering her lips, she blew a few dozen fighters more out of the sky, most of them just disintegrating as the wall of air out of her lips caught them.


She was about to clap when she had second thoughts. She had some experience with the results of a gesture like this at her previous size, which now looked rather small. And she did not want to create too much destruction. At least, not yet. She wanted to play for a while.


So, bringing two fingers together, she clasped them instead. The sonic blast was enough to bring a few more jets down, but it was not nearly as spectacular as she had wished. Twisting her lips, she just backhanded another swarm of harmless mosquito-sized attackers and took a step to the front to cut the distance with some of the squadrons that were now clearly trying to get away from her.


Some were already flying high enough to be beyond her reach, no matter how vast this was now. If they had thought that they were safe though, Kelly did not take long to prove them otherwise as she filled her mouth with air and then let it all go in a sudden burst through her lips. Flying at several times the speed of sound, the wave front had no trouble in finishing a few dozen planes more.


“You are running out of planes” Kelly observed in a mocking tone.


Taking a couple more steps, she just let her stomach and humongous chest to trample a few more planes that were on her way. A quick look around showed her that the number of tiny insects was now but a fraction of what had originally been. Without breaking a sweat, she had dealt with the air force. Well, at least with most of it. It was time to take care of the ground forces.





The tanks had fired at the woman during her entire approach. Limited in their aim, none of them had managed to hit her much higher than her ankles. And, what was worse, the giant woman had not even seemed to realize that they were attacking her.


Hundreds of soldiers and a couple dozen tanks were her first victims. And she did not even notice. Her right foot had set close to one of the divisions that was taking the front and the cracks that had formed in the ground as she rested her infinite weight on it had engulfed them.


Those that were still alive needed a few seconds to get back to their feet. They saw in horror that a few more of their comrades had died, crushed under tanks that had overturned as a result of her step.


A second foot set a couple thousand feet to their right, producing almost identical results. To the survivors, anything above the woman’s knees was lost to perspective. Even if they had tried, there was no way they could have made the woman’s face out. It was not as if many were trying, though. Most were too focused on the towering toes standing dangerously close to them. Even having sunk so deep in the ground as they had, the tip of her toenail was standing more than ten stories tall.


A change in the shadows and the pressure told the tens of thousands of soldiers close to the woman’s foot that she was moving. Many broke right then and started running backwards. 


A loud whistling sound was the only warning a few hundred soldiers had before a high-speed projectile hit the area they were on. A massive kinetic explosion ensued. Dust and dirt rose into the air and started forming a cloud. A large crater became the tomb of half a battalion.


The ones that had been lucky enough to miraculously escape death almost fell to depression when the dust started clearing and they saw a thick, viscous mass oozing from the crater.





Encouraged by the results of her first attempt, Kelly looked for another spot where she thought she could make out a few tanks and spat at it. The results were spectacular once more.


For an instant she had almost forgotten about the difficulties her new size posed and was enjoying the wild possibilities it offered.


Curious to see more, she got on her hands and knees, finishing a few thousand lives more, and brought her head as close to the ground as possible.





Not so far away, a few of Jorge’s comrades had been obliterated by four-inch thick cables that he knew could only be her hair. The screams had been terrifying. Jorge could not worry too much about them, though. Laying on his back, he could only think on the eye right above him. It was the size of an Olympic swimming pool. And its massive pupil was dilating, clearly trying to focus on what was immediately below it.





She could definitely make the tanks out. She could also distinguish the Humvees. As for the rest… she thought she was more or less able to make the individual dots she knew were soldiers, but there was no way she could focus enough to get some details.


After a few moments of indulgence, this reminded Kelly of the new reality she had been forced to live. Large enough to cause mass destruction with her simplest gesture, too large to be able to interact with the people she aspired to rule.


Moving her head up, she rested the fingertip of her index finger in the middle of the area and wondered how many soldiers she had finished like that.


She sat on her knees. She could not see them well, but she could identify the area they were filling well enough.


She was making her mind up on how to deal with them when she felt some pressure in her bladder.


“That was quick” she thought


The feeling reminded her of her first confrontation with the cops, back at Henford. She had been WAY smaller then. She wondered what would be the effects at her new scale. Then, she felt some embarrassment at the idea, as in the day before. After all, it was gross.


Her curiosity beat her modesty, though, so she was soon standing up from her knees and then squatting down. As she let go, she thought:


“Can I really destroy an army by peeing on it?”


The answer came quickly. Millions of gallons of pee hit the area where the army was, obliterating a few thousands by sheer weight. The stream went on for over half a minute, a puddle quickly forming in front of her and expanding. Then, a few droplets indicated that she was done.


Standing up, she took a step back to avoid her own pee and look at the expanding puddle in front of her feet.


She could not see the details of what was happening at her feet and, from up above, the slow expansion of the puddle was quite anticlimactic. Unknown to her, the view from ground level was quite more spectacular. And deadly.


Tens of thousands of soldiers were running in every possible direction, trying to avoid the fifty foot tall walls of warm golden liquid that were quickly gaining on them. Kelly’s casual relief had actually created a lake that was trying to take its place in the area where it had been released. On its way, it swallowed soldiers and tanks by the hundreds.


Kelly kept on observing as her pee expanded as far away as the army had originally extended.


“Did I really finish them?” she wondered.


Not in the mood to investigate in the area she had just peed, she decided that she had got an uncontested victory.


A few would have survived, of course, but she did not think that they would be too many. She addressed them, in any case:


“Do you realize what you are to me, now?”


Not willing to waste any more time, she turned and moved away from the remainders of the army. She set back into her original path.





She ignored Chicago’s suburbs. Downtown looked much more interesting. So, crushing hundreds of houses under each step, she reached Lake Michigan and the mid-shin tall skyscrapers in front of it.


She was tempted, for a second, to make a pun about Chicago being called the windy city, but she decided against it. She wanted to invest some time in the city.

With one foot on the shore and another planted in a neighborhood close to Downtown, she wondered what to do. Her nipples and cunt reminded her that they were longing for attention.


“God, the only thing in the world that’s bigger than me is my libido” she thought

She eyed the buildings at her feet with mischievous eyes.


“Will any of these be enough?” she wondered


After the experience with the Empire State, Kelly was not too sure that any building would prove too useful as a dildo. She was not going to lose anything by trying, in any case.


Mentally choosing the building she felt was more attractive and which reminded her more of the images of Chicago she had seen on TV, she slightly repositioned herself and started to drop on her knees.


Her calves and knees brought down half of Chicago’s Downtown as Kelly carefully maneuvered. Then, when the dark glass building was more or less aligned, she let her cunt drop on its narrower top. The glass felt cold against her lower lips, but the building held surprisingly well. Getting all the way down, Kelly moaned as the building’s wider base stimulated her some more.


“Yes” she said, happy with the results.


She thrust again and let out another moan. Another thrust. The building still held. She let herself go, increasing the frequency of the thrusts as well as their intensity. Then, instinctively, she started to gyrate her hips, as she would have done if she had really been on top of a man.


It was too much for the building. It broke from its foundations and Kelly’s crotch dragged it with it the next time it moved upwards.


“Fuck” she said


She reached for her cunt, but the building was too damaged to be of any further use. Kelly moved from excitement to frustration quickly enough.


She looked around, eager, but she could not find anything suitable for her needs. Then, sighing, she let herself drop on her back, crushing hundreds of city blocks in the process. More of the city was carelessly destroyed as she unfolded her legs. Her fingers soon met her womanhood.






“If she were not two miles tall, this would look like a porn movie” Captain Kirsch said in a tone Ron had trouble to interpret


He, himself, was quite transfixed by the sight of Kelly pleasuring herself. He could not prevent memories of their recent sex to come back to mind.


Her screams started to intensify as Major Thorne flew the plane closer to her. The time she had spent with the army and now with the city of Chicago had finally allowed them to catch up.


They were almost on top of Kelly when she finally removed her fingers from her cunt and let out a final moan.


“She did not come” Ron said to himself. He had not realized that he was actually speaking to the microphone in his headset


He heard the chuckle coming from Captain Kirsch.


“So, how do you know?” the co-pilot asked


“I have some experience” Ron replied, a little ashamed


“You hit that?” Captain Kirsch asked in the same cynical tone that had had Ron puzzled for most of the flight. “My respects, Doc. I guess you are someone worth dying with, in the end”


“Let’s focus” Major Thorne said


Ron looked at Kelly’s massive body. She seemed to have dozed off. The ruins of Chicago had become her improvised bed. His attention focused on her prominent chest. Even lying down, her rack was amazing. Then, he noticed something else. Her hill-sized boobs were rhythmically bouncing… following the rhythm of her breathing.


Keeping his attention on her chest for a few more seconds, he soon realized there was a pattern in the movement of her chest. Then, he moved his eyes quickly to her face. When he saw that her mouth was half open and that she was breathing through it, he started forming the plan on his head.


He mentally made the numbers one more time and then explained the plan to the Major and the Captain. To their credit, they understood it well enough.


“We have to time it perfectly” Major Thorne said


“I can do it” Captain Kirsch said


“I know you can” Major Thorne said. Then, he turned and said: “Do you need to make any last call?”


Ron was surprised by the question. He shook his head.





Used as he was to the powerful and agile response of an F-22, the Galaxy felt like a flying garbage truck to Aaron Thorne. In any case, it seemed as if this would not be too big of a challenge. Out of all the scenarios he could have faced when approaching the mountain-sized woman, this was probably the one that he would have wished for if he had been able to.


He brought the Galaxy down and maneuvered so that he would fly over the woman coming from her feet. There were no tall buildings left, so he did not need to worry about them. He had already mentally chosen his approach vector and given the maneuverability of the cargo plane he was flying, the sooner he could align with it, the better.


Moving between her feet, he flew between her legs. Soon, he was over her stomach.


“Kirsch?” he asked


“A second too soon” his co-pilot said


Thorne cursed and moved the stick to his right. He would need to try it again.


“I timed it. I’ll let you know when you need to get through her feet” Kirsch said


Throne brought the plane into a wide arc over the ruins of the city. The destruction the woman had caused in Chicago was mind-boggling. After a few minutes that felt too long to everyone on the plane, he finally faced her feet again. He thought they had time, but in any case, it was better not to risk the woman waking up.


“Just a little slower” Kirsch said. Then, a second later, he corrected “Get to four hundred knots. Now!”


The Galaxy was almost over her belly button when Thorne looked to his right and Kirsch nodded as he said: “I think we got it, this time”


They flew over her chest. It had reached its highest point and was beginning to move down right then.


“Keep going” Kirsch said


The chest had sunk to its deepest point by the time they were flying over her chin.


“It’s been an honor sir” Kirsch said


“The honor has been mine” Thorne replied. “And this also goes for you, Doc”





The C5 got right over Kelly’s mouth right at the moment when she started inhaling. Alarms blared and all the instruments seemed to turn crazy as the plane was trapped into an impossibly strong current and was pulled into a mouth the size of a canyon.


It was not until they were past her teeth that Ron really realized that he was going to die. The certainty that his death would also put an end to the horror his arrogance had brought to the world gave him some comfort.





Kelly woke up, choking. She realized that she had swallowed something. But what?

She coughed. A wisp of pale orange smoke got out of her mouth.


“What the fuck?” she thought


She coughed again. Almost immediately, she felt her throat burn. She grabbed it and forced a couple more coughs, trying to get rid of whatever was causing this. Then, the burning feeling started extending along her body.


Kelly was beginning to feel concerned. Then, she could feel something else, coming from her skin. In horror, she realized what was going on.


“Nooooooo!” she said in a scream that was heard in five different states.



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