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School books clutched to her chest, Veronica climbed the stairs to Anna’s house. Ringing the doorbell, she waited a few moments before peering in through the window beside the door. Shifting her books under her left arm, she tested the doorknob and found it unlocked.

“Hello?” she called out, stepping inside and setting her books on the short shelf stand near the door. Kicking off her running shoes, she entered the house, walking down the hall toward Anna’s room.

The door was open, Anna lay face down in her bed, the sheet draped over the lower part of her body, feet not covered.

“Hey sleepyhead!” Veronica called out, rapping her knuckles off the door stepping into the bedroom.

Anna stirred, but did not respond.

“Get up or we’ll be,“ paused Veronica recognizing there were no scars on Anna’s now perfect skin. “Anna?” she inquired, reaching a hand down and touching the exposed foot of the slumbering girl.

Anna reacted as if jolted by electricity, awakening so suddenly, it made Veronica jump back. Turning rapidly and drawing her foot back, Anna gaze at the girl in her room.

“Your scars, “Veronica said, pointing. She had seen the wreckage of Anna’s flesh before and was at a loss to understand how they could just be gone.

Seeing her friend, Anna smiled, the power draining out of her.

“How?’ asked Veronica, moving in close and taking a seat on the bed, eyes wide with wonder.

Anna looked down and then to her friend before shaking her head slowly, eyes brimming over with unbidden tears.

“Are you okay sweetie?” Veronica asked, moving in close.

Anna shook her head.

“What’s wrong?” Veronica asked, face full of sympathy.

“I don’t know where to begin,’ Anna said.

Veronica smiled, placing a comforting hand on Anna’s leg. “Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s okay,” she offered.

Anna pulled her lower lip into her mouth and shook her head.

“Where is everybody? This place is like a ghost town this morning,” Veronica asked, looking back toward the open door.

Anna lowered her gaze and shook her head. “Much has happened,” she said softly.

“Oh?” Veronica inquired.

“Your mother is here,” Anna said.


Anna nodded. “In my boot,” she said, pointing to where it lay on the floor.

A puzzled expression came over Veronica’s face, “My mom is in your boot?” she asked, slight chuckle in her voice.

“Last night they tried to kill me,” Anna stated.

“Who? Who tried to kill you?” Veronica asked, concern replacing her smile.

“My mom, your mom, Jerry, and others,” Anna replied.

“What?” the blonde girl asked.

“Get my boot,” Anna said.

Veronica moved, but was extremely confused.

“Careful,” Anna advised.

Veronica nodded and gently picked up the boot and brought it back to Anna.

Taking the boot, Anna turned it and spilled the tiny form of Brenda onto the sheet.

“Oh my god!” exclaimed the blonde, jumping up and looking down at the pathetic figure lying on its side on the bed then to Anna.

Brenda mewled and pushed herself onto her hands and knees, looking up at the gigantic face of her daughter.

“Anna!” Veronica blurted, big blue eyes wide

Brenda reached up a hand, “Veronica, baby,” she pleaded.

The blonde girl dropped to her knees, hands cupped, encircling her mother.

“Please baby, don’t let Anna kill me,” cried Brenda.

Veronica turned her head to look at Anna, “Anna, oh god, what’s happened?”

Anna looked down at the little figure on the linen, “Why don’t you tell her what happened, tell her how you tried to destroy me, tell her how you were grooming her for your little circle of witch wannabes?”

Veronica looked down at her mother, scooping her hands carefully underneath and lifting her up. “Mom? What does she mean?”

Brenda’s head nodded up and down, “It’s true, oh baby I’m so sorry,” she wailed.

“Mom?” she repeated.

Brenda looked up, “We tried to summon a goddess into Anna’s body, but it didn’t work and somehow Anna got her power and shrank me,” explained Brenda.

“Can you fix her?” Veronica asked, desperation in her voice.

Anna nodded slowly, “I could,” she said.

“Please Anna, please fix her,” pleaded Veronica.

Anna frowned. Slipping out from under her sheet, she stood beside the bed. “Put her there,” she instructed, pointing back to the bed.

Veronica set her mother down as directed.

With a simple gesture from her hands, more for affect than for function, Brenda began to rapidly expand, resuming her original size.

Veronica threw herself onto the bed and wrapped her arms around her mother, who in turn embraced her golden haired daughter.

Veronica looked to Anna, “Why would you shrink her?” she asked.

“To eat us,” answered Brenda, “She’s already devoured so many. She put Officer Vance Wilson in her rectum.”

Veronica shook her head at Anna. “Is it true?”

Anna nodded slowly, “Officer Wilson shot my father in the head last night while your mother watched, while my mother watched, Mr. Collins, Principal Donaldson, and others you wouldn’t know.”

Veronica’s eyes were huge and full of fear.

“Last night Vincent Porter came here. I shrank him and used him to masturbate. Once I came, I swallowed him,” she added.

“No,” mumbled Veronica.

“Your mother is only here now because of my affection for you, no other reason, if not for you she would be with the others here,” she said, touch the skin between her navel and genitals.

“No,” she repeated, tears spilling from her eyes.

“Yes,” Anna affirmed. “They tried to destroy me. The y murdered my father in cold blood and I Was reborn thus,” she said, holding her hands up.

“Please don’t hurt my mother,” beseeched the blonde girl, disengaging from her mother and getting to her feet.

Anna looked at Brenda, “Wrap yourself in that sheet and be gone from my sight,” Anna stated, before turning her head back to Veronica.

Brenda mumbled a string of gratitudes, pulling the thin material around her shoulders and hastily scampering from the room.

Both Veronica and Anna watched her go.

Anna placed a hand on Veronica’s shoulder causing the blonde girl to jump. “You see her concern for herself, abandoning you here with no thought for what I might do,” she started, “Though you need not fear me Veronica, there are so many things I wish to teach you,” she soothed.

Uncertain what to do, Veronica stood there as Anna wrapped her arms around her friend and pulled her close. “So many wonderful things,” she whispered softly.


Chapter End Notes:

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