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Bringing the Lamb to Slaughter

Anna was unsure where her mother and Brenda were taking her until they pulled into the driveway of a house not particularly far from her own home, she didn’t know who lived at the address. Every logical fiber of her being shrieked flee and run away, but somehow she just couldn’t. She wondered if she was nothing more than a sacrifice, or whether her mother was going to help her.

Walking up the driveway, illuminated by a bulb on the front of the house, Darlene and Brenda escorted Anna to the house. Opening the front door, the trio moved through the living room into the kitchen.

She was greeted by a host of familiar faces in the kitchen, she was so confused, was everybody here for the purification? It almost seemed like some kind of bizarre intervention. “Mr. Collins, what are you doing here?” she asked, puzzled eyes searching his face for answers.

He smiled back warmly, “We’re here for you Anna, all of us,” he replied, looking around the room at the others gathered there.

She turned slowly, shaking her head. Principal Donaldson nodded solemnly to her, small smile on his face.

“You see sweetheart? Everyone here only wants the best for you,” soothed Darlene.

“Mrs. Seabring?” Anna asked, looking at the old librarian.

Vera stepped forward, placing her leathery hand on Anna’s cheek, “Look how beautiful you’ve grown girl, beautiful,” she said in ancient dry voice, eyes alight.

“Are you going to help me?” asked Anna, feeling slightly light headed.

 “Yes dear, this ordeal will all be over soon,” she cooed, thin lipped smile on her weathered age spotted face as she withdrew her hand.

Anna looked toward the policeman standing there, she didn’t know him, but he appeared young, maybe just a few years older than her, light hair brush cut and spiky.

Officer Vance Wilson returned her smile and promptly jabbed her in the stomach with his stun gun. The sound of electricity buzzed and Anna slumped to a heap on the patterned linoleum floor, body wracked with spasms and uncontrollable twitches.

A crackle sounded off of Officer Wilson’s utility belt, breaking the pregnant silence hanging in the kitchen over the incapacitated girl.

“Unit 7, we’ve got a 10-107 in the vicinity of Weldin Ridge Road, a witness states he observed Adam Smith at that location,” said the female voice through the radio on.

Vance looked at Darlene, “That’s your house,” he said, a frown on his mouth

“Goddamn that was fast,” she said, shaking her head, an unhappy expression twisting her features

Vera sniggered and looked up to the cop, “Fetch him and bring him here, I want to see the look on his face when the goddess awakens and punishes him for his disloyalty,” she said, cackling.

Vance nodded, taking the mic for his radio from his shoulder and bringing it to his mouth, “This is unit 11, I’m 10-60, I’ll investigate,” Vance said into his radio.

 “Unit 11 is the responder, please provide 10-84,” stated dispatch.

“10-77 four minutes, over,” replied Vance.

“This is unit 7, standing by,” said the other patrol car.

“Unit 7 is 10-12, copy that,” said dispatch.

Vance looked at the other people in the room and nodded once, before exiting the house and getting into his squad car.

That Close

“Adam! Adam!” screamed Scott Talbot, rushing toward the two men on the stoop of Anna’s home, Barney in behind trying to steady the camera while he struggled to keep pace. Adam turned at the sound of his name, the bright light of the camera splitting the darkness. “Adam, are you here for Anna, to finish your grisly plan?” Scoopy asked, forcibly jamming the foam covered microphone into Adam’s face.

“Back off,” said Jim, putting his hand in the center of the reporter’s chest and feebly pushing him backward.

Adam turned back toward the house.

“They’re gone, about a half hour ago, Anna and her mother and another woman,” Scoopy provided, trying to provoke a reaction.

“I said back off,” repeated the retired doctor, unable to contain the younger man.

“You’ve never been given a chance to tell your side of it, why you did it, why you brutalized poor little Anna. Now’s your chance to tell it, to tell the whole world Adam,” encouraged the persistent newshound.

Adam scowled. The camera light blinding him as Barney circled beside Scott. Reaching out, Adam used his arm to push Scoopy to the side. “Get away from me,” he growled.

Red and blue light splashed the neighborhood a moment as the Crown Victoria police cruiser pulled up in front of the Chevy Cruze.

Stepping out of the vehicle, Officer Wilson drew his Baretta and leveled it center mass at Adam. “Clear the area,” he ordered, motioning Scott and Barney away as he closed the distance between Adam and himself.

“Tell me you’re recording,” breathed Scoopy, almost salivating as the story was breaking right in front of him.

“I said clear the area!” Vance repeated.

Adam held his hands at shoulder height.

“Adam!” barked Vance.

“I know you,” Adam said, “You’re Reed Wilson’s kid, all grown up,” nodding his head.

Vance moved closer, “That’s right,” he replied.

Adam frowned.

“I’m here to take you to her,” advised the young policeman, voice low enough neither Scott nor Barney could hear, “If you come along peacefully.”

Adam turned to Jim, “I have to do this,” he said.

Jim nodded.

Adam allowed himself to be searched, Vance confiscating the gun and syringes before applying restraints to Adam’s wrists, arms behind his back. Opening the back driver’s side door of the police car, Vance lowered Adam into the back seat.

“Is she okay?” Adam asked, voice bleeding concern.

Vance laughed, “She’s fine, just a little fucked up from getting zapped is all,” he replied.

“If you’ve hurt her,” he threatened.

“If I hurt her? Fuck, you were the son of a bitch that carved her up you hypocritical bastard,” snorted the cops, sliding the gearshift into drive.

“I just want to see my baby,” Adam said.

Vance chuckled ominously, “Soon enough,” he assured.


Chapter End Notes:

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