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Author's Chapter Notes:

And now, why don't we kick things up a notch.

Melody's POV

Melody stood up from her couch, her jogging shoes all laced up. I sure hope it's nice outside. I'd hate to be jogging in the heat, considering how sweaty I get as it is. Clicking on her phone, she saw that it was 88 degrees. That's what I get for living in Florida, in the middle of the summer. Before she'd begin jogging, she'd of course start off with some stretches. Touching her toes, extending her legs, the works. And lastly, she'd jog in place. To make sure that she was in a good position for jogging.

Nathan's POV

As soon as her shoe slipped on, the heat was turned up to 11. However, sweat did not come out immediately, seeing as she had hardly done anything. The only thing that came, was the incredibly nauseating smell. It came at Nathan from both ends, one being from a sock that hasn't been washed in a week, and the other from a foot that hasn't been washed for at least a day. Now, Nathan never had too much of a problem with feet, but he absolutely couldn't stand smells. So when he caught a whiff of everything combined, he almost fainted again. However, before he could do so, she began moving around, doing her stretches. It wasn't too hard on him, until she began to jog in place. And that was only a taste of what he'd be experiencing for the next hour.

Melody's POV

I think five miles down the beach would be good today. I really need to work off that pizza from last night. If it was anybody other than Nathan, I would've only had a slice. But I'm just so comfortable around him, I don't quite realize I've eaten half the pizza until after the fact. Melody thought to herself. She was a strange girl at times. She could often get lost in thought, and it was hard to drag her back out. However, she didn't have a hard time when it was just her by herself. Right, enough of that, let's get jogging. And so she did. She made her way out the backdoor, which was conveniently next to the beach. And then she took off like a bullet.

Nathan's POV

Nathan much preferred when she was simply walking. Every step she took while jogging place a lot of pressure on him. And she hadn't even started yet. But as he felt her walking outside, he knew this was it. And sure enough, mere moments later, he felt himself being pressed down hard, underfoot, as Melody made her way down the beach. And as she jogged, he could feel something wet drip on his face. "BAH! Gross! Melody's foot sw-" Nathan just about gagged as a drop of foot sweat landed in his mouth. And the jog had only just begun. For the whole jog, Nathan tried to keep his mouth shut. Yet still, the sweat got in his eyes, his mouth, and his nose. He thought he was going to drown. But thankfully, after what felt like an eternity of torture, he felt her feet stop. He knew she was home at last. And perhaps, now that she was home, he could find a way out of this hell hole, and get in contact with her. He never wanted to go near her feet again...

Chapter End Notes:

With Melody finished jogging, will Nathan actually manage to get free from her? Or will fate have other plans in mind? Stay tuned for the next chapter!

P.S. Thank you, everybody, for the reviews, and for just reading my story. I feel so happy that around 3000 people have already enjoyed what I put out. It really makes my day, and I wouldn't be continuing without you guys. I can never thank you enough, but just know I appreciate you guys, and your returning. Feel free to request any scenarios you may want to see in your reviews, and I'll see if I can't make them happen. Thanks again -Tiny

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