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Author's Chapter Notes:

Generationals recover very fast, and with advanced medical nano-technology Haile's recovery should take no time at all. But before she can get there, she has to work out something with her caretaker first.



Morals and Desire

Chapter Ten

As Haile swam up to the surface of consciousness the first things she felt were the softness of her bed and the warmth of Sarah’s small petite body. The much smaller girl was pressed up against Haile’s body, with one leg lying over Haile’s hip and her head resting against Haile’s chest. Every time Sarah breathed her breasts pressed up against Haile’s torso and sent tiny tingles across her skin.

They were lying together underneath a thin sheet that kept most of their combined body heat trapped inside the bed. Haile looked down at the little brunette laying almost on top of her and grinned as she recalled the fun they had together the previous night. The drugs sort of muddled Haile’s enjoyment of Sarah’s body, but the memories were fond if not slightly fuzzy and Sarah seemed to have rather enjoyed herself too. After all, it was better to remember Sarah than the tiny world’s defenses.

Haile still couldn’t move her damaged arm, she tried a couple of times and there was nothing going on. She was worried about never being able to use it again before she remembered Sarah mentioning a nanite injection. Weaponized stem cells turned medical miracle, it really was a revolutionary leap forward in medicine. and Haile breathed a sigh of relief. She had never needed such a medical operation before, and she was worried anew on how much it would cost her. Regrowing human body tissues wasn’t a cheap endeavor, but Sarah hadn’t brought it up yet.

Haile was still in a bad way as her shoulder ached and her calf still stung like blazes. She had developed several rather remarkable bruises too where munitions had hit her but not broken her skin. They peppered her chest and her torso and were incredibly sore underneath Sarah’s light weight. Haile wondered what the next few days would be like as she recovered, and if Sarah would stay the whole time.

Sarah stirred next to Haile and she looked down at the little brunette again. Haile wrapped her good arm around Sarah, and let her hand land on Sarah’s bare stomach which caused Sarah to stir yet again. She made a cute noise and tried to burrow her head into Haile’s chest as she hugged Haile tighter; obviously trying not to wake up. Haile took to stroking Sarah’s head, feeling the silken hair slide effortlessly between her long thin fingers.

“Five more minutes?” Sarah asked, eyes still resolutely shut.

Haile made a kissing sound before she replied “You can stay as long as you want.”

Sarah made another noise and squeezed her legs together against Haile’s thigh.

It had been a very long time since the two of them were in the same bed; and Haile had missed it extensively. Sarah was full of energy and for being as small as she was she didn’t let that hold her back when she played with Haile. She was all over the place, crawling up and down the nearly ten foot length of Haile’s impressive body. Being just shy of five foot herself, Sarah was not even half as tall as Haile was; and she took it as a challenge which she conquered every night they had been together.

Sarah had worn out though, and sleep had overtook her just as it had in the past. They slept soundly together, sarah coming up with an excuse of needing to look after Haile until her arm got better for a few days before drifting off to sleep. Haile hadn’t minded, and had in fact really hoped Sarah would stay a while. Haile really liked Sarah and was ecstatic when she mentioned that. Sarah’s body fit perfectly to the side of Haile’s like a plug into an outlet.

Plus Haile had to admit, she was in no state to take care of herself at the moment. Being Generation Three, Haile’s body didn’t need to eat food to stay alive. However, because of the modifications she made to herself, she did. Not only that but she had to eat quite often, and a lot, because her metabolism turned out to be rather extreme once she was able to “turn on” her digestive tract. On queue, it signaled its displeasure of being empty and demanded filling with a loud organic gurgling.

Sarah’s hand moved overtop of Haile’s belly and laid there as Haile’s stomach played its symphony of digestive groans. “You’re hungry, aren’t you?” Sarah asked sleepily.

Haile nodded and her skin vibrated with the ferocity of the processes underneath. “Yes.” She answered. And she was. Haile was also worried because of what that would mean. Haile never had people living with her who would willingly jump down her throat, and with Sarah so opposed to Haile’s hobby and lifestyle, she was worried what would happen when it came time for feeding.

Sarah’s eyes slid open and she tilted her head. Her striking brown eyes gazed thoughtfully up at Haile’s radiant pink eyes. “Can you eat regular food?” She inquired.

“No.” Haile shook her head and thought how ill fitting the term ‘regular’ was. “My body cannot handle it.” Of course she knew what Sarah meant, as Sarah had to eat ‘regular’ food.

Sarah sighed. “Alright…” Sarah’s hand made a circuit around Haile’s soft belly flesh. It sent ripples of tingles out from its impact. Waves of tiny pleasures filled Haile’s body and her stomach muscles tensed at the light passage of Sarah’s delicate fingers. “Is there anyone who can help you get food?”

Again, Haile shook her head sadly. “No one I trust anyway.” Which was true. She could probably ask Kat but she knew Kat would be busy. Anyone else would either be her family which she expressly kept out of her personal life now that she had moved out, or her fans which while she would trust them to pay her bills for her she wouldn’t trust them with her life. Rather unsurprisingly when she withdrew from the public education scene her pool of close friends dried up rather quickly as though they were made of alcohol.

Sarah brought her hand over the textured plain of Haile’s stomach and over the warm, soft hills of her breasts to rest against her throat which she gripped lightly. Haile swallowed obediently causing her throat to move underneath Sarah’s fingers which caused them to reflexively grip tighter. Sarah had always said she liked the way Haile’s throat moved, which is why she often grabbed it with both of her hands while they were in close proximity to one another. Haile liked the feeling of slight pressure against her neck as well, especially the feeling of her swallowing movements being restricted slightly. It gave power to the tiny girl and there was something exhilarating and undeniably sexy about having someone half as big as her in control of the situation.

“I’ll do it then.” Sarah said eventually.

“Do what?” Haile asked.

“I’ll feed you...” Sarah hesitated. “People.”

Haile raised her eyebrow knowing what this would mean. “Are you…” She started to say, but was interrupted.

“I’ll get them for you, I mean.” Haile nodded. “I’ll need to get breakfast as well and I doubt you have anything here I’ll want to eat.”

Haile did have food in the house that Sarah would eat, but she didn’t want to push the subject. She knew Sarah would want to leave when Haile ate people. She detested the idea, afterall.

Haile had watched Sarah get dressed because, well, it would be kind of silly not to. Sarah had been wearing a cute pair of white undies underneath the sheets and nothing else. Haile watched as she slipped into a pair of tight jeans which Haile would have struggled to put her own very skinny arm through. Her eyes followed every movement of Sarah’s fingers as she zipped the front and fastened the button. Then as she pulled a blue shirt over her head and forced her arms through. Sarah had brought her medical bag with her and it always contained spare clothes.

Sarah then spent some time with Haile, checking her bruises and her injuries. She never had the sheet off all of Haile’s body at a time which helped keep her warm, but whenever she had bare skin exposed to the air it was chilly and a little uncomfortable. Haile too was only wearing underwear underneath the sheet and had asked if she could wear something.

After some debate and some searching Sarah found some loose fabric shorts she slipped up Haile’s legs and over her hips. Then she found a button up sleeveless shirt (Haile’s wardrobe was very extensive and full of very strange articles of clothing) which she slipped underneath Haile’s torso and buttoned up over her chest.

It restricted her breasts and pushed them up into a new, and in Sarah’s opinion more attractive posture. She commented on it and Haile blushed again. “I knew you were just trying to make me look cute after all.” Which caused Sarah to blush as she huffed in disagreement.

To Haile’s personal opinion she didn’t look all that cute at all. She had bandages across one shoulder and around one calf, was bruised all over, and was wearing non matching articles of clothing. It was terrible, but she didn’t mind because Sarah still thought she was pretty. It wasn’t like she was going anywhere and of course the vlog she would post to her subscribers would only be chest up.

Sarah stood next to Haile’s bed and leaned up against it while she held her arms up over her head as she stretched. Haile’s good hand came up and poked at Sarah’s painstakingly toned belly as it peeked out between the hem of her shirt and the waistband of her low riding jeans. Sarah’s hands closed over Haile’s and brought it up to her lips where she kissed it gently before resting it against her small breasts. Haile’s hand cupped them easily.

“How…” Sarah started, but sought for words. “How many people do you need to eat?” She finished after a while. Haile saw Sarah swallow uncertainly.

Haile looked up at the caring brown eyes that wanted nothing more than to take care of her. “I don’t know; I don’t count.”

Sarah blinked. “What do you mean you don’t count?”

“Well,” Haile said without rancor “Do you count your grapes or your breakfast flakes?”

Sarah squeezed Haile’s hand and compressed it to her soft chest. “Er, no. But people are more important than that...” She trailed off.

Haile frowned. “I know,” Although she disagreed, “But I just never have.” Haile could feel Sarah’s heartbeat through her chest, slow and steady, each beat sending a mild vibration through her fingertips and up her arm. She felt like she could feel every single one, and the mere feeling of Sarah’s beautiful body living was enough to excite her. She even tried listening to Sarah’s breathing which always moved her chest in interesting ways. She ran her slender thumb over the swell of Sarah’s breast.

It was Sarah’s turn to frown. “Well then how many do you want?” Haile tried to shrug again but ended up wincing. Sarah growled and bared her teeth. “You’re not making this very easy you know.”

“I know.” Haile said and giggled. “It’s fun watching you get mad.” Then she stopped smiling and looked serious. “And I still hurt.”

Sarah’s hard expression instantly softened and her eyebrows went up in an expression of concern. “I’ll get some more medicine.” Before she went Sarah put Haile’s hand on the bed and leaned over it. She crawled up onto the bed and pressed her body up against Haile’s hand, arm, and shoulder. She brushed Haile’s hair back behind her ear and looked into her eyes, one after another. Concern radiated from them as earnestly as anything.

Sarah’s lips brushed against Haile’s as she kissed her which caused Haile’s hand to twitch gently between Sarah’s legs. Haile’s index finger stroked the uppermost part of Sarah’s inner thigh which caused her to breathe in sharply. Their lips parted and Sarah looked back into Haile’s eyes. “I’ll go get some medicine.”

She pushed her body up off Haile’s arm and crawled off the bed, only to be stopped by Haile when her wrist was grabbed. She turned and looked back at Haile who said, “There are boxes of people in my kitchen that are a meal by themselves; so you don’t have to hunt them.” Sarah thought for a moment and opened her mouth to respond, but she shut it and nodded. Haile watched her walk away, admiring how her legs moved inside of her jeans. The gentle sway of her hips and the swing of her legs to the subtle movements under the tough fabric that betrayed the actions of her almost defined leg muscles beneath.

When Sarah passed out of sight Haile turned her head back to the ceiling and sighed. She rested her hand on top of her stomach and thought about the past week. Should she have been more careful? Well of course she should have been more careful, she nearly died. But now Sarah was spending the night with her and technically back in her life. Alright she was taking care of her, but they did play around with each other and that was most definitely fun. Haile wanted more of that and no mistake.

Haile closed her eyes and tried to think how she got there.


Haile had received a message from A-Harm that they had three signatures Haile would be interested in. It was exciting news, but a bit worrying. Signatures were expensive as all get out and usually she would spend several month’s ‘salary’ on just one. Three would positively drain her bank account and she may even need to take out a loan or try to get some sort of crowd funding campaign going.

Despite what her fans thought she was just a normal young girl after all. She had all the normal girl things to worry about. Although maybe she didn’t have to worry about boys because she got love letters daily and had her pick of tiny boys. But she prefered girls anyway so maybe there was something to that. Still she had to worry about bills and taxes and the cost of electricity and groceries, nanites and fuel, software upgrades and service contracts, product warranties and medical supplies. The list went on and on. Far further than any regular household should have, even for a Generation Three. She did, after all, have a thriving community of hundreds if not thousands of people living in her house she had to provide for. She’d never done a census.

There was no agriculture or livestock farming, unless you included people in the category of livestock, so she had to import everything. Food, clothes, medicine, talent, etc. She didn’t have to do much in the way of water or entertainment because she herself provided plenty of entertainment. Interesting fact she learned in history which applied well in her home. A long time ago people didn’t need entertainment because they spent all their time worrying about food and predators. As society progressed people spent less time worrying about food and predators and spent more time on progress and learning. Things have kind of reversed in her home, there can be no progress because people she has are so technologically out of date it was laughable, and while there weren’t a bunch of unknown predators there was one giant monster that would eat them whole if they weren’t careful.

Or step on them. Haile did thoroughly enjoy crushing people underneath her soles. They left such great sticky wet messes behind as their bodies exploded and their bones crunched beneath her weight. It would generally elicit a giggle which all residents who witnessed knew what it meant, and found horrifying she could accrue such pleasure from such a cruel act.

And Haile had gotten sidetracked again. A-Harm had informed her they had three signatures for her. While a statistical improbability gauging from the sheer size of infinity, it was still possible and had just happened. There was a problem too, Haile had first grabs on any signature that contained a certain fingerprint, and if she didn’t take it they’d offer it up for sale to the wider market. To retain her exclusivity, she had to get it. And so she paid for it, and was suddenly poor again.

Haile catalogued the worlds and did her usual sweep of the infrastructure they had. They all seemed like they were decently advanced. One world had just invented cellular car phones for example; another world had just proliferated the internet; and the last had just celebrated its first decade of world peace. She dug a bit further in the world and discovered their scales too. While the numbers she used to make sense of scales would make sense to her, they wouldn’t make sense to anyone else so she never shared her internal naming structure with anyone, not even her fans because “Why bother them?” Besides it would detract from the story.

It was during her final scanning of these worlds that she felt a little desire gnaw its way into the forefront of her brain. She didn’t have a companion anymore, and hadn’t really had one for quite some while. Alli, while fun for a while, had proved boring in the end and was disposed of. Haile had gotten a rather nice little movie about that whole adventure, expertly captured by the horrified Jasmin. She kept Jasmin around, but Jasmin was more along the lines of a regular resident. She worked for Haile and got to stay alive.

But a companion, now that was something completely different. While the average human being was nothing more than food to her, a companion was something much more. To help her try to maintain some vestige of sanity, however laughable that may sound, she would occasionally find someone whom she actually liked. She would then do her best to keep them around for as long as possible.

Her daydreaming was bumped out of the way when her terminal beeped at her and informed her it was done. Excellent. Now she could go get dressed and have her first bit of exploring in the new worlds.


Sarah came back in holding a small box carefully between her hands. She had it pressed up against her belly so that her breasts laid on top of it lightly. Haile grinned at her and Sarah tried to crack a smile as well.

“I still don’t like this.” Sarah said as she placed the box on Haile’s bedside table. She stood aside and put her hands in her shallow pockets. She frowned. “It still feels like murder.”

Haile sighed. “I know, I’m sorry, Sarah.” She racked her brain on how she could help the situation and found it wanting.

Sarah filled the silence. “But, you still need to eat and…” This time Sarah sighed. “This is the only way.” Sarah pulled her hands out of her pockets and opened the box. She winced as the sounds of the crowd within the box filtered up to their ears. Sarah stood there before the opening of the box looking down over the lid she grasped in both of her hands and stared at the dozens of upturned faces, all filled with fear. She could save them. She could get to know all of them. They could be friends. They had families. They were just like her. Natural humans, unaltered, very frail and vulnerable. She shuddered, they were just food. Just like her.

Sarah put the lid down and reached into the box slowly. Screams anew came forth from the terrified people as they trampled each other to get away from the giant fingers. They hung in the air above them with an idle gesture. They twitched occasionally as Sarah’s eyes sought for the first individual she would sentence to death.

She gulped and reached out, her fingers latching onto someone. She held them there for a moment as they struggled in her grasp. Instantly several people rushed forward and tried to prise her fingers apart. She felt their tiny hands scrabbling against her soft skin and felt the strikes of many fists. An expected, natural reaction to a loved one or, to name one, a normal human thing. To save another’s life when you think you could. Then she lifted the screaming girl up and out of the box. Those holding onto her dropped away and back into the box.

Sarah turned the girl around to face her. She looked young, rather too young, about the age Haile was when they first met she estimated. Sarah swallowed and her mouth went dry as she continued observing the tiny girl. She had platinum blonde hair, which is probably how she selected the poor thing unconsciously. Her clothes were plain but attractive, just like her body shape. The girl’s chest heaved as she gasped, her eyes wide and her body quaking in fear. This was very wrong, she could feel the girl’s fear as though it were her own. She imagined looking up at herself from this girl’s perspective and how awe-inspiringly terrible it would be to be so helpless in the hands of a girl not much older than yourself.

She turned to Haile who had watched the whole spectacle. Haile’s eyes radiated concern for Sarah, but had a hint of predatory intent underneath the surface. Haile was hungry and Sarah knew it. She held in her hands a life and she had to give it to Haile. She had to be the one to do it.

“Well.” Sarah said, her eyes meeting Haile’s again. “Will she do?”

Haile broke eye contact with Sarah and made it with the little girl who was now facing Haile. She could tell the little girl was a little less worried about Haile, seeing her damaged and wondered exactly what was going to happen. Her fear was renewed hearing Sarah’s words, especially when Haile nodded. “Yes. She looks great.”

Sarah leaned forward and brought the girl closer towards Haile. She freaked out and started screaming, pleading Sarah to stop. She twisted and kicked and punched, but she couldn’t stop the movement. When she turned around to face Haile again she was greeted by a pair of glistening lips. They parted, revealing a stringy wet interior filled with teeth and metal. She froze with the realization of what was going to happen and started weeping.

Sarah paused for a moment, feeling the girl’s sadness wash over her like a tidal wave. She was actually going to do it. Sarah closed her eyes and let go. The girl screamed again as she fell into Haile’s waiting mouth, which closed behind her, sealing her in semi-darkness. Sarah opened her eyes again and looked at Haile’s lips which she knew sealed behind them a frantic girl. She dropped her hand to Haile’s throat and squeezed it hard.

Haile nearly coughed. Sarah would do that sometimes, squeeze her throat too hard, but she suppressed the reflex and instead bucked her tongue. She felt the girl grab onto her teeth but she kicked her off. Next the girl grabbed onto her appliance which she was sure the girl broke some fingers when her tongue pushed into her and pulled her off. She felt the tiny body drop into her throat and felt her pass underneath Sarah’s fingers as she swallowed.

Sarah swore she felt the poor thing pass beneath her fingers as Haile’s throat moved her into Haile’s body. Sarah released Haile’s throat and left bright red impressions where her fingers had squeezed. “No,” She shook her head and stood up straight. “I’m sorry, I cannot.” She grabbed the box and presented it to Haile, knocking everyone over inside of it with the force of the offering. “You’ll have to feed yourself.” She said quietly. “I’m sorry.”

“I understand.” Haile said, as she took the box with her one good hand. “Go get some breakfast, I’ll still be here when you get back, of course.”

“Right.” Sarah said, letting go of the box. She tried not to look into the box again because she didn’t want the memory of all of their terrified little faces burned into her. She felt like she would remember that little girl forever, who looked up at her as though one who would an executioner, one who had the power to save their life, or end it. She shuddered again as she swept out of the room.

Haile was sad to see Sarah go. If there was anyone she wished she could share a meal with it was Sarah. She hated how she upset Sarah so much. The memories of their breakup welled up in her memory and her eyes began to produce tears. When Sarah had shut the front door Haile looked down into the box and let her frustration out inside it to the terrible screams that shortly followed.


When Haile’s thick white converse soles landed she immediately felt the crunch of wood underneath her. She blinked in the bright light and was once again glad she had invested in the weather probe. It was hot and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. She wore a loose fitting sleeveless pink tank top that clung to her body and ended a couple of inches beneath the swell of her breasts. She also wore very short light blue denim shorts, her leather belt and satchel, and had her hair tied up behind her in her signature ponytail. She regretted not bringing sunglasses. In short, an almost obscene amount of her body was on display, she only could have achieved more visible skin by wearing a bikini.

Haile had landed in the middle of a small city in a rather large patch of green. It was about a mile square and Haile could see buildings around her in all directions. She didn’t like having her rendezvous point in the middle of populated city centers, but sometimes it just couldn’t be avoided. She looked left and right, taking in all of her surroundings. Before setting off she set up her phone’s exploitation tools and put it away in her satchel. She checked her time and decided to set off.

She was no more than three steps in before she heard the unmistakable sound of a crushing person. She lifted her heel, twisted her foot, and looked underneath and sure enough there was a gumwad size patch of gore strung out between her sole’s treads and the gravel path she had just turned into a footprint. She grinned and shook her head. Someone screamed but she ignored them.

Haile loved her converse, she looked really pretty in them she thought and they were so very stylized. But a downside was just how much gunk could get stuck in the treads. The soles were thick but airy so she could feel everything going on underneath her feet, as well as protect them from anything sharp or dangerous.

Haile proved the fact by stepping on a speeding car as she broke out of the greenery. The trees came up to her waist so she was mildly cloaked from the road, but when her foot swung out of the micro forest with a whirl of dirt and debris and crashed down in the middle of speeding traffic, it caused quite a mess. Instantly thirty cars crashed, a few into her foot and the rest into one another. Debris flew everywhere from not only the force of her foot’s impact and subsequent demolition of the pavement, and the vehicles colliding around her.

“Good morning!” Haile said from above as all eyes traveled up her smooth, bare leg and up towards her smiling face. “I’m looking for a friend, would anyone like to volunteer?”

She was answered by the scream of rubber, yet more crashes and smashing glass or crumpling metal, a few screams of passengers abandoning their vehicles, and the horn of any car not yet destroyed. She giggled a girlish giggle and brought her other foot out of the brush and set it down on the biggest part of the pileup. It gave only moderate resistance before it collapsed under her weight.

She twisted her foot and pulverized the concrete even more before she lifted off and continued down the road. Every few hundred yards her soles, as long as greyhound busses, came out of the sky trailing debris, dirt, concrete and more and slammed into the ground. Anything caught underneath was crushed beyond recognition. She stomped through busy intersections and wasn’t actually going out of her way to crush anything. She was just walking.

Haile stepped over crowds and into others. She crushed people and street vendors and busses alike. Taxis were spared and other compacts were even more compacted after her passing. There was no method or reason to her selection of targets, if you could even think she was selecting anything. She was just a girl walking through town.

The street ended but she didn’t take any heed, she brought her foot up a little higher and put it through the building. It collapsed with a sweet cacophony of noise. She’d only been walking through town a couple of minutes and her already impressive body count had probably just doubled. She continued.

It was noon and the sun was far overhead casting almost no shadows anywhere except directly below. People had hardly any warning before a sole of impossible weight came down and ended their lives; if they were deaf anyway. She wasn’t going out of her way to be quiet and no mistake. She even uttered the most bone chilling of girly giggles possible as she flattened a church.

Haile eventually stopped and looked around, she had sort of gotten carried away in the heat of the moment and had lost track of where she was going. She pulled her phone out and swiped through some apps again. She reoriented herself and headed out. Duh, it was sort of hard to miss the ocean. Haile could see it now that she turned her gaze up and out, away from the fun at hand, or should we say, foot.

There was a beach out there and water as far as the horizon. Haile licked her lips. First a pitstop for her favourite treat, sunbathing teens. Her mouth watered at the thought of their delectable bodies and their high pitched screams. She would get all worked up too early if she wasn’t careful. She tried to focus on what she would be doing afterward.


Haile hadn’t enjoyed her meal. The box was filled with blood and gore and she had even managed to smear some of it across her cheek. Tears had streamed down her face as she massacred the box. Her tongue roamed around her mouth cleaning it, pulling out bits of… Well, just bits. Generally always an exciting experience, this one just hadn’t had any luster. Maybe it was the way Sarah had looked at her, the feeling of worthlessness or disgust, she couldn't tell for sure. She felt somewhat sick.

Haile stopped crying when she heard the door open again. She quickly rubbed her eyes and put the lid back on the box to hide the mess. She had already cleaned her fingers as best she could, but there was no denying that horrible murder had occurred. Haile sniffed and was startled when, even though she had been expecting it, Sarah was standing in the doorway leaning against it. She had a sad look on her face.

“Something got in my eye.” Haile said lamely as she rubbed it again.

“Yes.” Sarah said. “It looks like saline.”

Haile heard Sarah approach and felt the bed compress slightly. Gentle hands closed around her arm and pulled it away. Sarah was holding a white tissue and gently dabbed it against Haile’s cheeks. Haile knew she had missed something when the tissue came back blood red and sticky. Sarah folded it over and used a clean part.

“There,” She said, her eyes flitting between each of Haile’s in rapid succession. “All better.”

Haile sniffed again and pushed the box away. “Thanks.” She said.

Sarah put her hand up against Haile’s cheek and held her for a moment. Her thumb rubbed against the textured surface and Sarah’s eyes roamed over every feature of Haile’s lightly freckled face. “I’m sorry.” Sarah said finally in a quiet voice.

Haile swallowed and blinked another tear out of her eye. “For what?”

Sarah’s fingertip came up and wiped out the tear. “You are you.” She said, and left her mouth open for a moment before continuing. “And you’re unique just like you should be.” Haile leaned her head into Sarah’s small hand as she continued. “And, it would be wrong of me to try to change that. Because then you wouldn’t be you.”

Haile listened carefully, but had to ask, “What do you mean?”

Sarah took a deep breath and answered, “I mean, to change any little thing, or albiet big thing, about you would be to turn you into something you’re not. Just because I don’t approve of your…” She trailed off for a moment before continuing, “Diet… Doesn’t change the fact that you’re still the same person I knew before I knew what I know now.” Sarah slid her hand down Haile’s cheek and over her throat which she grasped gently. “And I shouldn’t want to do that. Because I still love you.” She finished quietly.


Haile had covered a whole mile stretch of the beach leaving behind compacted sand as hard as concrete in textured footprints that displayed the underside of her treads perfectly. She had eaten a handful of people and had another in her right hand. All of their nearly naked bodies squirming against one another, arms and legs flailing everywhere. Haile’s eyes inspected every person on the ground critically and she hand picked her meal, and she was very picky.

Surprisingly a lot of people were left untouched, unless the just so happened to get caught underfoot and mushed into her tread. Haile laid out on a particularly wide stretch of sand and felt the warmth of the sun caress her front and the warmth of the sand caress her back. Occasionally she would pull someone out of the mass of arms and legs and drop them into her mouth with a high pitched scream, crunching appreciatively.

Haile’s stomach growled and gurgled loudly which caused the people in her grip to only struggle even more madly. It wasn’t helped by the growing realization that the people who were being selected were turning into wet smacking noises and crunching sounds on the other side of the hills of Haile’s tightly bound breasts.

The beach had scattered and emptied, the sun had moved slightly and a few wisps of clouds far overhead gave texture to the sky. Haile was thinking about whether or not she would get any good footage from this trip when she was actually startled. There was someone standing next to her. Not very far away, but close enough that she could make out every detail of the tiny girl’s swimsuit clad body.

She said something to Haile in a voice that wasn’t modulated by fear at all, but sounded like awe or admiration. Haile swallowed and licked her lips. “I’m sorry,” Haile said, “But I don’t understand you.”

The tall girl took a step back, but recomposed herself and repeated herself. She didn’t look like she comprehended either. It was going to take some time for the implant to work out their language, and Haile didn’t have time to spend all day here listening to someone.

As if to reiterate what she was doing and how insignificant this girl was, Haile took her full hand, which still had at least eight people in it, and dumped them out into her mouth as though one would a handful of popcorn. There was a conflicted moment on the girl’s face which lit up as Haile started to chew, mouth open, just so she could see.

The girl took a hesitant step forward as Haile’s mouth killed everyone inside it. She crushed their bodies between her molars and her braces tore apart their clothes, or, rather, their lack of clothes. Blood flowed out of her mouth and down the side of her cheek and stained the beach. It pooled in the sand and was absorbed very slowly.

The girl took another hesitant step forward just as Haile’s jaw bit down on a new, fresh, still living person, who burst and sprayed blood out of her mouth. The girl shouted and covered her face as she was covered in the warm dripping blood. It made beautiful patterns on her slowly tanning skin and dripped off from her breasts and down her chin. Her eyes returned though and had a sparkle to them.

“You’re weird.” Haile said through a mouthful of spit and stringy gore, causing yet more of it to spill out and coat the beach and the girl in turn. Haile shut her mouth and swallowed. She then tilted her head even further to the side and opened it in front of the girl. She pointed to herself and Haile nodded, at least body language was universal. She sook her head. Haile nodded and she took a step back, suddenly full of fear. Haile grinned.

There was a shout from further up the beach and another, much shorter girl came running. The taller one turned and tried to run but Haile’s neck propelled her head forward slightly and caught the girl between her teeth. She didn’t kill her though, she merely pulled her inside with a slurping noise. The much shorter girl stumbled and fell, eyes looking up at Haile in horror. “Is this your mother?” Haile said, making sure to visibly show the girl on the sand.

She spoke very fast and in a language that Haile didn’t understand but it at least sounded the same, only this time it was pleading desperately. Haile shrugged and reached out, she grabbed the girl in one hand, and spit the other girl out in the other. The blood was now slightly diluted by saliva. When the two girls saw one another they reached for each other. Haile brought them together and they embraced one another.

It was curious though, they looked almost the same age, despite the… What, nearly two foot gap in height? And they were… Kissing? Well that would be a puzzle for another day. These two girls were interesting but Haile had other things to do. She opened her satchel and tossed the two girls inside. They disappeared into the depths and she closed the bag.


Haile had cried into Sarah’s shoulder for some time and Sarah just held her. Sarah was quiet while Haile cried herself out. Then she cleaned her up again and put away the box. Sarah checked and cleaned her bandages again, and to Haile’s diluted delight she had feeling in her arm again, although she still couldn’t move any of it.

Sarah had been able to cheer Haile up, like usual. It wasn’t difficult for her to do so, Sarah was magical as far as Haile was concerned. They had talked for hours again and spent several more hours in silence, just like old times. There was a feeling growing in Haile’s heart and she hoped it wasn’t going to be a false hope.

It had been a little embarrassing for Haile having to rely on Sarah so much. For example, when she had to get out of bed and use the bathroom, Sarah had to help her because her leg still wouldn’t support all of her weight. Haile tried to imagine how funny it would look though, having someone so tall leaning on someone so short. It was difficult to coordinate, and ended rather hilariously in a heap on the floor.

Haile hadn’t felt any pain because of the medication and was already sort of in a subdued state because of the same, and the calamity of their failure just caused her to lose it and burst out laughing. Haile laid in a crumpled mess around Sarah who now stood over her with her hands on her hips and a defiant expression across her face.

“You know you could put in a little more effort here!” Sarah said in a huff.

Haile just kept giggling and covered her face with her good hand. “I’m sorry.” She said through the laughter.

“I may be strong but I can’t really carry you all the way.” She said, she crossed her arms and tapped her foot. Haile watched her pretty petite socked foot smack the beautiful wood floor.

“I know, I know.” Haile said. She couldn’t help it though. She knew Sarah could probably carry her, but the problem would come when her long appendages would get in the way. Plus if she wasn’t cooperating there was nothing Sarah could do to get her off the floor.

Eventually Haile pulled herself together and worked with Sarah. They decided to have Sarah carry Haile into the bathroom, which by itself was a feat of engineering. Trying to hold Haile’s nearly 10 feet of body length between two arms combined which might equal five feet in length was a sign to behold. Sarah’s face ended up getting smashed up against Haile’s torso and all of Haile’s muscles were working together to keep her balanced in Sarah’s arms.

When the two of them collapsed in her bed again Sarai just laid out between Haile’s legs, face firmly planted into the bedding, and just laid there still. Haile was still giggling and the medical side effects had started going away but the pain hadn’t returned yet so she was still in a cheery mood. She leaned forward and rubbed her hand along Sarah’s body.

Sarah turned over and looked up at Haile and her expression softened again. “Thank you for saving my life.” Haile said finally after the pair of them had stared into one another’s eyes for some time.

Sarah frowned. “Don’t get soppy on me now, we did that earlier.” Haile grinned and Sarah reached up and tickled the base of Haile’s breasts.

“Still.” Haile said.

Sarah pushed her hand into Haile’s stomach and Haile fell back slowly into a lying position. Sarah turned over and slowly crawled up the full length of Haile’s impressively long body. She stopped when she could put her head between Haile’s breasts and user her boobs as pillows. She then brought her arms up around them and grasped Haile’s throat again.

“I’m glad you called me.” Sarah said finally.

“Me too.” Haile replied, although who else would she have called? EMS probably wouldn’t have been able to save her in time considering she actually lost consciousness before she even made it home. but that was beside the point. Haile now had Sarah laying across her body and hugging her in three different ways, and it was wonderful. Almost dying was worth it.

Could she have somehow planned it to have brought this situation about earlier? Could she have taken advantage of Sarah’s compassionate personality to save their relationship the first time? She doubted it. They had been together for two years, and it had been two years since they broke apart. A lot can happen in that length of time and maybe something had changed she didn’t quite understand.

“Haile?” Sarah said after a while.

“Yes, Sarah?” Haile asked. Her hand paused in its idle stroking of Sarah’s hair.

She opened her eyes and looked up at Haile. “Will you forgive me?”

Haile knew what she was talking about. A lot of mean things were said when she introduced Sarah to her hobby. Things that cut deep and hurt Haile in ways she didn’t know someone could be hurt. Things that made her cry for months. Of course no one knew about it, because she kept it hidden and off camera. But inside she had been crushed and it was a new and uncomfortable feeling for her at the time.

Still, time had passed and lack of contact made the pain slowly fade away. She never stopped thinking of Sarah but she tried to move on with her life as she had imagined Sarah had. She tried to date a couple of girls but it never worked out. She had Kat for casual fun but there wasn’t really any emotional connection there. Just animal fun.

“Of course.” Haile said finally.


Chapter End Notes:

Thank you for reading! While this story is not yet complete, and has a long way to go before I call it finished, this will be the last new chapter to be posted for a while. My new computer is arriving in the mail soon and once I put it together I will begin reposting ALL of my novels on my new account, Haile.

So do not dispair, it isn't the end of new things. There have been some additions and final revisions made to my previous novels; and I never finished reposting Melanie's story. So once my new computer is put together you can relive the good old times with my first classic, The Realm of Haile, and it's sequal The Realm of Kendra.

Then, when you least expect it, BAM, I'm gonna hit you with The Realm of Angela, which hasn't been published yet. Then every so often Haile's story will be updated. So stay tuned because there's about to be a whole lot to read.

If you would like to stay up to date with me and my stories, please consider heading over to my Patreon. If everyone who read my stories gave me $1 I could quit my job for 5 years and write full time. Well that's unrealistic, but every dollar helps and you'll get neat things! http://www.patreon.com/hkorhal and as always if you have any questions comments or just want to chat, my email is always open and still hkorhal@gmail.com

Thank you, and I hope to see you on my new Penname! In the meantime feel free to leave comments here, I'm not deleting anything anymore, I promise. ^.^

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