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Meet Eric Lambert, a 24 year old man of Mexican descent living in a town in the middle of Texas. Eric has had a quiet life working as a detective but today he will get a call that will change his life. A call that will take him into The Size Zone...


"Eric, get off your ass. We got a red ball" my captain said. A red ball means someone important got whacked. "So who is it?" I asked. "The CEO of Humite International himself David Waller" he replied. "Fuck. We gonna have news crews from all over because of this" I said. "Hence the red ball. Now go out there and solve this before it spins out of control" my captain said.


My town, Mariposa, used to be a small cattle town until the Humites came. Everything changed then but you could say that for every place in the world. The day that every child will memorize in school for the rest of human history, March 9, 2017, was the day they came to Earth. Ever since man learned that the stars were objects in the heavens instead of pinholes in the curtain of night, we wondered if there was life out there. We got our answer that day. NORAD picked it up first and then every person with a telescope could see it. Ships as big as cities approaching from lunar orbit.  Dozens of them. Word got out fast that aliens were coming. Panic set in. Looting, riots, mass suicides, even the threat of nuclear launch plagued humanity. The UN drew up plans for a full scale launch. They were desperate. Even if we could shoot them out of the sky the debris would cause worldwide devastation. You can imagine when a small ship detached from one of the large ones and began a descent into New York.


The Joint Chiefs wanted to blow it out of the sky but fortunately cooler heads prevailed. They hoped it was a peace envoy. Just outside the UN building it landed. The ship was the size of a small house. All eyes were on this ship sitting in a parking lot. It opened and the world held their breath. Three small human looking creatures about 3 inches tall came out. "Greetings people of Earth. We come in peace" it said. Everyone was stunned. They looked just like us, spoke our languages, and better yet said they came in peace. Around the world, hysteria ceased. Curiosity set it. Who were these beings? Why did they speak our languages? They walked into the UN building to speak.


"People of Earth. We come in peace. My name is Adelis. My people are called....well there is no pronunciation for it in your tongues. We seek peace and harmony with your kind. All we ask of you is permission to live on your world" he said. Cameras focused in on the tiny man. He looked just like us. His hair was white and he had pointy ears but everything else was virtually human; except his size of course. Leaders of all nations clamored to give them a home. Not for humanitarian reasons though. They wanted first dibs on their technology. They did come in an interstellar ship. Whoever gave them a home would dominate weapons and various other technologies for the next century. The next day we found out more about them.


They were refugees from a star light years away. Their home suffered a cataclysm that rendered it uninhabitable and what population they could fit in those ships took to the stars. They had traveled for so long not one of them remembered what home looked like. People of the world went from fear to pity. Within the week people rallied for them to live here. To avoid national problems, the Humites said they would live in all corners of the globe and not just one country. So each nation had a crack at their technology. Now here come the problems.


First of all, as many of us knew, the world was having a problem already with increasing famine. Droughts wiped out food crops and increasing erratic weather played havoc with shipping. The Humites were tiny compared to us but what they lacked in size they made up in numbers. 36 ships parked in orbit. Each one the size of a major city. Math time folks. You could fit about 2 million humans in each ship and each human equaled about 100 Humites. So the total population of Humites was wait for it....7.2 billion. That's a lot of tiny mouths to feed. No way could we feed them all. Turns out they didn't even have weapon technology. Total pacifists. Their appeal was going down fast. Talks stalled until one politician from France said this...


"Monsieur, the only way we can support your people here without starving our own people is to eat some of yours" he said. He said this in jest and truthfully to have the Humite representative see how impossible his request to have his entire population live on Earth was. "That is acceptable if that means we can stay on your world. Our people understand sacrifices must be made for our future" Adelis replied. You could have heard and ant fart in that room. The council asked him if he knew what he was saying. He said yes. Now what should they do? At the end of the day they agreed. Humites could live on Earth on the condition they turn over their technology and agree to have members of their population used for..."commercial purposes".


Over the next few years, Humites became integrated into our culture. They became pets, companions, sex toys, lovers, and food. We studied them before the governments allowed them to even mix into society. Foreign germs and all that. We learned a good deal from these studies. First of all their DNA was very similar to ours. This explained why they looked like us. Second, they had very short life spans. They aged a year for one of our months. So that meant by the time a year and a half had passed, a newborn from 14 months ago was sexually mature. And fuck were they mature. They bred like crazy. No surprise seeing their lifespans were short. A Humite could get pregnant and give birth in as little as two weeks. By this time now, an entire generation had replaced the ones who first came here. Another thing, they learn fast. They learned our language with just one month before coming here. They had picked up our radio and television transmissions in deep space.



The world seemed better off with them being here. Famine was gone due to the high nutritional factor of them and renewable energies powered our cities and cars. Not everyone was happy though. The Middle East had some problems now that the need for oil plummeted. PETA, Green Peace, Human Rights Movement, just to name a few despised the treatment of Humites. Still do. They were a small minority though. The vast majority of the people of the world have or had used a Humite for some reason. Including yours truly. I ate some before but it creeped me out how they never cried or protested. It's fucking creepy to me. Now I find myself driving out of town to one of the biggest companies that distribute Humites around the world.


Mariposa houses workers from the company. Over 3,000 of them. Nearby is one of the settlements the Humites built for themselves. Official designation is Humite city 255 but we call it Tiny Town.  Population 122,000...give or take depending on birth rate and time of year for "harvests". I park my car in front of the main building of Humite International. The security guard leads me to the office of our victim. "Hi Baxter. What we got here?" I asked. "A very dead guy" he replied. "I kinda see that with the eyes frozen in death look on the poor bastard's face. What killed him?" I asked. "Don't know. No visible markings or puncture wounds. No bullet holes either. Whatever killed him was fast. No defensive wounds on his hands or arms" Baxter said. "How do you know he was murdered?" I asked. He held up a cotton swab. "See this foamy crap on the tip? Indicative of poisoning" he replied. "Forced entry?" I asked looking at the door. "None that I could see but that's your department. I do bodies" he said. Baxter was our town coroner. He was good but it had been some time since we had a murder in our area. Hmmm....no scratches around the door lock and it’s intact too so nobody kicked it in. "What about that camera outside?" I asked. "The techies said something fried it. Cyber forensics can have at that. I prefer biological" he said.


"Who found him?" I asked. Baxter pointed to a woman standing in the corner. She was pretty. The girl had mascara streaks coming from her eyes. She must be pretty upset seeing this. Then again...it might be just an act. I'm not a cynic. I'm a detective. "Eric Lambert. Mariposa PD" I said flashing my badge to her. "Danica Roberts" she said. She wiped her face and tried fixing her chestnut hair. "I take it you know the deceased?" I asked. She bit her lip hearing that word. "Y-yes I do...did. He was my boss" she said. "Ms. Roberts, what is your job here?" I asked. "Please call me Danica. David insisted we be treated like people here and not numbers. He...considered us a big family. I was his personal assistant" she said. "So you found him first?" I asked. "Yes this morning. I was bringing him coffee like I always do at 8:00. I knocked on his door but got no answer. I saw the light on so I shouted his name. I got concerned and used my key to unlock the door. That's when I found him on the floor. I...." she was saying before she broke into tears.


"Danica, you know anyone who'd wish to hurt David?" I asked. "No, other than the occasional crackpot death threat we get from those rights groups" she said. It's possible one of them acted on their threat but whom? "Is it alright if you took me on a tour of the facility? Asked some of the workers here questions?" I asked. "Sure no problem" she replied. I followed her out of the main building into the work floor. I've seen documentaries of the places but the scope of it was astonishing in person. There were no cages to store Humites. Large side rooms where they were kept. You could see inside. Food and water for them as well as small bedding. Reminded me of army barracks. "No cages I see" I said. "No, David didn't believe in that. He wanted them to live "free range". These rooms here are just temporary storage until shipping" she said. The shipping area was just further along. They were crates full of them. 30 to 40 Humites per crate that was the size of a peach crate you find in grocery stores. Each Humite was inspected before being placed in a crate. This place was like Amazon for living creatures. One woman caught my eye.


"Hello miss. Mind if I ask a few questions?" I asked. "One moment please" she said. The woman in her 50's was jerking off a Humite teen. I cringed a little. "Some of our customers want to make sure their Humites are able to breed. This part of the floor is for Humite sexual needs. Either it be as a sex toy or pet. She's making sure he can cum" Danica whispered. The tiny teen came on her finger and relaxed. The woman simply licked her finger and placed the tired teen in a passing crate. "So what is it you want to ask me sir?" the woman asked.   "Uh...yes...I was wondering if your boss David Waller had any problems with any workers here" I said. The woman thought for a second. "Nobody stands out. David was always good to us. He gave me a week off paid to be present for my grandson's birth" she said. "Nobody? Come now. No matter how great a guy he was he had to have had somebody who didn't like him" I said. "Well, there was one person who had a few run-ins with David. Allister Maxwell over in custom orders" she said. I thanked her for her time and followed Danica to the location he worked. "What's this guy about?" I asked her. "Let me see" she said typing on a PDA. "What's that?" I asked.


"A personal device we use here to keep track of logistics. Like shipping quotas, emails, and such. In this case I'm pulling up his personnel file remotely from my office computer" she replied. She browsed his file. "Ah, I remember this guy. His numbers weren't adding up. Under quota and over product. Found out later he was snacking on the job. Instead of firing him, David gave him a second chance but reduced his pay until he paid back what he owed" she said. "Sounds better than reasonable. What was the problem with that?" I asked. "This happened around last Christmas. Cost him his yearly bonus. Word was he counted on that for a down payment for a house. It was going to be a Christmas gift for his family" she said. "Ouch. That would be a good motive" I said. "Don't know about that. Allister is creepy but a killer? Hmm...I guess it's possible" she said.


"What are custom orders?" I asked. "This is part of the business that handles special requests. Some buyers want specific ages of Humites or races. Others want families or ones pregnant already for breeding. We fulfill those orders. There, that's him" she said pointing to a man in his 30's wearing glasses browsing rooms housing Humites.


"Allister, got a moment?" Danica asked him. He turned around and saw her. He frowned and then saw me. He looked apprehensive. "What's this about?"  he asked. "You heard your boss is dead right?" I asked. "Yeah I heard. Shame that" he said flatly. I heard Danica's high heel tapping the floor. She didn't like his attitude. "Heard you had some problems with him" I said. "Yeah, the guy cost me a house. You know how much real estate costs out here? Every year, fuck every month it goes up! Now my family has to wait in a tiny apartment another year before we can try again" he hissed. "You're lucky you still have a job" Danica said. "So what I indulged a bit? I'm human okay. Look at this one here" he said pointing to a Humite girl around 14. His finger was just an inch away from her. She grabbed his finger and kissed it lovingly. The 2 3/4 inch girl was snatched up quickly by the man.


See how innocent she looks? How she shows love to any human who touches her? So pretty and small. Don't you want to use her? Show her the power you have over her? A man in Seattle wants someone like her to worship his penis as he sleeps at night. That boy there. The one eating that strawberry? A woman wants him as a topping on her 50th birthday cake" he said with a shaking hand. "What's your point?" I asked. "My point is these things are temptation incarnate. I slipped up I agree but it shouldn't have costed me my bonus. I put in extra hours on the holidays when asked to. A reprimand would have been enough" he said. "So where were you up till 8:00 this morning?" I asked. "Wait...you think I killed him? You got the wrong guy buddy. He pissed me off but not enough to kill the guy. Besides I have a family to support. I'm not about to risk prison for revenge" he said.


I looked at him sizing him up to gauge if he was lying. "Look, I got here around 6:50 and badged in and went straight to the floor" he said. His PDA went off. "I got a new order in for a man and woman for a dissection study for a school. If there's not anything else I'd like to get back to work" he said. He walked away from us. "Asshole" Danica muttered. "I got that but he sounded believable. Anyway to confirm his whereabouts?" I asked. "Yes, the system records badge swipes. Standby" she said. "Confirmed. He badged in at 6:52 this morning and hasn’t left the work floor" she said. "I see yours there for 7:15 there on the list. There's got to be more people than this guy who had problems with him. There's like 3000 people here" I said. "I can pull up disciplinary files for the past year but there's not much. We kinda have higher than average turnover" she said. "Why?" I asked.


"Well some people have trouble with attaching themselves to the Humites here. We try to get around that with quarterly job rotations and keeping the Humites in the warehouse for only 24 hours. Some problems come from people spending some of their paycheck to go to Tiny Town" she said. That caught my attention.  "They go into their city?" I asked. "Yes, for a fee you can indulge yourself for a few hours as long as you don't destroy their settlements. Would you care to see it?" she asked smiling. It was the first time me seeing her smile. She was more beautiful when she did. I caught myself staring at her. Red lipstick on her young face. Brown eyes that matched her hair. I guessed her age to be around 25 or so. Probably a college grad to be entrusted with helping run such a large company. Maybe she and the victim had a relationship. "Detective?" she asked wondering why I hadn't answered. "Oh yes. I'd like to see the city" I answered.


Tiny town was pretty damn big. The size of two football fields and was covered by reinforced glass structure. She slid a keycard through a reader and a door unlocked. We stepped in. It was comfortable inside. Not too hot or cold. A slight breeze from fans blew through the enclosed city. "Incredible isn't it? The temperature is a constant 72 degrees and her fans circulate oxygen. All of this is necessary to protect them from predators like birds, snakes, or wild dogs" she said. "Their buildings look like ours" I said. "Of course, who do you think helped them build it? Their tallest building is about 5'6. The next harvest is due around the 14th of next month" she said. "That's that lottery thing right? I saw a special on it on tv" I said. "That's right. We draw a lottery for a day and month of birth. Humites that have it are collected for general processing" she said. "Don't you worry about over harvesting?" I asked.


"Not at all. We collect about 1000 Humites a day but they breed at about 1200 a day. Hence the allowing of our workers to come here to bleed off the excess population. It's a win win for everybody" she said. "I've been thinking. Is it possible for a Humite to have killed David?" I asked. She balked at me. "Absolutely not. Humites are utterly subservient to humans. The previous generation taught them that it's the price for living on our world" she said. "True but there's always deviants in a society" I said. "Maybe you should talk to the leader of this city" she said. She walked forward and stopped. She bent down and raised her foot. She took off her high heels. Her toes wriggled now they were free from those confining shoes. "These shoes weren't made for walking" she whispered.


She told me to watch my step as we walked. She spoke more about their society. They didn't have jobs since we provided food and supplies for them. Leisure and play was all they did. I chuckled at how they had tiny cars to get around their city. They had stores but you couldn't call them that. They just went in and took what's they needed. A utopia on the surface. Wouldn't mind this myself if I hadn't the threat of my birthday being drawn of just plucked up for whatever want a human had. "Help yourself if you see one you want. It's getting close to lunchtime anyway" she said. Danica was like some goddess strolling through the town. Her bare feet dancing around a Humite. I saw her stop for a second and reach into an open window of a building. She pulled out a man in his late 30's and stripped him bare. She casually tossed him into her mouth and hummed as she sucked on him. She gulped him down and patted her stomach and continued walking.


Seeing that my stomach growled. I hadn’t eaten a Humite for some time. They weren't super cheap but they were somewhat affordable. A general population one was around $8 and organizations all the time donated them to needy people. It's just odd to me. Every species on the planet fears dying. Mostly being eaten. But take this one standing on the corner of the street. A woman in her 20's holding the hand of her 7 year old girl. I bent down and picked her up. She smiled at me. I glanced at her daughter who looked at us. Humites had beautiful features on them. Not one was ugly. I felt my dick harden as she playfully stroked my finger. I undressed her and admired her for a second. Danica's humming broke my obsessing over her. I popped her into my mouth and swallowed. Damn, I forgot how sweet they taste. I glanced down at her daughter. She just hung her head and started walking away. I think I lost my appetite. 


After about 10 minutes of walking we reached a tall building. One of the tallest in here. She plucked her finger on the door and waited. "Danica! Good to see you!" a middle aged man said coming out. "Nice to see you too Delphis" she replied. "Detective meet Delphis. He's the city leader" she said. He showed no fear to the humans who towered over him. "Mind if we sit down?" she asked. Delphis shook his head. We sat down so it was more comfortable for us. "What brings you in here today? I wasn't expecting you here till next week. The male virgins you requested are still learning the sexual techniques you asked for" he said. I glanced over at the woman who was blushing red as a beet. "N-no that's not why we came here today. The man here wishes to know more about your kind" she said. "Ah! Sure! What would you like to know?" the tiny man asked me.


"How do you like humans?" I asked. "I love them! They give us food and shelter and ask for sacrifice in return. If it wasn't for humans we'd still be wandering the stars or worse dead" he replied. "So no ill will towards us? We use your people for our pleasure. No hard feelings about that?" I asked. The question seemed to confuse him. "Why would we hate our saviors?" he asked. "Is there any crime or malcontents in your city?" I asked. "The only crime here is murder. Usually over a mate. But that's rare" he replied. "What do you do with them?" I asked. "They automatically are sent to the great building" he replied. "The warehouse" Danica whispered. "And the malcontents?" I asked. "Reeducation" he replied. "I know what you’re asking. There have been some who wish to know why they are used like they are. Ones who asked to leave the city" Danica said.


"Any ever escape?" I asked. "Not to my knowledge. Besides how long could they survive here before being plucked up by a coyote or hawk?" Danica asked. "I see you painted your toes red Danica. Do you wish for someone to worship them again like last time?" Delphis asked. "No! No, that will be all" she stammered. She was embarrassed to say the least. She said nothing as we walked back. She slipped her heels back on and we stepped out into the open air. "Um...back there. If you didn't say anything I'd appreciate it" she mumbled. "What you do on your own time is your business as long as you don’t break laws. Besides...you're pretty enough to get away with some kinky fun" I said blushing. Man, why'd I say that? Keep it professional Eric.


She smiled and blushed. "I'll get those disciplinary files together this afternoon. Care to meet me here tomorrow around noon?" she asked. "Sure sounds fine. I have a few other questions I'd like to ask but that can wait till tomorrow" I said. As I drove back to the precinct I wondered who could have killed him. Not one solid lead. Obviously somebody wanted the most likeable guy in Texas dead.


"Tell me you got something Eric" my captain said. "Nothing. The best lead has an alibi and I can't find anyone else who'd want him dead. I'm meeting his personal assistant tomorrow to go over some files. Maybe I'll find something there" I said. "You better. I got the brass up in Austin breathing down my neck wanting results" he said.   Soon after the captain finished riding my ass I got a text. Baxter was asking me to meet him in the lab. "You got something?" I asked. "Check this out" he said. David was naked on the cook cold metal slab and Baxter was pointing to his scrotum. "Do I really need to see a dead guy's junk?" I asked. "Man up Eric. This is important. See this?" he said pointing to a tiny blemish. "Unfortunately yes" I said disturbed. "This is a puncture wound. Like a needle was here. This could be where the poison was injected" he said. "What kind of poison?" I asked. "Toxicology won't tell me for another three days" he said. "He had to know the murderer" I said. "I'd imagine so. I wouldn't let a stranger near my dick" Baxter said. I rolled my eyes and excused myself.


This didn't look good. Danica seemed too distraught if he was just a good friend to her. There was no forced entry either and she has a key. Shit. I hope it's not her. I decided to look her up online. I ended up finding out more about her. "Danica Roberts. 26 years old. Father deceased. Mother lives in Boston. Graduated with honors from Harvard with a Master’s in Business and a Bachelor's in Accounting. I see why David scouted her. Her address is in the well-off area just outside of Mariposa. Wonder how much she makes. Hmmm...nothing. Well Facebook can't tell me everything" I said to myself.  It was time to check out David's house. I met up with forensics at his mansion. "Damn look at those cars" one guy said. They were impressive. A Skyline, a Vanquish, a Benz SUV. Jesus, a 67' Shelby GT 500. I was in the wrong line of work. We began searching the house for anything unusual. Well we did find some things but nothing criminal wise. In his bedroom were Humites.


They were dressed in doll clothes. Mostly girls but some boys. One dressed in a cheerleader uniform. Another in a schoolgirl uniform. It felt voyeuristic seeing his fetishes. Wait...could they be witnesses to anything? I picked up the cheerleader girl. 2 1/2 inches tall with blue hair. She looked like she was 15. "What's your name?" I asked. "Cala" she replied. "Nice name" I said. "Thanks sir. Where is master? He's usually home by now" she asked. "Master died" I said. Her smile disappeared. She looked upset. "Have there been any strangers here in the last few days?" I asked. "...no" she whispered. She sat down on the bed. She hung her head. Was she crying? Can Humites get that attached to us?


I titled her head up with my finger. "How was David to you" I asked using his name. "He was nice to us. He never hurt us. Once I fell off the bed and he was upset that I got hurt. He cried. He liked making us feel good. He kissed and sucked on me every night and made sure that I smile at least once a day. He protected us" she said. "Protected you? From who?" I asked. "Lambert come see this" a forensics member said. I was annoyed that he interrupted me. "This guy had company" he said. He pointed to two things. One his toilet seat was down which wasn’t odd but the red nail polish on his marble sink was. "He has a girl. Well...had a girl" he said. Red nail polish? Wait a minute. I remembered Danica had red nail polish on her toes.


I quickly pulled my cell out and pulled up Danica's picture from Facebook. "Cala, you seen this woman before?" I asked. She backed up quickly and I heard muttering from the Humites on the counters and dressers. They knew her and not in a good way. Poor thing was scared. Scared? Why did these Humites seem so...human? "Guys can you give me some alone time with the witness?" I asked. They looked at me like was nuts questioning a Humite about a murder. "It's just us now. Cala, why are you so scared of her?" I asked. "She gets mad when master spends too much time with us. She and master were mating one time and wanted to eat me. Master said no. They yelled at each other. Called master a freak for choosing us over her" she said. Oh wow. Danica said nothing about that. Wonder why?


Cala was shaking. I petted her and she licked my finger. My dick got hard. She pulled my finger to her breasts. "I don't want to be alone. Can you take care of us?" she asked. "I...I don't know. Maybe I could say I'm putting you into protective custody" I stammered. I made a call. "Are you nuts?" the captain asked. "No. She ID'd a suspect and giving the circumstances she needs to be in protective custody as well as the others" I said. "A Humite? Is that even a legal witness?" he asked. "Well they're not blind. You wanted results right? Don't nitpick how they come by" I said. "Fine Lambert but it's on you if this doesn't work out" he said. "You're coming home with me. All of you" I said. They all relaxed somewhat. Cala told me where I could find a travel cage for them. They all got in, all 5 of them, and we left.


I went straight home with them. I lived in a one bedroom apartment in the old part of town. "Here's where you'll be staying for now. It's not as fancy as that mansion though" I said letting them out of that cage. "It's nice. As long as there's someone to spend it with we're fine" Cala said. The way she talked was unlike any Humite I've ever seen. A boy around 12 held her hand. "Is he nice sis?" the boy asked. "He's your brother?" I asked. "They're all my brothers and sisters" she replied. "Your father must have been a busy guy" I chuckled. "We never knew our dad" she said. Oops. Wasn't counting on that. I once read Humites bond for life. Maybe this was different.


Feeding them was easy enough. I had pizza delivered and just a tip of a slice fed all 5 of them. It felt weird to have them sit on my sofa and watch tv with me. I'd been a loner most of my life so having someone to talk to on my off time was odd...but enjoyable. As the hours ticked by a glanced down at my guests. All of them had fallen asleep. I got up and pulled an old moving box out of the closet. A light blanket made up their mattress. I gently picked them up one by one. The youngest of the five was a girl of 10. What was David doing with them? After placing them inside I picked up Clara. She still had on that cheerleader uniform. She began to wake up. She was startled and looked up at me. Poor thing started crying.


"What's wrong?" I asked. "A nightmare. I dreamed master died in front of me and somebody was eating me. It felt so real" she said trembling. I stroked her hair to calm her down. Her hands caressed my finger. "Um Cala. What things did your master do to you all?" I asked. "He did sex things to me" she replied. "And the others?" I asked. "Nothing except pet and kiss them" she said. Okay so David wasn't a complete pervert. "Why were you different?" I asked. "He said I was his first so I was special" she replied. Thinking for a second she did seem to be the oldest out of the group. "Well you're safe here" I said. She kissed my fingertip and started licking it. She knew how to excite a man.


I sat down to enjoy the feeling of such adulation. I felt my finger travel down her shoulder and brush her breasts. She shuddered. I stopped right there. "This isn't right. I'm supposed to be protecting you not using you" I said. "Please. It's been some time since I felt good. Won't you use me to make us both feel better?" she said. The tiny girl was begging to be molested. With a simple tug her shirt came off. Her skimpy skirt was next. She wore no undergarments underneath. She was naked in my hand except for some tiny sneakers. I eased those off and marveled at how cute her tiny feet were.  I raised her to my mouth and began kissing her body. The girl was getting hornet by the second. She was licking my lips and kissing me franticly. I felt wetness in my palm.  


The girl reclined in my hand and spread her legs. Her cunt was sopping wet. She was too cute and horny for me to ignore anymore. I began feasting in that tiny pussy of hers. She purred like some kitten and then began moaning deeply. I sucked every drop of her juices out of her as fast as she could make it. Her tiny legs began kicking and I grabbed her tiny foot and gently rubbed it. She was too wound up to take much more. With a tiny cry she came. Her sweet juices coated my tongue. Jesus did it taste good. I found myself so mesmerized I pushed her into my mouth. I sucked on her sweet meaty body. I had eaten Humites before but never was the sensation so wonderful. I felt her panic in my mouth. She started kicking my teeth. Her struggles made me almost cum. I found myself working her to the back of my mouth ready to swallow the tiny slut whole. A cry vibrated my mouth and it snapped me back to reality.


I spat her out on my palm. Jesus Christ I almost ate my star witness! She looked up at me like I had betrayed her. I turned away in shame. "I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry" I said. She must have realized how sorry I was. She tapped my palm so I'd look at her. "I understand. We are bite sized after all. I was just scared" she said. "We should stop for tonight. I got carried away" I said. "No, I want you to feel good too" she said pointing to the tent in my pants. I unzipped my pants and pulled them down. My cock sprang up as soon as I pulled my boxers down. She was still horny! After almost becoming a snack she still wanted sex! I gasped as she jumped out of my palm and landed on my shaft. Her tiny cute body holding on was hot as fuck. I wrapped my hand around her and my shaft and began stroking.


I had to calm myself. A part of me just wanted to jerk off as hard as I could not caring about crushing her along my meat. No, I showed her some self-control. If felt great as it was. Her perky tits squeezed onto my cock. Her tiny feet stroking the underside of my shaft. It was too much for me this time. I stroked faster and her tiny voice rose and fell as she moved. I felt myself about to cum. I pulled her away from my cock and held her in place on the head. I came hard shooting cum into her tiny pussy. Her uterus swelled with my seed until it leaked out of her. I fell back onto the sofa tired. She lay on my crotch exhausted and fell to sleep. I didn't want to wake her. I just let her sleep using my pubic hair as a mattress.


A phone call woke me up. "Eric, did you forget our meeting?" Danica asked. "No, no I was just about to head out" I said looking at my crotch. Cala was still snoozing. "Alright, see you soon then" she said hanging up. I gently placed the girl in the box with her siblings and got cleaned up. I was heading out and heard her voice. "Have a good day okay?" she said. Her voice sounded so sweet. My heart skipped a beat. "You too" I said. Come on Eric. She's a Humite. You can't fall in love with a Humite. It's like falling in love with a mouse or hot dog.


My mind was occupied with the thoughts of Cala and how human she seemed to be. Not to mention I had questions to ask Danica. She met me in the lobby of the main building. She led me to her office where she sat down. "I got the files you asked for. There were 13 disciplinary actions within the last 6 months. 7 of them don't work here anymore" she said. "Can you send them to my email?" I asked. "Sure. Just give it to me" she said, I gave her my email and she sent it. "How's the investigation going?" she asked. "It could be going better if I got all the information I needed. Someone held out some important info" I said looking dead into her eyes. "Who?" she asked. "You Danica. I did some checking. You never told me you were romantically involved with him" I said. The look on her face told me she knew she was busted. "How did..."


"I'm a detective Danica. I detect things. That was a very big thing to leave out when I asked you questions. Not only that. I found out you and him were having problems" I said. "Yeah I admit we were seeing each other and we had some arguments but that doesn't mean I'd kill him over it!" she said. "You need to be up front from now on. Now tell me what happened between you two and don't lie. I don't have any evidence pointing the finger at you killing him but I can arrest you for impending a police investigation" I said. She sighed and looked off for a second. "We started dating about a month after me coming here. We hit it off pretty good. He was sweet. Loved everyone. I even indulged some of his fetishes with Humites. Then he started working on a project that consumed his time. He apologized for it and we began talking about marriage. Things were great again until he started spending more time at work. When I'd come over he seemed distracted. I found out he brought some Humites to his home to live a year later."


"I thought nothing of it. After all they are good stress relievers too. Every time we had sex and I wanted to use his Humites he refused. Last week I told him I wanted to eat one and he freaked. He...he was thinking about calling off the wedding" she said. She knew how bad the last part looked. "I didn't kill him I swear! I swear to god I didn't!" she yelled crying. "Danica, I'm going to have to search your home" I said. She nodded knowing she had no choice in the matter. I called my captain and told him to get me a warrant to search her house. He quickly agreed. Danica stood there worried in the doorway as me and a few others searched her home. We seized computers and her cell phone. Then when we went to search her bedroom she freaked. "Wait please! If it's okay just Detective Lambert" she said.

I was the only one who entered. Damn, I see why she didn't want anyone else to see this. There was 10 Humites scattered on dressers. Some stood around waiting for their mistress. Others sleeping. One caught my eye and I heard her hold her breath. A young man was tied up with string upside down. He had been sexually tortured. Danica had a cruel streak. They seemed happy to see her. Oddly enough they all acted like any Humite would. Eager to please and cared not for themselves. Totally opposite of Cala and her siblings. "I see you have your own tastes" I said. She was ashamed. I chose not to collect her Humites. It was easy to guess she didn't share them with others and these guys probably didn't survive long with her anyway. "Are you finished yet?" she asked nervous. I looked around some more. No weapons or anything sharp. Nothing incriminating at all. "For now. Don't leave town Danica" I said leaving. Data forensics turned up nothing. She was a freak in her own right judging what I saw and what forensics said but nothing supporting the theory she did it. She had motive and opportunity though. We needed a smoking gun to arrest her.


I poured over collected evidence over and over. No traces of poisons. No damning emails though a few were racy. Phone records were similar. If she did it she covered her tracks well. I went home after I couldn't focus anymore. Cala was busy playing with her younger sisters. Her brothers were watching TV. Damn near stepped on one. "What you watching?" I asked the 2 inch 8 year old boy. He seemed to be scared of me. "Cartoons master" I said. It seemed creepy for a kid to call me that Humite or not. "Call me Eric" I said. He nodded. "Long day Eric?" Cala asked. I noticed she didn't call me master. "Yes. It feels like Danica might have killed David but I can't find evidence to support it" I said. "Why don't you relax with us?" she asked. I relaxed while her brothers argued about what to watch. Her youngest sister, a 10 year old cuddled my finger while her 13 year old sister crawled up to my shoulder and nuzzled my neck. Cala lay on my chest and just scrunched her tiny toes and stretched on get comfy. 


We sat there watching TV as we ate. After some time we all dozed off. A sound of thunder awoke me. Cala was gone. Her brothers and sisters were still using me as a pillow but she was gone. Where did she go? Maybe she went to the bathroom? I had placed a small box on the floor so they could use it while I was at work. As I looked around I heard the sound of tiny bare feet on my tile floor.  "Cala is that you?" I asked. "Yes" she said softly. "Went potty?" I asked. "...yes" she said making her way back up the sofa. The clock said it was 3 a.m. I carried her family to their box but kept Cala. "Wait. Take Junie with us" she said. "Why?" I asked. She pointed at the 13 year old girl. She was panting in her sleep. Her tiny face was flushed red and she was sweating. "Oh shit she's sick!" I said. "No she isn't. She's in heat for the first time. I was like this 3 of your months ago. It's always the worst the first time for us “Cala said.  "Umm...what do you want me to do about it?" I asked. "Well you know...sex her" she said fidgeting.


"What? Wouldn’t it be better for one of your kind to do that?" I said surprised. "She told me today she rather do it with you" she replied. I gently picked up the 2 3/4 inch girl with my fingers and brought her with us to my bedroom. I laid them on the bed and lay down next to them. "Wake up sis" Cala said shaking her shoulder. She wasn't stirring. I spread her legs and saw her tiny pussy was red and moist. She was ready alright. A gentle lick and she moaned. I began licking her cunt more and more until she gasped herself awake. She looked up at me with surprise and then reclined as I licked her again. "Cala I feel so hot" she whined. Cala kissed her on the lips and Junie held that kiss longer than sisters should. "It's okay. Eric will make you feel better like you wanted" Cala whispered. My mouth sucked her tiny leg into it. I felt her tiny toes clenching and the girl giggled and gasped. My finger rubbed her smooth stomach.


I let her leg fall out of my mouth. Her skin shined with my saliva. She had nice tits for her age. She bucked on the bed when I touched them. "Our nipples become sensitive when we're in heat" Cala said seeing my surprise. I used my fingers to pin her down so she couldn't move again. I licked and sucked on this tiny teen suffering for sex. My own sex drive was revving up. I pulled off my boxers and when I went back to her I saw that Cala had taken up where I left off. She was licking her pussy and traveled up her body. Junie was making funny squeaking sounds as her sister sucked her nipples. My cock hung over them. "Look up sis" Cala said seeing my erection hovering above their bodies. "It's so big!" Junie said. "And it's for you" Cala said. "For me? I want it sis! I want it so bad! I want his cum in me so bad! I want to have his baby!" she cried. Cala got off her quietly and sat next to her. I was perplexed as to why she callously just stepped to the side with no smile or anything. Tiny hands grabbed my cock.


I saw her grasping for it. She craved it like a drowning man craved air. I gently began rubbing it along her body. The softness of the bed kept her from being crushed by my man meat. Then she grabbed it with her arms and legs. I sat up and she was clinging to it. She jacked herself along my cock faster than I could think possible. She had me cumming within minutes. I held her firm against my cockhead as I dumped load after load into her Humite pussy. You'd think she'd be done and satisfied but no. She slid down my shaft and began sucking the dribbling cum out of me. I was setting hard once again. I lay on my back as the tiny girl worshipped my dick. Cala just lay on the bed just watching. I picked her up and began sucking on her pussy. Strange, she seemed uninterested. Moody even. I stopped molesting her.


"Something wrong Cala? You jealous?" I asked. "Pfft, no!" she said. "Oh I bet you are!" I said taking her ankle in my grip and licking her bare sole. She shrieked and laughed. "I like it better when you laugh and smile" I said. The look she had on her face touched me. She looked like she was about to cry. She jumped free of my grip and hugged my face. "I love you so much" she whispered. I let her stay there. She seemed to enjoy this more anyway. I came twice after that. Each time Junie lapped up what she could. When she was full she began jamming my cum into her by scoop fulls with she hands. She was burnt out by dawn. My alarm went off and I gently picked up the sticky teen off my cock and placed her next to her sleeping older sister. They awoke just as I left the house.


"I got results back on David Weller" Baxter said as I was getting coffee. "What you got?" I asked sipping. "Cyanide or and industrial version of it. Very lethal shit. Poor fuck was dead before he hit the floor" he said. "How'd something like that get into his system?" I asked. "By a tiny puncture wound on his junk is how" he said. "That's gotta hurt quick death or not" I said. "Who you fucking telling? By the way, I heard you have his Humites at your place. What's that like?" he asked. "Different. They act so human it's freaky" I said. "I don't know how you do it Eric. I saw what they looked like. Each one looks good enough to eat especially the oldest one" he said chuckling. "Good thing they're not with you" I said smiling. A close bolt of lightning shook the precinct. "Can you believe this weather? Raining like Noah's worst nightmare out there. They got flash flood warnings out already." he said. It's was true. It was raining hard. Not only that, the clouds themselves had a weird yellow tinge to them. I got a text from the captain. I stopped by his office to see what's what.


"We got a tip just now about where to find the murder weapon in Danica Roberts home. They say to look under her mattress. Check on it. Get that smoking gun" the captain said. I drove in the rain until I got to her home. She wasn't home which was good. She couldn't interfere. My mind wondered who could have made the call and why would she keep the murder weapon especially one so small. We popped her door open and set off her alarm. Well she knew we were there now. We made our way to the bedroom. Her Humites were gone. Traces of blood were on her dresser. The poor things must have been the target of her anger at us. We flipped the mattress and we found a small sewing needle. The tip was discolored green. Very, and I do mean very, carefully they put the needle in an evidence bag. We ran it back to the lab. Within just a few minutes it came back positive for not just cyanide but for male human DNA. Just a small matter to type it back to David.


We drove as fast as we could to the company and found her quickly getting in her car. "Hands above your head! Danica Roberts you're under arrest for the murder of David Waller" I yelled aiming my gun at her. Her eyes were full of shock. She screamed she didn't do it as I read her the Miranda. She rode in my car as we headed back to book her. "We found the murder weapon under your bed. Why did you do it?" I asked. "It wasn't me! I was framed!" she sobbed. I glanced in my rear view at her. Her eyes full of tears and running mascara. Odd, they didn't look like those of a killer caught. She sat in interrogation room 2 waiting for me.


"Why Danica? Was it jealousy of those Humites or was it him having second thoughts about marriage?" I asked her. The clink of handcuffs as she shifted in her chair told me she had feelings about them. "I didn't do it. I loved him. I was going to give up my...appetites for him. You ever loved someone so much you'd change your way of life for them? That was me" she whispered. "So you're saying someone framed you?" I asked. "That has to be it! Why would someone keep a tiny weapon on them?" she asked. Same question I asked myself. "So who would benefit from it other hen you taking the fall?" I asked. "I don't know. David was working on some hush hush project involving Humite breeding. He wanted a competitive edge with cuter, meatier, tastier, more fertile Humites" said. "Why would someone want to kill him over that?" I asked. "Eric, the Humite industry is a cutthroat one. Everyone is looking for an edge. Be it pricing, faster breeding, or goddamn cuteness. We have the North American continent on lockdown but we can't make headway into Asia for shit. We're talking billions on the line. Sounds like a good motive right?" she asked. It did.


I excused myself from the room and went behind the glass. "You buying this?" my captain asked. "Well to play devil’s advocate here it was pretty convenient we got that tip wasn't it?" I asked.  "So what are you saying?" he asked. "We don't cut her loose but we look into this assassination angle" I said stepping out of the room. "Danica, you know any way to confirm your theory?" I asked. She thought about it. "The security footage! If I had killed him I'd show up on the hallway camera!" she said.  We did seize the footage but had a hard time salvaging the video. Now though we had a very accurate time he had died. We queued the time for the footage beginning when she left until the he time she claimed to find him. I'll be damned. She wasn't on it. She was telling the truth. "So?! What did you find?!" she asked.


"You weren't on the video. You're telling the truth" I said unlocking her handcuffs. "So what now?" she asked rubbing her wrists. "Now we find whoever set you up. We need access to David's files. Whatever he was working on might give us a clue to whoever had the most to lose if he pulled off his project" I said. Cyber forensics had been working on the contents of his hard drive. They broke his passwords but found nothing. Danica took a look. "Something is wrong. I know he was working on a breeding program but I don't see a file directory for it. It might be stored on the company server. We need to go back there" she said. Danica rode in my car back to Humite International. She wasn't her friendly self anymore. She was either pissed at me, whoever set her up, or both. God it was raining hard.


As we got to the front door we saw there was no power. Danica hopped out of the car quickly and ran to a worker standing under an awning. "Why the hell is the lights out?" she asked the woman smoking a cigarette. "Lightning knocked out the transformer. Solar charged batteries are keeping the warehouse AC running and emergency lights but they said the generator won't kick over" the woman said. Danica pulled out her phone. "Nick? What is this about the generators? Yeah...yeah...well fuck just keep at it" she said hanging up. "Nick in maintenance said the generators blew a fuse starting up. It will take 15 to 20 minutes to fix it" she said. A rumble of thunder signaled it would be a long wet wait. "Let's go back to my car" I said. "No, I got a better idea. I need to check on them anyway" she said. We went to Tiny Town. They were doing much better than we were.


Danica slipped off her flats and walked around in her nylons while I walked around on my black socks. We made our way to the center of town. Humites smiled at us and waved. Some flashed their naked bodies as if to gain approval from us. The difference of them compared to Cala and her siblings was like day and night.   As we got to where we were going we saw Delphis talking to a group. "Hey Delphis. Mind if we stay here awhile?" Danica asked. "M-mistress! I wasn't planning to see you here today. Sure, care for anything?" he asked. Odd. Delphis seemed almost panicked by see Danica. I knew he didn't fear her judging the last time we were here. What changed?


"A barrel of cool water and three virgin boys. Eric?" she asked me. "N-nothing" I stammered. Ever since I started looking after those Humites I'd lost what nerve I had eating them. "Don't be shy. Bring him some cute girls Delphis" she said. "What's with you? You haven't looked at any of the Humites here since we came in. Honestly, you have no desire to eat one?" she asked. "I'm not hungry" I replied. My stomach growling called me a liar. "Your stomach is more honest. Look at this one. Not even a nibble?" she said plucking a 14 year old girl from her boyfriend's embrace. "Look my viewpoints kinda changed. Leave it at that" I said. She sat the girl back down. "You sound like David" she said glancing over to the three boys being led by a woman toward her. Danica gained slightly like a person seeing a waiter bring them long awaited food. She picked up a boy around 13 and tossed him into her mouth. She spat out his shoes and loose clothes like an expert and swallowed.


"David got like that a mouth after he started his project. He spoiled his Humites rotten. I think he loved them more and me" she said picking up another boy and ripping his clothes off. This one she chewed up noisily which disturbed me that the boy never screamed. They never scream. "I think he loved you all in his own way. Instead of being jealous did you ever try to understand he might just have wanted to share all that love he had?" I asked. She paused. The boy in her fingers looked up at her smiling. She just stared at him. She gently put him down. "...I never thought of it that way" she whispered. She hung her head and silently cried. A tapping on my socked toe alerted me to a 19 year old girl waiting to be eaten by me. I brought her up to my face.


She was pretty with that sea green hair and eyes. Her tits were huge for her size. Skimpy clothes on her. Humites only wore the most basic of clothes seeing how hyper sexual they were. I tugged off her top and saw her tits better. She was curvy. Not skinny or chubby, curvy. She had to have given birth by now. I gently squeezed her right breast and a tiny stream of milk shot from it. She had just given birth within the last week or so it seemed. There was no way I could eat her. I tasted my fingertip where her milk coated it. My god did it taste good. It reminded me of when mom would put sugar and vanilla extract in my milk on those cold winter mornings at breakfast. I wanted more.


I sucked her breasts into my mouth and sucked her milk. The girl giggled and sighed as she held my nose. My palm was getting wet from her aroused pussy. Within seconds I had sucked her tits dry. She looked at me waiting for what would happen next. I kissed her gently on her face and stroked her hair. She was surprised to find me putting her back on the street. I waved for her to leave and I saw she was actually disappointed. I glanced over and Danica who was doing better now and I glanced at Delphis. He was staring at me intensely. If I didn't know better I'd swear he was judging me.  Her phone rang and she answered. "That was maintenance. They got the generators running. The server is back up" she said quietly.


We made our way back to the main building and up to his office. "It will take just a minute to boot up the computer" she said sitting down. She fired up his terminal and logged in. "I'm looking. Found something. Yeah, he was working on breeding better Humites. Wait...that's strange" she said. "What is it?" I asked. "The directory size is too large for what I'm seeing. There's a ghost drive here!" she said. "Ghost drive?" I asked ignorant. "It’s when you copy a hard drive and hide it. Why would he though? Can you get me some coffee?" she asked. I left the room and walked a door down to where the floor coffee machine was. "I found it. Shit, it's not taking the password. I can't open it without the password" she said. I thought for a second. "Try Cala" I said.


"....it opened. How did you know?" she asked as I was walking back. "How you told me he doted on his Humites it was a good guess" I said. I heard a thump. "Danica did you hear a...oh shit" I said walking back into the office. Danica was slumped over the keyboard. Her eyes were open. Foam bubbled from her mouth. I quickly ran over to her. She wasn't breathing. No pulse. She was dead. Poisoned no doubt the same way David Waller had been. The killer was here! I pulled by gun out ready for whoever was around. How did he killer get past me?! I tried calling for backup but my phone said "no service". Goddamned storm was screwing up reception.


"Danica, I'm so sorry" I said looking at her. I glanced over at the screen. "Project Unity? What's that?" I asked myself. I carefully pulled the keyboard from under her. I noticed a puncture wound on the top of her hand. The file had multiple entries in it like a journal.  The first one was dated a year and a half ago. "February 12, 2021. Our research department has found a promising antigen that might overcome the chromosome incompatibility between Humite and human crossbreeding" it said.


What the fuck?! He was trying to breed hybrids?! That's impossible not to mention even trying is forbidden by the UN! Why would he even try? "February 14, 2021. What I've been suspecting for some time was confirmed late tonight. Danica can't have kids. Project Unity was in the beginning trying to find a way to increase the life span of Humites for commercial purposes but I see now a better idea. Think of how many families could have hybrid children that would be cheap to feed, house, and care for. I decided I'd be the first test subject. A Humite of 14 years old seems to be the best case to use. Extremely fertile. The one I chose tonight is called Luca. Very affectionate"


"February 17, 2021. SUCCESS! She’s pregnant! She's carrying my baby! An actual hybrid baby!  It will be a week or so before we know the gender. I hope it's a girl. February 28, 2021. A Humite ultrasound confirmed it’s a girl! We easily forget how advanced their technology can be. An ultrasound machine that can fit in our hands. Luca is showing now. I asked her what she'd like to name the baby. She wants to name her Cala. March 4, 2021. Like many Humites, Luca has entered a hypersexual phase of pregnancy. Poor girl wants to be stimulated constantly. Every few hours or so I do things to calm her down like rub her feet, stroke her ass, or suck the milk from her breasts. She seems to only fall asleep if I lick her pussy to orgasm. God I'm so wound up when I leave out of here. Danica has been my stress relief gracefully. Bet she wonders why I'm so horny coming back from the office."


"March 10, 2021. Today was the day. I got a call from where they were monitoring Luca. Her water broke. The tiny girl is going into labor. Jesus I'm scared. I...I really love her. What if she dies? What if they both die? I just pray nothing happens to her. March 11, 2021. I'm a daddy! Cala was born nice and healthy. Luca had to endure a very long labor. I've been told that Humite labor rarely lasts beyond 3 hours. I can see that hybrids put more strain on the mothers. Wonder if something can be done about that. Cala is too tiny for me to hold. Half the size of my fingernail. I had to use a magnifying glass to see her face. She looks like her mom."


"April 30, 2021. Cala took her first steps today. Luca loves her so much. I asked her if she wanted another child. She quickly agreed.  May 28, 2021. Luca gave birth to a boy and girl which I named Gregory after my father and Junie after her mother. They look like me. Cala can talk a little now. Cutie pouted when her mother told her she was too little to hold them. July 4, 2021. I snuck Luca and the kids out of the complex to see the fireworks. Wasn't planning to go but Cala threw a tantrum. Yes and actual tantrum like a 4 year old human child! I pulled down her tiny pants and spanked her butt for misbehaving. Seeing her cry though made me cave in. It concerns me how she showed anger. Humites are eager to please and show no hostility to anything or anyone. Therefore anger is not an emotion they have. Did she inherit human emotions? This needs further study."


"October 31, 2021. I've been sidetracked with Danica for the past few months. She really wants to get married. I don't know. I've seen a cruel streak in her. She brought over some Humites the other night. Sexually tortured them for hours. One man still worshipped her vagina even after biting off his legs. She found it arousing to feed me Humites like some roman emperor. I snapped she I felt a pregnant Humite stuck in my throat. My mind flashed to Luca. I acted like I was choking but I was actually trying not to throw up. How can I eat another Humite now that my children are half Humite themselves? They're having a Halloween party down in the warehouse. They've store used Humites and are playing party games with them. Bobbing for Humites is the favorite this year. I'm staying with Luca and the kids having fun. Cala looks so pretty with that ballerina costume I custom made for her."


"Every week she looks more like her mom. Gregory and Junie were so excited to get candy. I picked up Luca and went into another room for some quiet time. She's older for sure but still pretty. I came in her three times and just cuddled her to my face. I wish Danica was this loving. November 19, 2021. Luca gave birth to another girl. She named her Sia. We joked about how big our family would be but joking aside I'm worried. Luca's heart stopped during labor for just a moment. I think giving birth to hybrids is killing her. This has to be our last child. December 30, 2021. What in God's name have I done? I had an argument with Danica a few weeks back about setting the wedding date and got shitfaced. When I woke up I found myself in Luca's quarters utterly covered in cum. I didn't just blow my load on her. I blew my load in her. It's nearly impossible to about a pregnancy in a Humite without killing them. Luca saw me crying and with her cum covers body hugged my face."


"Don't cry she said. I love you so much master. You gave me children and you love us so much. Don't cry. Everything is okay. Luca loves you she told me. That was then and now she barely hanging on to life giving birth to another child. December 31, 2021. Luca died early this morning just as our last child was born; a baby boy. The doctors asked me what to do with her. I told them to leave and their job was done.

I ate her. I wanted her to be a part of me always and so I ate her. I felt her lifeless body slip down my throat and land in my stomach. I cried like a child on that cold floor. I had to break the news to the kids. Oh god the looks on their faces. So human... I took them home to live with me from then on. They were too human to live in some box in a sterile room especially with no parents. It's all my fault. I killed their mother and what will damn me to hell is that none of them know I'm their dad. I made Luca swear to never say a word. May corrupt the psychological study. David you are a cruel bastard."


"May 8, 2022. It's been some time since I made a notation in this file. I've all about given up on Project Unity. Hybrids cause extreme emotional attachments in humans and by seeing how fast my kids are growing they will die like any Humite within 6 years. Since the beginning of this year we've been trying to find ways to slow their growth to no effect. Until that riddle is solved I'm putting the project on hold. Danica and I aren't doing too well. She wanted to eat Cala last week. She has no idea she's my daughter. How could I tell her? After all Cala and her siblings are illegal by UN law. Last night there was a problem. Cala went into heat for the first time. I know from experience that the first time is torture for Humite girls if they don't mate. I thought of using a Humite male from Tiny Town to help her but the offspring would be too Humite and I need her to be pure for any future developments in the project. No telling what Humite DNA would do to her womb."


"May 9, 2022. I couldn't take looking at her suffering any longer. For two days she's been moaning and sweating. Her body temp is reaching dangerous highs. I picked her up and began sucking her pussy to calm her down. Cala reacted immediately and humped my mouth. I'm ashamed to admit her juices were so sweet. Even her sweat was sweet. Her body was sensitive to my touch. Her toes curled when I licked her feet. Her body shuttered when I licked her tiny ass. Her legs jerked when I sucked her tits. Cala came in my mouth so many times I lost count. At one point she was so far gone she crawled into my mouth. She humped my tongue and I could feel her pussy on my taste buds. The taste...the taste reminded me of her mother. She scared the life out of me when she crawled to the back of my throat. I damn neared swallowed my own daughter! Enough was enough. I pulled her out. Thankfully she had burned through most of her arousal. She sexually bonded with me. I know it's wrong but I love her and hate to see her suffer. May God forgive me." the entry said.


Fuck me. David was the father of Cala and her siblings! The crazy bastard saw to every need for them and I do mean every need. I'm going to need a drink after all of this. A drink and a vacation. This explained why Cala said she doesn't know who her father is. It doesn't explain why David would be murdered. Wait...maybe it did. Hold on. There's one more entry here. Son of a bitch. It's dated the day before he was found dead!


"July 10, 2022. I’ve been so distracted by Cala asking who her father is I never saw the frightening discovery hidden in her DNA. Running a compatibility check between her DNA and a volunteer on my research team led me to see that in our volunteer they had Humite DNA markers similar to Cala. I had to verify what I was seeing. I tested more volunteers. There can only one horrific conclusion. Humites…..” it said before abruptly ending. “What did he find?! OWWW!” I yelled looking down at my hand. My vision blurred but I swore I saw a Humite girl on the desk. “Cala…” I said before my eyes closed.


Imagine my surprise to see I wasn’t dead. Imagine more when I found I was lying in the middle of Tiny Town. “You’re awake” a tiny male voice said. I tried to move but couldn’t. I was barely able to turn my head toward that voice. “Delphis?” I asked recognizing the tiny man. “Evening Detective” he said. I tried to move again but I was paralyzed. “Don’t bother sir. You are undergoing the first stage of the process. A side effect is loss of motor control” he said. “Process?” I asked. “Yes, your investigation finally led you too close for comfort” he said. “Like David?” I asked. “That was unfortunate. He found out the truth about us and had to be stopped before he could tell others” he said. “Why didn’t you kill me like you did him?” I asked. “Because she asked for your life to be spared” he said pointing. Cala walked into my view. “Cala…why?” I asked. “I never wanted you to find out this way Eric” she said. “Find out what?” I hissed. “Cala is living proof of the end result of our master plan for your world. You see you think that Humites are weak harmless creatures that are dependent on your species to survive. Some of that is true. We are weak and we do need you to survive but harmless…no not in the slightest. We came to your world not as refugees but as conquerors.”


“You couldn’t conquer shit. We’re too big and you have no weapons!” I yelled. “True we couldn't conquer your world outright. Besides, you’re too dangerous as a species. You’d have poisoned the planet with radioactive fallout from your barbaric nuclear weapons in the effort to kill us. In order for our species to replace yours as rulers of this world we had to rely on one advantage you humans don’t have. We have not one but two methods of reproduction. One you know of is sexual reproduction but the other one no human knew…except David Waller. Our DNA can work parasiticly in a humanoid host. Every time a human ate one of our kind our DNA bonded with the host slowly getting them ready for what was to come. Every one they ate was another tick of the clock to their personal doomsday” Delphis said cackling. I looked at the man and then at Cala. She looked away from me.


“You knew?” I asked.  She nodded. My teeth clenched. “Don’t be angry at her. Poor girl has gone through enough already for someone she loves to hate her. She wandered into our town last week after trying to find her way around the large building there. I saw her for what she was. So human in emotions. The girl was crying that her master that raised her and sexually used her was her father. At first I didn’t see the problem. We mate in our families at the time when we have no others to do so with. A human taboo I’m sure. I asked her how she found out and she overheard humans discussing her DNA makeup being mixed with David’s. From what she told me David was looking at DNA patterns in ways that could expose our plan. I sent her back to spy on him after convincing her how monstrous he would be to her siblings as they matured. When she returned she told me he had discovered something frightening to him and had multiple tests run.”


“We knew he found out our secret plan. A plan entrusted to the 36 captains and their descendants. I gave Cala a needle coated with a poison used to repel vermin from the glass enclosure and told her to kill him. It was her who also killed that wicked human Danica Roberts. She’s been following you for the last two days. She begged me not to kill you today. I decided to let you live for two reasons. You showed kindness and compassion to that girl I had presented to you earlier. The other reason is that you’re too late to stop us anyway” he said. “We won’t give in to your kind. We will stop you” I said. “Stop us? It’s already begun Eric. Notice the weather lately? How strange the clouds look. The heaviness of the rain? Five days ago Humite populations around the world launched small probes into the atmosphere. Each probe contains a retrovirus that will activate Humite DNA patterns in human hosts. Now we know not every human has eaten a Humite but we estimate that 99.99% of humans have. More than enough to topple your species off the throne for control of this world. It will take about three days for the infected population to revert to Humites. The best part is that your mind will be erased by neurological restructuring. You’ll all be blank slates” he said.


I felt my rage overflow hearing that but as much as I struggled I couldn’t move an inch. Worse yet whatever was happening to me was increasing. My muscles were contracting and it was getting harder to think. Cala ran over to me. I was so angry I could’ve crushed her to paste. She touched my cheek. “Don’t…you…fucking…touch…me” I said trying to find words. Pain shot through my body to the point my screaming rattled tiny windows. My clothes got baggier and then I fainted from shock.


“Where am I? Who am I?” I asked. I looked around and nobody seemed familiar. One girl though held out her hand. “Who are you?” I asked. “Cala” she replied. “Do you know who I am?” I asked. “Yes, you’re my husband Xelen. My siblings were worried and sent me to go look for you. You were in an accident and hurt yourself.  Let’s go home and get you some clothes and food” the kind girl said to me. I heard rain above striking glass. I could only imagine how long it took to build something so massive. “What’s that?” I asked pointing to massive layers of cloth lying on the street. “Nothing, just some old trash. Come Xelen, It’s been a long day. Let’s go home” she said leading me to a home I couldn’t remember hoping one day I could…


We’re told things by our parents as we grew up things that seemed too hard to believe. “Don’t do that your face will freeze that way” or “Don’t do that you’ll go blind”. We call these old wives tales but there is one old wives tale that we know now to be true. “You are what you eat”. For Eric and the humans of his world, this is never been more horrifically true. This has been an episode of The Size Zone…


Chapter End Notes:

In the next episode of The Size Zone we will meet a military pilot marooned on an alien world with his worst enemy. Stay tuned for the next episode "The Survivors"

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