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Author's Chapter Notes:


Amber returned minutes later looking much better. "I'm back. Did something happen?" she asked us. "Nothing important. Did you find someone to eat?" I asked. Amber looked at me and then Eve. "She knows" I said. Amber looked at Eve and Eve turned away from her gaze. Amber sucked her teeth recognizing that look. "Yeah I did. A guy robbing a liquor store. Followed him into the alley over there and well...his criminal career ended up short. Literally" she said


"So where is our girl?" Eve asked. I asked the amulet and it pointed down the street. "That way" I said. We walked for about 5 blocks. "This is getting us nowhere. Chicago is a big city" Amber said. "I know. The amulet tugs harder as we get closer but it hasn't done that yet. She's a good ways off" I said. "Hell with this. TAXI!" Amber shouted. A cab pulled up. "Where to Miss?" the Jamaican man asked. "Down the street until we say otherwise" Amber said. "You got money for this?" he asked. "Do Ben and Andrew answer your questions?" Amber said flashing money. "That it does" he said driving off. "Please tell me that isn't the money your snack stole" Eve said. "Hey. We're trying to save all existence. Pretty sure stealing stolen money for the benefit of everything in creation falls under the side of good" Amber said. "Just being the voice of conscience" Eve said. "Fine Jiminy Cricket. Just have your gun ready if shit goes south" Amber said. "GUN?! Hell naw! You're getting out!" The driver said. "Mindslave" Amber whispered. The man relaxed. "Everything is fine isn't it?" Amber said. "Yes mistress" he droned.


"Damn girl" Eve said. Amber grinned and sat back. After a few miles the amulet began tugging harder. "Turn here" Amber said. Soon we were led to 21st street where fire trucks zoomed by. When we got closer the amulet was yanking hard and pointing to the alleyway. A nearby apartment was ablaze. Amber payed the hypnotized man and we stepped out. "Please tell me she's not in that" Eve said. "She's not. She's nearby. I don't need the amulet to tell me that. I can feel it. Down there. The alleyway" I said. We walked down it until there was a flash of bright green light. When our vision cleared a woman 100 ft. tall stepped over the apartment. "Where the hell was she hiding?! Amber, do you sense magic?" I asked. "No, I sense something akin to it though. Weird" Amber said. "Girls look what I found" Eve said. She was standing near the corner where the alleyway bent. We watched the giantess observing the fire and went to see what Eve found. "What the hell?!" I said. There on the ground was a bum....8 inches tall. He was looking up. "Go get them Megagirl!" he shouted.


"Megagirl? Sounds like a superhero name" Eve said. "Keyword hero" Amber said. We ran to the street where we watched the giantess yank a nearby water tank off the rooftops and pour it on the apartment. She sat it down when empty and grabbed another. She collected the water in her mouth and spat it through the windows. We watched in awe for 5 minutes until the fire had gone out. She had people climb into her hand to escape the remaining smoke and sat them down. Within minutes everyone was safe. The crowd below chanted Megagirl. She waved and stepped over the building. We ran back to the alleyway and experienced another flash of green light. Our vision cleared and we saw a 19 year old girl sneaking away...past a normal sized bum. The same bum. We followed this girl all the way to the El train. We rode it until she got off. From there we followed her car to the suburbs.


She walked into her house and went to knock on the door. "Hello? Can we...talk...to...you" I was saying until the door opened on its own. "Uh hello?" I said as we stepped in. All of a sudden we were hit with a tingling feeling. The world grew around us until it stopped. What the...SHIT!" Amber said as a giant bare foot descended toward her. It barely missed her. A giant toe the size of a compact car was next to Amber. Its toenail was painted pink. It was so close we could smell her feet. "Mommy I missed" a child's voice said. Our eyes followed that giant foot up a pillar of legs past a pink skirt and panties all the way up to her face. A child! A child no more than 5 had almost turned Amber into a stain on her young sole. "Alycia no! Get away from them!" a woman yelled. The girl thundered off. The woman was too tall for us to see well. She bent down. It was hard to tell but it was the same woman. Her hear wasn't black. A wig we saw most likely. Her eyes were the most vibrant green I'd ever seen. They slightly glowed. "There was shouting!" a male voice said.


"Stay there Nathan. I'll deal with this" the woman said. "Who are they?" Nathan asked keeping his daughter behind him. "We're about to find out" the woman said. "Why is mommy mad? I shrank them like I was taught to if strangers came home" the girl said.  "Did you hear that? The kid did this" Eve whispered. "Eyes on me. Who are you? FBI? CIA? NSA? Which agency do you belong to? How much do you know?" the woman asked. "Lady nobody sent us" I shouted. She grabbed me between her fingers. Just a little pressure and I'd be smushed. My inch tall body would just stain her fingertips unless...


"So it's just coincidence you follow me from that apartment? Coincidence you show up at my door? I’m not a violent person but if my family is in danger..." she said applying barely any pressure. I gasped as my breath was pushed out of my body. I chanted the shrink spell and I fell out of her grasp. Luckily Amber caught me with a wind spell before I splattered on the floor. "Clarissa!" Nathan shouted running toward us. He had to grab Alycia to make sure she didn't accidentally squish us under her bare feet. "We're not her to hurt any of you. Quite the opposite. We're here to protect you" I said to her. She was freaked out being shrunk to our size. Her eyes glared. "Don't. She tells the truth but if you try anything I will hurt you" Amber said. Fire encircled Amber's hands. Clarissa looked at her husband and child. "Unshrink me and we can talk" she said. "Us first" I said. "Alycia honey. Make the strangers big again" she said. "Yes mommy" the girl glared at us with glowing eyes and the world became normal sized again. I was curious to know why Clarissa didn't unshrink us herself.


I grew her back to her regular size. "Now if we can hold off the shrink war for a few minutes we can talk" I said. We all sat down. I introduced ourselves. "So you're naturally 200 ft. tall?" Clarissa asked Eve. "Yeah. I'm travel size right now" Eve said grinning. Clarissa smiled at the joke. She introduced her family. "Wait. You're young to have a 5 year old daughter! You'd have to have fathered her when you were like 11!" Amber said. "I was 15 when I fathered her" Nathan said. "You look good and very young for a 20 year old" I said. "I'm 15. Yeah I know. Time travel stuff. Complicated" he said. "Tell me about it. Happened to me once. Dad was checking me out. Fucking creepy" Eve said. We all looked at her. "Ahem...story for another time" she said. "So you're not with the government. Why are you here?" she asked. I told her the whole story. She sat back and closed her eye. "She doesn't believe it either" Amber said. "Oh I believe it. I and my husband have had experience with alternate realities and timelines. What blows my mind is that I'm that important" she said.


"You were always important honey" Nathan said kissing her. "I'm...I'm going to step outside for a sec" Amber said quietly. "Something wrong?" Clarissa asked. "Amber's family is being held hostage. I think you and your family reminds her of that" I said. "Eve. Help them get their stuff together while I check on Amber" I said. I stepped outside. Amber was sniffling softly. "Hey big bad witch. You okay?" I asked. "I want my family back! Mom, my brother, Raf, my baby girl Anna. God knows what that sick woman is doing to them!" Amber sobbed.    I held her from behind. "Just hang in there a bit longer" I said. "If she's hurt them or worse I will kill her. Sister or not" Amber whispered.  "No arguments there" I said. We walked back in and Clarissa and her family was busy packing. Alycia wanted to take her toys with her. I felt the amulet vibrate slightly. That meant acolytes with fragments were nearby. "We have to go now!" I said. Just as I said that the lights cut off. "They cut the power! Time to make an exit Janet!" Amber shouted. Something flew through the living room window and landed with a thud on the carpet. "Take cover!" Eve shouted. There was an explosion, a loud sound, and a flash of light. "Flash bang! Get close! Amber give us cover!" I shouted.


I couldn't even hear my own words. Just ringing. My thoughts were jumbled so badly I couldn't concentrate on making a vortex. As the ringing faded I could hear crying. Alycia. The poor girl was terrified. Her eyes glowed brightly as things in the room shrank. "NATHAN COVER HER EYES!" Clarissa shouted. The front door was kicked in. "LUX!" Amber shouted. A beam of light shot from her fist burning a hole clean through the acolyte. He wasn't wearing a black cloak but black body armor. Still didn't save him. "As long as I can use this spell, daytime is my bitch! Lux!" she shouted again. A scream was heard. "Haha you like that you fucks! Haha...uh oh...take cover!" Amber said numbing behind the wall. A hail of bullets destroyed what was left of the window and tore into the wall adjacent to the door. "Hold your fire dickheads! Goddess wants them alive! Those guns are to incapacitate only!" a familiar voice shouted.


"Gabe is that you?!" I yelled. "Janet?! Its been awhile! What you up to?!" he shouted. "Oh you know. Saving the universe from my evil sister and her flunkies. Speaking of what about you? Aren't you kinda far from home? Another universe and all that" I said motioning for everyone to fall further back into the house. The dust kicked up illuminated laser sighting. He wanted us alive but that didn't translate to Nathan and Alycia. "Come on Janet. Don't be this way. June promised us if we help her we can have our own universes. Think about it. The sister to an almighty goddess" he said. "We need a distraction. Just a minute is enough" I said. Amber looked around and saw a twig of grapes in the fruit bowl on the table. "I got an idea. Clarissa I need your help. How fast can you grow things?" Amber said.


"That's sounds great Gabe except the part where her plan causes the multiverse to collapse into nothingness!" I shouted. He crooned her neck and motioned for them to get closer. "Says you. This power exists for a reason. Why create something that can destroy everything?" he asked. "Ask Einstein and Oppenheimer that. Just because we make something doesn't mean it should've been made" I said. "So I take it you won't surrender. Don't make me shrink the damn house" he said. "Those fragments carry only a tiny bit of power. Power that you don't want to needlessly spend shrinking something so big. If you had power to spare you would've already unless you're scared of the Witch killing your depowered ass" I said. His 4 remaining friends were very close now pistols drawn. Where did she find these people? Obviously they were trained. "Anytime now" I whispered. Amber picked up a bunch of grapes and threw them out the window as hard as she could. "Now Clarissa!" she yelled. Within a second they grew to the size of a compact car. White grapes hit three of them and they screamed just for a second until they came down on the concrete.


The concrete was a mix of grape juice and blood. "Always loved physics. Force equals mass times acceleration. Those grapes were like every bit of 1000 lbs. at that speed. "Goddammit move in!" he shouted. With that I summoned the vortex. "Alright move! Go through the AHHHH!" I yelled as I felt a knock to the back of my head. It was enough to break my control and the vortex collapsed. I turned around to see a woman holding a gun to my head. Bitch came from the back door! Gabe and his two buddies strolled in like they owned the place with a shit eating grin. "Good work Williams" he said. "I live to serve to goddess Master Gabe" she said holing that gun to my temple. We were caught. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Amber's hand cracking with electricity. *BLAM*" None of that now" Gabe said firing a round into Amber's shoulder. She cried out in pain and Alycia yelped.


"Now all of you will be coming with me" he said opening a portal. "You can't kill us. You need us alive" Eve said. "That's true and the second I turn our backs to you you will attack us. Guess you need incentive" he said. He pointed his gun right at Nathan. "No! I'll go with you!" Clarissa said. "Oh I know you will but the others...I'm betting they will try something. Let me make it clear I'm not a guy to fuck with" he said grinning. He pulled the trigger. Nathan's head snapped back as the gunshot filled the room. He fell backwards with a smoking hole in his skull. Our hearts stopped. "NOOOOOOO!" Clarissa screamed. "DADDY!" Alycia screamed. She tugged on him to wake up. Gabe touched his fragment around his neck and Alycia shrank down to just an inch. "You bastard!" Clarissa said eyes glowing a soul shriveling green.  Gabe snatched the crying girl up. "Nuh uh. Get in the portal" he said as one opened. She took one step and looked at Nathan on the floor. We watched Gabe place the screaming child in his mouth. "No!" Clarissa screamed. "Keep walking or your daughter gets swallowed. Don't think I won't. She tastes delicious. Like strawberries. Move. Now" he mumbled. We watched her step through the portal. "Bring them behind me" Gabe said.


Amber had waited for her captor's eyes to be not on her. She kicked the kneecap of the man which made a loud pop. He screamed. The one on me quickly aimed at her but Eve had got to her pistol. Eve fired the moment the woman did. The woman had her arm burned right off and was screaming on the floor. The man looking after Eve aimed at her head.  With barely a thought I shrank him down to about 5 inches. His shot missed Eve by an inch.  "S....shrink pulse!" Amber yelled. A wave of light raced from her and two of the acolytes shrank. The third already shrunk shrank down to the point we couldn't see him anymore. No doubt lost in an endless sea of carpet fibers. Amber walked over to the crippled two inch tall man. She wobbled on her feet. "No! Please spare me!" he begged. "...die" she said softly as she lowered her sneakered sole on his body. It crunched like a cornflake and his blood oozed out from under her shoes and soaked the carpet. Amber breathed hard and fell to the floor. She was on her back and we saw what was wrong. "AMBER!" we both screamed. Apparently the woman who fired her shot has shot Amber in the stomach. Blood seeped through her vintage Aerosmith tee shirt. Her body was shaking. She was going into shock.


"Heal Amber! Heal!" I yelled. "T...trying. Lost so much blood already. Hard to stay...awake" she said before passing out. "AMBER!" I yelled. Eve stomped over to the woman. "I've never killed a human like this before but I will now! She snatched the sobbing woman up and ignored her pleas of forgiveness. Eve tossed the woman into her mouth and chewed. Her crunching bones were loud but I could hear Eve gently crying. Then Eve swallowed. She wiped her mouth. Amber gasped. The bleeding had slowed! Her body was trying to heal itself by instinct! "Eve help me! She's still alive but she needs medical care! Fast medical care!" I shouted. Eve's eyes went wide as she rushed to us. "Open a portal to my home! NOW!" she yelled. I did and we appeared back on the ship.




Gabe appeared in the courtyard. On an expensive chair sat June wearing an expensive red silk dress with matching open toed heels. Well one of them anyway. Her foot rested on a footrest with a white pillow. Next to her foot was someone. "Yes that's it. Now mommy couldn't or didn't want to get between the toes but I'm betting you will. You don't want to end up like her do you? Leg broken under my big toe. I said to her if any of you disobeyed again your baby will become a smear didn't I?" June asked. Chris nodded. "Good. Get to it" June said. Amber's brother silently rubbed the sweaty dirty spaces between her toes. If not his daughter and his life would be forfeit. He wondered why Amber had not appeared yet. He knew she was her target and they were bait. His greatest wish now was to see this woman die by her hand. She was thousands of times stronger than even his still infant powers were. He was with her during the fight with the Order. He knew her wrath. She never gave up and never forgave. Even in the face of death.


"Fucking finally! Finally someone here comes through!" June said seeing Gabe walking with Clarissa. "............" Gabe mumbled. "Fuck did you say? Stop mumbling!" June said. Gabe held out his hand and spat Alycia out. The girl was barely moving. "I said goddess we had them but they never came through. I checked back and one was crushed and the other two gone. We had all three" he hissed. "Shit!" June said putting her foot down. Chris was still on it as she shoved her foot into her high heel. His one inch body tumbled down and stopped just before the toe opening. He crawled for it as he felt her foot enter the shoe. "No...NOOOO!" he screamed. Her foot descended on his tiny body and by sheer luck avoided being crushed. He was wedged under her toes against the ball of her foot. The heat made him sweat and the smell of foot sweat and leather made him gag. A slight breeze blew through the opening as she took her first step. His stomach felt queasy from the quick up and down motion.


"At least there was some progress. You did very good Gabe" she said caressing his cheek. Clarissa eyed her with contempt. The man holding her passed out child made sure she stayed in line. "Now to get on with the first sacrifice" June said gripping her amulet. Clarissa was helpless as she shrank down to two inches. June picked her up. "The Codex says I must absorb the Avatar. Absorb her Aspect. I know of only one way" June said opening her mouth. "NO! GOD NO! At least let my daughter go! She's innocent!" Clarissa pleaded. "Do we need her?" June asked looking at Gabe's hand. "Not really. After you do your thing that is" he replied. "Fine. I'll let her go" June said to Clarissa. "You will?!" she asked. "I'm a goddess not a monster" June said. Clarissa sighed in relief until she was tossed into June's mouth. June savored her prey. Her taste was salty with sweat and fear. The amulet glowed slightly. June titled her head back and let the screaming woman slide down her throat. She traced the bulge down her throat and Gabe watched in disappear down her throat. June grinned at Gabe.


"I can feel her inside me. Beating her fists to escape. God. I...I...feel her settling down! I feel...I FEEL HER POWER!" June screamed. The amulet flashed brilliantly red dazzling anyone near. The glow subsided and she burped. "The aspect of The Hero resides in me now" she said. "How does it feel?" Gabe asked. June kissed Gabe passionately. "Like fucking power is in every cell of my body!" she yelled. She walked to an acolyte, a teen boy of 17. God knows what she promised him to serve her or threaten. She caressed his cheek and smiled. He smiled back until ripples of energy arced along his body and he shrank. A slight wiggle in the black clothes on the floor he was wearing. She fished him out and held him. Teen was barely an inch tall. She touched her amulet and the faint glow got slightly brighter. "It works. His energy, any energy, can be fed to the amulet!" she said. "Please goddess. Don't hurt me. I promised to serve you" he said. "And you will, as calories" she said devouring the teen. Every acolyte there watched with stunned silence as she chewed him up. A drool of blood leaked out the side of her mouth. "What's it like?" Gabe asked.


"Find out yourself" she said pointing to Alycia. "I thought we were going to let her go?" he asked. "With that power inside her? No, that would be foolish. Want me to do it?" she asked. Gabe looked at her. He deposited Alycia in his mouth. Looking at his goddess lover's eyes he swallowed. June chuckled. It was amusing to her. Gabe was harmless but to please her he would do the most evil of things.  June kissed him deeply and he could taste the coppery tang of blood in her mouth. "You always know how to make me happy" she said. June couldn't wait to power the magic up in the amulet. "Let's go out on the town to celebrate.  Dinner, maybe a movie, then some....entertainment" she said. "Sounds nice" Gabe said.


12 hours later in another universe...


Amber awoke in a strange bed. Her hand felt hot. She looked over to see her left hand being held gently by two gigantic fingers. With an easy glance she saw it was Eve. She was Ingress size and was sleeping. Amber felt her stomach and found no wound. Same thing with her shoulder. Her bed sheets were soaked with sweat and she was naked. She pried her hand away from her and tried to get up. As soon as she put her feet down from the human bed she felt a wave of dizziness. Amber fell to the floor. "Ow! Shit!" she yelled nursing a bruised chin. Eve was always a light sleeper.  "Amber? Amber where are...Amber!" Eve yelled snatching the naked girl up. Eve hugged her tightly and Amber felt wetness dripping on her. Eve was in tears. "It worked! Thank god it worked!" Eve said. "Calm down! What worked?" Amber asked. "You were dying. You magic wasn't healing you fast enough and you collapsed. Janet opened a vortex here to my home so we could treat your injuries" Eve said sniffling. "Well whatever you did there aren’t any scars. Hungry as fuck though" Amber said. "A side effect of the nanomachine treatment. Little guys use proteins to rebuild damaged tissue. Leaves the patient hungry and dehydrated" she said. "That explains why I'm naked?" Amber asked. Eve blushed and nodded. "Yeah you were sweating pretty bad" Eve said. Amber looked around. The room seemed to be a child's room. "So you got big again to take care of me?" Amber asked. Eve nodded. "This your son's room?" Amber asked. "Yes and no. This is my son's room when he staying with my mother. Janet thought it too dangerous to come back to my house. This is my parent's place" Eve said.


Amber stood up again but this time Eve steadied her. "I’m hungry for more than food" able said quietly. Eve said nothing. "Let me get you some spare clothes" Eve said leaving the room. Amber sat on the edge of the bed. Her hands shook slightly. Her toes curled nervously. Amber had been close to death before but this time was different. She remembered the pain of the .45 slug in her stomach. How it felt for her life to just seep out of her. How cold she felt...still felt. In the three years of being a soul eater she was taught a very important fact of survival. The difference between predator and prey wasn't always power or strength. Sometimes it was a matter of time. Fuck around with your prey long enough and they could become your predator. A valuable lesson when it came to dealing with the Order. Amber had been taking things lightly. Overconfident with her power. She resolved to change that. Eve returned with a handful of clothes literally. 


"I went shopping earlier. Didn't know what you liked or your size" Eve said. Amber was handed a white shirt and jeans with white canvas shoes. They actually fit. "The bathroom?" Amber asked. Eve led her to it. Eve watched worried over Amber. "I’m going out. I've eaten only one or two souls at a time and it's not cutting it. I need more. More power. I was never this weak fighting. I've been too caught up in what others thought of me and relied on one on one tactics when using magic. Not anymore" Amber said combing her hair. "What are you talking about? I understand you need to eat people but don't use this as an excuse to binge" Eve said. "I can feel you trying to understand me but this part of me you can't. I was so close to death I could feel the grim reaper's breath on my face. I've gone too complacent in the last year. Forgotten how to fight. I'm going out tonight to remember how to fight a war. Don't wait up" Amber said leaving the room. Eve watched her friend shut the human sized door behind her.


"She's awake and pissed" Eve said to me. I sat in the living room alone. Her parents had gone to bed only an hour before. They were nice people. Leila and Aaron. Very compassionate. The look so worried for Amber when we carried her in. She looked like a bleeding broken doll in Eve's hands. Leila and Eve dove right in fixing her up. I've been around military doctors enough to know triage when I see it. So cool and collected like they done this dozens of times. What kind of experiences did they have in this war of theirs? I sat silently with my legs pressed to my chest. "Did you hear what I said?" Eve asked. "I heard you" I quietly answered. "She went out to eat people. She's so rattled I don't think she cares who she picks" Eve said. "Good. We need her stronger" I said. "Stronger?! She's in shock!" Eve said. "We don't have time to quibble about her trauma" I said. "Fuck kind of attitude is that?!" Eve yelled. She stood over me like some scrutinizing titan.


"We all have our demons. Wasting time focusing on them solves nothing" I said. Eve grabbed me up so fast my shoes fell off. "While you were sulking I was praying she wouldn't die! Sweating with 105 degree fevers. Shaking in her sleep while alien micro machines stitched up her stomach and intestines. Hoping that you cared even though you never checked on her and just fucking sat here! That coldness makes me wonder if you're that much different from your sister!" she yelled. My anger boiled over. With a flash of light she began shrinking and I floated down. I didn't even know the amulet could make me fly. My bare feet touched the floor just inches from Eve. She was two inches tall and terrified. I snatched her up. "You think for one second you know me?! How I feel! I care about that girl! I know she's hurting and guess what?! I'm glad! This episode will burn that cocky streak right out of her! I need her strong. Strong enough so we don't lose another person. Eve, that girl. Clarissa is dead. I felt it through the amulet. Even though I didn't get her aspect it's still attuned to the other half so I felt it when she died." I said.


Eve gasped and I could see tears fall from those tiny eyes. "You have no inkling of what I feel. Tasked with killing my twin sister. My identical twin sister. You have any idea what it feels like for someone to have an insane killer out there with your face? This cursed trinket around my neck. It's magic corrupting me every time I use it. Even now it calls for me to eat you. To crush your shrunken body between my molars. Suck out the sweet marrow from your bones. Drink every atom of power into me. It's like the devil riding shotgun in your soul and can't do anything about it because you need him. Don't think you know me Eve Pherson" I said. The look on her face I'd never forget. A mix of fear and pity. I gently placed her back down and grew her to her Ingress size. By doing that I wasted more magic and felt the grip of ancient evil around my heart tighten. I trembled. I held my face in my hands quietly crying.


A giant finger brushed my hair. "I'm sorry Janet. I...I didn't know you were suffering so much" she said. She sat next to me on the sofa. She placed me in her hands. God they felt so soft and warm. Safe. "I know I can be a priss sometimes but it's because I'm expected to be. All my life I've had to deal with bad shit. My childhood friends getting eaten by terrorists. Multiple assassins trying to kill me. A half-brother hating me because I'm not human. I'm expected to me the good girl. Oh there's the messiah girl! Any comforting words messiah girl? Can you bless our union messiah girl? Had to listen to that all my life. Sometimes I just want to break bad. Kill those who piss me off. Eat annoying humans who won't take no for an answer when I comes to a quick fuck or sign autographs. Fuck, one time a human stalked me just to ask me to step on him barefoot! I was just 13! If it wasn't for dad my mom would’ve ate him. When I lost my friends I had a bad time dealing with it. I wouldn't go outside. Wet the bed. Had nightmares for months. Finally I pestered my mom to teach me how to use a gun"


"I resolved to kill anyone who ever threatened me again. I was going to keep that pistol on my hip wherever I went. I didn't. Mom and dad told me that it was their job to keep me safe. I needed to hear them say that. I had to trust that the ones who loved me will always have my back. Right now someone we know needs to remember that we have her back" Eve said. I stopped crying. "Okay. Let's look for her" I said.


It was quiet out. It was nighttime and few cars drove past. "She's this way" I said following the amulet tugging to her position. Amber had managed to get a decent ways away. Nearly a quarter mile. We saw a human sized bench under a streetlight. Sitting on it was her. She was looking down. We ran up to her. "Amber you okay?" I asked. "Janet look" Eve said pointing to the ground. On the ground was a car; shrunken to 7 inches. The roof tore off. "Oh Amber" I said. "No" Amber said unfolding her hands. Inside were 4 people. A family. A man, woman, and two boys. "I shrank the first car I found. That was 10 minutes ago. I've been just staring at them since. I should eat them. The boys alone would be a good source of energy but I can't. I don't know why. Once I wouldn't have cared. I ate anyone I wanted. That what I was taught. Then my daughter was born. I realized then that people I ate were somebody's sons or daughters. Ever since I only ate one or two humans. Just enough to live. That why I barely been able to fight. I let myself get weak"


"Weak enough that a simple bullet nearly ended me. I wouldn’t see my family again. I had every intention of gouging myself tonight. I still might" Amber said. "Amber we know you need to eat. We just don't want you doing it for the wrong reason" I said.  "She's dead isn't she?" Amber asked. I didn't answer. "You don't need to answer. I know" she said. She looked at my amulet. Apparently she could sense the sympathetic magic in it. She placed the family down and grew them back. "Go on! Get the fuck outta here!" she yelled. The family took off running down the street. Amber started breathing hard. "If she doesn't eat she dies" I said. Eve called for a taxi. It showed up minutes later. "Where to miss?" he asked. "Residential block 6-66" she replied. He looked at her. "Fucking do it" Eve said. He shrugged and drove off. "What's there?" I asked. "Hell" Eve replied.          


The block looked dirty and there were lit up signs everywhere. "Welcome to hell. Here you can find just about any vice you can think of" Eve said. "Why is this place around? You'd think on a spaceship stuff like this wouldn't happen" I said. "It's because it's a spaceship it's here. You think people would be okay with living in space not knowing when you'd walk on a planet again? Cooped up in a giant metal thing for years? This is the dirty secret everybody knows about. Out personal Vegas, Reno, and Kowloon rolled up into one. If Amber needs to eat then this place is perfect. Nobody would shed a tear if somebody here ends up missing" Eve said whispering the last part. The driver pulled over. We stepped out and the driver pulled off fast.  Eve had us in her shirt pocket. "Where to?" I asked. "There" she said pointing to a building across the street. It had a sign that said "Gulliver's Secret".


The lobby was clean and neat. Surprising. An older woman sat behind the counter. An Ingress woman. "Welcome. What will it be tonight? Ingress or human?" she asked. "Both please" Eve asked. "Okay....male or female?" she asked. "Again both" Eve said. The woman nodded. "200 for the first hour. 100 after that" she said. Eve handed her a card. The woman looked at it and was shocked. "You're.....you're!" stammered. "Keep your mouth shut" Eve said sternly. The lady nodded. We were led to a giant room with a giant bed. Eve sat down and placed us on it. Amber had relaxed a bit but was still laboring to breathe. A man came in. An Ingress man about 26 years of age. "A little help" Amber said pointing to him. "What would you like to do first? A massage, foreplay, or do you wish to just start?" the man asked putting down a tray of massage oils. "Appetizers first" I said shrinking him. He shrank down to just an inch. Eve bent down to pick him up. "Careful! Don't won't you squish him!" I said. "I know. I got this" Eve said licking her finger. She stuck it to him and he was trapped by her saliva.


Eve walked over. She couldn't hear him screaming but we could. Her giant finger loomed over Amber. She yanked him off her fingertip and jammed his tiny body into her mouth and chewed vorasicly. She swallowed. "It's the fastest way to get their soul. Absorbing the blood. Not as effective though. You only get about half the amount" Amber said. She sounded better already. She was breathing normal again and her sweating had stopped. "Eve thanks for doing this for me" Amber said. Eve smiled. 10 minutes passed before someone else came in. A human woman accompanied by two human males. All around their early 20's. They were looking around. "Is Harmon done already?" one asked. "If you referring to the Ingress man he left a few minutes ago" Eve said. They shrugged and climbed onto the bed. "What would you like to do to us? We're into mouthplay, domination, role play, genital play, or sensuality" the woman said.  "Uh...we can try sensuality for now" I said. "Alright, please take off your clothes...strange...why are you still dressed anyway?" she asked.


We ignored her question and stripped down. Eve blushed getting naked. We lay on the bed. A man began climbing onto Eve's chest. Girl was beet red as he made his way to her tits. A man came over to me and began to squeeze and rub my thighs. The woman went over to Amber and began to rub her feet. We enjoyed the feeling of being pleasured. Eve had gotten into the mood better and was caressing the man who was licking and biting her giant nipples. The man with me had taken to licking my belly button and stomach. Slowly he made his way to my tits. Amber giggled as the woman began to suck her toes. The woman grinned and caressed her pussy. The man with me was sucking my nipples and sliding his finger up into me. God I felt good! He looked at me with cold eyes. Not one drop of love in them. I was reminded where we were. I shrank him to two inches. "Hell was that?!" the woman said seeing the flash of red light. She gasped as she saw her friend tumbling down over my crotch and onto the bed.


"Over already?" Amber said. She shrank the woman to three inches. I handed Amber the man. "Bet you taste good" Amber said. "Taste good?! God no!" The woman screamed. Amber out the man into her mouth feet first and sucked him up to the waist. She sucked on him hard and fast. The man cried and moaned. The woman was terrified to the point she just stared at the sight. He yelped now and then. Amber was no doubt using the tip of her tongue to play with his tiny cock. The man went rigid and hissed. Then he went limp just hanging from her lips. Amber slurped him in like a noddle and swallowed. "That hit the spot. Nothing like raping a shrinky and getting that soul" Amber said patting her belly. The woman passed out from fright. "What does a soul taste like?" I asked. "No way to describe it. Everyone tastes different. What you experience favors the soul. In his case it was slightly bitter. Age and a hard life will do that" Amber replied. She looked at the brown haired woman in her grip. "Wake up" she said. Nothing. She opened her palm and used her fingers to pry apart her legs. She began to poke and lick her tiny pussy. The woman moaned and woke up.


"Oh god it's not a dream!" she cried. "No this is real. About to get realer" Amber said. Amber shoved the woman headfirst into her mouth and sucked till her waist was pinned by her lips. The woman's legs kicked wildly in the air. Amber began to squeeze her tiny ass and poke her asshole and pussy. Damn I hear her screaming. Must be loud as shit in her mouth! Amber moaned and began to finegrfuck herself. Her instincts had kicked in. She grabbed her kicking legs and began to push and pull her out her mouth like a Popsicle. Within a minute the tiny screams stopped and she was limp. Amber came all over the sheets. She sucked the girl in and gulped her down. "See that one was very bitter. Damn...what was going on in her life?" Amber said calming down. Eve just looked at her and then the man. She was deep in thought. "If this is freaking you out I can go into another room" Amber said her. Eve shook her head. "That's not it. I was curious what's it's like to eat a human" Eve said. "It’s not something you can really describe. Trust me" I said.


Eve bit her lip like she was a child wondering what to do. With our amazement she jammed the man into her mouth, swished him around a bit, and swallowed. "That, that wasn't so bad. I...oh fuck I can feel him squirming around in me. I think I'm going to be sick" Eve said. She was on the verge of a panic attack. "Breathe girl. It will stop soon" I said. A few minutes passed and she calmed down. "It stopped. I ate a human. I digested him. I did something bad and God help me I liked it" she said quietly. Man did we feel like assholes. "Yeah you liked it but do you want to do it to someone on the street?" I asked. "HELL NO!" Eve yelled. "So you're not a monster. Remember why you brought us here" I said. "The first is the worst Eve. It's like sex for the first time. Hurts inside like shit but when you get the hang of it it gets easier. Hell my first prey was a child molester" Amber said. Eve looked at her. "Sorry. I fell back onto my old way of thinking. I'm better now" Eve said. "How ya doing Amber?" I asked. "Need more. At least 10 more" Amber said. We both looked at her. "What?" she asked.    


We waited for another 10 minutes. Nobody was coming. "Uh I think we disposed of all our partners we're getting" I said. "Then we just have to find more" Amber said. So yeah we left our room and walked down to another one. Eve opened the door to find an Ingress woman shoving humans into her pussy. She covered herself. "This is a private room!" she yelled. "Not private enough. Shrink" Amber said. She shrunk the girl down to two inches. The people in her were like a treat within a treat. She sucked on her pussy extracting them. They were no bigger than ants at that size. "Putoo....useless" Amber said spitting them out on the bed. They were trying to swim in her saliva but it wasn't working. Three tiny people trying not to drown. I put them out of their misery by pushing down on them with my finger. I raised it to see tiny spots of blood. Amber moaned as she sucked on the puny woman. She patted her belly after swallowing. "I want more. Men preferably. Nothing like the taste of shrinky cum" she said.


So down the hall again. An Ingress man was busy was busy raping a human teen boy around 14. "I told you this place was hell" Eve said. Amber shrank him down to just one inch and handed him to the teen. We watched the boy torture him. Pressing his bare feet on him. Sitting on him. At one point the boy tugged on his arm and heard a tiny pop. The man screamed. The teen dislocated his arm like it was nothing. The man passed out from the pain. "Eat him and be done with it" Amber said. The boy placed his body in his mouth and swallowed. "Now for you" Amber said. "Wait. You're young to be here" Eve said. The boy said he was working here to feed his sister. They were orphans. "Man, gotta do the right thing huh?" Amber said. Amber stepped back. Eve scribbled down something on a napkin. "Go here. They will take care of you" Eve said. "But my pimp!" he cried. "We'll take care of it. Go" Eve said.  Eve had that no nonsense look about her. "Get back to eating. Turns out we got a job to do here" Eve said. So Amber went from eating the attendants to eating the customers. In a way I'm glad it turned out this way. Wish we had the foresight to do that in the beginning.


"*belch* I'm full guys" Amber said. She patted her stomach. Within the hour she had eaten a good 12 people. Right now she's got a man in her mouth like he's chewing gum slowing extracting his soul. "Give me a sec" she said sucking hard. A slight scream and then she swallowed. "Oh now I'm really full and thirsty" she said.  "I bet now many times did someone cum in that mouth?" I asked. "Ha ha. Funny. For your information it was 16 times but it's shrinky cum. So like twice in human terms" Amber replied.


The attendants had run for the hills. No doubt scared shitless from the woman shrinking and eating the customers. Amber grabbed one man. "No don't shrink me!" he screamed. "I won't if you tell me where the big boss is" she said. He pointed to a door atop the second story. We were steps outside the room. "Wait" Amber said. She invoked a spell and grew to Eve's height. "Barrier" she said. A blue aura surrounded her. She opened the door. Instantly a storm of energy fire poured out the room. Eve and I ducked out of the way. Amber stood there and tucking took it! We're heard a series of clicks. Amber walked in followed by us. Inside were an Ingress man and the woman from before. Both were naked. Apparently our fun interrupted their alone time. "You done?" Amber asked. "The rifle! Quickly bitch!" he yelled to the woman. She reached under the bed and tossed him an odd looking rifle. "Apparently not. Windstorm" Amber said. Within a second a gust of wind a hundred mph hit him slamming him into the wall. A red blast of energy came from the rifle blowing hole in the roof.


Amber was different. Cocky again but different cocky. The kind of confidence you can back up. "Why the hell is the messiah child here?!" the man yelled. "Business trip" Eve said. "That include eating people?! Heard what your weird ass friend did" he said trying to stand. "You know what pisses me off? People who use others. Yeah I eat people. Use them to fuel my life force. You on the other hand have a choice. Guess it was too much to ask getting a decent job" Amber said. The man leaped over the bed. "Gravity minus" Amber said. The man hovered in midair before Amber flicked her wrist and he went crashing into a dresser. "No!" the woman yelled running over to him. He was hurt but not badly. "As for you. What's your story? Here against it's your will?" Amber asked. "He's my husband!" she yelled. "I was really hoping you'd say he was your boss or master or something. Now you can't say you don't have what's coming" Eve said. "May I?" Amber asked. "Please do" Eve said. "Shrink pulse" Amber said. Within a few seconds their screaming forms shrank down to three inches.  Eve strode over to them.


"Once upon a time a tried to see things on the bright side. Then I joined the military. Saw some fucked up shit. Saw the weak die because of the strong. Saw hate corrupt an entire world. Made sure it wouldn't change me. I'm a symbol to people. Incorruptible. Well there's no such thing as incorruptible. Especially when I see the worst in people. A man once said that if you stare into the abyss the abyss stares into you. I'm telling you this because you taught me something tonight. Evil has a root. You can't blame the leaves falling in your yard. Blame the tree" she said grabbing the two. "Please don't kill us! You're the messiah!" the shrunken woman said. "Yeah I am. Tell me did any of you read the book humans call the Bible? In it is a messiah. Whatever version you read the messiah smited evil. Either he cast it out or just cleaned house. Hell he smited a tree. I decided long ago why not play the role life dealt me?" Eve said. She raised the man to her mouth and let him tumble in. The woman watched in horror as Eve began chewing. She looked dead into her tiny eyes and chewed and chewed. Shivers went up my spine as we heard the snaps and crunches of his bone topped with his shrieking. They abruptly stopped however and then she swallowed what was left.


"Oh god please don't do this!" the woman wailed. "Curious. Didn't any of the people working here say that? I saw a boy barely old enough to know what love is being whored out. Doing it to provide for his sister. Did you once give an out a helping hand to those in need with having to tell them to fuck or be molested to get it? Your silence is all the answer I need" Eve said. She jammed the woman in her mouth and slurped her in. Her kicking legs were slowly enveloped by her lips until her twitching bare feet remained visible. Then that was gone. She let her become terrified enough in there. Surrounded by bloodstained teeth and her lover's meat trapped between her teeth. Eve very coolly swallowed.  Eve patted her stomach feeling the woman struggling. She breathed hard and sighed. Her eyes told us she was thinking of other things.


"You okay honey? You're scaring us" I said. "I'll live. I've killed before but never this personal. I was naive to think that this place was filled with shitty people. Like nobody would miss anyone who was here. But that boy...hmmm....how foolish I was to think these people would choose this so easily. The media writes these people off like they are a disease. A necessary evil they say. Who are they to decide that their misery is necessary?!" Eve shouted. Eve turned and walked out of the room. We followed. She was silent the whole way back to her home. Eve said nothing as she went to her room and closed the door. We both went to bed but when a giantess cries you can help but hear it. Poor Eve. Such a weight on fragile shoulders.


I awoke to the sound of Eve speaking to her mother. "Mom I need your old rifle" Eve said. "Honey I don't think you should go. What you told me frightened me and you father. Those friends of yours are dangerous" the woman said. "Those friends saved my life!" Eve yelled. "They are the ones who endangered it in the first place! Especially the one called Janet!" she said. "She can't help what her sister does! You of all people should know we can't blame those who have bad relatives. Need I remind you what Aunt Carol did in the early days of the war? Or you for that matter?" Eve said. I heard a resounding slap. "Oh god honey I didn't mean to! I'm so scared I'm going to lose you!" the woman said crying. "Mom...there's a woman out there determined to become God. She plans to use me to do it. Like it or not she is coming for me. Either here or somewhere else fighting her. This way I got a chance. Now please give me your old service rifle" Eve said. I heard the woman walk away.


"Sorry for putting you through this" I said. "You got nothing to be sorry for. My daughter is right. This isn't your fault" her father Aaron said. It was amazing how much I saw of Eve in his face. Someone so huge fathered by someone so small. "You heard didn't you. Of course you heard. Fuck. I bet the neighbors heard that" he said chuckling. "You have to forgive my wife. She gets emotional very easily. Especially when it comes to our kids. Eve and her brother Adam haven’t had the easiest life" he said. "I know. Eve told us" I said. He looked surprised. "Wow, you must really mean something to her to tell you that. Being in the limelight all her life causes her to be closed off if you get my meaning. She can be erratic at times but please look after my baby girl" Aaron said.  He looked scared. His wife Leila returned holding a massive gun.  Damn! Fucker was at least 75 ft. long! Goddamn muzzle was big enough for me to crawl in! What kind of destruction could this thing do?!


"Here it is honey. First gen variable positron weapon. Old Ruby as I called it" Leila said caressing it. She powered it up and looked through the holo scope. Fiddled with the side knobs and I saw it transform into a long rifle. Obviously Leila was expertly trained with this. She handed it to Eve who transformed it back to its standard mode and powered it off. Eve knew how to use it just as well. "Morning guys...what the fuck is that?!" Amber said. "Positron weapon" Eve said. "Holy shit! Positrons as in the antimatter particle?!" Amber said. Eve nodded. "Oh you are gonna fuck shit up girl!" Amber said geeked out. Amber marveled at it until she caught the looks of Eve and her parents. "Oh" she simply said. I thought of what might cheer me up and remembered what Chris told me. "Eve I need to shrink you before we head out. Why don't you take this time to do something you always wanted to" I said I shrank Eve down to human size and pushed Amber out of the room to give them privacy.


"So what do you think? They call it travel size" Eve said. Aaron ran to his daughter and hugged her tightly. "Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I could hold you like this" Aaron said quietly crying, "Daddy don't cry. Please" Eve said beginning to sob. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I couldn't help not see this. After seeing this woman act so cold and broken it warmed my heart to see this. Leila got down on her knees and picked Eve up. "Honey you're so cute this size. Mommy could eat you up" she said kissing her face. "Hopefully that's a figure of speech" Eve said. "Please be safe! I...I love you so much!" Leila said crying. Eve hugged her cheek. "I love you too mom" Eve said. I came back 10 minutes later. Leila was hugging them both to her chest. The giantess was frightened to lose her child. Her human father strong as he was was equally if not more frightened. "Time to go Eve" I said. Leila put her husband down and gave Eve a gentle long kiss. Her giant lips covered her face. I opened the portal to our next world and Eve and Amber stepped through. "I'll keep her safe. I swear it" I said. "You better or so help me god I'll find you another universe or not" Leila said coldly wiping away her tears.


Normally the trip across universes is nearly instantaneous and smooth. Not this time. It was like we were there and the next moment we were falling somewhere else. When we stepped through it felt like our bodies were being crushed down albeit briefly. The sensation was familiar. "Ow my head. What the hell happened? It wasn't like this before" Eve said. "I know. Something interfered with the transition" I said. "Did any of you guys feel that crushing sensation with vertigo? It felt weird yet familiar" Amber said. "Yeah I know what you mean" I said. We looked around at our surroundings. We arrived in what looked like a suburb. Strange. This feels off. The amulet is trembling. "Something isn't right" Amber said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Somehow we're surrounded by magic. Old magic. Everything is cloaked in it" she said. We looked around. Nothing seemed off except a kind of artificiality. People cutting grass in damn near unison. Cars driving by at the exact same speed. Like it was scripted.


"You're right. This feels phony. The amulet is reacting to magic around us" I said.  "Phony how? Explain to the non-magic user of the group" Eve said. "It's like stumbling into one of those old atomic bomb testing towns" I said. Hearing that Eve aimed her rifle around us. A man jogging down the street passed us and out of nowhere a pair of gigantic fingers came from the sky and carried him away. "The fuck?!" Eve said. "The sky! The sky is fake!" Amber yelled. Amber began to chant. "Level 2 revealing spell! Sight Beyond Sight!" she yelled. A bubble of purple light encased us and disappeared. We saw the sky fade away and was replaced with a blue sky as usual but in the far distance we saw flowers and trees impossibly huge! A rose that must've been 300 ft. tall! Trees miles tall! And then we saw her. A woman in her 20's with flowing hair. In her fingers was the man and we watched in terror as she nonchalantly tossed him in her mouth and swallow.


She looked at us. Oh fuck! "Are they looking at me? No, can't be. The sky spell wouldn't let them see me" the woman moved to the side and our heads moved to follow her. "They can see me! That one there! I sense magic from her!" the woman said reaching down. Those massive fingers were heading right for Amber! "Amber look out!" Eve said pushing her aside. Eve was snatched instead and brought to the woman's face. "You're not the one I wanted. Well you saw me so I need to kill ya. Sorry. My daughter will be pissed already for eating one of her people without asking. No telling what she will do if a mortal told someone else about me. Bye bye mortal" the woman said opening her mouth. Oh god Eve! Eve shouted something we couldn't hear and a bright red beam of light shot from her rifle. It hit the woman in the face and Eve fell from her grip. "She's gonna hit! She'll be killed!" I said. "Not today. Level 2 wind spell! Windstorm!" Amber yelled. A gust of wind slowed Eve's fall and she landed on someone's yard. She nursed a sore ass but was alive. "Little vermin!" the woman shouted. "We need cover!" I said.

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