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Author's Chapter Notes:

Lotsa crush in this chapter; Hand, feet, chest, and butt. As well as Incest, and the giantess and shrinkee are siblings.

Sally heard her brother cursing upstairs as she closed their front door. The teen didn’t bother sighing, or grumbling about it. Those sounds, of synthesized gunfire and real-life frustration, were going to dominate Sally Rose’s weekend, and she hardly needed to add to the shitstorm that was coming by reacting in a way that might just make him angrier. Usually, their parents would have shut him down and made him turn off his games before he got to this point, but they would until Monday. Something about an aunt in Florida needing their help.

Sally headed straight for the kitchen, barely pausing in the livingroom to see if her brother -- graduated and unemployed -- had done anything to change it from how she had seen it that morning. True to form, no he hadn’t, probably due to the fact he’d likely not left his bedroom since he got up to piss that morning. Continuing on into the kitchen, Sally shrugged her bag off of her shoulders, and tossed it onto the kitchen table while she searched for a snack. Dean wasn’t the only one who would go about breaking rules while their parents were out, but Sally’s broken rules were far tamer.

Still, there was that first rule that neither of them dared break.

Eventually settling on some sliced cheese and crackers, skipping out on the salami because that was for Dad and Dad only, Sally headed for her own bedroom. Climbing only one set of stairs, thank God, Sally left the stair’s landing for the small hallway that led to her bedroom, which was one past her parent’s bedroom. Hers might have been the smallest in the house, but that was only because Dean had moved into the attic as his 15th birthday present. Before that, the attic had only been host to dust and spiders. Now, it was host to dust, spiders, and a dumbass.

Sally took care not to spill her snack as she set the plate down on her computer desk, and pulled back on her chair, which she had to remember to lift up so it’s wheels didn’t get stuck on the rug their mother had bought Sally when she complained of the hardwood being too cold during the winter. Thankfully, although she had walked home from school, the sun wasn’t so low that it could cast into her bedroom through either of her open windows. The weather hadn’t turned pleasant too long ago, and Sally intended to enjoy the shit out of it before it became too warm to have them open.

Settling in for a short break before she jumped back into her school work, Sally began searching for something good to watch on YouTube. Her first thought was to flip on some JackSepticEye, or maybe a bit of Markiplier, but reconsidered when she figured that if Dean heard her watching people who sucked less at video games than he did, he might flip his every shit. So, Sally Rose’s search continued; She had a few cooking channels that she was subscribed to, but Sally wasn’t snacking on cheese and crackers because she felt like cooking something creative at the moment.

Eventually, she hopped onto one of her favorite channels, one following around a cute lesbian couple to find that most of the videos had been removed. In fact, only one remained up on the channel, and it was titled, ‘It’s No One’s Fault.’ Sally clicked on the video less for the confirmation of knowing she was right about what she thought it meant, and more because she was filled with a morbid curiosity about exactly what had happened. By a minute in, Sally felt herself crying along with the one half of the former couple standing alone in the video. Quietly, Sally Rose started wondering how long she had been watching these two grow closer and their love grow stronger, and why she hadn’t notice them drifting apart, and --

“What are you balling about, Salty Rash?” Dean’s voice interrupted her sweet moment, and without properly responding, Sally willed him to go away. In a practical defeat, though, she paused the video and turned back to find that her brother had, in fact, left her to be. Relieved, Sally turned back to her video, and finished watching it while she noisily snacked on cheese and crackers. When she finished the video, Sally sat quietly in her chair, snacking away on the comfort food she’d unknowingly decided to tear up over today. Finally finishing the last cheese/cracker combo, Sally stood up and gathered the plate, intending to run it down to the kitchen.

As Sally Rose crossed her bedroom, though, her foot landed on something that hardly cracked, and she lost her balance. The plate she’d been holding bounced off of the bed and broke against the floor, while her chin bounced off her bed on the adjacent side, and her whole body slammed into the floor. Whatever it was that her foot had slid on had ended up under her chest. If Sally had the tits she wanted on her 17 year old body, she’d have had a nicely cushioned fall. Instead, being nearly flat as a board, her ribs and her diaphragm took most of the brunt against whatever it was.

Groaning softly, Sally rolled over, and glanced down at what was essentially a puddle of blood and it looked like some meat. “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew…” Sally snarled, pausing for a just second before she giggled, “Cooooooool!” Quick as she could, she picked up one of the shards of the plate, careful to grab a piece that had one of the round sides against it, and carefully poked at the mush. As she jabbed, Sally Rose thought she noticed it moving, and stopped poking to see if it did anything. Since it didn’t, Sally pressed the shard deeper into the pile, trying to figure out what it was. Or, what it had been.

As she prodded, the pile snapped back into form around the shard, and Dean, with his same stupidly styled brown hair, and wide, blue eyes, scream as Sally pulled the shard back out of where it had been stuck in his stomach. Sally quelched for a moment, but Dean’s gut quickly recovered and reformed, along with the blood that had been soaking into the floor and the shard. “What the f-” Sally started, about to comment on why his clothes hadn’t stuck to his body when he reformed. That issue was forgot as Dean got up on his high horse, properly.

“YOU THE FUCK, SALLY!” Dean yelled, his voice sounding no smaller despite his… Diminished state. “YOU FUCKING DID THIS! YOU -- Eeeer -- YOU FUCKING SHRUNK ME, SALLY! YOU USED MAGIC WHILE MOM AND DAD ARE OUT, AND YOU SHRUNK ME. AND --” Dean stopped shouting and quietly shuttered, “-- And then you stepped on me! And then slammed your boney fucking chest into me! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”

“Me?” Sally shouted back, dropping onto her stomach again so she was closer to Dean… But, not as close as she had been before. Dean started to yell again, but lost his balance as Sally dropped down. “I didn’t do anything to you! I was watching my video --”

“Oh, is that why you were crying, Silly Rose?” Dean shot back from where he had landed on his ass.

Sally suddenly got an idea. “Hey, hold on, even if I was the one who shrunk you, why didn’t you just regrow yourself?” In response, Dean only glowered at her, turning his head to the side so decidedly that his hair whipped around with his head. “Oh -- Oh, my Gods! You don’t know how, do you?!” It was an accusation that was met with a sideways scowl sent in Sally’s direction, and Sally couldn’t help but laugh a little bit.

“You fucking think this is fucking funny, you fucking cunt?!” Dean started shouting again, rising back up to his feet. Feeling cheeky, Sally quickly poked her finger against his chest and knocked him off of his feet. Tumbling head over heels, Dean quickly jumped back to his feet, and started marching towards his little sister again. “WHAT THE FUCK IS --” Sally casually cast a spell to shrink his voice now, too, so all she could hear from him was squeaks. Dean stopped shouting long enough to wonder why his voice felt small, but started chirping again soon after.

“I can’t understand you anymore.” Sally smirked, folding her hands around her chin and resting up on her elbows. While Dean raged on, tweeting like one of the annoying birds that often bothered her via windowsill, Sally Rose simply smiled and nodded her head. It felt really good to use magic like this; Her parents had always taught her that she ought not use magic as a shortcut for any of her problems, but with all of Sally’s problems, Dean included, she figured she could get used to using magic like this, even if she was technically abusing the powers her parents had taught her to use.

Eventually, Sally glanced back down, and noticed that Dean had stopped talking and was just staring at her. “Are you finally done?” She asked, softly, a smile still plastered all over her face. Scowling all the same, Dean quietly nodded. Very carefully, Sally raised the volume of his voice again. Her first question was, “Okay, so, how come you’re not dead?”

“When you got up, I thought you were gonna kick me, so I slapped an invincibility spell on myself.” Dean was still pouting as he spoke, and he had reason to. Sally rolled her eyes and response, and sort of tsked at him. “What, oh Sally Wise? What information does her royal scholar have to pass onto me?”

“First, scholars aren’t usually royal. Second, and invincibility spell will keep you from dying permanently, but an invulnerability spell would have stopped you from dying in the first place.”

“So, either cast one on me now, or finally regrow me.”

“Nooope.” Sally sighed.

“NO?!” Dean growled.

“If you’re going to start shouting again,” Sally poked him in the chest again, relishing in the several backflips he did this time, “you might want to consider that I know the spells, and you don’t. I don’t know where your brain was during lessons, but shrinking and protection spells are both super common. Heck, you could probably find an accurate one if you spent long enough searching on Google.” She saw Dean reach for his phone, but Sally had already noticed it, crushed on the floor. “Anyway, I’m not going to be your convenient magic machine. You know what mom and dad say about using magic for convenience.” Speaking of which…

Behind him, the shattered plate quickly reformed, no longer as broken as it had been. Dean instantly started to shout, but Sally shushed him as she stood up and stooped to pick up the plate. She yelled back, as she thundered down the stairs, “I’m already using them for my own selfish purposes, why use them for yours, too?!” Sally casually placed the plate in the sink, before bounding back upstairs to her bedroom, where her naked brother sat on the floor, a dumbfounded look on his face.

“What is it, you dolt?” Sally Rose asked, staring down at him. He didn’t respond at first, but it occurred to Sally that even if he had, Sally wouldn’t have heard any of it. Repeating her question, the teen raised the volume of his voice again, and listened as he stammered.

“I- I… I think, I-”

“Spit it out, dummy.”

“I think… I think dying took my powers away.” On hearing this, Sally instantly stooped, and picked her brother up, winding up and pitching him against her bedroom wall, where he made a neat little splat. Her heart thundering in her chest, Sally Rose watched as the little ball of meat that was her brother peeled off of the wall, and splatted on the bookshelf beneath it. There was a bloodstain on the wall where he impacted, and one of his ribs must have scrapped some of the paint off of her wall. A moment or so later, it was all that remained of any proof that he’d been dead there second beforehand, as he reformed on her bookshelf.


“No powers?!” Sally cut him off, rushing her dresser and bumping into it hard enough to knock him off of his feet. “Why don’t you think you have powers?”


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