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“Bianca, hey! How was your weekend?”

“Awful. Short. Awfully short. It was only a day long, and my next day off is, like… Saturday, I think?”

“Saturday is tomorrow, though…?”

“Wrong Saturday, Hank. Next Saturday, not tomorrow.”

“Oh, jesus…”

“Mmhmm. Can you do me a favor, since she never schedules me to work with her because she knows I’d tear her ass open, can you tear Jane’s ass open for me?”

“I’m 95% sure that’s basically sexual harassment on my part, so… No, I’m afraid not.”

“Well, damn.” Bianca sighed, stepping behind the register and opening her til. To avoid getting to trudged down in counting her drawer in, the girl with a short, dyed-blue asymmetrical undercut (or, as her friends called it, the gayest haircut of 2008) piped up again. “Anyone else in today?”

Hank, who was just accepting a customer, leaned away from them for just a moment to reply. “Nope. You’re closing up tonight -- Hey, if you quit tonight and then get rehired tomorrow, maybe Jane’ll think it’s a different girl named Bianca, and they’ll schedule you with some company?”

Bianca chuckled, but kept her count picture-perfect like always, much more quietly punching the numbers into her drawer’s computer screen. “And if you get a better haircut, some better clothes, and picked up some tits somewhere, she would confuse you for me and you could get some of my awful scheduling taken off my back?”

“I don’t think I need any of those things for Jane to mistake me for you, B. It’s not like she’s seen you more than a handful of times, anyway.”

“True, true. Alright, I’m open if you wanna start… Funneling people to my counter? How much time do I have in order to get settled in before you’re bailing on me?”

“Two minutes?”

“You’re joking.”

“Nope, not at all. And Jane --”

“If you tell me what she wants, I swear I’ll --”

“-- wants you to make sure all the food boats in the back are done before you lock up.”

“... Fuck. Fine.” Bianca cussed under her breath, scowling hard until the first person strode up to the counter. “Hi there, how are you doing today, Miss?” She was a small bit taller than Bianca, her hair was a lot more, ‘respectable,’ and her blue eyes were almost as disinterested in Bianca as Bianca was her. Whoever the tall, and fairly fat, woman was, she didn’t reply immediately except to hoist her basket onto Bianca’s counter, and start dumping the contents out in front of her.

Bianca started scanning them and bagging them, more out of habit than out of courtesy. “Miss?” The dollar store teller inquired again, “How are you doing today? Did you find everything alright?”

“No. The morons who staff your store forgot to put out the bread, again, and I know you got it because you get everything in on Fridays! On top of that -- I noticed that you’re not currently allowing big bills through your cash registers.” Her voice was more or less what you would expect; Heftier and deeper, just like the lady’s stomach. Although, her personality was as deep as a puddle of toy-chihuahua piss, and her brain appeared to work at a speed of two-repeats-per-reply.

“Your total is 9 dollars and 47 cents. And, while it is Friday, Ma’m, given our position in the mall, people find it very easy to buy the bread they need here when we do have it. However, since we are a corporate run store, they often ignore how much bread we actually sell. There is no more in the back, I can personally assure you.” Not that she had checked, she had simply gotten tired of repeating the conversation and the action of checking for bread where she knew none existed. “That having been said --”

“Just finish ringing my items, I need to get going, not keep chit-chatting with someone who can’t help anyway.”

“Actually, Ma’m, as I said, your total is 9 dollars and 47 c-” Before Bianca could finish re-reading the price to the woman, she was stuffing a hundred dollar bill in Bianca’s face, practically demanding that she accept it despite the sign that said, ‘No large bills,’ hanging off the front of her register. And, is spite of the fact that she had acknowledged to Bianca that she knew about the dollarage limit. “I… Just opened my drawer, Ma’m, and unfortunately I can’t accept that much for that little anyway. I might be able to redirect you to Hank, who…” Who was giving her a death glare and a slight head shake to tell her not to dare. “Who is telling me that he doesn’t have quite enough either. I’m going to have to ask you to pay with card, or a smaller bill.”

Standard speech, standard reaction.

“What does having your drawer open five minutes or five hours have jack shit to do with you accepting my hundred dollar bill? And, this is a pretty fucking common occurrence here, so I guess I’m curious as to why this problem wasn’t fixed literally forever ago. You people have literally no money ever, how does this store even stay open, I can’t imag-”

Bianca blinked. Her eyes, of course, never closed, but for just a second, she went ahead and let her powers fuck with shit a little bit. The cameras pointed at the camera almost certainly glitched out, because Bianca made them, of course, and the woman who had a moment before been standing at the counter ranting, now found herself as the lighter fluid in one of the cigarette lighters on Bianca’s counter. To be fair, Bianca only knew because she could feel the woman’s anger radiating off of the now mouthless object.

“Where’d the angry lady go?” Hank inquired as he finished closing off his drawer and clocked out finally. “I didn’t see her leave, and --”

Bianca blinked again. Honestly, she wasn’t sure why. Hank hadn’t pissed her off at all, really, but something about letting herself use her powers for the enjoyment of it made her feel fantastically good. The woman sat on her counter, in a lighter, her former coworker sat on the shelving behind the counter, having helped Bianca to refill her water bottle, and the cameras throughout the dollar store had been mysteriously broken. Bianca wanted to have the night to herself for the most part, but she had to take certain steps to avoid getting found out.

First and foremost, she came up with a simple rule, and a fun game. If a customer became made at her for something that wasn’t her fault, or which was literally out of her hands, then that customer would get fucked up. If she made a mistake that ld to a customer getting angry, she would let the customer pay for their things and leave. The ones who were kind, she let go without any extra condition.

The next person in the store inquired about what Bianca thought would be the best charcoal to burn for his grill, one that was super old-school, and Bianca steered him to what she thought was the best brand, as well as put his eyes no a cigarette that she assured him would be the best lighter he had ever owned. It would be full of fluid as long as any of the fat bitch’s body remained to fuel it. And, she would feel every ion getting burned away, too.

Some of Hank went down her throat after that particular customer, because the lie made her skin buzz. Bianca wasn’t sure what that buzz meant, whether she was subconsciously telling herself to stop or her body was urging her to keep going. The last time the dollar store employee had employed her powers more than once in a week, she’d had her natural blond hair. Smacking her lips, Bianca ended up giggling, “Jeez, Hank, you taste amazing!”

The nature of the dirty joke had her chuckling as she wandered to the backroom, and pulled a boat full of food out onto the floor. Keeping a careful eye on the door, Bianca carefully opened every box by focusing on the tape and effectively disintegrating it. Challenging herself to be faster, but maintain accuracy, the green-haired girl busted her powerful, thick, bubbly ass and had the first food boat done in a few minutes. Since no one had entered quite yet, Bianca quickly worked out the remaining three, feeling so lucky that no one had come in to interrupt.

As she returned to the counter, though, Bianca couldn’t help but feel like it was a missed opportunity. With the food all put away without a single asshole customer joining the merchandise on the shelves, Bianca had no great reason to join someone with anything back there anyhow. As the night was shaping up to be slow, Bianca set to work returning the things the first woman had been unable to properly purchase, what with the bullshit spilling out of her now-non-existent mouth.

That was done far too quickly, though. Soon, she found herself with naught else to do but wait for more shitty customers on which she could exercise her creative justice. Either thankfully or unfortunately depending on your point of view, Bianca was not forced to wait long on that front. A man came practically storming into the store, and although Bianca was sort of slouched against the counter, relaxing, he slammed a pair of pants on the counter a few inches from her face. She raised her eyebrow, listened to him say, “I want to return these pants, when I bought them, they did not have--”

And, he was gone! Well, not really. Instead of transforming him into elsewhile things, Bianca opted to shrink her new friend. As quickly as she could, just to avoid suspicion from any good customers who ventured in, Bianca found a cute pair of shoes sitting in one of the display boxes. The shoes were about her size, but she had no inclination to try them on or buy them. Instead, Bianca taped the man sideways along where she knew the ball of someone’s food would eventually fall. Perhaps not tonight, but some night, she told herself.

That done, she returned to the counter, leaning against it, and waiting for more. Part of her wanted to grab her phone to pass the time, but instead she scanned the environment, searching for funner things to do. When the next customer came in, Bianca had just finished shredding the last man’s pants and throwing them away. She was pretty cute; Maybe not Bianca’s type, but she had pretty blue eyes, long legs hidden under a beautiful dress that was perfect for the weather, and long, curly brown hair.

“Hi there!” She said, more enthusiastically than she had meant it in years. “How are you today?”

“I’m doing fine! And how about you... “ The new woman squinted. “Bianca! That’s a super weird type face on your badge! How are you, though?”

Bianca laughed softly, and rolled her eyes internally as she outwardly replied. “I was bored, but with you about I suspect I won’t be bored till you leave~” Part of her also wanted to gag at how corny it sounded as she replayed it in her head. “Er, what can I help you find? Or, where you, uhm, just looking?” No matter how much a cute girl, ‘Wasn’t her type,’ Bianca could be trusted to be a fucking pervert or a massive doofus.

“Well, I was thinking of getting a new pair of shoes. Do you have any recommendations?” Bianca brighted up like a star at that, and quickly led whatever her name was over to the shoe section. She pretended to hm and huh her way around a bit, pretended to pick something she genuinely thought was perfect, and handed her the shoes that she knew contained a little prick inside. The cute girl did sort of a nerdy little curtsy; “Thanks for the recommendation. I was hoping it wouldn’t be a problem if I tried them on in store? Wanna make sure they fit right, you know?”

Bianca nodded without reservation.

She watched as the girl, whose name the green-haired-girl felt half-desperate to know, carefully placed her left foot into it’s shoe first, almost like she knew what Bianca was up to, and wanted to tease her over it. Then, she carefully shoved her other foot in, grinding to a halt when her foot hit resistance. “There’s something in this shoe…” She complained, but Bianca did her best to properly reassure her, insisting that it was naught more than a pad to help with feet stability. Kinda like Doctor Scholl's. “No, seriously, Bianca, there’s something in this shoe that is… Like it’s not even in the other shoe.”

Caught on the spot, Bianca came up with the best thing she could think of; “You might need to stomp on it a few times in order to flatten it out. Some of the shoes are like that.” Bianca knew the likely outcomes; Either the girl wouldn’t buy the shoes and would simply move on, or she would stomp, just to see if Bianca was bullshitting her.

The dollar store employee watched with a certain amount of unrestricted glee as the stranger lifted her foot, high, and then slammed it down. “It’s a little better…” Bianca’s eye candy commented, lifting her foot another time, and slamming it, and then finally a third time before she sighed. “Alright, that is perfect! They feel comfy and even, and I think they look cute. I wasn’t looking for much else, so would you mind helping me check out now?”

“But, of course!” Bianca responded, hoping back behind the counter and  watching as the girl lifted her foot instead of taking the shoe off. Bianca, in returned, raised her eyebrows, before scanning the tag of the shoe one the foot of the young woman who had so casually killed someone a moment ago. Even if she didn’t know it. “Alrighty! Your total is 5 dollars and 50 cents!”

The girl handed Bianca a big, ol’ fifty dollar bill. Bianca’s mouth twisted into a frown. “Could I grab your name, quick?”

“Oh, sure! It’s Samantha!” Bianca nodded, slowly, staring at the fifty, still in Samantha’s hand, still hovering over the counter.

“And could I maybe get your phone number so we can set up a date?”

“What? Oh, no, sorry, I’m not… Well, I’m straight.”

“So is spaghetti until -- Er, nevermind.” Bianca hit enter on the purchase, punched in fifty dollars, and then placed Samantha’s change on the shelf behind the counter. “Alrighty, you should be good to go, th --”

“What about my change?”

“Oh, right, your change! I need some spending money so I can take my new vibrator on a date.”

“Your wh --” Before Sam could scream, Bianca blinked again, compressing Sam down until she was around 6 inches long, and then remolding her into what Bianca considered to be the perfect dildo. Great shape for insertion purposes, a vibrating function, even an anal stimulator if Bianca were feeling frisky enough. As the green-haired employee wrapped her hands around her new, “Samantha-nator,” and lowered it into her bag, she could have sworn she felt it vibrating in outrage.

As Sam leant back up, there was already another customer entering the store. He was a mild-aged man, slightly greying hair, and sort of slumped shoulders. Bianca pegged him as the kind of person who might cause her some trouble, so she kept her eyes locked onto him as he moved throughout her store. With the shelves mostly staying chest-height or lowers, it wasn’t too difficult to manage him. As soon as Bianca saw him slipping something into his pocket, she immediately shrunk him. If her senses were right, he was no larger than a half-a-dime, and nearly as flat.

Bianca wasn’t sure why he was flat, until her conscious thoughts caught up with her imagination, and she strode from behind the counter to scoop him up. With perp in hand, Bianca headed for the clothing section, and quickly dug up a pair of cute panties that she had been thinking of buying for a friend. Well, insofaras ‘For a friend,’ means, ‘For myself, but it’s slutty so I lie about it.’ The panties where a light green, G-string thong. As quickly as she could, she melded the man to the string of the thong, right around where the purchasers asshole would be closest to him.

Then, she placed it back in the bin from whence it came, and strode back to her counter. And, there the lonely cashier stood, tapping her foot and waiting. Of course, she wasn’t even entirely sure how the store managed to stay open, in a mall that itself was struggling along. They always had money, plenty of it, in their safe behind the counter. Far less of it was kept in the safe, and… It was nearly closing, now. So very little had happened in the few hours since Bianca started. So few people came in, and so few made it past the checkout line. Hell, Bianca still hadn’t realized she’d finished off the last of Hank and thrown her water bottle away when a rowdy group came into the store about twenty to close.

It was a group of four people; 3 girls and 1 guy. Based on the composition, Bianca kind of had a guess as to their personalities, and as she listened in on them as they moved about and discussed various things, Bianca found she had nailed it. The three chicks were friends from school or whatever, and the dude just happened to have been on of the girls’s little brother. Their mom had dictated he come along, and as he followed about, Bianca wondered whether he or his sister regretted it more.

The real answer was that Bianca regretted it the absolute most. Within a few minutes, they were tearing shit apart in the most annoyingly effective way possible. Summoning all of her inner control, Bianca made it a few minutes before all four of them were shrunken where they’d stood. She was fast in picking them up, merely striding over to them and scooping them all up, depositing them into her pocket for the time being. So close to closing, she wasn’t sure that she would find anything to turn them into, really. The idea that struck her wasn’t on her mind until after she closed down her drawer, the store, and headed for mall’s food court.

Bianca strode immediately up to the counter of her favorite sandwich shop; Or, at least her favorite one within the mall. She ordered her normal sandwich, a ham and shredded cheese on a 10-inch Italian loaf.

“No chips today, Bee?” One of the staff there asked her.

“I’ve got some of my own today, no worries!” Bianca replied, her lips turned up mischievously at her own little joke.

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