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Erin felt like she got off a roller coaster and wanted to vomit, but she still had enough wits to notice the blindingly obvious, everything round her somehow has become dramatically larger! Most noticeable of all the lone person she shared the room with Maddison who before was only a couple of inches taller than herself appeared to have a grown a full 3 feet!


" What the fuck just happened!? What the fuck is going on!?" She screamed and swore.


" I. .um well I! " Maddison stuttered.


" You! I should of known a freak like you would've done this! I'm out of here!" Erin screamed again. This was the farthest thing from what Maddison was expecting and envisioned things going a lot smoother in her mind, she knew Erin would be shocked but she did not anticipate such anger as well. Maddison nervously watched as Erin ran up to the door (which Maddison conveniently shut before hand), but at only 2'0 tall the knob was much too high for Erin to reach. Erin tried to jump a few times, but her hand was hardly even able to reach the bottom of it, so getting a full grip and turning it simply wasn't possible. In the back of her mind though, Maddison found watching her struggle with such a mundane task adorable.


Getting even more frustrated Erin turned back and pointed at Maddison. " You! Open the door!" She demanded.


" Wa-wait! Where are you going!?" Maddison asked.


" Away from here you crazy bitch! I should have never went along with this and ignored your ass like always! I hope you get thrown in prison!"Maddison was close to tears, everything was going horribly and what seemed like an endeavor that offered tons of fun was turning into a nightmare, Erin seemed to hate her more than ever and wanted to have her arrested! Maddison had to think fast.


" Wait, y-you can't do that!" She pleaded.


" And why the fuck can't I? " Erin challenged.


" I-it's not safe! For you I mean! You're so little, how do you expect to get anywhere!" Maddison quickly explained and Erin seemed to replace 1% of anger with a bit of contemplation, no where near enough to relent though.


" Then turn me back to normal!" She ordered.


" . .I can't." Maddison said quietly and gulped knowing another explosion was coming her way. Sure enough Erin's face went from a porcelain white to a tomato red once more and she marched all 24 inches of herself to Maddison with fire in her eyes. Maddison was fiddling with her hands almost stumped at how to deal with someone so infuriated.


" So help me you crazy bitch if you don't turn me back I WILL -"


" No I literally can't! I didn't make it to do that yet!" Maddison added at the last second and continued to stare into Erin's eyes with a nervous look. Finally the look of fury started to simmer down as she stared at Maddison with disdain.


" I can make it turn you back to normal though! Pl-please, just sit tight, all I need is a little time!" Maddison begged. There was still anger in Erin's eyes, it wasn't a satisfactory answer but she had to accept there was nothing she could do about it for now, she clutched her fist trying to control herself with some added deep breaths as well and spat out a "Fine."


Erin walked away and sat by the end legs of Maddison's bed then began rubbing her temples with her eyes closed. Maddison knew it was best not to bother her right now and undo the little progress she's made so she took her device and began writing on some scratch pieces of paper. The only bright side to this was that she at least bought herself some time. Now she had to figure out a way to win Erin over without going to prison as a result. She still couldn't get over Erin's reactions from moments ago it looked like she was angry enough to kill a person. It was very . . ..surprising. Scary? . . . Not really.


Erin meanwhile had other thoughts, mainly " How long will I be stuck like this?" , " What if I'm a midget for the rest of my life", etc. Most importantly though she was wondering what to do about Maddison. In the best case scenario she'll be able to return her to normal and then that bitch will have hell to pay. But in the event she's stuck at this size, what then? Erin didn't want to dwell on those thoughts, especially after moments ago. She was furious as hell, but when she stepped up to her the realization of how small she was really set in, and Maddison by comparison looked very . . .big. Big and intimidating. That freak Maddison of all people, intimidating her!? Erin thought back to when they were at school today when she slapped Maddison, how would a situation like that have played out right now? If anything that smack would've hurt her own hand and not Maddison! It was a blessing in disguise that Maddison cut her off before she finished her threat back there. Erin realized anything she said would've sounded silly and laughable.


" If you don't turn me back to normal I'll punch your calves and kick your feet?"


At least this time Maddison backed down, all Erin could hope for now was for Maddison to finish whatever adjustments she needed to make quickly so she can put this mess behind her. She definitely wasn't sure how lucky she'd be in the future.




" Hey Erin . . .Erin. . wake up." Maddison was crouched down and nudging the sleeping Erin slightly with her finger. Erin was not happy with being awakened, let alone her first sight being Maddison.


" What the hell is it now! You better be telling me that you're about to change me back to normal!"


" About that, you see . .I was thinking that I sorta want to keep you this way." Maddison responded with a small smile. Opposite, Erin was about to lose it.


" You think this is some kind of joke!?! You dumb bitch! Get back over there, do whatever shit you have to do, and turn me back to normal size NOW!"


" No." Maddison simply said.


" NO?!!?" Erin exclaimed, both infuriated and shocked that Maddison disregarded her demand as swiftly and easily as she did.


" That's right, I said no. What are you going to do about it?" Maddison asked, rising up to full height slowly to ensure Erin thoroughly understood her predicament.


Erin's fist was shaking with rage, how badly she wanted to run up and kick Maddison's ass but what could she hope to do to someone who was so big that she didn't even come up to their thighs. " You. . you."


" You won't do anything." Maddison completed. " You're too little and can't do anything to stop me."


" Like hell I can't!" Erin argued. In demonstration of her point though, Maddison leaned down and picked up Erin by her sides and hoisted her straight up with ease.


" What's wrong? Why didn't you stop me?" Maddison asked.


" S-shut up! And put me down!" Erin shouted while squirming, though at such a dwarfish size it was no issue to Maddison who brought the diminutive Erin closer to her much larger face and whispered.


" You didn't stop me because you couldn't."


Erin was shaking, not from anger; legitimate fear. This didn't go unnoticed by Maddison.


" Hehehe, are you afraid? You should be. Because now you're my very own personal toy that will do everything I make you do and I will do whatever I want to you." Erin was speechless, unable to deliver any sort of retort while Maddison spoke.


" As a matter of fact I want to do something right now." Maddison set Erin down on top of the bed, even from that position Maddison was significantly taller than her, but Erin was high enough for what she had in mind.


" I really didn't appreciate you slapping me back at school, I think it's time to return the favor." Maddison said, raising her open palm a fair distance away. Erin was in sheer disbelief and felt like she was frozen in place, unable to move anything but her eyes while watching Maddison smile away as she prepped her hand which was large enough now to engulf Erin's whole skull. " Here it comes." Maddison said, and then swung.


" AAAAH-!" Erin screamed and blacked out once the thud came, and opened her eyes. She lifted her head up and she was back on the floor at the end of Maddison's bed. She looked over to see the now giant sized girl still working. Erin felt a cold sweat drip down her face, it was fortunately only a day dream. The scary part being, it was a dream that very well could become a reality.







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