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Author's Chapter Notes:

Day two begins will it be better than the last?

Chapter 4: Day Two of Caroline and Kara's exercise time


I tossed and turned in my sleep memories of yesterday had created a nightmare in my dream world, most of it was memories but some was fantasy on pure imagination to what Caroline could do and didn't do yesterday. I woke up sweating heart beating fast. I looked around to see the morning sun peering through the window, creeping across the countryside that was my bed. I didn't use a lot of my bed just my pillow really, but wither way it was uncomfortable to walk but bearable for sleeping. I turned to the door shuddering of the day ahead of me, part of me was still trying to comprehend the ride Caroline had given me the other day. It was baffling that such an innocent looking woman was capable of causing me such grief.


About an hour passed before I heard footsteps at the door, and I could only guess who they belonged too. Only one person other than Kara was authorised to come in so that only narrowed it down to Caroline. My day was about to begin. The footsteps paused outside my door, this only made me worry all the more. The door suddenly sprung open and in she strolled, same outfit as yesterday another nurses uniform.


“Hi down there” she said towering over me “Did you miss me?”


“um...” I paused for a moment my mind wanted to blurt out the truth but I knew it would do me no good, so I copped out “Yes, Caroline”


“Awww” she said voice humming though the bed, she immediately reached for me I covered my head but I knew that a fight would be fruitless for me.


“of course you would have” she brought me up to her face. Suddenly she brought me towards her lips and with her back finger she forced my head forward into her soft moist lips. With a sucking motion she kissed me, the suction was intense it felt like she would tear the skin off my very face. Helpless to push away and unable to breath I had to hope that she would let me go soon. She did let me go soon and gave me a look searching for a compliment, I smiled back at her not wanting to accept her. Then Caroline muttered some words I dared not believe.


“I wonder what you taste like”


“What?” I said in disbelief


“I only want a little taste” I couldn't argue with her, her mind was made and she again brought me towards her lips. Only this time they didn't pucker they parted, Caroline obviously tired sensed the urge to yawn. I saw everything, the morning light shinned in her open stretched jaw. Her tongue was a mass of muscle and it floated gracefully like a whale swimming through the sea. Her bright white teeth reflected and there size was very much confronting, I knew each tooth was capable of either tearing meat from bones or crushing food into a pulp. The pool of saliva and the strands of it hanging from her cavern of a mouth was enough to make any person shudder in disgust from this close up. The smell of coffee was prominent as a warm gust of air blew over me.


Her mouth closed a bit completing the yawn and allowing a last gust of wind to quickly escape as she made a noise to finnish she had done. The beast from within her mouth came out of it's cave, her tongue looked like a wild bear that had just awoke from hibernation coming out of it's cave in search for food. Her tongue approached me only centimetres away from my face, I tried to hold my face away but there was no escaping the best I could do was close my eyes and my mouth. Caroline no doubt was holding off a bit and enjoying my reaction for a moment before she sent her tongue in for the kill.


My eyes where closed but I could feel everything. What I could feel was flesh but it was different, this flesh compared to what I felt from the time in her hand as well as her leg yesterday is that this was bumpy. Not being able to derive from the obvious but my face was wet, I tired to imagine it was water but I knew it was the wet sticky saliva from the pools of it in Caroline's mouth. As long as it seemed it was over pretty quick, her tongue thought as it left slopped over my head drenching my hair. I would immediately try to wipe the saliva away from my face but Caroline of course still had my body firmly wrapped up in her hand.


“You don't taste that good, lucky. Otherwise I might have just eaten you” she said with a smile and a giggle clearly satisfied with her power. She may be joking but jokes against eating me where no laughing matter as big as I was. “you looked scared, did my big mouth scare you” she said trying to hold back her laughter. “Well I need to do my job and make your bed, so your going to spend some time in my pocket”



With that I watched Caroline's face drift further away and her body wizz past as her hand came to the side pocket of her pants leg. Her hand separated some space and released me into the dark abyss of her pocket.


Now this was truly a different place, today and yesterday I had been basking in the sunlight of my hospital room. But the world of Caroline's pocket was a different place, it was darkness with only a shimmer of light coming in near the rim of the pocket. The space was very much claustrophobic I felt myself hovering loosely in free air as well as be forced up against Caroline's leg which was radiating heat through the material of her pants. I was also surrounded by fuzzy balls which I could only assume was pocket lint, the best way I can describe it is to imagine sitting on a dirty cloud. Unfortunately I had no choice but to lump, even if Caroline left the room would anyone expect a man trapped inside a young nurse's pocket? Only one person knew where I was and that was my capturer.


I waited patiently listening to the muffled sounds of sheets moving around as Caroline messes up the bed in order to make it. As she moved I would bang up against the wall of her pants and into her leg, but fortunately for me the time I would spend in here was almost up. Caroline's hand was soon to return bringing me out, the lint of her pocket attempted to keep me in the pocket as if it wanted me to join them in her pocket. But I was back in the sunlight and it was somewhat blinding as Caroline tossed me back onto my bedside table carelessly.


“Kara should be here to take you for exercise soon, I have to go wash everyone's sheets” she said turning quickly towards the door and leaving slamming it shut behind her


The way she spoke just then sounded so normal I almost believed I was a normal patient with a normal nurse. I sat there and thought for a moment while Caroline was gone what that would be like, to feel somewhat normal again, or at least have a nurse who was not determined to control my every moment.


How was I going to survive this ordeal I thought to myself. I would have to put up with this treatment until a cure was to be found... If it one could be found. Again my thoughts reminded me of how hopeless the situation seemed but I had to stay positive, if I could somehow get through this ordeal I could return home. Surely even if no cure was found they wouldn't keep me here forever, would they? The question I just asked myself lingered in my mind, I didn't know the answer but I certainly knew the choice of answer I hope I don't have to hear.


My thoughts where again interrupted as a person entered the room, taller than Caroline it didn't take me long to figure out that it was Kara. No doubt Kara was here to take me for my exercise as Caroline had previously mentioned. Kara wore your typical doctor clothes but she left some cleavage uncovered.


“It's time for your exercise” she said in her usually demanding tone. She out stretched her hand indicating for me to board it. Speaking of exercise reminded me very much of a prison. Was I no different to a common prisoner? Confined to a room and then sent out for a session of monitored exercise. I hesitated before getting onto her hand, which mad her frown.


“Come on, i'm not going to bite” saying this didn't really help me to curve my fear, but I thought to myself that she has to at least be better than Caroline. So I jumped into the palm of her hand. As soon as I did her other hand came over and cupped over me refraining me from seeing or escaping to the outside.


“Sorry, where going through non public areas, so I can't let you see” she said although there was no feeling when she stated the word 'sorry'. Suddenly we were off, even with the time I had spent with Caroline I was not yet used to being a passenger on a person as they walked, it made me feel a little sick still. After about 8 minutes her hand uncovered itself and my fleshy roof was removed allowing in a blinding light. I shielded my eyes but I finally realised we where outside. I glanced around taking in my new surroundings.


“This is the hospital garden, it's small and where staff go to have their lunch breaks most days” she stated. Looking around I did realise it was rather small, it was surrounded by walls of buildings, I even doubted it was bigger than my room it was that small. It had some grass, a few pot plants here and there and the typical garden decorations. There was a few benches for sitting but it lacked a tree because of the small space.


Kara made her way over to one of the benches and proceeded to sit down, she lowered her hand down to the ground and let me out into the wild grass below.


“Well run around and do something” hearing her I decided to explore the landscape at my new height. I quickly discovered that the grass was hard to wade through. I hadn't gotten very far the grass very much restricted my movement. “Come on! You're meant to be exercising I don't want to make you!” she said getting impatient at my lack of movement


“It's so hard!” I yelled back up to her


“Looks like you just need some encouragement” She said clearly not hiding her frustration at my inability to traverse grass


before I could even ask what she meant by that I realised a shadow has cast itself over me. Looking up I see her foot raised over me. Her foot was huge, it was dressed in a leather clog shoe but the only part I could see heading towards me was the sole. Having been close to death underneath a shoe before I didn't not waste time in scampering through the grass and away from her shoe. Her shoe landed behind me flattening the patch of grass I had previously been on. Kara laughed no doubt feeding off my reaction much like Caroline had. How had in the short space of 8 minutes had Kara gone from trusting health professional to another monster like Caroline. What was with these women how had the idea formed in their head that I somebody who needed help was a tool for their amusement.


“What the hell! You could have killed me!” I yelled up furiously at her


“Nah, I had it under control. But I got you running didn't I?” she said sounding more unprofessional by the minute. I however was clearly outraged by her lack of care.


“Are you listening to yourself right now?!”


“How about we play a game?” said Kara not listening to me at all either by choice or inability to hear me. “We'll play tag, i'll be it” she said sounding more childish by the second “i'll give you a handicap, I won't use my upper body. If I get you, you have to do something for me. If you can evade me for five minutes I will leave you be, how does that sound?” as promising as it sounded I felt that the odds where stacked against me, and five minutes seemed like a long time to hide from her feet. Meantime Kara had pulled the shoes off her feet and her sock clad feet now loomed over me


“Ready, set, Go!” she yelled with excitement. Her feet instantly came for me and I was off sprinting as fast as I could in the restrictive grass. Her right foot was right above me and came down hard, but a little slowly clearly allowing me time. I narrowly got out of the way in time. I continued to run but kyra was not messing around and I did not get very far, her left foot instantly landed on top of me. I had barely lasted half a minute before Kara had brought her game to a close eager for me to do whatever it was she wanted.


“How pitiful. You lasted about fifteen seconds. As useless as you seem, I now have a use for you”


“What?” I said trying to hide the little amount of fear in my voice. It was worth noting that like Caroline, Kara had no respect for my self worth as human being. So far to these two women whom where meant to be helping me it seemed like a game to them or I was just a tool for their amusement and nothing else. Was I not a human being in their eyes?


“You see, my feet loved getting to know you. Nobody ever gives me or my feet any attention these days and I think it's about time somebody started caring”


'what was she on about?' I thought to myself


“As I said, your pretty much nothing to anyone now little one. You have no use, but I see past that. You have limited capabilities. Had you been normal sized I would be interested in getting to know you, but you're not tall, you're small and therefore not fit to socialise or interact with us normal people. Be honest to yourself little one, you're not a person anymore, you're an item that nobody knows how to use... but I do.” She said feeling satisfied with her little speech.


'These women are deranged' I thought to myself 'My views on Kara seemed to be confirmed, she little thought of me of a human being. I still had feeling and emotions, but on the other hand much like an item I'm in a powerless state to be able to stop them.'


“From what i've seen today, your use little one, is to be with my feet” she said giving them a little wiggle “You know how to entertain a lady's foot, so that must be your use” suddenly without warning her hand shot out and grabbed me quickly as I was still taking her words in.


“What are you saying!? Have you lost your mind, i'm not a plaything for your feet! I'm a person!”


“You are an item that is all and you are made to be with my feet, it's meant to be”


With that her hand let go of my tiny body letting me free fall before I landed on a soft, sticky, smelly surface. My instant reaction was to look up. Surrounding me where leather walls as Kara's face peered down upon me from above. From this small canyon I seemed to be in a cave stretched off into the darkness. I blood ran cold, I was inside Kara's clog. Other than what sight had shown me the other dead giveaway was the smell of sweat around the air attacked to the humidity. I jumped up in disgust realising the sticky, swampy floor was all Kara's foot sweat that had accumulated from her foot.


“You look at home” she said snapping my attention back to her “My foot yearns to come in” a shadow cast over the entrance of the clog Kara's right foot had positioned itself over my only entrance. It took up my entire view blocking out Kara. “This should give you a good work out for the next two to three hours while I do office work. Get well acquainted with my foot, you'll be seeing each other a lot”


Kara's right foot made it's move towards the entrance and as her sock covered toes entered the light from the outside world was well and truly sealed off. This was really happening and I was powerless to stop Kara from doing it as her toes continued to thrust forward. Suddenly sparking into a panic I made a run for it in the only direction I could, further into the dark abyss further into Kara's clog. The monster know and Kara's foot stopped and searched for me in my former location before realising I wasn't there and sliding on behind me. I could feel and hear it sliding behind me as I continued to run before I ran straight into a wall and fell over backwards. I was really far in and trapped the air had become stale and the stench, unbearable it made me almost throw up. But I had far worse problems on my hand as Kara's foot approached behind me.


I shuddered as her foot continued to slide towards me, i'm pretty sure Kara was drawing this out for enjoyment because it certainly would not take this long to put a shoe on, or perhaps she cared a little about my safety. Her toes came right up to me and stopped upon touching my tiny body seeming delighted with finding me, they tapped up and down if toes could convey emotions this tapping showed it was happy. Unable to control my frustrations any further I lashed out and punched one of Kara's toes very hard, it was a solid punch had it hit a human head the person would have fallen to the floor. Kara's toes paused as if they where offended, before they retaliated. Her foot suddenly lurched forward and her toes bent up came over the top of me as her foot pushed towards the end of the shoe. Having completed putting on her clog her toes came down upon me getting comfortable on my tiny form. I was now trapped underneath Kara's playful toes, she had achieved what she wanted.

Chapter End Notes:

Enjoyed writing this chapter with Kara stepping into the fray (literally). As you can tell the biggest chapter so far and it defeintly dwafs chaptar 3. Which Giantess is the best so far?

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