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Faye awoke the next afternoon. Her head pounded, and she stumbled into the kitchen for a glass of water. She could still smell the alcohol on her breath, and it was foul. Lurching back, she swallowed the entire glass in four swift motions. It did little to remove the taste, but the cool liquid was invigorating. Her headache was intense, and she resolved to make her way over to the bathroom, and take some Advil. It wasn't easy, her thoughts and her vision swam, but she managed to get there nonetheless. She vaguely remembered spending time with Olivia last night, but the girl wasn't anywhere to be found. She must have gone home, Faye decided. Arriving at the bathroom door, she awkwardly gripped the handle and pressed downwards. Her feet shuffled on command towards the mirror above the sink, and she pried it open, almost knocking over her toothbrush in the process. Best to use that too, anything to get rid of the stale dry taste in her mouth. Behind the mirror, in the small row of shelves were some painkillers. She twisted open the cap, popping it off, and removed a few pills. She tossed them back, and took a handful of water from the tap, swallowing them all at once. Next, she picked up her toothbrush, and laced it with some mint paste. She scrubbed for a minute, then spat, rinsing it off, before replacing it next to the sink. Finally satisfied, Faye smiled in the mirror, then turned back to the bathtub to take a shower. She clumsily hopped inside, and drew the curtain, more from inveterate habit than any fear of being watched. Reaching for the handle, her palm swept through open air. She stared down at the knob, or lack thereof, and frowned. She looked around her feet, nothing was there but white porcelain and a small bathmat. What the hell? Where was Eli. He counted have unscrewed himself, could he? Her red phallic knob should still be there, with Eli neck deep in a veritable jelly of his own semen. Faye tried to remember, had she removed it? No, not her. Olivia. She wanted to play with Eli, wanted to pleasure herself with it while tormenting her little plaything. The dildo was gone, and so was Olivia. No note, nothing. Just gone.

Faye stepped out from the shower and quickly redressed. As she replaced her bra, and was slipping on a fresh top, the doorbell rang. Its chimed echoed throughout the hall, and she swiftly pulled down her shirt, then walked towards the door. Peering out through the side windows, she couldn't make out anybody on the stoop. Faye looked through the peephole and down at the steps, and sitting there on the speckled stone was a small parcel, the size of a bread loaf. After unlocking the deadbolt, she opened the door and looked around. No other cars were in the driveway, and nobody stood in the yard. It was just the lone parcel, completely unattended. Somebody must have been in a hurry, she figured. Glancing down, she looked for a label, but the only adornment of the cardboard box was her name, hastily written and tagged on the top. Faye bent over and retrieved it, then brought it back inside and laid it on the kitchen table. She felt a little nauseous, and her headache limited her to shaky and tiring movements as she slowly removed bits of tape. Succeeding, albeit after some time, Faye opened the flaps and looked inside. Laying there was a small jar of brown muck, and on top of the jar a note had been placed. She read it, twice.

Fucking. Olivia. The girl had, fuck! She had eaten him! She had eaten Eli and digested him and shit him in a jar. Some fucking friend, who the... Faye raged. She fumed, stormed, cursed and yelled. Olivia would pay. Eli was Faye's, her personal property, a toy for her to play with and to dispose of if and when she chose. Olivia had no right. The twisted girl had stolen Eli and eaten him. Faye could hardly think, her head pounded with renewed strength. She tried to remember, had she offered him to her? Had she told her to do it? No, she wouldn't have, she couldn't have. Faye intended to squish Eli in a puddle of his come for weeks if not months. If anyone deserved to swallow him up, feel him wriggle as he struggled to survive digestion, it was her, not that stupid bitch. She tried to quell the anger, it only made the pain intensify, but she couldn't help herself. She was infuriated and insatiable. Faye would make her suffer, would find a way to get back at her. Some way or another, she was going to pay Olivia back for her deceit. She was going to suffer in kind.

Faye hid the jar away, placing it in a top cupboard where she wouldn't be reminded. With great effort, she returned to the bedroom and lay back. A plan was all she needed, some way to make her suffer. Her thoughts were a blur, and Faye knew she couldn't think it all through until the hangover passed. She closed her eyes, and relaxed. Focusing intently, she let her breathing slow and her pulse decline, letting her mind still. Olivia deserved a worse fate than Eli, and Faye began to hatch a plot to see it through. Despite her rage, she let herself fall asleep, and let herself prepare for much deserved revenge.

Faye woke up again later that afternoon. She felt so much better, the painkillers and sleep having worked their magic brilliantly. Still, there wasn't much time to waste, and she immediately grabbed an apple before heading to the door. Snatching her jacket and slipping it on as she departed, Faye beelined for the car. Once on the road, she smiled. She had to make a good impression, and a smile would help. Besides, revenge on Olivia was a fantastic reason to smile. As long as everything went according to plan. She arrived downtown, and parked a short walk from the store. Even from the distance, she could make out the tell-tale sign, glowing in the early evening dim. She arched her back and straightened her posture. Faye walked confidently, she was ready. She plucked a pocket mirror from her purse and checked her makeup. Nothing amiss, she continued forwards, and on arriving, knocked excitedly. The door opened quicker this time, large door swinging wide. Candy's voice chimed as always, clear and musical.

'Oh, Faye was it? Welcome back to Cherry. How are you today? Come on in!'

Faye stepped inwards.

'I'm doing great Candy, but I wasn't hoping to buy again today, I've had something else on my mind. My experience last time was wonderful, no, it was incredible. Watching Eli squirm in his cum filled dildo was magical, and he fit so well, but I got to thinking.'

'What is it?' Candy asked.

Faye took a deep breath. The first step was always the hardest, but she steeled herself. This had to work, or her entire plan was doomed to fail. And she couldn't fail. Olivia deserved to join Eli in a jar of shit. She deserved to bathe in it, be suffocated in it, to drown in her own excrement. Or perhaps an even more decisive end, Faye remained unsure. Her motivations were entirely clear, and she smiled wide, eyes focused intently on Candy.

'I'd like to apply to Cherry.' Faye said.

Candy returned her smile.



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