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Author's Chapter Notes:

god could i be any lamer with these chapter titles? if i could i would whup my 18 year old self's ass

            Rocky Falls. A circular pool, nearly one hundred feet in diameter and fifty feet deep. A choice resting spot for many a traveler, but an ever better drinking fountain for a monster. Matt peeked out from under the bushes, but saw nothing. A groove of trees was in the way of a clear view of the waterfall. Inch by inch, he crawled. Until finally, he saw something: cloth.

                        Lots of it. A monstrous pile. At first Matthew had no idea. Until it dawned on him like falling out of a cot: this giant was naked. Bathing, probably. Matt pondered about just how many stolen bed sheets it took clothe such a beast. No matter. Decent or not, the monster was going to die. But here was the million gold piece question: How? One lone spearman versus a being a hundred feet tall? No, not good chances, even for a 'hero' like Matthew.

            He peered around. The area was mostly thick trees and branches, but a small trail led up to, wouldn't you know it, a small hill, about fifty feet tall. Here, when the giant would try and grab for him, he would stab his hand. From there, the giant would anger, making his movements predictable. Then, he'd make a mistake, and an opportunity would arise, letting Matthew go in for the kill. Works every time. Matthew mused.

            But how to lure the giant to the hill? An arrow would do. Wouldn’t kill him, but it would certainly piss him off. Matt crawled towards the waterfall's roar, and then, he saw him.

            A HUGE figure, bare-skinned and moist, bathed in the water. He could only see the back, but that was enough. It doesn't matter how they look, they all died the same way for Matt. This one had long red hair, long enough to be ten or fifteen paces if laid upon the ground. A slender hand ran through the monstrous mop, releasing excess water, splashing on the ground noisily. It reminded Matt of the whores who cooed and coddled him for a night in bed, for a small sum of gold of course. For a giant, he had nice hair.

            Matt drew an arrow, and nocked it on the string. His fingers brushed through the feather vanes, a rough sparrow top feather. He needed to get a feel for the arrow, like most archers did. He drew the string back. Not a long shot; about fifty yards. Wind was blowing slightly from the north, so he aimed the arrow an inch to the left. He eased his grip every so slightly…

            Fwip. Zing. Thwang. Guuuung. Or whatever onomatopoeia you'd like to use, the arrow flew, and found its mark.

            Matthew didn’t have time to hear the scream and curses that followed; by the time the arrow had hit, was already on his feet and sprinting to the hill. He didn’t have much time; giant strides covered, well, a giant distance. If he wasn't careful, he could end up crushed.

            He heard the monster's footsteps behind him. Not good. He was quicker than usual. He had only a few more sec- his foot caught a rock, and he fell with the same speed of his sprint. The last thing he saw was a hideously large rock dominate his view and then his forehead smack said rock.

            Somewhere in the distance, thunder rolled, and lightning struck his leg…

            Matt finally came to. How many hours had he been out? He had no idea. He tried to move his leg, but to no avail. Opening his eyes, he saw a boulder on top of his leg. Horror struck him in the gut: where was the giant? He didn't recall this happening, must have crushed him while he was out. He sat up, grunting and gnashing his teeth in pain. He looked around for his weapons: the quiver was still on him, but some of the arrows had strewn about. The bow was crushed under the rock. Dammit! He cursed the Gods. Took me days to make that thing.  His spear, however, was twenty feet away from him. He felt naked; this was the furthest he'd been from it in a while. But, first thing was first: he needed to get out from under the large rock.

            First he tried to pull his leg out from under it: painful, and he heard some of the skin ripping. He couldn’t risk losing it; if he did, he might as well have killed himself. Next, he tried to actually push the boulder off. The boulder was nearly 3 times his size. He pushed as hard as his body would allow, screaming as he did. It budged only a fraction of an inch.

            Dammit! He had no idea what to do. Was this the end for him? To fight one glorious battle after another only to succumb to the greatest yet most passive enemy of all: the Earth herself? He was astounded, but only for a moment, until he heard a low growl. He jerked his head to the side, ignoring the pain. A large brown bear was approaching, hungry and eager for an easy snack. Thunder rolled somewhere in the distance.

            Oh, shit. Matthew scrambled for something, anything that he could use as a weapon. The arrows! He still had some in his quiver. They wouldn’t kill the bear, but they might scare him off after a stab or two in the face. The thunder continued. Must be a storm coming. The bear continued approach. Tilting his head back and forth and foaming at the mouth. 'Food' it seemed to roar. Matt readied the arrows. "Come and get it, beast!" He snarled. The bear raised himself onto his hind legs.

            Lightning struck, and the earth shook like it was on a string in a wind storm. The bear disintegrated in a flash of red, and something warm and wet hit Matthew, and he shielded his face.

            When the ground did stop shaking, he lowered his hand and saw… a foot?

Around the foot was a puddle of red and fur, some clinging to the sides of it, and splashes of red. Between the monstrous toes each the size of a large anvil, some of the gore had seeped up. "Disgusting…" Matthew said in awe. Then it dawn on him.

            His eyes shot up, from the feet, to the knees, to the thighs where they merged into… something he did not expect. This is no giant… he thought. Against his will, the eyes continued, up the stomach to hut-sized….

            Yes, breasts.

I didn’t think they existed! Matt's heart raced: a new discovery! He would be hailed as the hunter who found a female giant… a giantess.

            His thoughts stopped as he heard a booming voice:

"Aww, dammit! I just bathed too!"

Matt's eyes rose once more to a young looking face of a beautiful girl, with long red hair. Was this the same giant he had shot an arrow at the Rocky Falls? He a short pang of guilt-

            Wait. He stopped. She's still a giant. A terrorizer of Ilica. She still a monster. Matt's face once more returned to the stern killer that he always was. He looked back up to her face, this time with disgust. He was about to yell when he felt sleepy.

Oh no.

            He looked to his leg, and saw blood pouring out. No. Anymore and I'll…

Too late. He passed out. The last thing he heard was a melodic, feminine thunder,

"My gods, is that a…"


Chapter End Notes:

"aaaayeee give us a go at yer knockers arrrrrggg"

-Tommy Tiernan

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