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Author's Chapter Notes:
A reviewer pointed out that matts acceptance of Amelia was rather quick given his history with giants, and while that is one hundred percent true and plausible, I think that this is probably my most worstest storee evah. No ragrets, bruh

I understand that this story sucks and is cheesy enough to put tillamook out of business (just kiddin, their yogurt is off the fuck mothering chain), I think it gives it flavor.

I wrote this shit when I was 18, just out of high school, no girlfriend, and I thought Christian bales batman was the apex of desirable masculinity.

All that said, thank you guys/gals SO MUCH for reading this. You folk are the reason I write. Fuck that barbaric yawp shit.

Matt's leg was broken. Well, to be more specific, his right tibia was broken, fractured partially. Not a horrible life threatening wound, but it wouldn't grow back properly if one didn't put a cast on it.
"Do you have any rope… er, well, I suppose it would be string to you…"
Amelia was sitting at the table with her chin in her arms. She watched Matthew wrap two wooden rods and cloth around his leg with a bored, mildly neglectful interest, like one watches a soup or water boil. Marks and tear stains were still present below her eyes, a testament to sorrow. Every now and then, she would sniffle. This wouldn’t have been a problem, but to Matt, it seemed like a vacuum of air. Every time it happened, he would look up sharply wide-eyed, and drop his hand down to the ground near him, grabbing for a spear that wasn't there. "Sorry" Amelia would say when she did.
"Oh, string? Ummm. Yes, I do…"
She got up and rummaged through the box that she had brought out earlier. After a second, she a-ha'd softly, and handed the spool of sting to Matt. It was pink.
She returned to her spot, chin in arms. After finding a sufficient amount to wrap around the stint, he tried to rip the string apart, to no avail. He looked to Amelia again.
"Do you… have…"
He held up the string. Amelia looked puzzled. After a second,
"Oh… yes."
She plucked both the spool and the allotted amount away from Matt, and brought it up to her face. Finding a suitable spot, she put it in her mouth, and with nibble, she cut the string apart. He bit his own lip. Wow. Matt realized that could have easily been him, and decided it was best that it was not. She handed the cut string to Matthew.
"Here ya go." She gave a wry smile.
Matt took it. He just stared back up.
"Thanks… Amelia."
He returned to his work. The string was wrapped around the make-shift cast a few times, then tied off tightly. He brushed his hands on one another, folded them, then sat down. After a few seconds of idle looking around, he turned his eyes to his giantess host.
While he did prefer human, normal sized girls (he actually preferred ones that were slightly smaller than him), looking at Amelia, she was kind of… well, pretty. For a giant, anyways.
Fully dried and combed, her hair came down to about her shoulders. It was long and silky-looking; you could probably weave shirts out of it. Her face was fair-skinned. A tad lighter than some of the farmer girls he met, but that was probably from living in a cave. She had a nicely-shaped face, not too oval, but not too round, either. Her nose was shapely; slender, kind of long, and the tip of it was a bit lower than her wide nostrils. Below was her mouth. About the width from corner to corner was from the center of each eye. Then there were her lips. Puffy and bee-stung came to mind. Above even her nose were her eyes: lighter green, and almond shaped. There was something about her eyes that Matt couldn't place. Something… decent. Something… pure, maybe.
Not a killer's eyes…
Or maybe she was hiding it well.
Then again, do killers sob and cry?
"What are you looking at?" She asked. The question caught Matt off-guard. He blinked, like coming out of a trance.
He looked down, then up.
She smiled and blushed.
"Right…" She said. "Whatever you say.
Then she giggled. Matt cocked his eyebrow then his head.
"So…" She began. She set her chin in her arms again and set both of her head-sized eyes on Matt.
"What's your name?"
"Your name. All humans have one, don’t they?"
"Well, yeah, but…"
"Then what is it?" She raised her brow.
"It's… Matthew. Or Matt, for short."
"I see." She considered this. "Well then, little Matt, let me be the first to welcome you to my humble abode." She raised her arms and looked around. "It's not much, but it’s home for me." She gave another wry smile. "Must look like trash to you humans, huh? I've seen some of the mansions you guys live in." She set her chin back in her arms. "Mmm… must be nice."
She looked at her with a cocked eyebrow.
"Mansions? Hahahaha…." He laughed softly. "Truth is, most of us Ilicans do not live in mansions. In fact, most of us live in small cottages, smaller then the cage."
His face turned grave.
"The nobility and royalty of the kingdom collect a lot of taxes. Most of us eek out a living farming, or if we're lucky, selling wares. My father, he…"
He stopped, and sighed. "Well, what do you care. Or anyone, for that matter."
"I'm sorry, Matt." Amelia gave sympathy eyes, and a chord in Matt's heart snapped. Gods, the eyes.
"It's fine." He got up, and started to pace… well, limp pace.
"You know, you're unlike any giant I've met."
"Izzat so…?" She smirked, then shrugged. "Well, I do take pride in myself. But how am I different?"
"Well…" Matthew started. He shuffled his feet for a second. "You haven't eaten or crushed me yet." He seemed to look uneasy, like he just reminded her that that's what giants do.
But instead, she smiled.
"That's right, I thought you'd notice soon enough…"
She set her head down on her hands, propped by her elbows.
"I can definitely understand that, little Matt… we giants do have a reputation for not being the cleanest of eaters." She laid her hand down beside Matt, prompting him to get on, and he did. She brought him up to her face, still smiling.
"You know, I guess I really just don’t have an appetite for you guys. Besides you taste horrible..." She thought about that last phrase. "Or, so my friends tell me." She gave a smile like she was sorry. "Besides, you never ever bathe! That's really gross. Would you eat a dog that was dirty?"
Matt did a double take at that.
"Amelia, we don't eat dogs." He smiled.
"Really?! I didn’t know that… guess I have a lot more to learn." She giggled, and Matt laughed. Not a short or breath, but an honest-to-Gods laugh.
"A-ha! So you can laugh…"
"You laughed. Honestly this time."
"What do you mean?"
The smile left her face, and she looked concerned.
"Well, you always look so serious. Like you're never happy. You look like… well…"
"A killer?" Matt finished, and Amelia gasped lightly in surprise.
"Um.. n-no…"
"Yes, I do."
"No you're not!"
"Yes, Amelia, I'm a killer. I kill for a living… I have killed lots of giants… so please don’t deny me of the only thing that I am." The voice was as cold as ice, and it made Amelia shiver.
Matt sighed, and looked away. Maybe that was too harsh, he thought. Matt was never much of the caring type. Seeing your friends and family die will do that to someone.
They stood there in a moment of silence, Amelia holding him, and Matt sitting down in her desk-sized palm.
"Amelia… do you have plans for me? Or…"
"Do you want to leave?"
"Well, I need to. I need to go back and tell the king of the… situation."
"What then?"
He took a moment to respond. He then looked up at her, with something that was a little less then solemn eyes.
"I don't know."
Again, horrid silence. Then,
"Where's my spear?"
Chapter End Notes:
So is everybody excited forthe annual American handegg superb plate game, you know, the one between the seabirds and the nflyankees?
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